Grammy discussion, Video links, Pictures..... [ Prince & Paris attend ] ALL threads merged.

:cry: I am just so sad.
We discuss the children and what a good job they did, but what breaks my heart..the core of it all...these are children who have lost their one and only; their beloved Daddy. I am just so heartbroken for them. :cry:

I hope these beautiful children who have their Daddy's heart are allowed to be children now. I hope they are allowed to grow in the way Michael would want them to. He would not want them in the public eye anymore. I wish people would remember that when they're putting them on magazine covers.
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Also, did anyone else think for a split-second that it was almost as if Michael was there singing when Earth Song first started?
And no other voice on that stage even compared to Michael's. There will never ever be another.
I have been watching the 3D tribute and Prince and Paris's speech in a loop................can't get enough of how brave they are.

Being the children of the King of pop bears such a lot of responsibilities and they truly deserve their role cause they are truly living to their fathers standards.

After reading so many of the posts here, I can also say they too have many surrogate aunts and uncles............they are such wonderful kids.

MJ really outdid himself as both a mother and father and friend to his kids.

Today, I was just wondering about this........MJ shielded his kids to protect their privacy (more than understandable), but in doing so, he aroused the publics curiosity about them............hence the awe when we saw them at the memorial......and then to hear Paris openly speak about her love for her dad.....captured so many of our hearts............and made us all love her even more.

But our curiosity were still not completely 'satisfied' as the public wondered about Prince and what he was like.............but; as we all saw in his speech, he is eloquent, poised, intelligent, has a heart, spoke of the love for his dad, and the meaning behind his dad's messages : LOVE. Brought so many lumps in our throats as we fought back the tears; again.

Also to know his take on what he wants to do for the help the world..............

These kids made the millions and millions of people around the world (fans or not a fan) cry and fall in love with them at the same time.
Got this from MaxJax



Awwww Michael and his baby sister :cry:

I feel so bad for Janet, she adores Michael SO SO SO SO much :cry:
I have been watching the 3D tribute and Prince and Paris's speech in a loop................can't get enough of how brave they are.

Being the children of the King of pop bears such a lot of responsibilities and they truly deserve their role cause they are truly living to their fathers standards.

After reading so many of the posts here, I can also say they too have many surrogate aunts and uncles............they are such wonderful kids.

MJ really outdid himself as both a mother and father and friend to his kids.

Today, I was just wondering about this........MJ shielded his kids to protect their privacy (more than understandable), but in doing so, he aroused the publics curiosity about them............hence the awe when we saw them at the memorial......and then to hear Paris openly speak about her love for her dad.....captured so many of our hearts............and made us all love her even more.

But our curiosity were still not completely 'satisfied' as the public wondered about Prince and what he was like.............but; as we all saw in his speech, he is eloquent, poised, intelligent, has a heart, spoke of the love for his dad, and the meaning behind his dad's messages : LOVE. Brought so many lumps in our throats as we fought back the tears; again.

Also to know his take on what he wants to do for the help the world..............

These kids made the millions and millions of people around the world (fans or not a fan) cry and fall in love with them at the same time.
I agree Michael did an amazing job with his children. And those children were his world, his world revolved around them. Bless those children, beside Michael they are the real victims in this. :(
^^ I love this face! :wub: "No, I'm not gonna smile." :D I want to hug him ...
I also loved to see Paris and Prince holding hands when entering the stage.

Bless those kids. :angel:
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

I agree with everything you guys have said, Too bad they kept knocking Michael down whenever he tried to get up. They were so stupid now they are the ones looseing also BIG Time. Where I live on the radio station they were asking who was the best performer, most said pink. Hadn't watch it but taped it so I watched the next day, saw Pink and thought to myself,That was the best performance, then music is in Trouble. And yes beyonce stole the drill, crouch grap the whole sha-bangs. The soldiers even wore the exact outfit mj's soldiers wore in TII, what a ripe off.

Well I didn't really watched (I had TV muted most of the time) but I think Beyonce's thing and Pink's aerial show were also part of honoring Michael more than ripping off his ideas.:cheeky:
I know people say Blanket looks like Michael the most but Prince has Michael's eyes. I really didn't think he sounded like Michael. Most people say they saw that. I don't know why I can't see that.

The Three children have apple shaped faces... thats a fact :yes:

Personally i think Prince has Michael's facial factions, he looks a lot like Michael, they both have apple shaped faces(of course Michael in this pic is an adult ), so does Paris but she is a girl,
in the comparitive pics i posted ts clear, Prince looks now like Michael as well, they really look alike, OF COURSE Blanket looks the most cause of the long black hair

The Three children have apple shaped faces... thats a fact

Those are cute photos.

Now the media articles I have read are positive. Its the comment on them from the public that are not - regarding the commonly debated subject about them. Some people are so sad and narrowminded.
Those are cute photos.

Now the media articles I have read are positive. Its the comment on them from the public that are not - regarding the commonly debated subject about them. Some people are so sad and narrowminded.
Only pathetic, sick loser's have the urge to ridicule children and their deceased father like this. I feel sorry for such sick individuals.
Only pathetic, sick loser's have the urge to ridicule children and their deceased father like this. I feel sorry for such sick individuals.

I know and yet they sit on their high horses like they are the perfect image of humanity.

We live in a skewed world.
Lets end the detailed comparisons now, thanks. :)
ummmm, thanks there are so many comparative pics and stuf here,

How weird you just decided to put this statement just below my post...:scratch: what a casualty...:smilerolleyes: isnt it....OK, no more comparitive pictures for you StaceyMJ....
Can you imagine ow EPIC it would have been if the kids came onstage wearing something of MJ's like the Beat It jacket (the real thing), Thriller Jacket, Fedora, or even the real glove.. I know I wld've fainted rt there on the spot.....

Saw this pic online and almost started crying..

(looks like a new pic will be added to the death hoax believer's analyses..)
ummmm, thanks there are so many comparative pics and stuf here,

How weird you just decided to put this statement just below my post...:scratch: what a casualty...:smilerolleyes: isnt it....OK, no more comparitive pictures for you StaceyMJ....

If you have a problem, take it to PM.

Can someone tell me who this person is or any of you guys know who it is?? When Prince and Paris came out from the audience, the camera shot to him and he looked like he was about to cry. It's been really bugging me because he seemed the most overwhelmed to see them.

At 34 seconds.
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I think everyone was just in awe of them. Just like when their daddy would walk on stage, he would hold the attention of every single person in that room.
Is he somehow linked to Michael in anyway? His facial expression touched me.

I don't think he is really linked to him. But I saw an interview shortly after Michael passed and he was talking about how big of a fan he was. And Michael was someone he really admired

Can someone tell me who this person is or any of you guys know who it is?? When Prince and Paris came out from the audience, the camera shot to him and he looked like he was about to cry. It's been really bugging me because he seemed the most overwhelmed to see them.

At 34 seconds.

I noticed that too. :( Thank you for bringing it up. Glad I know who he is now. Thanks to you too, LisaU123.