DISCLAIMER*Graphic footage* That Pepsi advert (Merged)

This man has had to endure the most horrendous things in his very very short 50 years. I winced watching that....poor poor michael...what a brave man.
That is SO 'Michael'
"I remember enjoying the ride to the hospital because I never thought I'd ride in an ambulance with the sirens wailing. It was one of those things I had always wanted to do when I was growing up. "
I find this footage heartbreaking to watch. It's sick whoever has suddenly made it available after the man has died.

It seems that the lasting effects of these injuries has been grossly underestimated as Michael was still receiving treatment in 1993 for the injuries sustained in 1984, and possibly right up until his death.

I'm not at all convinced, however, that he became immediately addicted to painkillers. I think he took painkillers immediately afterwards, then in 1993 when he was being treated for more scalp repair work, which coupled with the allegations of that year led to a dependency. He then sought treatment for that dependency in London and was, I think, well again.

I'm not sure when in the last 15 years he began abusing painkillers, if he did. It sounds as though he had had various injuries during that time so perhaps he has used them at a low level.

We may never find out, all I know is I wish that damn Pepsi advert had never been shot - it was in the last take of a four day shoot Michael was injured! I'm upset today thinking of his pain.
^^^ And didn't he also have teeth problems during Dangerous tour?
poor baby, poor baby i was his head ooh my god that's why he is so much in pain all the time over the years is of this that's what startin him :yes:
I kinda think the guys over MJ estate released this video to help Michael imagine cuz that damn media help it so much,I'm fucking hate the media
Exactly! Also remember a poster on another Web site years ago now posting that a traumatic experience like this burn incident could trigger a flare up of the vitiligo & lupus Michael had b/c it did get progressively worse soon after this incident.

Soon as I got home and cut on the tv they announced they had some footage. When they first announced it I thought it was going to be footage from the front, similar to that grainy shot we've seen all these years...so when I saw the footage from the rear, I couldn't believe my eyes! Not only was it hard to watch but the first thing that came to mind was how worse this ordeal had been than we were all led to believe. I then wondered if Michael ever saw this footage for himself after the incident. It was traumatizing just watching this; I can only imagine what it must have been like for him to have actually experienced it. Omfg! :(

I think so, too. And I agree with others who said it drives the point home that this incident started MJ on prescription drugs. I remember back in the day it was said that before this accident Michael would rarely take an aspirin unless it was absolutely necessary... and he had actually tried NOT to take anything while he was in the hospital for the Pepsi accident. However, the pain was too much so he relented...which is understandable. I mean, LAWD, the whole back of his head was lit up!! :censored: A Tylenol wasn't going to make THAT feel better. I would've been popping pills like skittles myself. Just seeing the footage I have a headache.

Even tho it feels extremely intrusive seeing Michael's scalp like that it brings a whole new level of understanding for what he's gone thru and had to deal with in his life. The crap this man has had to go thru most people wouldn't have lasted as long. Gotta say my level of respect and compassion went up a few notches after seeing this footage, but it also made me very sad becuz it feels like a serious violation of privacy. And it's a bit depressing to know for as good a person as Michael was, he just couldn't escape hardships in life. :(
Poor Michael ,the expert said that it makes the worst pain you can imagin.Michael husts so much physicly and emotionally.Now he can be free of pain and rest in peace
I saw the footage and it was shocking and heartbreaking, poor Michael he didn’t know his hair on fire, I thought they shouldn’t have showed the video but again perhaps this to show that he didn’t have random addiction to drugs, he had serious sickness. he was strong to go through too much pain in his life.
Horrible footage but gotta give it up for Michael spinning the fire away. Pretty amazing.
Re: That Pepsi advert

WHY release this video now?? Those @ssholes, seriously. It was so painful to watch. Poor Michael, he was hurt so bad. :no:

US Weekly uses this footage like some kind of “big exclusive”;for me, it’s nothing.
I think they just grab some “evidence”, try to prove that Michael is a drug addict!
I just wonder WHY people just keep focusing on those bad on Michael?
Why wouldn’t we focus on the good things he did like after that accident, Michael went to see some burn patients in the hospital, trying to encourage them to recover from the burns with him.


And he even donated his $1.5 million settlement to the Brotman Medical Center in Culver City, California, and the burn ward at the hospital was named the "Michael Jackson Burn Center". He did this cause he wanted the burn victims to get the best treating from the latest technology.

He tried so hard to turn the bad to the good, tried to bring out the best part of the things. Unfortunately, people just can’t see it or I think they just don’t want to see it.

This reminded me what Rev. Al Sharpton said on the memorial, he said, “…As you climb up steep mountains, sometimes you scar your knee. Sometimes you break your skin. But don't focus on the scars. Focus on the journey.”
The scar on Michael is so tiny but some people just try every possible way to find it out like crazy and then examine that scar with a microscope.

It’s such a heartbreaking thing to know that Michael has to use the pankillers to ease his pain. But please don’t blame him for that. He tried his best to be strong. Thougn he’s been in great pain and sufftered that all alone, yet he acted like he’s totally fine with it to the outside world, to us. So why can’t we just show a little sympathy for him and admire more about his courage in dealing with his pain and some difficult situations?

This footage seems such a big deal, lots of were asked about the react on this accident, and here’s what Akon said "That guy was inhuman(yeah..he used this word) the kind of giving he was trying to do. He gave endless and endless and endless amounts of money currency, knowledge, time. He dedicated his whole life to charity. No one can measure a turning point in someone's life. Even after that incident it didn't stop the good things he was doing.”

Thanks eunice I never saw those images before and true Michael is a great humanitarian, he is one of a kind, the world will really miss him. :(
Haated they ended the footage with the line “After the Pepsi accident, Jackson became addicted to pankillers. such a misleading and irresponsible statement.
I wish that damn Pepsi advert had never been shot - it was in the last take of a four day shoot Michael was injured! I'm upset today thinking of his pain.
Don King got the Pepsi deal. Mike wanted the tour to be sponsored by Quaker Oats. But Pepsi offered more money, and Don is all about the money.
Exclusive: Pepsi responds to Michael Jackson accident footage. 'Why would anyone want to share such frightening images?'

Jul 16, 2009, 02:35 PM | by Clark Collis
Categories: An EW Exclusive!, Michael Jackson, News

Pepsi has responded to yesterday's appearance on the internet of footage of Michael Jackson being burned while filming an ad for the soft drink in 1984. Contacted by EW about the material, which was posted by US Weekly, Pepsi spokeswoman Nicole Bradley sent the following statement.
"We don't know how the footage became available. Twenty-five years later, we’d question why anyone would want to share such frightening images. It was a terrifying event that we'll never forget.
We were grateful for Michael's recovery and for the chance to continue working with him on a number of successful projects.
As for Michael as an artist, his music helped us define a generation and, like everyone else, we’re deeply saddened by his passing."
Bradley also told EW that the company is not currently attempting to get the footage taken down and that Pepsi itself may well not own the rights to the material. "We don't know where it came from," she says. "We don't know what that footage is. It's 25 years ago. We don’t know who owns it, so we have no recourse as far as I know. I can only tell you what I know. We didn't put it up and we don't know where it came from."

us weekly jumping to conclusions. saying that's how 'his pill addiction began.' anyone who jumps to conclusions like that, are on the wrong side of what happened to him. they're no better than the people who are the ultimate perpetrators against him. Seth Riggs was close to him. why wouldn't he jump to those kinds of conclusions? because they're not true.
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I think its time to close this thread..i hate the idea that some of these control freak mods delete threads of NEW MICHAEL MUSIC but keep oopen a thread that eveyone knows about and has been discussed to it's fullest..it should end on this page with the last great thing on it being the pictures by eunice of michael visiting a burn victim...that is the true message people should have after seeing this video and i don't like the way so many people have visited this thread when it ultimately should have never needed to exist...we are adding our logs to the fire by keeping it open and i am one who has shared his views on it like others..enough is enough now...lets close this one please..and put our words onto better threads.

anyone with authority please consider..thanks
I can't believe how he was still trying to be a performer while his HEAD WAS ON FIRE!!!

God he's amazing! If that happened to me, I'd just start freaking out and fall on the floor patting my head like a maniac!

And then for him to be waving at the fans while he's on the stretcher, just wow...he was a true showman, I love him.
All I Can Say Is I couldn't stop crying.I saw the footage the first time they showed it in or around 1986 and they showed the frontal view and they also stated that they will never show that version again,Now I guess People are money hungry and they found the footage from the back view.At first I thought it was a stunt person made up to look like MJ or they super imposed MJ's head on the body, then I saw MJ's face and the pain he was showing on his face after the fact. All in All, yes he did say that he was addicted to pain killers and that he was going to rehab but they are really making MJ out to be a addict for people to hate for years and years to come. At least he had an excuse,Elvis didn't and MJ lasted 25 years with pain taking them on and off,Elvis had no excuse at all except he needed them for other reasons other than killing the pain. The true King Is Michael Joseph Jackson because he was honest in admitting that he had an addiction. I just wish people would stop making MJ out to be an addict who craves for Medicines that are not suppose to be available to outpatients or that are used in the ER or Intensive care Unit. The Media and People who didn't get any money from MJ are making all of us to hate him.I will not listen or read anything negative until the toxicology reports come back. Then all Hell will break loose and The people responsible will be caught unless they try not to make themselves be caught.
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I think its time to close this thread..i hate the idea that some of these control freak mods delete threads of NEW MICHAEL MUSIC but keep oopen a thread that eveyone knows about and has been discussed to it's fullest..it should end on this page with the last great thing on it being the pictures by eunice of michael visiting a burn victim...that is the true message people should have after seeing this video and i don't like the way so many people have visited this thread when it ultimately should have never needed to exist...we are adding our logs to the fire by keeping it open and i am one who has shared his views on it like others..enough is enough now...lets close this one please..and put our words onto better threads.

anyone with authority please consider..thanks

If the thread is still going on, then apparently it has not been discussed to its fullest. When it has, it will fall to the bottom. Why should everyone else stop talking about it just because you don't want to anymore? I don't think it is fair that you get to decide for everyone else what people should or should not get out of this thread or when people are done discussing. We can decide that for ourselves.
On the show 'The View' Whoopi Goldberg discussed this too
While Whoopi Goldberg’s telling and warning the audience this footage is very hard to look at, but she’s rolling that footage at the same time…and you can hear some yell “oh my god…” acting like they felt sorry ….so fake and ridiculous

And I saw Barbara Walters (the most evil woman I’ve ever seen) being there with others
I just can’t believe what I heard from her…
she said, “You’ll see on his scalp that hair never grew back…and one of the report told he was almost bald and this is why he’s wearing wig because that large spot never grew back….” blur...blur...blur…..

I just stop there, can’t watch any longer…
what she said is TRASH and she is, too.
The report she referred is the previous report from “the Sun” about Michael’s autopsy result
We all know that report is fake

How could she use some false information like it is true…unbelievable…
What’s the problem with her???? She’s so incomprehensible
Watching her sitting there talk about those craps…I was shaking with fury.
Why would she hated Michael that much
It’s not enough for her to show how hate she felt about Michael on her own show
And suddenly this footage came out from nowhere, and she takes the chance to let out a spate of stuff and nonsense

I know Michael's hair might not be able to grew back on 2nd and 3rd degree burns
But no one know exactly what happened to his scalp and hair afterwards
Maybe he’s been though some rehabilitation operations to let him have natural hair again, we don’t know about it
Maybe the scalp just recover to the size of a coin and the rest part just grow a few hair
just from the video, the photos we saw, Michael hasn’t been wearing wig since that accident
The wig thing happened until quite recently

What so horrible is not this footage, we saw how brave Michael is, it’s the one who released this footage to the media deliberately and people who keep spread this worldwide, making comments, sharing their expert-like points on their show and even try to connect this to the drug addict…

That’s the horrible thing. That’s evil.
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