Grammy discussion, Video links, Pictures..... [ Prince & Paris attend ] ALL threads merged.

Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Rockin. - I dont think that Prince and Paris were put on that stage for our benefit. But I do agree that as fans we do have to careful about what we expect and want to demand from Michael's children.

I agree.

Yes, I don't think they were there for us either. His exact words were 'It's sad that these kids are being exploited for the indulgance of obsessed fans and showbiz press'.

exactly lol u can tell a non fan made such a stupid comment

He considers himself a fan, but he's not a big one.. he actually mentioned how MJ sheilded them to back up his point...

What he said hurt though, as most fans are protective of those children and would never want them to be exploited.
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

MJ was the reason that all of the award show ratings went up in the past year..
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I'm just getting a chance to add my two cents to The Grammy presentation on Sunday night.

I appreciate the whole Earth Song performance and thought Celine, Jennifer and Carrie were the stand outs in the whole thing. but, with that said.....

To hear Lionel Richie announce both Paris and Prince's names and just see them bobbing up those steps hand in hand, I was like awwwwww. how those kids have growin in the past 7 months! Michael has such beautiful children! I was so impressed that they chose to honor their father by wearing something Michaelesque. To hear Prince speak was definetly surprising to me, I did'nt expect his voice to sound so deep. He delivered what he had to say eloquently, nervous for sure, but he did what he had to do. Paris, I just love her, she too was obviously nervous, but she said what she could and did you all notice how much she walked like Michael when she approached the mike?

Overall, it was once again so wonderful to see these children show the world what a wonderful father Michael was, that I think will be his greatest legacy Michael got it right with these kids. He loved them and they continue to show how much they loved him as well.

Congrats Michael Jackson, you did well!

BTW....did anyone else notice how as the camera was put on him Quincy Jones was forced to applaud?
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I was told that the reason people today are able to earn so many grammys is because so many new categories have been added that were not there when MJ won his 8. had Thriller come out today, he would have surely gotten a lot more. So the fact the ABeyonce won 6 awards in one night should be taken with perspective. What Mj accomplished with his 8 was phenominal especially considering what was available.
. i was only trying to convey that i hope this is a one off, and not a path that leads to other things of this nature. they are just too young, and shouldn't be faced with such responsibilities.

I think that it may be a once more award shows left....I think.

But it could've been the kids wanting to go to the Grammys.....cause at the previous awards show.....remember Jermaine went up to collect the trophy? With HIS OWN Kids.
The PPB probably thought.....'if they can do it, so can I, besides the fact they are more eligible.'

You know what I was just thinking. . . Paris, Prince and Blanket own 50% of the songs written by about 75% of the artists who were there last night including Jay-Z, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Eminem, Ringo Starr, Akon, Black Eyed Peas, Bon Jovi, Celine Dion, Jennifer Lopez, Jonas Brothers, Lady Gaga, Pink, etc. .. . LOL!

So yeah, I wonder if those artists realized that as they saw the kids onstage??? :)

They should also own 50% copyright of WATW. . . but of course all of that is going to be donated to charity.

These kids hold the music industry in their hands.

So.....that makes PPB their BOSS? Cooool:
is there a link where i can download an HD version of the Earth Song performance? in 3D preferably? THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!

see the 2000 watts forum. :)

the children both did Michael proud, no doubt he was watching over them and probably would have cried tears of hapiness and pride! They spoke maturely and with truth and passion. They are a true reflection of him and will definitely continue to keep his legacy and message alive.
see the 2000 watts forum. :)

the children both did Michael proud, no doubt he was watching over them and probably would have cried tears of hapiness and pride! They spoke maturely and with truth and passion. They are a true reflection of him and will definitely continue to keep his legacy and message alive.

can u give me a link to the exact thread? i looked and couldnt find one.. thanks again!!

Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson


The Grammys should have bow down to the King.

My parents and GRANDPARENTS all tuned in to watch it because they wanted to watch Michael's tribute. Keep in mind, my grandparents do not watch anything about music anymore. LOLS!

My Dad was so funny last night talking to the television because Taylor ruined Stevie Nicks song.

He was like, "Who is this girl? She shouldn't sing like that. She can't reach the high note." LOL!

My Grandma was really shocked by L. Gaga. xD She didn't even recognized Elton John...

We all thought that Michael rocked his own tribute... :cool: His voice was so powerful!:agree:

After the tribute, we switched it to watch Basketball...

Of course! Not surprised by this at all. Michael WAS the music industry. Without him, there is nothing left. I too will never watch the grammy's again! What is the point?![/QUOTE]
We all know how powerful Michael's voice is, but boy did it come through last night! Nobody could sing as high and powerful as he could- they all were horrible trying to sing this song - his vocals were rocking!!!

And ---- I agree without Michael there is nothing left. He was the music entertainment business. The only reason I would watch these shows was because of Michael - the music industry is going to miss him dearly- and rightly so - I hope they go to crap, they had him and they took him for granted. I loooove you Michael - you are the KiNG BABY!!!
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

I don't know how to google this, so I hope you'll be able to help.....

If Michael received 18 grammys and Beyonce now has 16.....

How many does Madonna have?

Top grammy award winner would be??? ie the person with THE most is.....

Thanks for your help.

I personally believe that artists of today don't have that much competition for best songs/albums compared to the '80s and '90s.
Where everybody was good and competition was stiff.

these days you are either very good or very bad.

I seriously don't know why........
Is Lionel works with AEG ????

this explains why he started promoting TII before and after MJ's death...

i remember MJ calling him to ask him what if he refuse the shows and Lionel told him that he can do it , and he did not need to dance just stand up and sing.Lionel said after MJ's death it was an accident ?? how could he knew after like two days of Mj's passing???..alas Mj was fooled by a close friend .
who wrote Kids' speech?

I heard Prince wrote his own speech about two weeks ago and has been memorizing it. And Paris, I think she just wanted to say a little something and say that she loved her daddy. I don't know if she wanted to say more in her speech or not. She seemed like she wanted to, but it was just too painful for her. :( Poor thing.

God Bless all three of Mike's kids, Prince, Paris, and Blanket. They are definitely making their father proud. :yes:
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Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

I don't know how to google this, so I hope you'll be able to help.....

If Michael received 18 grammys and Beyonce now has 16.....

How many does Madonna have?

Top grammy award winner would be??? ie the person with THE most is.....

Thanks for your help.

I personally believe that artists of today don't have that much competition for best songs/albums compared to the '80s and '90s.
Where everybody was good and competition was stiff.

these days you are either very good or very bad.

I seriously don't know why........

I think Madonna has 9 Grammys and I think Sir Georg Solti has won the most Grammys with 31.
I've been thinking. Prince is so grown up. he looked so serious, so heartbreakingly steady during that speech. his eyes were so full of pain yet a strange resolve. he lost it for a moment, and Paris was right there... I hope he's okay. my heart aches for him. for them all. but especially for him right at this moment. I dunno why.. hang in there my sweets :(
Can you imagine ow EPIC it would have been if the kids came onstage wearing something of MJ's like the Beat It jacket (the real thing), Thriller Jacket, Fedora, or even the real glove.. I know I wld've fainted rt there on the spot.....

Saw this pic online and almost started crying..
Just to let UK fans know who havent downloaded it yet,that the grammys show will be on from 9pm-11pm tonight on ITV2
riviera1992;2588613 [IMG said:[/IMG]

:eek: dangggggg i want that car!!!
i dont think that prince wrote the speech himself. sorry. but that speech is not from a 12 year old. im sure somebody else wrote it for him.
so when you were 12 years old you were not able to write a speech about someone you loved, someone you knew?????? and more so in a case like this???, i think you are underestimating children, kids are smart at the age of 10 years old and even younger... your point is pontless, sorry to say this, but is awefully pointless... WOW, i cant believe you said that....