DISCLAIMER*Graphic footage* That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I just saw this on the Situation Room. The biographers' accounts of this incident certainly don't convey how bad this was. As others have said in this thread, this will help people understand how Michael got addicted to prescription drugs. It's unbelievable how things work out sometimes, really is ... :(
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I saw it on CNN and they were making a point that Michael didnt start taking pills on his own and that it was because of that accident that he started taking Demerol.

Watching that made me feel so sad! just when i have started to feel better :boohoo
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I was also a fan of Eminem until he did that video.
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

that was sad :yes: :cry:

where did us weekly magazine website find that video from?
*sigh* this kind of sensational footage being released is beyond tasteless. I would not want to move or delete it and censor yall though :rolleyes: so I simply added a disclaimer to the thread title
Re: That Pepsi advert

IT IS DISGACEFUL SOME OF THE CLIPS THAT ARE ALLOWED TO BE RELEASED AFTER SOMEONE DIES !!!!!!!....this is the same feeling i have when a few months ago , someone released the footage of the comedian tommy cooper and his heart attack on stage which he sadly died from...with no thought about his family...

and this is the same...due to human nature , most people will want to watch this to satisfy their curiosity but there is really no reason to shw this other than to shed a bit me light to the pure agony and pain he was in...

I don't know why some on here think he was calm ..as soon as he took his jacket off, he knew and tried to spin to get rid of some flames..If there is anyone who thinks he was calm when his scalp and hair is literally burning off by FIRE..then you are mad sorry..there is no realtime noise in this but if there was you would take back the idea of him being calm and not in pain...

When you see him WRITHE in agony as people come around him..well that is the clearest indication of how badly he was hurting...he literally went hysterical..which is what most would do...and he almost knocks out the white guy on the right..he wacked his head...he is certainly going hysterical and freaking out..which is what anyone would do! ..that pain is unbearable and unfathomable and he can only show his face for one second before putting his hand over the pain..no way is he calm..he is delirious at this point in my eyes..ffs his head was still burning through! calm..please

makes me so sad to think that he bcame addicted to painkillers through no fault of his own..he didn't ask to have pain killers but there was no other choice..this was sadly a tragic accident that was utterly unimgainable at that moment..its like walking down the same stairs of your house every morning and then falling that one time and breaking a bone or something...it has no reason to happen and can't be forseen...how the doctor said he didn't use grafts is a mystery...arghh that pain, i feel so bad seeing it..but in a way i relate to his sufering more now because you truely see what this GOOD HARMLESS man had to go through PLUS ALL THE OTHER BS IN LATER YEARS...SO SAD..damn

I couldn't have said it better myself!
I heard from a friend today that apparently MJ's last moments in his house were recorded as well..because of the security cameras. For investigations such a thing is good..but please don't let it leak.
how about releasing some bad tour footage to show the man on stage damn it!

edited my language.
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OMG...Im shaking..that was just too shocking..I dont know what to say...I feel sick...
I've seen some footage before but never from the back like that...
that was so horrible.. poor Michael :(
how did they get this footage?
So, so, so horrible... They just showed it on the local news. With no warning. I'm now crying and shaking.... It just hurts so much... to see him hurting like that.... :cry: Like, big DB said, why can't they show footage of him performing? This footage is just too hard to watch. :cry:
There's been other footage? I thought it was only one blurry picture?

Yeah I watched another video a while back on youtube but it was at a different angle and blurry from the front.
Its so terrible to watch this though.. :(
^yeah maybe...

sorry just confused..what does he mean by that?
Well good morning america showed footage of where MJ had cardiac arrest thus what prompted jon stewart to say that and with this footage now I posted it to make myself feel better cus with everyday that goes by you can only ask how much lower the media will sink?
Don't you just love the endless speculation into Michael's psyche, his motivations and his intent by people WHO NEVER EVEN F****** MET HIM?
:bugeyed That was hard to watch. Certainly don't feel I'll be watching it again. My God. Poor Michael, indeed.

I used to think that if I ever found a time machine I'd go back to like '91 to warn him about the Chandlers (and things that came in the years after...), but now I guess it will be to January 26, 1984. The first piece of advice would be, "When filming the Pepsi commercial tomorrow, do NOT allow a 6th take! Only five! No matter what! No more than 5!!!"

(P.S. Ok, so I know that even if I had a time machine I'd have to somehow have access to Michael, convince him I was from the future and to listen to me, etc, etc. Yeah, I know, lol. But I would so try.)
:bugeyed That was hard to watch. Certainly don't feel I'll be watching it again. My God. Poor Michael, indeed.

I used to think that if I ever found a time machine I'd go back to like '91 to warn him about the Chandlers (and things that came in the years after...), but now I guess it will be to January 26, 1984. The first piece of advice would be, "When filming the Pepsi commercial tomorrow, do NOT allow a 6th take! Only five! No matter what! No more than 5!!!"

(P.S. Ok, so I know that even if I had a time machine I'd have to somehow have access to Michael, convince him I was from the future and to listen to me, etc, etc. Yeah, I know, lol. But I would so try.)
I would love to do that too if i could... *sigh* I'd definitely choose some key timepoints like preventing this 6th take... The next one would be the meeting with the Chandlers: specifically the moment MJ's car broke down and he met Chandler's dad (or stepdad, can't remember) if the stories are accurate...
Yeah I watched another video a while back on youtube but it was at a different angle and blurry from the front.
Its so terrible to watch this though.. :(

oh I never knew that. yea its really painful to watch..:(

Well good morning america showed footage of where MJ had cardiac arrest thus what prompted jon stewart to say that and with this footage now I posted it to make myself feel better cus with everyday that goes by you can only ask how much lower the media will sink?

true. :( Thanks for explaining.

Now they're talking about his legs and there are new photos from Dr.Klien...has it been posted here?
^yeah maybe...
Originally Posted by Victory2004
Jon Stewart: "After that, we'll have an exclusive look at the room where news also died."

sorry just confused..what does he mean by that?
He was meaning that news coverage had become so ridiculous and/or digusting that it wasn't worthwhile anymore. So good news coverage also died.
they say this footage of the Pepsi burn was posted on USmagazine.com and they are not telling where this footage came from..............

so why do I feel that whoever had this footage want people to understand that Michael suffered....
It's pretty disrespectful that they show it now... If they wouldn't release it when he was alive, they shouldn't release it when he's, well in heaven. :(
It's so horrible, I wish I could have been there to hug him and tell him everything would be okay, and that's he's so beautiful. :cry: Amazing how he keeps dancing, that's our Mike.