this is totally disrespectful...why is this thread even allowed?

why is it disrespectful? its not made up it was on live tv. Some will have to agree to disagree on this like many things. I believe in ghosts and I don't believe in anything easily - I don't believe AEG had nothing to do with the doctor and him dying for instance. I'm not crazy I just know alot gets covered over and alot we the public don't know about many things. You can't live your life doubting everything I know but sometimes you can't accept what people say is their truth. Why can't the world be a more honest and decent place eh! Just people with good hearts and not corrupt.
Michael is lying in a morgue right now he is not haunting anything
Its a shadow
there were many people roamaing around including the camera crews
you can see the shadow on the fireplace.

I hope Michaels legacy doesnt have to go through all the same goofiness
Elvis's did - to make a mockery of him and not let him rest in peace.

Im not looking forward to crazy conspiracy theories and MJ sightings
and appearitions ..

I want Michaels Legacy to have some class and dignity
from his fans .... not be made a mockery and jokes
like they do Elvis .. Mj deserves better from his fans

im sorry but thats my opinion ..
Michael is part of my heart he is like one of my own
and I would like NOT like that done to any member of my
family or a loved one to make a mocker of their death

why would someone even go there
Im just not getting it .. Im sorry :(
its just troubling my heart

No way will I belive that was Michael haunting neverland
it was someones shadow -

Agree 10000%

P.S. I dont like looking at the title of this thread makes us look like a bunch of whackos
I just joined to make this post.

How can a shadow reflect on the floor? You can clearly see the reflection on the floor matches up to whatever walks past. I don't know what it is?
I just joined to make this post.

How can a shadow reflect on the floor? You can clearly see the reflection on the floor matches up to whatever walks past. I don't know what it is?

Two shadows can be cast from the same object. If someone walks in front of the light the correct way, you can get a shadow on the wall and the floor at the same time.
Two shadows can be cast from the same object. If someone walks in front of the light the correct way, you can get a shadow on the wall and the floor at the same time.

Yes, but the light would have to be directly behind it. ie Facing us and no solid object walked between that back wall and the camera?
Yes, but the light would have to be directly behind it. ie Facing us and no solid object walked between that back wall and the camera?

If sunlight from the outside was shining in and lighting up the room, and someone outside passed between the window and the sunlight, it could have cast a shadow or multiple shadows into the room.

I'm not sure how the shadow got there, but it looks like a plain old shadow to me. I guess the new phenomena will be trying to get a picture of Elvis and Michael Jackson together. Great.
Oh and his confessions, my post wasnt directed at you, I was just saying in general. Hope you're coping well. :)

And umm... I'm all for the new 'phenomana', just so I can go 'ehhh'.
I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think it was a shadow.

Let's say it was just someone's shadow, there's a shadow on the wall and on the floor..they are perfectly aligned.. surely if it was someone's shadow a person would have to be standing right infront of the fireplace? The 'shadow' on the wall looks to be about the right size of a person too, not stretched or widened like it would be if it was the shadow of a person who was not standing directly infront of the wall.

It's really fast too.. surely if it was a crew member behind the camera you'd hear footsteps and see the shadow of the camera etc...
I think this ain't his's just the cameraman who filmed it, and there's been a huge light put behind him to make the video become clearer (which they always used).
Because it's on the exact same time the cameraman starts walking, and the shadow starts moving right the other way, as a shadow would do.
And the legs of this shadow/ghost are on the floor in the hallway between the rooms, a huge light can make such a large shadow.

Seems very clear to me, though I'm not a non-spiritually person at all.
I think this ain't his's just the cameraman who filmed it, and there's been a huge light put behind him to make the video become clearer (which they always used).
Because it's on the exact same time the cameraman starts walking, and the shadow starts moving right the other way, as a shadow would do.
And the legs of this shadow/ghost are on the floor in the hallway between the rooms, a huge light can make such a large shadow.

Seems very clear to me, though I'm not a non-spiritually person at all.

You'd see the shadow of the camera though...
But isn't a shadow normally attached to the object casting the shadow not wandering separately? This makes me think about Peter Pan, how appropriate.
LOL, this is all kinda funny, I don't believe it is a "ghost" but I still wanna download a HQ version of it just to watch it for fun.....anyone know where I can download it? Please PM me cause am afraid if you reply here I will miss it now that this thread is getting soooooooooooooooo long, but do also provide it here for others that want to download a HQ quality video, THANK YOU BUNCHES!!!
They mentioned that it was from a worker, or someone who had been walking under the light fixtures on Larry King right now.
This story is on Larry King and Larry is saying its a shadow from someone in the house. Great, the whole world thinks we're a bunch of whackos!
This story is on Larry King and Larry is saying its a shadow from someone in the house. Great, the whole world thinks we're a bunch of whackos!
But it IS a shadow...

Look, millions of shadows can look like Michael, especially from that far away...even if we were close enough to see the profile of the shadow's face, which we can't even see here.

Simply, I think fans are seeing what they WANT to see.
This story is on Larry King and Larry is saying its a shadow from someone in the house. Great, the whole world thinks we're a bunch of whackos!

I thought it was ridiculous from the start. It looked like a plain old shadow from the start to me. There's a million different ways a shadow can be cast on the wall. I mean, I've seen all kinds of footage on television where they discuss ghosts, and some footage is very convincing and spooky, but this just looked like a regular, ordinary, plain video with someone casting a shadow.

It seemed utterly ridiculous to me from the start, but hey, at least it's a fairly light-hearted story.
The fireplace and the wall is slightly angled. No wonder the shadow walked across sideways.

Or probably MJ coming down to talk a look at his home :p

A shadow of tree branches also appears like MJ:
Unfortunately it is the shadow of a person walking through the room at the end of the floor.

It was a nice and soothing feeling imagining MJ's Ghost was wandering around his house looking what all the people were doing at Neverland.
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