DISCLAIMER*Graphic footage* That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Re: That Pepsi advert

I never really knew how bad it was until now, those flames were so high. It is no wonder Michael ended up taking pain killers like he sadly did. That was just shocking to watch, he is just amazing that he still managed to wave to fans as they put him in the ambulance that time.
Re: That Pepsi advert

I just saw it a few mins ago, AWFUL. I can't even imagine how much pain he was in. Poor Michael :-(.
Re: That Pepsi advert

Maybe there is some good in this being shown. I've seen people question his use of painkillers (In fact, I even had to remind someone about this incident recently.). I am so sick of people talking about Michael as a druggie as if he had been using medications for purely recreational purposes. I think people remembering this injury and seeing the extent of it will make them more sympathetic to Michael.

I don't know why some on here think he was calm ..as soon as he took his jacket off, he knew and tried to spin to get rid of some flames..If there is anyone who thinks he was calm when his scalp and hair is literally burning off by FIRE..then you are mad sorry..there is no realtime noise in this but if there was you would take back the idea of him being calm and not in pain...
I meant he was calm as opposed to screaming and crying like I would have been had it happened to me. Yeah, he was trying to get the fire out and he appeared dazed when he got up, but he still did not act as hysterical as some people might have. So, yes, given what he went through, I think he showed an amazing amount of calmness. No one questioned his pain or suffering. I certainly did not. It is precisely because of such agonizing pain that I find his reaction relatively calm.
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I couldn't stop watching it...the part where he comes out dancing with his hair on fire, and he spins to get it out, and then he's brought out with a bloody scalp, his white glove feeling the damage.

It's so horrible. So, so horrible.

I feel really ill.
Re: That Pepsi advert

Yes and my mind also goes back to when geraldo questioned him about it...His mind would have had a flashback to the incident either when he saw the eminem video or when he was asked that question or both..but seeing the unspeakable agony and how much that affected him...his response to geraldo was still so respectable to eminem even though noone knew the pain he went through..NOONE..

He is a brave soul and commendable in the way he answered it...he could have said, eminem didn't even know the pain i felt ..he just said ' a great artist doesn't do that'...he was kind asaid he thought eminem was a talented man and didn't need to use his talents on that level...so even though his mind had to go back to that incident and he saw someone mocking it..he STILL said something nice about him...1 in a million mj is

Exactly...it was incredible that MJ didn't went completely off on Eminem. But now that i think about it...FUCK Eminem for this, for real.
That video just makes me even more madder now.....good lord.
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Even if you were not attached to Michael Jackson in any way, seeing a performer's head on fire, seeing him jump in pain, and watching him being pulled away with a white glove over a bloody scalp is so incredibly disturbing.

If you are asking yourself if you have the stomach for this, you probably don't.
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I shake my damn head
how dare they do this
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Even if you were not attached to Michael Jackson in any way, seeing a performer's head on fire, seeing him jump in pain, and watching him being pulled away with a white glove over a bloody scalp is so incredibly disturbing.

If you are asking yourself if you have the stomach for this, you probably don't.

Personally, I was a student of criminology, have books on forensic science, book of crime scene photos (famous and non famous) etc, so I can see stuff like this but...I don't know, I am very chicken to click on this particular one. So, I will take everyone's word for it that it is beyond horrible.
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I duno..i just think calm is not a word i would ever use, you might be saying he is calm for those brief seconds you see his face..but when he was on the floor..i reckon he was shouting swearing going bezerk and when he went off that set away from cameras and the crowd who would obviously be watching...he would have then expressed his true hurt and pain..i think he held it off a bit because of the camera and didn't want the fans to be as worried..

I have 2 questions that i noticed.. he has that line on top of his forehead and and i thought that was because of the burns..but he had that line at the beginning of the video be4 he went down the stairs..so how did they manage to fix his hair because it looked the same in videos afterwards? doctors did a fantastic job if they managed to keep all his natural hair...it seemed like alot of his hair went, not just the back...

ill say it again...his drug addiction,,if it did stem from this was not out of curioisty or desire...it was out of necessity...that is the underlying sadness of it all
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

One thing is for sure...this man really hadn't the biggest luck in his life. Really not!!!!! :(
He doesn't seem to notice even when the fire is going like crazy, but i bet when it reached his skin...the pain must have been unimagineable. When thinking about this.....so sad. :(
Re: That Pepsi advert

They shouldn't have released this. It's disgusting and disrespectful. Michael isn't here anymore and for that reason people feel like they can say and do anything. It's not right.

This was a horrible accident and Michael suffered a lot. It pains me to know that people are going to be able to see this.

Poor Michael...

You are so right. This really hurt my heart. :(
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Holly sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so painful to watch...... Geez, I can almost feel the pain Mike felt on my body...
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

This is really terrible to watch for any fan :(
Poor Michael! :( It must have been absolutely horrible!
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Poor Michael!
How could they risk his safety like this?, so stupid.

I can imagine it created problems for Michael years after the burns.
Re: That Pepsi advert

Maybe there is some good in this being shown. I've seen people question his use of painkillers (In fact, I even had to remind someone about this incident recently.). I am so sick of people talking about Michael as a druggie as if he had been using medications for purely recreational purposes. I think people remembering this injury and seeing the extent of it will make them more sympathetic to Michael.

my thoughts exactly, i'm glad they're showing it
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

It was sad! But MJ was verry brave and still had the love to wave to his fans while being taken in an ambulance! A true KING!
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

It happened just the way Bob Giraldi described it. I thought he might've been exaggerating a bit when he said he "did 2 quick spins and put the fire out". From the looks of it, Michael was in complete shock and the pain was probably just setting in when he walked off. Can't put all the blame on the jheri curl. Pyro is dangerous. Point blank. Didn't help that the technician jumped the gun.
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

at leazst they released the footage from this angle..becuase i kno it was filmed from the front view but seeing michael's face in more extreme agony would have been harder to bear and it would have been immortal..like all clips..they are now eternal..so at least we dont have an eternal clip of this incident from the front view
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I have 2 questions that i noticed.. he has that line on top of his forehead and and i thought that was because of the burns..but he had that line at the beginning of the video be4 he went down the stairs..so how did they manage to fix his hair because it looked the same in videos afterwards? doctors did a fantastic job if they managed to keep all his natural hair...it seemed like alot of his hair went, not just the back...

I don't think having millions of dollars and hundreds of doctors can make hair grow back on 2nd and 3rd degree burns. It's sad, but true.

He likely had bad scars there for the rest of his life, and was either wearing a hair piece on that spot (many hairpieces can be convincing). The place the scalp was scarred was probably too big to be covered up with just really great hairdressing, going by what burned area of scalp you can see on that video.

I know, I know, this is depressing!
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Poor Michael,it was painful to watch.:(
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

It's just so sad...he didn'nt ask for any of this..didn't ask to have a physically and mentally abusive father..didnt ask to have vitaligo..didnt ask to have his hair catch fire..didnt ask to have prescirption drugs..didnt ask to have sick familys try to use him..the list goes on...for someone like michael who believes alot in god, he must have sometimes thought.'is this what i have to bear on my back and scars i have to carry for all the goodness you've given me? And yet he kept the faith..hopefully

I think if there is a god he certainly blessed and also kinda cursed this soul
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I had heard from the director of the commercial that when Mike spun around he put the fire out himself but I didnt really think that was true until I just saw it. Thats amazing. It is sad to know that this one freak accident may have lead Mike down a dark path of addiction and ultimately to his death.
Re: That Pepsi advert (Merged)

Jon Stewart: "After that, we'll have an exclusive look at the room where news also died."