Completely false. It was clearly proven that this is a shadow. If you want to believe it is a ghost then you can do that, but you can not prove it is a ghost because you only have your belief in ghosts to back that up. The one's who believe it is a shadow can prove that claim with testable physical evidence, and that makes it a huge difference. I don't agree with how you compare the two claims as equal because they are not equal.

Belief is not evidence of truth. Opinions and beliefs change, truth does not.
I personally believe it's a shadow... but your tone of superiority in your messages is... I don't know... disturbing. I used to have the same attitude back when I was an atheist and sceptic, so I know what I'm talking about. Let the people believe what they want to believe.
I personally believe it's a shadow... but your tone of superiority in your messages is... I don't know... disturbing. I used to have the same attitude back when I was an atheist and sceptic, so I know what I'm talking about. Let the people believe what they want to believe.

There is no tone of superiority in my message, only logical statements based on the available evidence. I can accept that people believe what they want to believe, but I do not like how some people treat belief as a virtue and equal to factual statements.

Some people still believe that the Earth is flat, but the available evidence shows that the Earth is round. According to some people here those two statements should be treated as equal because they are both opinions. That is why I react to this thread, not because some people believe it is Michaels ghost but because people claim their opinion is equally true to others.

Some people still believe Michael was a child molestor but the available evidence shows that he was not. And the very same people who say everyone's opinion are equal to the truth, are the same people who accuse the people who slander Michael Jackson as being ignorant and false. That is what we call hypocrisy and arrogance.
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There were clearly other people behind the camera, and in the other rooms. You see this when the camera pans around and when one guy in another room is directing the reporter to come into the room.

Let people believe they're ghosts if they wish, but they;re not.
As much as I want to believe that was Michael's ghost (the thought is very comforting), I have to be realistic. On Thursday during the taping of Larry King, there were ALOT of people roaming around that ranch including other journalists, workers, etc. Plus at the end of that hallway where the figure was seen...there was a window just to the left. This makes me believe that it is most likely a shadow from someone passing by the window outside.

I do however believe in ghosts, and I hope Michael's spirit gets caught on tape one day. There are already reports from various parts of the world where sick and dying people have been visited by Michael and have been miraculously cured the next day. No joke, you can read the stories for yourself. Whether these are true I dont know, but the thought is nice.
As much as I want to believe that was Michael's ghost (the thought is very comforting), I have to be realistic. On Thursday during the taping of Larry King, there were ALOT of people roaming around that ranch including other journalists, workers, etc. Plus at the end of that hallway where the figure was seen...there was a window just to the left. This makes me believe that it is most likely a shadow from someone passing by the window outside.

I do however believe in ghosts, and I hope Michael's spirit gets caught on tape one day. There are already reports from various parts of the world where sick and dying people have been visited by Michael and have been miraculously cured the next day. No joke, you can read the stories for yourself. Whether these are true I dont know, but the thought is nice.

This what I want:) Complete honesty. You state with 100% truthfulness that you do believe in ghosts, and I compliment that. And at the same time you state that because of the evidence presented to you, you believe what we saw was a shadow.

Now if everyone can show this level of honesty, we are getting somewhere.

I'm gonna leave this thread as I have said to much, but I just want anyone who was annoyed by my posts to know that I posted a lot because I felt that some people were dishonest in their posts. I appreciate free speech and advocate honesty when applying free speech. But I always have and always will be critical of dishonesty.

If some of you could take the time, and do a research on the comments being left on YouTube in Michaels videos you will see a lot of honest people posting their opinions and a lot of dishonest people posting their opinions. Michael is being trashed everywhere right now, and as fans we have a duty to fight this. But we can not fight it unless we are completely honest with ourselves when we state what we believe. If you feel like hitting back at the haters do so, but keep in mind you must present a rational explanation to your position otherwise you will only feed the haters with more to throw back at you.

A hater on YouTube called me a ***** J***o lunatic because I said MJ was innocent and I handed him his ass with evidence why my opinion was correct and why he was ignorant.

Ok take care everybody. And please don't be mad at me, I just felt like it was time to speak out. I hope more people do the same, because you have that right. Use it!
we could not prove it was a ghost even if we could prove it wasn't a shadow (for the same reason, a real UFO is still a UFO and not an extraterristrial object). so I'm not saying that was a ghost, but I've to admit I'm not full convinced about the shadow theory. the person would have to be between the light and the camera, right? but then is it normal that her shadow is projected so far? and shouldn't a shadow so far be more distorced and connected to its object (long legs through the floor)? if the person has walked right in front of the light (because she/he was behind the camera), shouldn't the shadow be bigger? I think the only way to prove the shadow theory is to repeat the experience, to recreate the image.
Pray for Michael's soul to rest in Peace and to be in Paradise in Joy and Happiness! :angel:Amen!
See, this is the problem with being adults - we always have to question & analyze everything. We always have to be right & are only allowed to believe in something if we can prove it.
I always loved Michael's childlike innocence & wonderment. Why he loved children so much; they're not stupid or naive, they simply accept things for what they are, they don't question things... if it looks like a cloud, it's a cloud, if it looks like a ___, then it is. To believe in something is to know it's true.
I don't wanna come across as being simple-minded, because I'm not. Far from it, but...
If you think it's a shadow, then it's a shadow. If you think it's Michael, then it's Michael.
It is what it is. It's whatever you want it to be if it makes you happy
Belief is not evidence of truth. Opinions and beliefs change, truth does not.

However, conceptions of what is the truth do change over time. Say, when science catches up with what has already been perceived but hasn't yet been explained.
I'm not arguing that this wasn't a shodow or that ghost definitely exist or anything, just saying.
Michael walked in a very special way.... his back was bucked a little bit and it's a perfect height of his length, it's definitely Michael, if you believe that things.... I do... its MICHAEL!
I think its his ghost. Because I know he will be haunting. I cant tell you how I know about it but it doesnt matter.
Matthew 10:28
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

This passage shows the soul can live on after the body has died. In case anyone doesn't know, our souls are actually our personalities. It is our souls that most people get to know, not our bodies. An example of this can be proven in what we all are doing here in this thread. We're not looking at each other's body while we are talking on this message board, are we? Yet, we all are getting a feel of each person's personality, are we not? The soul is the personality. The body is merely the soul's vehicle. The body cannot live without the soul, but the soul can live without the body. Matthew 10:28 is saying that the soul can.

I agree with everyone in this thread that said pray for Michael's soul to rest.
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Some people have PM'd me asking what those psychic people I got in contact with have said. If you don't believe that, it's fine with me. Anyway, 3 different people gave me the same exact message today, that MJ is dissapointed he let us all down with not doing the concerts (however the spirit world has comforted him that's not the case). So, if you believe that or not, there's no harm in saying aloud a message to Michael tonight, that you don't care about the concerts at all! :)
Some people have PM'd me asking what those psychic people I got in contact with have said. If you don't believe that, it's fine with me. Anyway, 3 different people gave me the same exact message today, that MJ is dissapointed he let us all down with not doing the concerts (however the spirit world has comforted him that's not the case). So, if you believe that or not, there's no harm in saying aloud a message to Michael tonight, that you don't care about the concerts at all! :)

I believe things like this.
Holy...CRAP! :bugeyed

O.k...I don't know what to make of this. It certainly does seem earie..or comforting. It could be a past image on the tape that has overlapped, or perhaps Michael is visiting his ranch one last time. I'm sure he was more than excited to have people take a recent interest in it, and the postive vibes that folks are now feeling. I only wish that he himself could expereince it with us. In many ways, I'm sure he is.

Michael, will always be full of suprises. :wub: :angel:
Some people have PM'd me asking what those psychic people I got in contact with have said. If you don't believe that, it's fine with me. Anyway, 3 different people gave me the same exact message today, that MJ is dissapointed he let us all down with not doing the concerts (however the spirit world has comforted him that's not the case). So, if you believe that or not, there's no harm in saying aloud a message to Michael tonight, that you don't care about the concerts at all! :)

I'm only disappointed that he is gone. :(
Observe the supposed "shadow"! There is no surface on which that shadow is projected! It's suspended in midair, and obviously shadows do not suspend themselves in midair! If there was a cameraman walking there, there is no noise, and you cannot see the cameraman, and the "shadow" is not holding any equipment! And why would cameramen be walking aimlessly around Neverland anyway?

I have to admit, I've always been a skeptic in terms of psychics and ghosts. But I think just now that that is Michael's ghost. Please, people who are psychic/whatever, is there anything else you can tell me about what Michael is saying?
the larry king live episode (where the supposed ghost is) is airing on cnn right now. i'm waiting to see it on the tv screen.
At first I was thinking it was going to be another ridiculous claim, but it gave me chills. o.o;
I'm not qualified to say if it's real or not, but if it really is paranormal, I'd like to think it's Michael's angel instead of ghost. :)
I'd like to believe Michael is up there with Mother Mary, in her comforting universe filled with love and peace...

I do not think he is "haunting" per say Neverland...

But memories...they sure are haunting. And I can definately believe that it might have been an orb of his memories when not in fact his entity or spirit itself.

Because that is with the beloved Lady of Guadalupe.
It looks like someone was crossing in front of some lighting outside of the room and the shadow was captured. You can tell that there were all types of people there filming while Jermaine was giving that interview with Larry King. I don't believe it's Michael Jackson.
i just saw it on tv right now. it is definitely human movement. it just seems like someone is walking at normal speed, not floating or anything. it looks different on the computer than it does on tv. i believED and want to believe it is michael jackson because it is very comforting, but i'm almost certain it is a shadow. as to where the shadow came from idk, but it is very casual looking on tv.