shadows are against the wall.....whatever this was going through the air
you can see a still photo of the view from mj's room to the fire place here (scroll to 9th photo)

see at the first double doors, that is the entrance hall, then the dining room door, then accross the room you can see the fireplace is at a definate angle, that's why the shadow looks kinda 3D. Someone is walking in the dining room out of our sight to the left.

in the 5th photo you can see the dining room up to the left, there was plenty of room for people to be walking around in there, the fireplace is back to back with the fireplace in the lounge, also at an angle.
I just don't get why some of you have to be so judgemental. We all know he's gone, but if some of us want to believe his spirit is still here, then let us believe that. It makes me feel better personally to think that. I don't see the need for all the negativity.
cinnamon sorry, it was just a discussion because sometimes some of us like a challenge and wanted to work out what the hell that was and how etc. It definately doesn't take away from what you believe.... i think that particular image is a shadow, but i'm sure the man has returned home. We don't have to see it to know that. cheers
Even if it was a crew member, why was he walking and kinda looked like MJ? :)
nah it was just a person, head down looking at something in their hands, i think. Didn't really look much like mj
Ah ok!! After watching THAT video and READING the info ("If you look closely, you can see that the fireplace/wall is slanted, at an angle, explaining how someone's shadow could be cast without them actually walking in front of the fireplace."), I say it IS a shadow!
But hey, I'm not against anybody's feelings!! If you think that that is not a shadow, it's fine!

NOTE: You guys dont think MJ will appear on the funeral day, do you? :( Please, don't think that, my darlings, because of course he wont! :no:

xoxoxo :flowers:
Fantastic footage either way :) Still i hope it is not Michael as that means he has yet to leave the earth and go to a better place - he still has work to be done, unfinished issues :(
Im sure its already been said but its a shadow. There were a few people in the house, from catering to diff news crew (nbc).
This is pretty interestin'. I can't decide, I see it both ways on this one.
Those of you who say "it's just a shadow," cannot prove it. Those of you who say "it's a ghost," cannot prove it. It's all opinion. Personally, I believe ANYTHING is possible. . . .

Completely false. It was clearly proven that this is a shadow. If you want to believe it is a ghost then you can do that, but you can not prove it is a ghost because you only have your belief in ghosts to back that up. The one's who believe it is a shadow can prove that claim with testable physical evidence, and that makes it a huge difference. I don't agree with how you compare the two claims as equal because they are not equal.

Belief is not evidence of truth. Opinions and beliefs change, truth does not.