All I really do want is Michael alive not in my life did I think that Michael would someday die and sadly he did
I am seriously starting to have some doubts in my atheism now.

First, I found this clip from page 4 (I think) to be the clearest.

See those two oval bits on the left wall? They go dark as the 'spirit' passes ove them, too. If they were to reflect the 'spirit', it'd have to be some 1/2 or 3/4 across the room. But they're parallel with the wall, so the shadow must be in front of them.
Second, it moves eerily fast across. Its arms remain completely static when it's moving - and we all know that many people 'sway' their arms back and forst when they're walking.
Third, if it were a shadow, it'd bend when projected on a slanted surface. The fireplace seems to be pretty much sticking out of the wall. There's no way a shadow projected there wouldn't bend.
Fourth, ghosts do behave strangely. Just because the shadow reflects off the floor doesn't mean it's walking straight on it. I have never expirienced anything even mildly supernatural, but I would dare to assume that in cases like this one, the space adapts to the eye, instead of the eye adapting itself to the view distance, as it is usual. Nobody was in that hallway when the shadow appeared, so space might have been bent a little, just for the occasion.


I hope were not going to have a "Tupac" syndrome here.

lol..welcome the the world of elvis, marilyn, james dean fans etc. now that Michaels gone fans will continue to bring up ghosts and spirits walking in places they once were for the rest of our lives, who knows whats out there. if heavens okay to believe, why not ghosts. theres people who move out of homes with spirits, or owners apparently getting in trouble for selling haunted houses. energy is everywhere. i know people who always tell me they see ghosts..ghosts dont apparently come to me. but i wont deny either way im skurred.
hmmm... I am perplexed I know I see it I just dont know what it is. either it IS Michael or it is a shadow. I cannot decide.
I dont know if it is my eyes playing tricks but at .06 - .09 secs before the slowed down version of the ghost or shadow walks by there looks like there is a still shadow (looks like another person standing) on the left hand side of the light or camera in the background located in the same area the moving ghost or shadow will walk past
First of all, I have seen ghosts before myself, so I know they exist. But I doubt it's possible to catch them on camera. This footage is not very clear, (ghost footage never is) and it looks like the figure is making a shadow on the shiny floor. Now, physically, a ghost or spirit isn't there, even though their energy is. The energy can't possibly make a shadow in physical light.

Guys, you don't need creepy footage to tell you that Michael is still walking around among us. :)
:ph34r: OH my GOD I see it now. A dark figure that walks by. It does appear to have a hat on too.

But spirits are invisible. Meaning you would feel a ghost or spirit but not see one.
Ok, I'm usually neutral when it comes to paranormal phenomena - in the sense that I neither deny it nor accept it.

When I saw this title, my reaction was: "Do we really need this kind of shit? ... Really, can't Michael be left to rest? ... "

But that video scared every bone in my body :mello:

How can that be a shadow????
I felt like it wa a ghost( Maybe MJ??) it gave me goose bumps though. I have no idea what i saw!
My bestfriend believes in ghosts.
Every time she talks about them I just roll my eyes.
However, that gave me the willies.
I swear, that looked like someone/something with a fedora pulled over the face and spinning across the floor.
I've never believed in god/angels/ghosts etc. But lately I've heard some stories from my friends that are just creepy. And also my mother, who I trust a 100%, told me about a few incidents where she has encountered something that can't be explained.

Now when I see this... wow. I don't believe it's a shadow, it really doesn't look like one. I think it could be a fabrication, but if that was on the cnn's live version, then... Hmm. I don't know. All I know is that my heart started racing like mad when I saw that clip, it is seriously eerie.
If this is just someone playing tricks on us, then it's one sick trick. Cruel to say the least.
My Grandmother once appeared to me in a chuch.
I really hope that was MJ, letting us know he'd still here and back at Neverland.
Come on, it can't be a ghost, ghosts don't exist. I admit it doesn't really look like any shadow I've ever seen before, but it's probably just an optical illusion of some kind, or else someone's idea of a joke. 9 times out of 10 things like this have a logical explanation.
Come on, it can't be a ghost, ghosts don't exist. I admit it doesn't really look like any shadow I've ever seen before, but it's probably just an optical illusion of some kind, or else someone's idea of a joke. 9 times out of 10 things like this have a logical explanation.
It may be a trick or shadow, but stating as a fact that ghosts (spirits) do not exist is also illogical.
But its kind off weird because, i can't be a shadow because when you pause you see trough the ''ghost'' or what it is the background faded. And you see a full foot to head in the corridor.. Kind of strange, and it was live right?
You can't say things like Ghosts don't exist. Many people have reported to have seen ghosts in their life, they can't all be crazy or seeing things. I feel there are too many skeptics when it comes to things like this, but no one know's for sure. I myself do believe in the supernatural and the afterlife. I believe that people who die before it was their time or die in violent ways are not at peace and their spirit haunts for years and years.
but still, cnn has done this maybe..
i do believe in such things a bit and it doens look like a shoadow espescially in the slow motion, but if cnn is making a bad joke or sth?
Why would CNN do this? Cnn is a very respected, reputable network. They are not anywhere close to being a tabloid. They are very much legit. No, they would not do this.
I believe in ghosts, absolutely, 100%, BUT I think this is just a shadow. It looks particularly ghostly on some of the YouTube vids, but I just rewound the tape that I recorded that Larry King show on and we watched it over and over on the TV. In clear quality on a bigger screen it's very clearly, and I mean clearly, a SHADOW. Of course then the question is... a shadow of whom?... Probably one of the many people who were there at the time... gardeners, caterers, TV crews. But who knows, right? It does have MJ-ish qualities about it, I admit.