DISCLAIMER*Graphic footage* That Pepsi advert (Merged)

I'm not really saying that but i see where you coming from..my point is same with any tabloid story about a 'celeb'..if that story was never printed or never emerged or carried on, no one would care..you wouln'dt get people kicking down walls if tabloids stopped posting pics of celebs having a bad day or a continuing story of a celbs sex tape, or rumour..but when they are released, everyone voices there opinion and is entitled too..But human beings would get over it and not think about why these insignificant things aren't around anymore.

just like this thread and story, if it never existed noone would be seraching for it..fact that it exists is a shame but i don't feel anyone on this forum wouldn't have sleepness nights about not being able to comment on THIS one and only thread ...id never be selfish to say i want a thread removed purely for my own needs..im saying it for any others who would also like it to disappear..im sure there are some..but whatever, just my view tis all.
it's really sad :(

but i have to say only one man in the world could put out a fire with a spin!
Exclusive: Pepsi responds to Michael Jackson accident footage. 'Why would anyone want to share such frightening images?'

Jul 16, 2009, 02:35 PM | by Clark Collis
Categories: An EW Exclusive!, Michael Jackson, News

Pepsi has responded to yesterday's appearance on the internet of footage of Michael Jackson being burned while filming an ad for the soft drink in 1984. Contacted by EW about the material, which was posted by US Weekly, Pepsi spokeswoman Nicole Bradley sent the following statement.
"We don't know how the footage became available. Twenty-five years later, we’d question why anyone would want to share such frightening images. It was a terrifying event that we'll never forget.
We were grateful for Michael's recovery and for the chance to continue working with him on a number of successful projects.
As for Michael as an artist, his music helped us define a generation and, like everyone else, we’re deeply saddened by his passing."
Bradley also told EW that the company is not currently attempting to get the footage taken down and that Pepsi itself may well not own the rights to the material. "We don't know where it came from," she says. "We don't know what that footage is. It's 25 years ago. We don’t know who owns it, so we have no recourse as far as I know. I can only tell you what I know. We didn't put it up and we don't know where it came from."


I thought that sooner or later they will have to respond to this because it came out negative for them and they won't want to tarnish thier image!
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... yet now people realize what he really went through. The man was human after all, it's about time people have empathy towards him...although now it's a little too late.

Yes that is the ugly truth! :( Even thought this happened over 25 years ago it feels like as if it happened today!
I think what hurts the most, unfortunately is something a lot of us is guilty of, we never believe it until we see it or until we experience ourselves...and seeing that footage really takes a toll on your eyes ...and your soul. It was terrible and then he was trying to lift up others while he was in the hospital.

But you know, to some people they will still have their jokes and their criticisms, but I for one am humbled by this man.
A captain with the L.A. City Fire Department tells us the burns Michael Jackson suffered during the filming of the 1984 Pepsi commercial were caused by a director who wanted to get a more dramatic shot.

Captain Don Donester was at the filming, working as a fire safety inspector. Donester says after doing take after take, he overheard the director tell Jackson, "Stand there longer [under the sparks]. You'll look more majestic." According to Donester, by making Jackson stay under the sparks for a longer period of time, it would look as if the singer was emerging from the smoke and sparks.

We just spoke with the director, Bob Giraldi, who said "That's not true. Whatever." Then he hung up.

In Michael's autobiography, the singer backs up Donester's story, writing Giraldi "came up to me and said, 'Michael, you're going down too early. We want to see you up there, up on the stairs. When the lights come on, we want to reveal that you're there, so wait.'"

Donester says the director's decision went against the rules set by the senior fire safety inspector. Don also told us he was one of the people who helped put out the fire on Michael's head.
My God, I also am shocked by the footage...god bless him...Jesus it brings it al back. I can't imagine the pain he went through...I still remember that day too. I was 12 and in grade 4....we were all so worried. Bless his poor soul.

And to think that he took time to go around the burn unit while in the hospital and visit other patients...some with 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 60 percent of their bodies...my God. He wanted to share his pain and try to sooth others at the same time.

I think people now are begining to understand the man behind the persona.

Exactly....God I remember that day as well...I was 12 years old...I stayed by the TV just so I could be asured he was ok.....got my confirmation everytime I saw him wave....*sigh* didn't know his absence would HURT this much....:(
Its not THAT graphic - U dont see burnt skin or anything.
You can clearly see MJ's burnt, bloody scalp at the end of that clip. And he was clutching it with his gloved hand.:( That broke my heart. Poor Michael.
Re: That Pepsi advert

I love this picture. It's so sweet.:)
Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

July 19, 12:22 PM

For those who remember:
[FONT=&quot]When Walter Cronkite briefly removed his thick-rimmed eyeglasses that dreadful Friday afternoon in November, 1963, glanced up at the analog studio clock to confirm the time, then caught a tear in his throat before telling us that “President Kennedy died at 1 PM Central Standard Time,” we knew what happened. No graphics were involved, no videos, no canned music, no drum rolls—nothing but a dignified man with respect and reverence for history telling a story. And none of us who heard it have any doubt, 46 years later, of how shocking it was, how compelling a demarcation from anything else—so much so that it remains an indelible milepost for every single one of us in our personal lives and is generally thought of as the true genesis of “the Sixties.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Cronkite, who was thankfully granted a ripe old age, and whose death was as dignified and noncontroversial as was his life itself, did not think of providing information and transferring chronicles to his listeners but for the use of words and analysis. He was a reporter and an editor, not a celebrity or personality. Even when he had astral images of Apollo astronauts prancing about the moon to back up his narrative, he still relied on phrases, authentic, thoughtful, non-dramatic, based upon the need to inform, not to shock. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]‘The news’ had a soul when it was thought of as a book, not a script.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]It is doubtful that Cronkite, as managing editor of the CBS Evening News, would have ordered his reporters to dig up the tasteless, brazen, and voyeuristic video footage of Michael Jackson’s hair catching on fire during a 1984 music video studio taping—and then shaping the cable-fed atrocity to shameless speculation about whether or not this incident “led to Michael’s pain killer addiction.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]When, following the sensationalized and now criminally-investigated death of Michael Jackson, the loss of Farrah Fawcett, also painfully young, the national family now mourns for Walter Cronkite, several layers of perspective, irony, and spiritual edification emerge. We have too many people creating too much “news” too often (as in all the time) from too many cyber-sources. This has created a systemic shortage of true authority people and a hemorrhaging of “experts” who can’t write, lack communication skills, carry utter biases, mistake hearsay for data, confuse graphics with integrity, and, above everything else, have not the slightest respect or even affection for language. “The news” had a soul when it was thought of as a book, not a script.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The media is responsible, to a degree, for the loss of its spiritual, story-telling veracity, even as it has to keep pace with a gossip culture driven by a business and capitalized engine that finally broke down a year ago. Other major corporate structures have streamlined in the aftermath, looking to rebuild their relationships with the consumer based on truth and personal trust. Americans want a car they can believe in, no? They want sports heroes whose playing figures are not skewed by steroids and greed, no?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And yet: Even while so many hosts and celebs on the sundry cable and network news shows expressed their grief and admiration for Walter Cronkite this past week, calling him an icon and an inspiration, it doesn’t seem that anybody is going to rescind the impulse that led to the tawdry “head-on-fire” clip. Maybe that’s what we want, after all. “And that’s the way it is,” Uncle Walter. http://www.examiner.com/x-689-Spiritual-Life-Examiner~y2009m7d19-Michael-Jackson-head-on-fire-video-proves-medias-lack-of-propriety
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

When this footage surfaced, all I kept asking myself was, if this was'nt an image of Michael Jackson, theres no way in hell the news media would be airing a regular human being being on fire for all to see!

Its just painfull the way they continue to treat Michael like he was just thing to be disected!
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

Bumping this since it seems to get bumped down so quickly by other threads.
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Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

without a doubt, i don't think anyone needed a visual image to empathize with the pain michael felt that day and beyond. the image of him waving while going into the ambulance should have been enough.
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

This article is spot on....
Showing that video is disgusting, it serves no purpose other than to keep a story going to feed the 24-hour news cycle.
There is no legitimate media anymore.
I thought the media had sank to new lows during the presidential campaigns but the news about MJ's death and all the stories after is simply shameful
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

The media are gone. They've become desensitized. And the thing about that is you don't regain that innocence. Innocence lost can never be regained. We've entered a new era of media impropriety and sensationalism. Things will only get worse.
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

Micaro I agree it was done to keep feed the cycle. they could care less about anyone and anybody. Its all for rating. And who can beat the other station first at breaking news. pathetic. They are not gonna let michael rest. They did the same thing to anna nicole and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why when she wasn't all that famous figure. But anything for "news"

Great read!

I agree with you lisaB. Just as the world will get worse.
ITs unbelievable how ppl are killing others for NO GOOD reason (not that theres ever a good one) and they are doing it at alarming rates. I lost my job so let me shoot my kids and sister. PPL are out of control in this world. The ending is near peeps.
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

Much like Michael I think all of us here seriously miss walter so much.... more than he will ever know.
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Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

^ Thank you for this article. 100% true. :yes:

Obama made an official statement for him. 'Remembers' and 'hails' him as an Icon...
So, why didnt he do the same for Mr. MJ? :rolleyes:
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Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

Nice read. That's why I never bothered 2 look at that footage from 84, because it's just tasteless.
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

^ Thank you for this article. 100% true. :yes:

Obama made an official statement for him. 'Remembers' and 'hails' him as an Icon...
So, why didnt he do the same for Mr. MJ? :rolleyes:

Because Obama's a coward. That's why.

And before anybody starts some static I voted for Obama both in the primary & general election. I even donated to the campaign.

I tried to let his previous flake-outs slide thinking he had to be strategic to not lose the election. But it's no excuse anymore.

Without Michael Jackson, there would have BEEN no Barack Obama!
"I got all his stuff on my iPod," he says. Stuff.

Yeah Barack. I got your stuff. Down there. Down where? Down here.
Mandela gave his props. What about your weakling ass?

This cat won't make it to 2012 acting like this. You watch what I say.
John Lucas
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

Because Obama's a coward. That's why.

And before anybody starts some static I voted for Obama both in the primary & general election. I even donated to the campaign.

I tried to let his previous flake-outs slide thinking he had to be strategic to not lose the election. But it's no excuse anymore.

Without Michael Jackson, there would have BEEN no Barack Obama!
"I got all his stuff on my iPod," he says. Stuff.

Yeah Barack. I got your stuff. Down there. Down where? Down here.
Mandela gave his props. What about your weakling ass?

This cat won't make it to 2012 acting like this. You watch what I say.
John Lucas


Screw him anyways. Obama may be the president of the US, but Michael Jackson - he is the King of the World. :D
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety

Because Obama's a coward. That's why.

And before anybody starts some static I voted for Obama both in the primary & general election. I even donated to the campaign.

I tried to let his previous flake-outs slide thinking he had to be strategic to not lose the election. But it's no excuse anymore.

Without Michael Jackson, there would have BEEN no Barack Obama!
"I got all his stuff on my iPod," he says. Stuff.

Yeah Barack. I got your stuff. Down there. Down where? Down here.
Mandela gave his props. What about your weakling ass?

This cat won't make it to 2012 acting like this. You watch what I say.
John Lucas

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Re: Michael Jackson ‘head on fire’ video proves media’s lack of propriety


Screw him anyways. Obama may be the president of the US, but Michael Jackson - he is the King of the World. :D

:agree:that MICHAEL JACKSON IS KING OF THE WORLD and there is song call king of the world :yes: