Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

I can't say much to the latest dream of yours, but when I was watching the funeral and saw they had blue and purple flowers among the white ones on MJ's casket, I had to think of you and your dreams. Didn't you say you dreamed of something in those colors and weren't you guys analyzing those colors?

Yes, I thought of "her" too when I saw those beautiful flowers on MJ's casket at the burial.

I wondered if she was at all involved in picking them, then I started looking closely at the crowd trying to see if I could see any woman that resembled the woman in my dreams.

In a couple of my dreams "she" is wearing a color I described as either Blue or Purple, then someone posted-Turquiose.

That color choice for his flower arrangement definately linked back to my dreams and "Her".

Its funny how we thought of the same thing when we saw it on tv, isn't it? Wow.
Yes, I thought of "her" too when I saw those beautiful flowers on MJ's casket at the burial.

I wondered if she was at all involved in picking them, then I started looking closely at the crowd trying to see if I could see any woman that resembled the woman in my dreams.

In a couple of my dreams "she" is wearing a color I described as either Blue or Purple, then someone posted-Turquiose.

That color choice for his flower arrangement definately linked back to my dreams and "Her".

Its funny how we thought of the same thing when we saw it on tv, isn't it? Wow.

Wow... I didnt notice the blue and purple flowers on his casket at all. Hmm maybe he did have the lady in your dream.. This could be true.
Glad you guys finally saw the dream! I couldn't wait to get here and post it!

Congrats to Ape! You go girlie, Ms. Actress, knock 'em dead.

This is going to be a lil hard to read but after waking up from this dream, i felt in my heart I knew why I dreamed this particular dream. I think Michael's soul is RESTLESS and he wants the truth to come out about his murder. I also believe this dream shows us he was murdered by evil PEOPLE in his house and during the process of the murder he wasn't completely gone; in other words he could have been still hanging on and was able to hear alot of the mayheim around him. He is telling us, there was a COVER-UP going on BEFORE he died and their were MULTIPLE people in his own residence who were in on it.

The Black woman in this dream with the sly look one minute and the smile the next, represents the black woman in Michael's home of whom he put his trust in. Michael is telling us in this dream, in the end she betrayed him and hurt his lady love in someway. Michael is revealing to us, this woman has two faces, the one she presents to you when you are looking at her and the real one that embodies her when she feels, no one can see.
Michael from his grave is telling us, she is involved and somehow connected to what has happened to him.*****We don't have to say her name*********.

I believe the shirtless man who appeared to have been in an altercation represents Dr. Murray. Remember he had a look of "shock" on his face and had to sit down after he looked as though he had been in a fight prior? I think, Michael is showing us, how Murray actually reacted to the realization that Michael Jackson had just died and he would take the rap for it. Him being shirtless, could represent being and feeling "bare" and "open", in other words vunerable. Which indicates to me, Murray wasn't the mastermind and may not have had prior knowledge Michael was to die on that day, but the dream shows the others did. Why elese would they celebrate. The shirtless man did not. But they did. He did their deed but he was not without evilness and vile temptation himself.
Michael is telling us, he is watching from above and he sees everything, then and now.

The black woman really wanted to hurt "her", by keeping her surrounded by the evilness in that house. It didnt seem to matter to the black woman that "she" was uncomfortable at all.
Michael revealed to us through the interaction between the two women that they are very OPPOSITE, and something elese Michael is revealing to us about these woman: The black woman, knew about his love for this other woman.

Is the black woman's involvement of MJ's murder due to being a woman SCORNED?

Michael is telling us something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could this "black woman" be grace??? remember there were rumors goin round that they were togther!
Oh okay thanx for explaing that. sorry i didnt know that her name shouldnt have been mentioned :blush:
Could this "black woman" be grace??? remember there were rumors goin round that they were togther!

You can be sure that if it were true the world would already know the centuries. Michael was unable to find the woman he needed to be at his side. And if this woman really existed in his life, many things have been different in the life of Michael. You can be sure of that. Why true love accompanied by a lot of trust between two people (that was what Michael always needed, always sought and never found) in a relationship, everything turns on the lives of two people who really love each other, and shall overcome any obstacle or something bad that may arise in the path. And in this case, it has not happened to me and this woman never existed. ;D

You can be sure that if it were true the world would already know the centuries. Michael was unable to find the woman he needed to be at his side. And if this woman really existed in his life, many things have been different in the life of Michael. You can be sure of that. Why true love accompanied by a lot of trust between two people (that was what Michael always needed, always sought and never found) in a relationship, everything turns on the lives of two people who really love each other, and shall overcome any obstacle or something bad that may arise in the path. And in this case, it has not happened to me and this woman never existed. ;D

I dont know i keep hearing from other ppl that she may have existed, but i think that they may have broken off. I think it would have took alot to be mike's girl, u had to get used to the fact that the press would be constantly hanging round, rumors at every door and fans trying to get every chance they could be near mike..that woman have to be a strong willed woman to handle all that.
I dont know i keep hearing from other ppl that she may have existed, but i think that they may have broken off. I think it would have took alot to be mike's girl, u had to get used to the fact that the press would be constantly hanging round, rumors at every door and fans trying to get every chance they could be near mike..that woman have to be a strong willed woman to handle all that.

Well, I still insist that it never existed. lol! :yes: You know how it works... People are never quiet. At some point the person appears, it turns out, speaks to the world and takes the opportunity to take a few minutes of fame. It is very rare "someone to be silent" in that situation. If she really existed, it certainly would show the world, people always do that. It is rare for someone who can maintain privacy and not tell anyone. It takes a big vote of 100% confidence. So for me, Michael has been able to rely 100% on a person. I always felt it unsafe for the people around you. There are people who wear masks, deceive and are false. The world of a celebrity is not easy and is totally different from the life of a normal person. I believe this was a great lesson that Michael learned as a child: never trust people. :cheeky:
Well, I still insist that it never existed. lol! :yes: You know how it works... People are never quiet. At some point the person appears, it turns out, speaks to the world and takes the opportunity to take a few minutes of fame. It is very rare "someone to be silent" in that situation. If she really existed, it certainly would show the world, people always do that. It is rare for someone who can maintain privacy and not tell anyone. It takes a big vote of 100% confidence. So for me, Michael has been able to rely 100% on a person. I always felt it unsafe for the people around you. There are people who wear masks, deceive and are false. The world of a celebrity is not easy and is totally different from the life of a normal person. I believe this was a great lesson that Michael learned as a child: never trust people. :cheeky:

I feel ever so sorry for michael that he could never trust anybody. Fame does that to a person. Ordinary person meet famous person ,ordinary person get so uttterly attched to the fame that they change without realising it. Then ordinary person cant go back to the way they used 2 be- so they go on with the insanity & cruelty that fame brings. Then famous person begins to lose faith and get scared to trust ever again.
I truly belive that what may have happened 2 mike & anyone who met and were around him.
Oh ok!! yeah i've heard eventhough faces aren't recgonizable that it still represents someone or something in your life.. And as for the black women. I think i know who you are talking about but i wont reveal the name... Maybe since you keep seeing the same girl( Her) maybe thats really her?? Maybe MJ was giving you clues in your dream. ? This is the dumbest thing im gonna say, but maybe he knows you go to this thread?? LOL i know what a fantasy ..

I don't think what you said was dumb at all!! I actually believe without a shadow of a doubt, Michael use to visit the Sony chat. And no one can convince me otherwise. I even made a thread about it somewhere on this board months ago.

Remember during the time when Michael visited a store called OFF THE WALL at the same time AllForMJ was telling us her "Off The Wall" story and we joked about him coming in this thread and knowing what we were talking about?

Remember around that same time. I was talking about "Wings" and he began to go out in public either wearing objects with Wings on them or we saw him photographed standing near objects with Wings?

I dont believe those things were a coincidence, I believe its possible, he was being playful with us, cause we onto something.

The perfect way for Michael Jackson to interact without being mobbed by fans would be to go online on an MJ forum where he knew he would be among people who loved him even though we wouldnt know he was among us.

Besides that, didnt it come out in the court papers that he had a username and someone posted it and alot of fans said they remembered seeing that username on forums?
I don't think what you said was dumb at all!! I actually believe without a shadow of a doubt, Michael use to visit the Sony chat. And no one can convince me otherwise. I even made a thread about it somewhere on this board months ago.

Remember during the time when Michael visited a store called OFF THE WALL at the same time AllForMJ was telling us her "Off The Wall" story and we joked about him coming in this thread and knowing what we were talking about?

Remember around that same time. I was talking about "Wings" and he began to go out in public either wearing objects with Wings on them or we saw him photographed standing near objects with Wings?

I dont believe those things were a coincidence, I believe its possible, he was being playful with us, cause we onto something.

The perfect way for Michael Jackson to interact without being mobbed by fans would be to go online on an MJ forum where he knew he would be among people who loved him even though we wouldnt know he was among us.

Besides that, didnt it come out in the court papers that he had a username and someone posted it and alot of fans said they remembered seeing that username on forums?

You know what?? You are sooo right. HIm going to the Off the Wall store and wearing wings is a possiblity!! I think he may have visited for sure.If so that' such an honor! :wub: Hmm maybe thats why you have been having these dreams then. Maybe he wants you to know..?I think he was being playful with us :)
I feel ever so sorry for michael that he could never trust anybody. Fame does that to a person. Ordinary person meet famous person ,ordinary person get so uttterly attched to the fame that they change without realising it. Then ordinary person cant go back to the way they used 2 be- so they go on with the insanity & cruelty that fame brings. Then famous person begins to lose faith and get scared to trust ever again.
I truly belive that what may have happened 2 mike & anyone who met and were around him.

That's right! :clapping: Now we had the same idea and I'm happy for that. Unfortunately this is the stark reality of the life of a celebrity, really is very difficult to trust 100% in one person. I think any person could not, would be very difficult but not impossible. :)

Hey, MJbabe21 and Moddie777... Michael visiting forums about it secretly and in disguise? :scratch: Course! lol! :wild: I always believed that. :yes: Michael has always loved this thing as a cover for being in places where he could be like "Michael Jackson". And then comes the cover: Michael anonymous and disguised. I imagine he did this many times. lol! But I also believe that this is one way to know what the fans think and discuss and be clear in a medium where you know people love you truly and unconditionally. But I also think that it would also be a way to prevent the harassment of people and feel like a "normal" among many ordinary people and especially being treated like a normal person and not as a celebrity. I think a lot artists hate this kind of thing that sometimes scares and so want to be treated with a natural (well, not very easy for some people this naturalness. Lol!). I imagine that Michael always felt this need to be treated like a normal person and especially to have the life of a "normal", for example, quietly go to the supermarket, there is a bookstore or any public place, which is impossible for Michael and in that case, the Internet has giving him the opportunity to be on forums about it. :yes:
That's right! :clapping: Now we had the same idea and I'm happy for that. Unfortunately this is the stark reality of the life of a celebrity, really is very difficult to trust 100% in one person. I think any person could not, would be very difficult but not impossible. :)

Hey, MJbabe21 and Moddie777... Michael visiting forums about it secretly and in disguise? :scratch: Course! lol! :wild: I always believed that. :yes: Michael has always loved this thing as a cover for being in places where he could be like "Michael Jackson". And then comes the cover: Michael anonymous and disguised. I imagine he did this many times. lol! But I also believe that this is one way to know what the fans think and discuss and be clear in a medium where you know people love you truly and unconditionally. But I also think that it would also be a way to prevent the harassment of people and feel like a "normal" among many ordinary people and especially being treated like a normal person and not as a celebrity. I think a lot artists hate this kind of thing that sometimes scares and so want to be treated with a natural (well, not very easy for some people this naturalness. Lol!). I imagine that Michael always felt this need to be treated like a normal person and especially to have the life of a "normal", for example, quietly go to the supermarket, there is a bookstore or any public place, which is impossible for Michael and in that case, the Internet has giving him the opportunity to be on forums about it. :yes:

Yup... So true. i think MJ did visit some of his fan forums going under disguse to see how it is. I think he wanted to remain annyomus because if he didnt there would be a lot of PM's from fans. I think he wanted to experience being normal( i mean non-famous when on the forums) So he was in disguise. Maybe he even chatted a little acting like a fan? i wonder if he adored what some of his fans said about him??
Yup... So true. i think MJ did visit some of his fan forums going under disguse to see how it is. I think he wanted to remain annyomus because if he didnt there would be a lot of PM's from fans. I think he wanted to experience being normal( i mean non-famous when on the forums) So he was in disguise. Maybe he even chatted a little acting like a fan? i wonder if he adored what some of his fans said about him??

shoot i wonder if he saw the MANHOOD thread or the GOLD PANTS thread? i would have loved to seen his reaction!!!!!!!! LOL!

i hope he knew how much we loved him. how loyal we were to him. how much we will always love him.

as for finding love in the dark....i really do doubt it. but i really hope i am wrong.
shoot i wonder if he saw the MANHOOD thread or the GOLD PANTS thread? i would have loved to seen his reaction!!!!!!!! LOL!

i hope he knew how much we loved him. how loyal we were to him. how much we will always love him.


Oh i know, i wonder too on how he reacted to the gold pants thread if he ever visted here?? I wonder of he got emaberessed? freaked out or just giggled?

Yeah I really hope he knew how much his fans loved him and how we appricated him!!! :)
Maybe he even chatted a little acting like a fan? i wonder if he adored what some of his fans said about him??
I believe so, but always in disguise for another person. Michael always liked disguises and always has been a very mysterious man. Well, I think he was always fascinated by mystery. He must have talked to many people, but as another person and he must have loved and it was certainly a great experience for him to feel that way: a normal people in the middle of normal people. It was also a way for Michael to know that the fans were saying about him and his work, so it was a way to know how it went the thoughts of fans on it. Hmmmm looks at the wit and intelligence of Michael... infiltrating secretly among the people! lol! Michael among us... ever stopped to think about it? :scratch::wild:

shoot i wonder if he saw the MANHOOD thread or the GOLD PANTS thread? i would have loved to seen his reaction!!!!!!!! LOL!
Awwwwwwwww! You can be sure that he saw! lol! And I'm sure was very shy and red like a strawberry. Michael was always very shy and I think that has never changed that has always been his charm. I can not imagine his face when he read these things. lol! :wild:

*Michael reading and thinking, "Oh God, these girls... make me ashamed saying these things!" lol! :wild:
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That's right! :clapping: Now we had the same idea and I'm happy for that. Unfortunately this is the stark reality of the life of a celebrity, really is very difficult to trust 100% in one person. I think any person could not, would be very difficult but not impossible. :)

Hey, MJbabe21 and Moddie777... Michael visiting forums about it secretly and in disguise? :scratch: Course! lol! :wild: I always believed that. :yes: Michael has always loved this thing as a cover for being in places where he could be like "Michael Jackson". And then comes the cover: Michael anonymous and disguised. I imagine he did this many times. lol! But I also believe that this is one way to know what the fans think and discuss and be clear in a medium where you know people love you truly and unconditionally. But I also think that it would also be a way to prevent the harassment of people and feel like a "normal" among many ordinary people and especially being treated like a normal person and not as a celebrity. I think a lot artists hate this kind of thing that sometimes scares and so want to be treated with a natural (well, not very easy for some people this naturalness. Lol!). I imagine that Michael always felt this need to be treated like a normal person and especially to have the life of a "normal", for example, quietly go to the supermarket, there is a bookstore or any public place, which is impossible for Michael and in that case, the Internet has giving him the opportunity to be on forums about it. :yes:

Michael said himself in the interview with brett ratner that the biggest lesson he learned was "never to trust anybody" and sadly i dont think he ever did.

Yes im sure i remember hearing from some fans that karen faye told them that he read the forums from time to time!
Michael said himself in the interview with brett ratner that the biggest lesson he learned was "never to trust anybody" and sadly i dont think he ever did.

Yes im sure i remember hearing from some fans that karen faye told them that he read the forums from time to time!
I always knew it... My heart has always said that to me... :yes::wub:

hahah I could imagine that!

I also wonder... that pretty face all red with embarrassment. lol! Wow, that was always so sexy! :wild:
:p ......................

:p to u too ! :p

I always knew it... My heart has always said that to me... :yes::wub:

Always listen 2 ur heart..it never wrong!

I also wonder... that pretty face all red with embarrassment. lol! Wow, that was always so sexy! :wild:

Yes it was sexy!! :wild: