DISCLAIMER*Graphic footage* That Pepsi advert (Merged)

My tears are getting in the way I meant to say.
It amazes me even more that Michael Jackson would
continue on and sing, dance, smile, and write
beautiful music like this lovely melody: "Speechless".
Click on to Read and Listen to the lyrics:
It amazes me even more that Michael Jackson would
continue on and sing, dance, smile, and write
beautiful music like: "Fly Away".:angel:
Click on Listen and Be at Peace:
Good God!.....poor Mike!

How long ago was this.... and after all this time this footage is JUST being released???

Everybody is gonna cash in now and release every damn thing about this man and its just pathetic!
ironic last night i watched the mtv special (uploaded here) when they interview the director of the commercial and first aired it :(
you never know they maybe also post this in news paper for tomorrow :yes: i got that feeling :yes: :thinking:
OMG..I had absolutely no idea it was THIS bad!!! I'm so shocked. At the end of the video you could even see this huge bald spot where his skin was burned. I almost teared watching that video. Despite being a fan for all of these years and thinking I know everything there is to know about Michael..I realize..there's so much that I (and I'm sure most fans) didn't know about. I really feel so bad..that in a single instant..his life changed forever..:(
Soon as I got home and cut on the tv they announced they had some footage. When they first announced it I thought it was going to be footage from the front, similar to that grainy shot we've seen all these years...so when I saw the footage from the rear, I couldn't believe my eyes! Not only was it hard to watch but the first thing that came to mind was how worse this ordeal had been than we were all led to believe. I then wondered if Michael ever saw this footage for himself after the incident. It was traumatizing just watching this; I can only imagine what it must have been like for him to have actually experienced it. Omfg! :(

they say this footage of the Pepsi burn was posted on USmagazine.com and they are not telling where this footage came from..............

so why do I feel that whoever had this footage want people to understand that Michael suffered....

I think so, too. And I agree with others who said it drives the point home that this incident started MJ on prescription drugs. I remember back in the day it was said that before this accident Michael would rarely take an aspirin unless it was absolutely necessary... and he had actually tried NOT to take anything while he was in the hospital for the Pepsi accident. However, the pain was too much so he relented...which is understandable. I mean, LAWD, the whole back of his head was lit up!! :censored: A Tylenol wasn't going to make THAT feel better. I would've been popping pills like skittles myself. Just seeing the footage I have a headache.

Even tho it feels extremely intrusive seeing Michael's scalp like that it brings a whole new level of understanding for what he's gone thru and had to deal with in his life. The crap this man has had to go thru most people wouldn't have lasted as long. Gotta say my level of respect and compassion went up a few notches after seeing this footage, but it also made me very sad becuz it feels like a serious violation of privacy. And it's a bit depressing to know for as good a person as Michael was, he just couldn't escape hardships in life. :(
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I think so, too. And I agree with others who said it drives the point home that this incident started MJ on prescription drugs.

Yes, I've been amazed by the response. I just looked at two non-fan sites that linked to the video and the comments were astounding. There was complete sympathy. No jokes. No accusations of pedophilia. Just compassion (Well, that, and amazement that he still doesn't miss a beat despite being on fire and appears to put the fire out simply by spinning.). This is the first time I've seen a story about Michael Jackson on a non-fan site without negative comments.
Oh my God!!! I've just seen this! (I hate being at work all day for these reasons...)

Only in America can we publicly watch someone,WHOM MANY UNKNOWINGLY CONSIDER TO BE PRACTICALLY INHUMAN (which is probably why they are airing it), have an accidental nightmare on camera! And people analyze the SHIT out of it. That is horrifying, and extremely private footage that has no reason to be shown for other than to gain money. My God, you can see the terror and agony in his face.

Why is this being shown? What, other than for money reasons, is the purpose of showing this footage. Surely we are not this cruel! I cannot believe we could be so cruel.
That is one footage of Michael I do not ever want to see. Just hearing about it is really upsetting me. Thank god I was too young to even remember hearing about that in the news. When that had first happen to Michael. But what really makes me sick is of why they want to show it now.
they say this footage of the Pepsi burn was posted on USmagazine.com and they are not telling where this footage came from..............

so why do I feel that whoever had this footage want people to understand that Michael suffered....

I know that MJ suffered. I knew that without having to see that shyt. These news outlets are way wrong for airing that footage un-doctored. They would never do this if this were any other person. Not only un-doctored but without disclaimers or warnings.

It was graphic, disturbing and sick to say the least. CNN and MTV if true that they showed this have just reached a new low.
The spin thankfully stopped the fire but man his poor scalp was already ball. This is so horrible. Then it led to one horrible thing after the next. Ugh! then to top if off the man had other health problems. Then on top of that he had the world, media, backstabbers, liers, and all kinda pressures on his back.

How he did I just don't know. Michael is a RUFF RIDER fo' real. Michael is what you call a REAL MAN!
^ damn straight!!

I still cant believe what I just saw...still cant believe it.
MJ is such a strong, tough man. I would have been screaming. omg...I feel pain just remembering it...especially when he spun and started to panic. :( I don't think I can EVER see that again. Its horrific

BTW what grainy footage are we talking about here?...Ive never seen it. where can I find it?
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Re: That Pepsi advert

Maybe because of all the speculation about his alleged addiction to pain killers and what led up to it?

Maybe I'm thinking too highly of them though...

A lot of greed in this world.

the last two.
I have three questions:

1. They said Michael had second and third degree burns. I wanted to know which one is the most severe..first degree or third degree?

2. Also, the date on this video is January 27. I was curious to know if Michael ever commented on this incident either right after or later in his career.

3. Finally, what was the first public appearance Michael made after this incident? I'm guessing this was all before the victory tour and all that. thanks.
^ damn straight!!

I still cant believe what I just saw...still cant believe it.
MJ is such a strong, tough man. I would have been screaming. omg...I feel pain just remembering it...especially when he spun and started to panic. :(

BTW what grainy footage are we talking about here?...Ive never seen it. where can I find it?

It's a grainy picture. We never ever saw moving footage of the incident. There was always this one grainy picture showing MJ coming down the stairs with a halo of light behind his head which was the fire. That's all they would release showing the incident.

I'm still sitting here thinking bloody effing heck. It was far worse than anyone told and he suffered far worse than anyone could have thought before. If I remember correctly, they had tried to downplay it and say the burn was the size of a quarter or fifty-cent coin. They said he could have the burned area of his scalp grafted and his hair would grow back...not a big deal, nothing serious. Well, that was obviously total BS. This wasn't like getting scorched with the curling iron. THE WHOLE BACK OF HIS HEAD WAS ON FIRE! Not one spot of his head, not just the top of his head...the whole back of his head. And then maybe a week or 2 he was smiling at the Grammys like it was nothing. It's like you start thinking back and wondering WOW, he could have been in pain or suffering at that time and smiling thru it. Always a trouper. :(

I understand how some fans may perceive the release of this footage as a negative thing. And yes, greed and violation of Michael's privacy is running rampant these days. I DID consider for a second that MAYBE it was released to somehow embarrass or humiliate Michael becuz of the scalp thing, but if anything, I hope it makes ppl who weren't sympathetic at all before (about a lot of things), moreso now.
Who the hell released it?

Shame on the people who tried to downplay it. People have no conscience at all.
I have three questions:

1. They said Michael had second and third degree burns. I wanted to know which one is the most severe..first degree or third degree?

2. Also, the date on this video is January 27. I was curious to know if Michael ever commented on this incident either right after or later in his career.

3. Finally, what was the first public appearance Michael made after this incident? I'm guessing this was all before the victory tour and all that. thanks.

1. Third is worse as the damage goes beyond the top layers of the skin. It's a deeper damage.

2. He did mention something about it in his bio Moonwalk.

3. The Grammys where he won 12 awards. At the time, no one was sure if he would turn up becuz it was like a few weeks after the burn incident and there was a report that he if he did show up, he'd have to wear a hairpiece. He showed up and NOTHING looked wrong with his head. Gotta give kudos to Karen Faye for this now. It was easy to believe it wasn't as serious as what we saw today in the footage. And Michael seemed fine, which I'm sure he was. It was his big night. Between his meds and the adrenaline, he prolly felt no pain.
I'm still sitting here thinking bloody effing heck. It was far worse than anyone told and he suffered far worse than anyone could have thought before. If I remember correctly, they had tried to downplay it and say the burn was the size of a quarter or fifty-cent coin. They said he could have the burned area of his scalp grafted and his hair would grow back...not a big deal, nothing serious. Well, that was obviously total BS. This wasn't like getting scorched with the curling iron. THE WHOLE BACK OF HIS HEAD WAS ON FIRE! Not one spot of his head, not just the top of his head...the whole back of his head. And then maybe a week or 2 he was smiling at the Grammys like it was nothing. It's like you start thinking back and wondering WOW, he could have been in pain or suffering at that time and smiling thru it. Always a trouper. :(

I understand how some fans may perceive the release of this footage as a negative thing. And yes, greed and violation of Michael's privacy is running rampant these days. I DID consider for a second that MAYBE it was released to somehow embarrass or humiliate Michael becuz of the scalp thing, but if anything, I hope it makes ppl who weren't sympathetic at all before (about a lot of things), moreso now.
Yes he is michael joseph jackson is a true soldier. And that's REAL!

And on ya other post about michael not even wanting to take an aspirin unless necessary. That so sounds like michael. I remember reading something about michael pouring some drugs down a cement crack. he was with janet and he told her that drugs was STUPID and not to ever do them. So now for ppl to be trying to make mike out to be some druggie just don't see well with me. I know michael would never take something to purposely "get high". So yes I agree this video was invasion of his privacy and wasn't necessary....but if the person who released it did so to show the world what michael went thru, more power to them. I know that the MEDIA isn't showing this to help michael out. This to them is just something else for them to make money from and gawk about. But I hope that the person who did release it, released it to show the pain michael suffered and and what led to his addiction.
I have three questions:

1. They said Michael had second and third degree burns. I wanted to know which one is the most severe..first degree or third degree?

2. Also, the date on this video is January 27. I was curious to know if Michael ever commented on this incident either right after or later in his career.

3. Finally, what was the first public appearance Michael made after this incident? I'm guessing this was all before the victory tour and all that. thanks.

I can't answer the last 2 but I can answer the first one. From what I had learn in my high school health class 3rd degree burns are most severe. I know what it is like to have 2nd degree burns I still have the scars to proof it. But 3rd degree burns are the most severe because all three layers of skin (epidermis, dermis, and fat layer). And usually, the sweat glands, hair follicles, and nerve endings are destroyed as well.