If it"s a ghost,the reporter should say: OMG there is a ghost..maybe MIchael?

Ghosts are seen very rarely seen by the Human eye there usally caught on Cameras so it doesn't surprise me the presentor or anyone else didn't say anything
I would rather believe that Michael's at peace in heaven than that he's a ghost :( It's just someone walking past.
It is said that spirits CAN visit the earth if they want to confort you, so they don't have to be "ghosts". This is not an accurate term. Ghosts are usually energy fingerprints left behind, not actual spirits. :)
I agree about the threads of him coming back alive, those do more harm than good. Because he's not coming back, and I'm sure there will be people watching his memorial on Tuesday waiting for him to appear.

But I don't understand why this would give people false hope ... I'm asking this honestly. Hope for what? You can't believe that this is his ghost and at the same time believe that he's coming back.

edit.. aimed at K.O.S (should have quoted..)
Why should such threads cause harm? On the contrary.

Maybe MJJC should create another subforum, just for the people who believe, so they can post without the fear of getting ridiculed by the hardcore sceptics. Please? :yes:

I explained why this has the potential to cause harm in my first post on this thread.

No one is ridiculing anyone, OK!

Yes MJJC should create a sub forum for these things, AFTER Michaels funeral and after some time have passed by. Right now, these things are dangerous for some people.

PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is not a joke, it is very serious.

Ok, incase you guys did not notice, there have been many people who have cried out for help here, who expresses great torment over this tragedy. They are the reason why I am saying this.
Shadow, or trick. they probably wanted people to notice it, look how quickly they turn the camrea when it apperas... Cool though :)
I am seriously starting to have some doubts in my atheism now.

First, I found this clip from page 4 (I think) to be the clearest.

See those two oval bits on the left wall? They go dark as the 'spirit' passes ove them, too. If they were to reflect the 'spirit', it'd have to be some 1/2 or 3/4 across the room. But they're parallel with the wall, so the shadow must be in front of them.
Second, it moves eerily fast across. Its arms remain completely static when it's moving - and we all know that many people 'sway' their arms back and forst when they're walking.
Third, if it were a shadow, it'd bend when projected on a slanted surface. The fireplace seems to be pretty much sticking out of the wall. There's no way a shadow projected there wouldn't bend.
Fourth, ghosts do behave strangely. Just because the shadow reflects off the floor doesn't mean it's walking straight on it. I have never expirienced anything even mildly supernatural, but I would dare to assume that in cases like this one, the space adapts to the eye, instead of the eye adapting itself to the view distance, as it is usual. Nobody was in that hallway when the shadow appeared, so space might have been bent a little, just for the occasion.
0__O i dunno what to say...but if its true...maybe his spirit still want to see Neverland for the last time....just wish he is up there with God
I've met a psychic person who said Michael would try to give a sign to the fans on televised programmes! She said she can see Michael now. She said some things that make me my hair stand on edge. If you dont believe it that's fine. I am very optimistic though now.

Spirits don't have to be earthbound to visit places and people on earth, don't worry.

Im a very strong believer of the paranormal (have been through some odd stuff) what more did your psychic friend tell you?... Im curious..
There are two big lights behind the reporter, plus many times in the interview there were other people in other rooms, one guy was being directed to come forward into another room. It's just someones shadow from the camera crew or something
Trick, or camera crew.. I cant help but to see Michael in that passing shadow.. It looks like he is looking down, and then grabbing his hat.. He walks way too fast for it to be a human being, it must be a shadow.. Or some sort of paranormal...
I don't know what this is, but it doesn't appear ot be a shadow. As somebody rightly said, a shadow cast upon or moving across an uneven surface would become distorted.

Another thing. A shadow absolutely MUST be cast on something. A shadow does not just appear in the air. This 'object' moves from left to right and is not distorted at any point. It moves in front of the doorway at the far end of the corrider and at that particular point, I don't know what (if it was actually a shadow) it is being cast on. The only thing I could think os that could cause this effect would be if there was a sheet of glass at the end of the corridor. That could be used to create this effect in real time but I highly doubt it as we never see a reflection off the glass, and it would be far too sick of CNN to do that. They wouldn't do it.

The higher quality version of this on the CNN website shows it more clearly. I'm not a 100% believer in ghosts, but it is hard to explain this thing away.
I am seriously starting to have some doubts in my atheism now.

First, I found this clip from page 4 (I think) to be the clearest.

See those two oval bits on the left wall? They go dark as the 'spirit' passes ove them, too. If they were to reflect the 'spirit', it'd have to be some 1/2 or 3/4 across the room. But they're parallel with the wall, so the shadow must be in front of them.
Second, it moves eerily fast across. Its arms remain completely static when it's moving - and we all know that many people 'sway' their arms back and forst when they're walking.
Third, if it were a shadow, it'd bend when projected on a slanted surface. The fireplace seems to be pretty much sticking out of the wall. There's no way a shadow projected there wouldn't bend.
Fourth, ghosts do behave strangely. Just because the shadow reflects off the floor doesn't mean it's walking straight on it. I have never expirienced anything even mildly supernatural, but I would dare to assume that in cases like this one, the space adapts to the eye, instead of the eye adapting itself to the view distance, as it is usual. Nobody was in that hallway when the shadow appeared, so space might have been bent a little, just for the occasion.

Wow, I see noe. For me, it seems like the "shadow" is acutally walking in front of them. And not on the wall like a real shadow would do. This is really strange... But then again, I still believie it's a shadow.... Who knows??
yeah what i meant by asking cnn is not "hey is that Michael walkin' there?" but whether it is a shadow or's really intriguing...
Agreed with bobmoo79! Yes, the wall is NOT uneven, but a shadow tends to distort when a person moves automatically, the shadow tends to draw out and enlongate and become taller or wider. This one just crosses the room without no distortion. Its evenly and you can clearly see a man looking down and passing through at fast speed.
Someone please ask cnn about this.. I could have done it myself, but I'm not that good in asking ^^