DISCLAIMER*Graphic footage* That Pepsi advert (Merged)

It makes me angry that they release this video now..why u may ask

Cuz mike had spoken bout the pain he felt from that accident and yet no one belived him. They always used to say, "Yeh right it hurt...wimp he is!" and now i bet those naysayers r like now " oh s***it he really wasnt lying"
Rockin if u dont wanna watch it, dont

It is quite heartbreaking to watch ..but if u want to- its up to you.
Could this be the reason he decided to grow his hair long - the more hair the easier to cover up the damage. Maybe if this never happened he would never of grown his hair and maybe if this never happened alot of things would be different!!?
OMG thats seriously aweful. He didn't even know he was alight.. ... i thought it only burnt the side of his hair off - not right on top of his head..
I'm naturally curious but don't know if I want to have the image stuck in my head if it really is so horrible and graphic.

I've been reading some comments here, and how do we know the family haven't approved this? They have new PR people telling them what to do, we don't know what's going on. If peoples reactions are anything to go by, then this footage will make people sympathetic towards Michael and the pain he would obviously have been in after this.
Could this be the reason he decided to grow his hair long - the more hair the easier to cover up the damage. Maybe if this never happened he would never of grown his hair and maybe if this never happened alot of things would be different!!?

Very possible. In fact, as a Thriller era guy, I would have loved that.

But in all honesty, I don't know if that would've happened. A LOT of early 80's stars grew their hair out in the late 80's. It was a trendy thing to do. I did it. As a kid, I grew my hair out in '87/'88....and I ripped holes in my jeans lol.
Could this be the reason he decided to grow his hair long - the more hair the easier to cover up the damage. Maybe if this never happened he would never of grown his hair and maybe if this never happened alot of things would be different!!?

Did he grow his hair ? or did he wear wigs? didn't someone on here identify his wig as a netted or lace wig or something?
I'm naturally curious but don't know if I want to have the image stuck in my head if it really is so horrible and graphic.

I've been reading some comments here, and how do we know the family haven't approved this? They have new PR people telling them what to do, we don't know what's going on. If peoples reactions are anything to go by, then this footage will make people sympathetic towards Michael and the pain he would obviously have been in after this.

Its not THAT graphic - U dont see burnt skin or anything. It is horrible yes but its horrible in that he carried on spinning not knowing he was on fire and he didn't realise. Its quite possible all the lacquer he had on his hair probably didn't help either.
larry king tonight aired it 4 freakin times! 4! larry might like to think of himself as having integrity and honor but when it comes down to it, hes just the same as so many others - obsessed with ratings. sick sick sick sick sick!
that is so full on - I never realised how bad the fire was! I think it's great that MJ funded a burns centre after this.
I am schocked.......
and angry...
and admire MJ more....what a man what a strength what a hero for carying on with everything like nothing had happened
I salute MJ
Still not sure why people think he didn't realise his hair was on fire..maybe for the first few seconds but as soon as he was going doing those steps he knew..he went down them alot quicker than he was suppossed to and then immediately took off his jacket which he wasn't suppossed to ( to feel the heat less) and then he spun twice to try and get it out..as soon as the fire stopped, that tingline pain hit in and that is why he moved uncontollably like thaat..its like when you burn your hand, the real pain is the few seconds after it happens..but you still feel it as its setting in
Oh god, I had to stop watching it right after I realized his hair was on fire. I guess if it makes more people sympathize with him, something good came out of releasing the video, but I still think it's disrespectful that they did. I hope no one made money from giving the video to these websites, but knowing the cruel nature of so many people in the media, I guess someone did... such a sad, disturbing thought.
People...this could have come from the family. This is exactly the thing their new PR people will be doing. Releasing things which make people see Michael in a more positive/sympathetic light. Thats what PR are paid to do.
i think it's ok that it's released. We have always wondered what really happened and here it is. It's not pretty but it shows that it was a legitimate and horrible thing that he had to go through. Any misconception that it may not have been that serious can be layed to rest. Most things are going to air in the public now, it's up to us to decipher the real things from the crap, at least we know this was something real he had to deal with. How horrible having the world watching and losing something so identifying as your hair. And his skin. Thats what gets me. He was under a microscope and had to deal with so many humiliating ailments that would screw with his own sense of identity. His fans love him no matter what which is probably why he was so loyal and truly loved his fans more than most would. I couldn't imagine dealing with any of this in my pathetic little unknown world, let alone a man that has the entire universe watching his every move. He was stronger than any of us knew. He lived a truly extraordinary life. So many lows but look at all the wonderful things he got to do as well. He's one tough cookie.
Did he grow his hair ? or did he wear wigs? didn't someone on here identify his wig as a netted or lace wig or something?

He weared hair parts just in that place but then after he was diagnosed with
lupus he began losing it and he was wearing a wig. :(
the thing about the video being released is thats its likely be in a vault all these years and now jackson is dead theyve released - and also because theres a lot of discussion about the drugs. it wasnt necessary for larry king to play the video 4 times on tonights show though. that was excessive but then its cable tv. everything and anything goes.
Here is the part of Moon Walk were Michael talks about it:

"I had planned to spend most of 1984 working on some movie ideas I had, but those plans got sidetracked. First, in January, I was burned on the set of a Pepsi commercial I was shooting with my brothers.

The reason for the fire was stupidity, pure and simple. We were shooting at night and I was supposed to come down a staircase with magnesium flash bombs going off on either side of me and just behind me. It seemed so simple. I was to walk down the stairs and these bombs would blow up behind me. We did several takes that were wonderfully timed. The lightning effects from the bombs were great. Only later did I find out that these bombs were only two feet away from either side of my head, which was a total disregard of the safety regulations. I was supposed to stand in the middle of a magnesium explosion, two feet on either side.

Then Bob Giraldi, the director, came to me and said, "Michael, you're going down too early. We want to see you up there, up on the stairs. When the lights come on, we want to reveal that you're there, so wait ."

So I waited, the bombs went off on either side of my head, and the sparks set my hair on fire. I was dancing down this ramp and turning around, spinning, not knowing I was on fire. Suddenly I felt my hands reflexively going to my head in an attempt to smother the flames. I fell down and just tried to shake the flames out. Jermaine turned around and saw me on the ground, just after the explosions had gone off, and he thought I had been shot by someone in the crowd - because we were shooting in front of a big audience. That's what it looked like to him.

Miko Brando, who works for me, was the first person to reach me. After that, it was chaos. It was crazy. No film could properly capture the drama of what went on that night. The crowd was screaming. Someone shouted, "Get some ice!" There were frantic running sounds. People were yelling, "Oh no!" The emergency truck came up and before they put in I saw the Pepsi executives huddled together in a corner, looking terrified. I remember the medical people putting me on a cot and the guys from Pepsi were so scared they couldn't even bring themselves to check on me.

Meanwhile, I was kind of detached, despite the terrible pain. I was watching all the drama unfold. Later they told me I was in shock, but I remember enjoying the ride to the hospital because I never thought I'd ride in an ambulance with the sirens wailing. It was one of those things I had always wanted to do when I was growing up. When we got there, they told me there were news crews outside, so I asked for my glove. There's a famous shot of me waving from the stretcher with my glove on.

Later one on the doctors told me that it was a miracle I was alive. One of the firemen had mentioned that in most cases your clothes catch on fire, in which case your whole face can be disfigured or you can die. That's it. I had third-degree burns on the back of my head that almost went through to my skull, so I had a lot of problems with it, but I was very lucky.

What we now know is that the incident created a lot of publicity for the commercial. They sold more Pepsi than ever before. And they came back to me later and offered me the biggest commercial endorsement fee in history. It was so unprecedented that it went into The Guinness Book of World Records. Pepsi and I worked together on another commercial, called "The Kid," and I gave them problems by limiting the shots of me because I felt the shots they were asking for didn't work well. Later, when the commercial was a success, they told me I had been right.

I still remember how scared those Pepsi executives looked the night of the fire. They thought that my getting burned would leave a bad taste in the mouth of every kid in America who drank Pepsi. They knew I could have sued them and I could have, but I was real nice about it. Real nice. They gave me $1,500,000 which I immediately donated to the Michael Jackson Burn Center. I wanted to do something because I was so moved by the other burn patients I met while I was in the hospital."
He weared hair parts just in that place but then after he was diagnosed with
lupus he began losing it and he was wearing a wig. :(

Gosh, between going through the awkward adolescent stage in the spotlight, being teased about his nose, having vitiligo destroy his skin color, having a bald spot on his scalp from burns and lupus, and having bad acne it's no wonder he felt so self-conscious about his looks. When I see him all I see is an amazingly beautiful person, and it's always been hard for me to understand on some level how he couldn't see how attractive he was. But I guess all he saw were these things and not the sum of the parts. It makes me so sad that he had to deal with all this. I don't know how he did it and in the public eye no less with people making fun of him at every turn. :(
Still not sure why people think he didn't realise his hair was on fire..maybe for the first few seconds but as soon as he was going doing those steps he knew..he went down them alot quicker than he was suppossed to and then immediately took off his jacket which he wasn't suppossed to ( to feel the heat less) and then he spun twice to try and get it out..as soon as the fire stopped, that tingline pain hit in and that is why he moved uncontollably like thaat..its like when you burn your hand, the real pain is the few seconds after it happens..but you still feel it as its setting in

I think it's because he still looks so amazing. If you couldn't see the fire, you would think he was just dancing. Most people would have fallen down the stairs and writhed around on the floor, but somehow he was able to make hysterically putting out the fire look good.
He didn't know his hair was on fire when he was going down the stairs.

I was dancing down this ramp and turning around, spinning, not knowing I was on fire. Suddenly I felt my hands reflexively going to my head in an attempt to smother the flames.