I think that was a ghost and not a shadow that some of you think it is. I have always been a big time believer in the paranormal and the afterlife. And that is clearly not a shadow. It is too strange to be a shadow. I'm probably am just in denial about it but I really hope that is not Michael. It would really, really upset me to think Michael is an earthbound spirit. But then I remember how much Michael did loved Neverland at one time. So maybe it is him.
This no shadow...and if you notice, it appear's out of thin air and glides past. The speed of the 'ghost' is too quick for a human. It glides across at such speed, an un-natural speed. I personally belive this is Michael trying to communicate and tell us everything is fine.
I've met a psychic person who said Michael would try to give a sign to the fans on televised programmes! She said she can see Michael now. She said some things that make me my hair stand on edge. If you dont believe it that's fine. I am very optimistic though now.

Spirits don't have to be earthbound to visit places and people on earth, don't worry.
its a shadow. u cant even make out what it is. so act like u can actually see mike. hes not even been burried yet and this stupid stuff starts.let him rest im peace
Maybe he is rehearsing for the O2 concerts :D.
Or maybe he lost the bus to Heaven and he is waiting for the next one :|
it could be..however, i just look at the way the camera filmed the door which was bit odd and then cut to down the hall way and only stayed there until the shadow/ghost went and the it suddenly cut does seem a little staged because of they way the camera moved..if it stayed on that corridor i would have been bit more convinced..but you never know..if it was staged it is sick
It's a shadow. If this is a ghost, then we need some proof that ghosts exist. We need proof that humans live after death. It is ok if you believe it, but some claim it to be a fact.

It is not a fact, because none of us were in that room, we did not see this. We saw something on a camera, that could be anything. And since these superstitious claims can not be verified, the logical explanation would be a natural explanation.

Sorry, but I get annoyed when people claim this to be fact, when you can not know that this is a fact. Remember there are kids on this forum, so please think about what you are saying, because you can cause psychological harm to some individuals by stating these things. When people are in distress or have suffered a psychological trauma, one can be easily convinced of any claim that gives them comfort. But giving claims about things you can not know as fact, will give such people what is by definition false hope. Their psychological reaction to this claim would be a satisfactory one wich in the short term could cause them to feel better. But in the long run, what could happen is that they could one day realize that this confirmation is unjustified and the distress could become even worse. I am not guessing these things, this is textbook psychology and I urge anyone to do some study on PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

When dealing with traumatic events, one is in danger of developing PTSD. When we experience trauma, most of us suppress our emotions. The danger of this is that these emotions can come back even stronger later in life and cause harm. The only way to deal with such traumas is to face the emotions, accept what has happened. Only then can you move on without having the risk of a setback. Giving people false hope to make them feel better is making things worse.

I am not kidding about this, I know a great deal about this disorder and how it is treated.

Be careful of what you guys say. I am not attacking anyone's religion or belief, I am saying that certain ways of comforting people can be dangerous.

I would urge MJJC to be more firm when it comes to these things.

The worst possible outcome of a PTSD disorder is one can be put in a hospital for therapy over months and having to take medicine for the rest of their lives. I know this, I know people who have suffered from this, and I know why it happens.

I am not interested in a discussion over the factual state of the ghost claim. The bottom line is that the assertion is subjective and without justification.

What I am advocating is consideration that your words can have an impact on certain individuals.
wow! freaky! :eek: well... i think its not a shadow! i cant tell what it is... but definately not a shadow! i think it doesnt even look like one! :p
What's strange about seeing the reflection of a shadow on a shiny wooden floor? ;)
lol where is the person creating that shadow so we can see his own reflection on the floor?
I dunno, let's hope CNN didn't stage it. We'll need a paranormal photographer expert here for this. They can usually tell if there's a natural or not explanation for this quite quickly.
Its very quick! i dunno what to make of it i am a strong beliver in Ghosts usually they just appear for a for secs then dissapear so it could have been but i aint jumpin into any wild thoeries
I do believe in ghosts, but I really don't know what to think about this...

I found another video about it
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lol where is the person creating that shadow so we can see his own reflection on the floor?
I dunno, let's hope CNN didn't stage it. We'll need a paranormal photographer expert here for this. They can usually tell if there's a natural or not explanation for this quite quickly.
lol! But honestly, if CNN wanted to stage something, they would've done something a BIT more obvious. This was a mere shadow of someone on the left of the room or wherever.
That was quite clearly a moonwalk.........

Only joking, would be cool though.
K.O.S.. don't turn this into a bigger issue than it is. This was seen in a live broadcast and let people make up their own minds about it.

Kids aren't that naive, I was doing all sorts of weird voodoo sh*t when I was 12 until something happened which made me realize it's not a joke and I was too scared to do it again.

You don't have to believe in ghosts if you want, but I personally do. On closer look in that video, it looks like the legs are cut off so it's probably someone walking outside.
So obviously a shadow refelcting from someone walking in front of the sun somewhere!
K.O.S.. don't turn this into a bigger issue than it is. This was seen in a live broadcast and let people make up their own minds about it.

Kids aren't that naive, I was doing all sorts of weird voodoo sh*t when I was 12 until something happened which made me realize it's not a joke and I was too scared to do it again.

You don't have to believe in ghosts if you want, but I personally do. On closer look in that video, it looks like the legs are cut off so it's probably someone walking outside.

What I believe or what you believe is not the issue.

I am talking about certain people who are in distress right now over Michael's death.

Ok, read my entire thread and don't take what I say out of context.

I explained my concern and why I have it. If you had looked up what I was talking about you would understand. But you assert that this has to do with belief. I don't give a shit what people believe. But I care deeply for those who feel pain.

And these bullshit threads about Michael's ghost, him ressurecting on Tuseday and psychics talking to Michael has the potential to cause harm to certain individuals who are unable to cope with their pain.

Right now, MJJC should pose a ban on any thread that involves these things, because nothing good can come out of it, and alot of bad things can come out of it.

I understand that not everyone is to well read on psychology, but this is not a joke.

Use your heads and think about the people who are suffering from Michael's death.

You may find this interesting and fun, but some people may find this as a tool of feeling better. I can assure you that will only work in the short run, and it could turn ugly in the long run.

Please I urge everyone, tone it down will you. This is not the place or time to be having these threads. Keep it in the chat if you will, but having this threads can cause potential harm to some people. Do you want that?
What I believe or what you believe is not the issue.

I am talking about certain people who are in distress right now over Michael's death.

Ok, read my entire thread and don't take what I say out of context.

I explained my concern and why I have it. If you had looked up what I was talking about you would understand. But you assert that this has to do with belief. I don't give a shit what people believe. But I care deeply for those who feel pain.

And these bullshit threads about Michael's ghost, him ressurecting on Tuseday and psychics talking to Michael has the potential to cause harm to certain individuals who are unable to cope with their pain.

Right now, MJJC should pose a ban on any thread that involves these things, because nothing good can come out of it, and alot of bad things can come out of it.

I understand that not everyone is to well read on psychology, but this is not a joke.

Use your heads and think about the people who are suffering from Michael's death.

You may find this interesting and fun, but some people may find this as a tool of feeling better. I can assure you that will only work in the short run, and it could turn ugly in the long run.

Please I urge everyone, tone it down will you. This is not the place or time to be having these threads. Keep it in the chat if you will, but having this threads can cause potential harm to some people. Do you want that?
Why should such threads cause harm? On the contrary.

Maybe MJJC should create another subforum, just for the people who believe, so they can post without the fear of getting ridiculed by the hardcore sceptics. Please? :yes: