DISCLAIMER*Graphic footage* That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Re: That Pepsi advert

I've always wondered what truly happened there and it's bizarre that they've kept it hidden away all these years only to show it now.

It has to be said, he does look cool while he's dancing away with his hair on fire. I was in science class once and one of my classmates accidentally set his hair on fire on a Bunsen burner. To begin with he thought we were joking when we told him his hair was burning. It's strange how you don't know that your hair is on fire.
Re: That Pepsi advert

I've known about this Pepsi video since the 1980's, but I've never seen it. It's not as horrific as I thought it would be, but the fire burned a lot of Michael's hair off at the back. I read in various books about Michael, that the burn left a bald patch the sizee of a small coin, shows how little biographers know. Still there is no reason for US magazine to show it. It's quite macarb, and very distresptful to Michael and his family. It seems the media have a sick type of enjoyment see both physical and emotional pain inflected on Michael.

The only thing good about this Pepsi video, is that Michael looks really cool and does some awesome dance moves. And the fact that he's almost like a real life superhero when puts the fire out with a spin. But still no need for US magazine to upload the video.
Re: That Pepsi advert

wow mike was still dancing, he didn't even know he was on fire

No, they said he knew, thats why he was spinning to get the fire out. then there was only smoke when they got to him.:timer: But it already did the damage. Oh how horrible.:bugeyed I couldnt cry...I dont know why, i felt this pain, sharp pain in my heart when he got up to leave the stage...I dont know why ppl. were trying to downplay the incident. :no:

~God Loves you Michael. I love you, We All Love you~
Re: That Pepsi advert

I was at the church holiding a big candle and I accidentally set my hair on fire. I hadn't realised until other people started patting my head. There was also that burning smell... But it was nowhere as severe as Michael's.
Re: That Pepsi advert

I think I could've done without seeing that footage. That's the worst thing I've ever seen and there needs to be a disclaimer warning members that this footage is extremely graphic.

I would hope that the mods would see to it.
Re: MJ's Explosive Pepsi Shoot Video -- 25 Years Later

indeed omg...damn. don't know what to say
Re: MJ's Explosive Pepsi Shoot Video -- 25 Years Later

If you look, lit only top of head while on the Internet has been written that he was wearing a wig while it is absurd.
Re: MJ's Explosive Pepsi Shoot Video -- 25 Years Later

Oh man! The real footage looks far worse than how they showed it in the American dream movie.
Re: That Pepsi advert

God why are they showing this...this is so sad!!! :(

And fucking Eminem laughed at him...god I wish MJ found peace now...
Re: That Pepsi advert

omg michael! why are they showing this? its kind of disturbing to watch
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Re: MJ's Explosive Pepsi Shoot Video -- 25 Years Later

WoW @___o Please rip this video, DownloadHelper falls in this case :/
Poor Michael! :( :(
Re: That Pepsi advert

IT IS DISGACEFUL SOME OF THE CLIPS THAT ARE ALLOWED TO BE RELEASED AFTER SOMEONE DIES !!!!!!!....this is the same feeling i have when a few months ago , someone released the footage of the comedian tommy cooper and his heart attack on stage which he sadly died from...with no thought about his family...

and this is the same...due to human nature , most people will want to watch this to satisfy their curiosity but there is really no reason to shw this other than to shed a bit me light to the pure agony and pain he was in...

I don't know why some on here think he was calm ..as soon as he took his jacket off, he knew and tried to spin to get rid of some flames..If there is anyone who thinks he was calm when his scalp and hair is literally burning off by FIRE..then you are mad sorry..there is no realtime noise in this but if there was you would take back the idea of him being calm and not in pain...

When you see him WRITHE in agony as people come around him..well that is the clearest indication of how badly he was hurting...he literally went hysterical..which is what most would do...and he almost knocks out the white guy on the right..he wacked his head...he is certainly going hysterical and freaking out..which is what anyone would do! ..that pain is unbearable and unfathomable and he can only show his face for one second before putting his hand over the pain..no way is he calm..he is delirious at this point in my eyes..ffs his head was still burning through! calm..please

makes me so sad to think that he bcame addicted to painkillers through no fault of his own..he didn't ask to have pain killers but there was no other choice..this was sadly a tragic accident that was utterly unimgainable at that moment..its like walking down the same stairs of your house every morning and then falling that one time and breaking a bone or something...it has no reason to happen and can't be forseen...how the doctor said he didn't use grafts is a mystery...arghh that pain, i feel so bad seeing it..but in a way i relate to his sufering more now because you truely see what this GOOD HARMLESS man had to go through PLUS ALL THE OTHER BS IN LATER YEARS...SO SAD..damn
Re: That Pepsi advert

They shouldn't have released this. It's disgusting and disrespectful. Michael isn't here anymore and for that reason people feel like they can say and do anything. It's not right.

This was a horrible accident and Michael suffered a lot. It pains me to know that people are going to be able to see this.

Poor Michael...
Re: That Pepsi advert

I didn't think it was as bad as it shows on the footage. I always thought it was just a small part of MJ's hair caught fire....never would I have thought his whole head went up.

All that jell he had in his hair has to be what set it off. God I can't even imagine the pain he suffered.

I never....EVER...want to see that footage again
Re: That Pepsi advert

OMG that is awful poor Mike and think the hair gel he was wearing probably acted as some sort of exhelerent (sp? and sorry if that thought upsets anyone as it does me)
Re: That Pepsi advert

I had a hard time watching that. It made me very emotional. He was very lucky to survive something like that. I feel so bad now that I have seen that.
Re: That Pepsi advert

Makes me even more pissed off at Eminem for that video Just lose it..where he's dressed as MJ and having his hair on fire....goddamn.
Re: MJ's Explosive Pepsi Shoot Video -- 25 Years Later

It's already on youtube, you can rip it off that.
Re: That Pepsi advert

why show this video now?
they will never stop torturing him :cry: and us too
Re: That Pepsi advert

Yes and my mind also goes back to when geraldo questioned him about it...His mind would have had a flashback to the incident either when he saw the eminem video or when he was asked that question or both..but seeing the unspeakable agony and how much that affected him...his response to geraldo was still so respectable to eminem even though noone knew the pain he went through..NOONE..

He is a brave soul and commendable in the way he answered it...he could have said, eminem didn't even know the pain i felt ..he just said ' a great artist doesn't do that'...he was kind asaid he thought eminem was a talented man and didn't need to use his talents on that level...so even though his mind had to go back to that incident and he saw someone mocking it..he STILL said something nice about him...1 in a million mj is