DISCLAIMER*Graphic footage* That Pepsi advert (Merged)

All the footage that we saw up until now was a far away view from the front where Michael was basically a small sillhouette with his head all lit up.
But this view...oh my god. That was truly terrifying. And Michael was yelling for Tito. Thank God Miko Brando was there.
I don't know why they would release this now. Dont' know what to say about this. But you can easily see that the entire top portion of his head was totally burned. No wonder Michael wore wigs. He had no choice. Those hair follicles on the top were probably burned and docs were not able to reconstruct them. Poor Michael. I was driving home today and just thinking about how he doesn't have to worry about anyone hurting him anymore. I miss him dearly, but I wish I was where he is....with God.

The King of Pop has gone to see the King of Kings!
oh man just thinking about his is just so sad. Ya'll know how ya finger will touch the stove by mistake or you just burn a little piece of skin for a QUICK second. ITs the most annoying painfullest thing. AND I mean your skin can touch the heat for only a second but keep annoyingly paining you...and you still have that hot feeling like ya skin is still on the fire. I hate that. Its so annoying and even when I put ice on it, soon as the ice melt it starts back with that burning sensation.

I can't even begin to think about the pain michael went thru and the burn was on the most delicate places of his body. His HEAD! and then it wasn't just a quick touch on the stove and he jumps and moves his hand thing either. The man's head was on fire for more then 10 seconds. Oh my GOD! WOW.

My mom burn her whole left arm (from the hand up to the shoulder) and it took decades for those thick white patches to go away and although there is no more white spots anymore she still has the raised skin patches. She couldn't peel and orange for the longest time because the acid would hurt her hand. My dad would do it for her. She said that she had to wear a glove because ppl wouldn't shake her hand. :smilerolleyes:
1. Third is worse as the damage goes beyond the top layers of the skin. It's a deeper damage.

2. He did mention something about it in his bio Moonwalk.

3. The Grammys where he won 12 awards. At the time, no one was sure if he would turn up becuz it was like a few weeks after the burn incident and there was a report that he if he did show up, he'd have to wear a hairpiece. He showed up and NOTHING looked wrong with his head. Gotta give kudos to Karen Faye for this now. It was easy to believe it wasn't as serious as what we saw today in the footage. And Michael seemed fine, which I'm sure he was. It was his big night. Between his meds and the adrenaline, he prolly felt no pain.

Thanks so much for the info :)! Michael's determination to please his fans and "let the show go on" is amazing. I read Moonwalk a while ago but I don't remember what exactly he said about the incident. Did he make a big deal of it or claim that it was minor??
THis is disgusting that someone held that footage for all this time and probably sold it now to make money off of it....

I have read that Michael at one point in his life wanted the rights to all the pics and video's ever taken of him, studio ones I mean. He probably has it in his contracts that he is part owner of all pics and videos taken of him and the publisher has to have his permission to use the pic or video...but I he probably didnt think about after he was dead...or maybe you cannot control something like in a contract.

So that is probably what happened..Now that Michael is gone we might see more unauthorized photos, its just disgusting that people would do this. I think the same thing happened with the guy who took his last photoshoot..he published that awful untouched photo of Michael...With Michael gone they dont have to ask permission I guess.

I remember when that accident happened. I was eating cereal and my dad was like your favorite person is in the hospital. I already knew he meant MJ, I cried like a baby, and asked my dad if he could buy me a plane tix to go to LA (mind you I was 6 or 7yrs old) and take him a teddy bear and card. Somehow my dad was able to tell me know with out me throwing a hissy fit. I did write him a letter to the fan club address I had.

Just think had MJ not caught on fire, he wouldn't have needed those pain meds. It just makes me wonder..
Karen Faye did a hell of a job with finding the right hair piece for him, because really no one knew exactly how bad his burns were and that it actually caused that much damage to his scalp. As I got older I figured he just continued to wear wigs because his hair never grew back the way he wanted, didn't suspect that his scalp was severely burned like that.
I don't think this footage should have been released, but I don't think its humiliating or embarassing. It just was a horrible accident.

Of course, knowing how the media works, they'll find a way to make it embarassing.
My God, I also am shocked by the footage...god bless him...Jesus it brings it al back. I can't imagine the pain he went through...I still remember that day too. I was 12 and in grade 4....we were all so worried. Bless his poor soul.

And to think that he took time to go around the burn unit while in the hospital and visit other patients...some with 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 60 percent of their bodies...my God. He wanted to share his pain and try to sooth others at the same time.

I think people now are begining to understand the man behind the persona.
*sidenote* He looks adorable in those scrubs...
they say this footage of the Pepsi burn was posted on USmagazine.com and they are not telling where this footage came from..............

so why do I feel that whoever had this footage want people to understand that Michael suffered....

^^ Rasta makes an excellent observation.

I also think, that just maybe.. that Michael did not want this released to the world and most of all to his fans. Just look at our reaction to this video just on this thread on THIS FORUM alone. NOW the entire world is going to see this.

I get the feeling that at the time, maybe Michael (and others) thought it best NOT to release this. He is a sensation as it is and does not need this sort of thing to draw attention. He is greatest there ever was and ever will be in my lifetime, but I just don't think he would want this sort of thing out there...

But now that he has passed on over to the other side... someone out there wants the world to know just how much he suffered (like what Rasta pointed out) and they could not come out with it when Michael was alive.

Michael had suffered so much and now to see this... *damn tears won't stop since the day he went away...*

I also think, that just maybe.. that Michael did not want this released to the world and most of all to his fans. Just look at our reaction to this video just on this thread on THIS FORUM alone. NOW the entire world is going to see this.

I think people are painting this more negatively than it really is. These are some of the comments I've seen on non-fan boards:

"HE KEPT DANCING. This is why I love him so."

"usually an accident like this would make the person look dumb but he somehow is awesome throughout HIS HEAD BEING ON FIRE!"

"He got a few million dollars from Pepsi and used it to start the Michael Jackson Burn Center at some CA hospital. Class act."

"Unsettling. I clearly remember the hoopla at the time, and in light of this footage it seems the media conspicuously downplayed the extent of that s***. Everyone I knew the time had the impression that "yeah, he had a small patch of hair smolder and it probably hurt" but it was more grimly humorous than HOLY F*** HE WHOLE GODDAM HEAD ON FAHR!!

I feel vaguely chagrined, now."

"Holy cow! They never let on how bad it really was. I'd expect that he probably didn't have hair there anymore. Thats horrible."

"So we can blame Pepsi for the downfall. Perhaps they should have paid for the memorial. But seriously you do wonder if things would have been dramatically different if he never got burnt...."

Although he may not have wanted it released, I think this video only helps Michael. It humanizes him further in public opinion that tends to view him as purely a source of scandal and mirth.
"Which photoshoot are you referring to?"

Some photo for a British magazine, Q , I think, that was taken a while back...I think it is going to be published in August...It just look like a picture that Michael would not have approved of...I remember reading where Michael contractualy insisted on having final approval of any image before being published...Rarely do photographers give that right away, but for Michael he required it. But now that he is gone who knows.

For newer fans who aren't familiar with the incident, here's a write-up done by People magazine back when it happened (1984). It also mentions how he refused painkillers at the beginning.

Thanks for this bit wendy. Dag man...I think I get morphine now and his hate for it and being angry with it, maybe him even feeling tricked by the docs telling him its fine to take and then ending up feeling like he needs it, can't get away from it, so thats why he's so angry in the song. ugh! I wish this had never happen. You see this is why you pay attention in school/college and learn ya work. That pyrotech guy messed michael up big time.:no:
this pepsi burn accident was discussed in his biography written by randy tarraborelli. from that book it was said that michael and his team debated on whether to release the video but eventually decided not to because of the horrid images and the heartbreak it would cause to the fans.

reading those from the book and now seeing the footage, now i understand why it was not released then.
OMG! I can't imagine how hurt it does T_T
Michael knew it, but he still kept dancing T_T

Someone please tell me that after this accident, does his hair grow naturally or that area on his head can't have hairs anymore :eek:?????
I remember my mom telling me about this incident years ago and the thought of it was horrible, just thinking about. Now I actually see it and it's...really painful to watch. The poor guy, he kept dancing on too. I can't imagine the pain he felt afterward.

I kind of expected it to be the way they portrayed it in the American Dream movie, you know him falling down the steps and such. What really happened was much different. So sad though. :(
Why release it now? I think the media has several reasons - one, because its infamous footage often referred to over the years, two, because there is a lot of talk in the press about how addicted michael was to painkillers and many are saying that this was the trigger for his lifelong addiction to painkillers and three, because he is dead. i would expect more secret footage will come to life now that he is dead. thats one of the worst things about death. when youre dead youre no longer in control or can speak out and others can release anything about you because the confidental causes are no longer valid as they expire when a person dies so it pretty much becomes a circus.
OMG ...I had seen a little bit of this before just the bit where it catches on fire ( I think there are pics out there too) but it was low quality... Those 'after' images....I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like... Wow.
Poor Mike...:-(
in australia at least they are giving viewers a warning before showing the footage. from what i read at the time back in the 80s it was the hair styling stuff in his hair that was the catalyst because he was coming down the stairs and a spark happened and ignited his hair and he didnt even realise and kept doing the dance step and then he realised his hair was on fire and he cried out for one of his brothers and a group of people surrounded him and put out the fire.
Oh man. I can't I just saw that. I still remember as a kid when this happened and seeing pictures on the front of magazines and in tv news clips. Never thought I'd see the actual incident though.

That is just damn sad to watch.
OMG! I can't imagine how hurt it does T_T
Michael knew it, but he still kept dancing T_T

Someone please tell me that after this accident, does his hair grow naturally or that area on his head can't have hairs anymore :eek:?????

No third degree ...no he lost his hair. :(
I hate seeing this video.. it saddens me very much
Oh God.. Poor Michael! :( That was so painful to watch. He just kept spinning .. :(
Something I dont get is WHY and HOW is all these never-before-seen footage being leaked now?? Are they even allowed to do that? Kinda disrespectful I think.