Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Hey guys! Long time no see…How are you all doing? I don’t really know how I’m doing. Feels like I’ve sort of reached a breaking point of some sort. Sort of like ”Just leave me alone, I just wanna get away from everything and everyone and go sit by a lake alone and listen to the waves.” I’ve decided that I wanna move back to my home town. Go back to a more simple life..be closer to nature and family. Like all the lyrics in the song Destiny feel like they are straight from my soul…exactly how I feel. ”Give me the simple life, I’m getting away from here”….Like, at this point I don’t even care how much money I’d make from a job. As long as it’s enough to get by, I’m fine. I just wanna be near nature, read books, buy myself a piano and start playing again for my own entertainment, paint on my free time when I feel like it…Right now that feels like the best idea and the right thing to do. I’ve always trusted my gut and my intuition and right now that feels like what I’m supposd to do. Sort of leave the old life behind and start anew. And it feels exciting and sad at the same time. Exciting because I can’t wait to just get away from everything but also sad because it feels like a ”death” of some sort…like needing to go through a grieving process for the old life to leave it behind to be able to start anew. A ”cleansing” of sorts. But I guess that’s life. Like Ronan Keating sang ”Life is a rollercoaster you just gotta ride it”…

Anyways, to get to the topic of this thread….I just went back and read the thread again and it was a rollercoaster of emotions….I was in tears the whole time while reading and just felt gutted and I wished I had been on here more and participated more back in the day. It’s so sad because of the whole love story aspect of it and knowing MJ is gone, but also there was so much love there which felt so comforting and we had such a good time and so much fun on this thread too back then , so it gave me a few happy laughs too at times.

Have you guys read Riley Keough’s book ”From Here to the Great Unknown” that she wrote about her mom Lisa Marie based on some tapes Lisa Marie had left behind, while trying to write her autobiography herself? I think after reading that book we sort of got our answer to this thread. I really do believe that Michael and Lisa were the loves of each others’ lives. And I think both of them never were the same again after their divorce. And I also really do think that had they stayed together, both of them would still be here.

I think Lisa was pretty much everything Michael had dreamed of and wanted in a woman. She was skinny and stunningly beautiful and flawless and had the resources too to literally look like a million dollars all of the time. She was Elvis’ daughter, so she was rich and famous so he didn’t have to worry about being taken an advantage of. By having spent time around Elvis, she knew all about the dynamics of that kind of status and life and the people around and the fans that come with it and she too had grown up in a fishbowl so she was able to understand him better than anyone else on so many levels. She was into charity and helping like he was. I really do think they were perfect for each other. Lisa had never looked happier, healthier and more beautiful than when she was with Michael and vice versa. But I think their downfall was that Michael was used to getting his way and not used to hear anyone telling him no. And Lisa had a huge problem with authority and didn’t like anyone telling HER no or what to do, and seemed to despise if things didn’t go her way, so they were too similar and both too stubborn and butted heads because of it. And mistakes were made on both sides, maybe out of spite or out of being clueless or selfish. It seemed from the book that Lisa might have had commitment issues and maybe a bit of a ”wandering eye” and while it was Michael who pursued her, even though he knew she was married, her leaving her husband for Michael might have still caused some kind of trust issues for him. That’s the problem with getting it on with someone who is already in a relationship but ready and willing to cheat. How do you know you won’t be next? You know they obviously aren’t faithful and loyal, so that’s kind of a poor start for a marriage and you always will have that knowledge at the back of your mind. And vice versa…she knew he doesn’t care if someone’s taken, he’ll still pursue them. So that might have planted the seed of insecurity in her mind too. So when she took off with her ex-husband and their kids to go on a vacation without him…I can imagine how that could’ve messed with his mind. And vice versa, when he tried to pressure her into having kids and told her Debbie will have the kids for him if she won’t….that must’ve left her feeling worthless and like she’s completely disposable and like her feelings don’t matter to him at all. And also her divorcing him while he was in the hospital, and only based on innuendos from other people whispering in her ear that he’s going to divorce her, when that wasn’t true at all…That shows exactly what we had been talking about on this thread: How dangerous it can get when there are people around who want to get rid of the love of MJ’s life by whispering into their ears and making stuff up to cause them to break up. But also him not letting her in his heart anymore after the divorce, even though he was still seeing her and clearly dating her still. And then HIM being married to Debbie, but still frolicking around the world with Lisa and holding hands with her and kissing her on the mouth…..I guess they just were so truly and deeply in love with each other, that nothing else mattered to them and they just still wanted to be together and didn’t care about being married to other people. I guess it happens. Not saying it’s right or fair towards their spouses, but I guess they were just blinded by love. By true love. I really do think that Michael felt Lisa was the only one he could have ever imagined having a real family with. I really do think he really wanted to have a family, as in having a wife and kids..and when it didn’t work out with Lisa, he settled for just the kids. And I also really do think that Lisa never got over Michael and kept chasing him and still hoping they could be together until the day he died. She said herself in the book how he chased men to be with them and I don’t think it was a coincidence that she wanted to move to Ireland (of ALL the places in the world!!), just when MJ was living there. And she then bought a house and moved to London when MJ was going to live there for a year and do shows there. I also really do think that her doing her all (IVF) to get pregnant and have another baby, was her attempt to get MJ back into her life. I really do think that she thought that since MJ wanted kids so bad and had wanted to have kids with her, if she just gets pregnant and has a child, he will take her back. I really do believe that was her plan. She would have left her then husband in a heartbeat if MJ would’ve taken her back. But he died before that could happen. Which is a tragedy. And I don’t think she ever really recovered from that. Her addiction problems started after that. And now that she is gone too, it’s like that love story has come to an end. To a sad, tragic end. Or to a tragic, but beautiful end, if they are now together in heaven.

I think through that book by Riley and Lisa Marie, we all here on this thread also got our answers to our questions. And we were all sort of right one way or the other about Michael. Michael wasn’t the womanizer some thought he was. Yet, at the same time, he also wasn’t that shy either. He found the girl he liked and had been looking for and went for it and pursued her despite any and all obstacles, like her being married. And once he found ”THE ONE”, he was done waiting too and his principles went out the window. So as I said, we all were correct in some ways. So based on that, I think it’s fair to say that should he had ”found love in the dark”, he would’ve just gone for it and pursued her and made her his girl, no waiting or ”sending signs and obscure messages” needed, she would’ve known right away and they would’ve been together. Period. Like he said in that interview in 1999: ”It just has to hit me. I have to see her and go ’This is it. This is the one.’”. Safe to say that after Lisa he never found anyone else he thought was ”the one”, or he would’ve been with her. He obviously wasn’t shy about making the first move and asking a girl out if he liked her. It’s possible that he and the French fan, Joanna Thomae, really did have some type of a thing going on. I mean, he did seem to have a crush on her and did make the first move with her too during the Invincible signing in 2001 and he asked for her phone number and kissed and hugged her and seemed very infatuated with her. And she was with him on the bus in London in 2002 and everywhere he went and really close by. And she got to go to Neverland and was sitting on his lap in a limousine while he was kissing her and all that. But I guess other things like her getting it on with Frank behind his back and also the trial came between them. Also people told her to go on TV to defend Michael so it could’ve been people whispering into her ear and MJ’s ear too to get rid of her, just like they did with Lisa? On the other hand, I think MJ would’ve said or made his people make a statement to say she’s not with him if he had had someone else. I mean, it’s not like she was a total random saying things, she had actually been seen with him, close to him, in London, in Berlin, at Neverland. So that too is why I think (and espescially now after reading how he pursued Lisa) that they probably did have some sort of a romance going on. Do I think she was the love of his life like Lisa…no. But it’s possible he thought she’s cute and sweet (which she was, I met her in 1999) and had a crush on her and maybe was trying to see where it could go.

Anyways, long story short. Did Michael find love in the dark? Yes. It was Lisa and not some ”mystery woman” that he was pining after and no, he wasn’t scared to make a move. (Anyone ever read the book ”He’s Just Not That Into You”? If MJ was into a girl, he made the first move and pursued her. If he was not, he didn’t make a move. Simple as that. 😂😂😂 What do we learn from it once again ladies? If a guy is NOT making a move and pursuing you, no…he is NOT shy….he’s just NOT that into you. 🙄😂😂)

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Hey guys! Long time no see…How are you all doing? I don’t really know how I’m doing. Feels like I’ve sort of reached a breaking point of some sort. Sort of like ”Just leave me alone, I just wanna get away from everything and everyone and go sit by a lake alone and listen to the waves.” I’ve decided that I wanna move back to my home town. Go back to a more simple life..be closer to nature and family. Like all the lyrics in the song Destiny feel like they are straight from my soul…exactly how I feel. ”Give me the simple life, I’m getting away from here”….Like, at this point I don’t even care how much money I’d make from a job. As long as it’s enough to get by, I’m fine. I just wanna be near nature, read books, buy myself a piano and start playing again for my own entertainment, paint on my free time when I feel like it…Right now that feels like the best idea and the right thing to do. I’ve always trusted my gut and my intuition and right now that feels like what I’m supposd to do. Sort of leave the old life behind and start anew. And it feels exciting and sad at the same time. Exciting because I can’t wait to just get away from everything but also sad because it feels like a ”death” of some sort…like needing to go through a grieving process for the old life to leave it behind to be able to start anew. A ”cleansing” of sorts. But I guess that’s life. Like Ronan Keating sang ”Life is a rollercoaster you just gotta ride it”…

Anyways, to get to the topic of this thread….I just went back and read the thread again and it was a rollercoaster of emotions….I was in tears the whole time while reading and just felt gutted and I wished I had been on here more and participated more back in the day. It’s so sad because of the whole love story aspect of it and knowing MJ is gone, but also there was so much love there which felt so comforting and we had such a good time and so much fun on this thread too back then , so it gave me a few happy laughs too at times.

Have you guys read Riley Keough’s book ”From Here to the Great Unknown” that she wrote about her mom Lisa Marie based on some tapes Lisa Marie had left behind, while trying to write her autobiography herself? I think after reading that book we sort of got our answer to this thread. I really do believe that Michael and Lisa were the loves of each others’ lives. And I think both of them never were the same again after their divorce. And I also really do think that had they stayed together, both of them would still be here.

I think Lisa was pretty much everything Michael had dreamed of and wanted in a woman. She was skinny and stunningly beautiful and flawless and had the resources too to literally look like a million dollars all of the time. She was Elvis’ daughter, so she was rich and famous so he didn’t have to worry about being taken an advantage of. By having spent time around Elvis, she knew all about the dynamics of that kind of status and life and the people around and the fans that come with it and she too had grown up in a fishbowl so she was able to understand him better than anyone else on so many levels. She was into charity and helping like he was. I really do think they were perfect for each other. Lisa had never looked happier, healthier and more beautiful than when he was with Michael and vice versa. But I think their downfall was that Michael was used to getting his way and not used to hear anyone telling him no. And Lisa had a huge problem with authority and didn’t like anyone telling HER no or what to do, and seemed to despise if things didn’t go her way, so they were too similar and both too stubborn and butted heads because of it. And mistakes were made on both sides, maybe out of spite or out of being clueless or selfish. It seemed from the book that Lisa might have had commitment issues and maybe a bit of a ”wandering eye” and while it was Michael who pursued her, even though he knew she was married, her leaving her husband for Michael might have still caused some kind of trust issues for him. That’s the problem with getting it on with someone who is already in a relationship but ready and willing to cheat. How do you know you won’t be next? You know they obviously aren’t faithful and loyal, so that’s kind of a poor start for a marriage and you always will have that knowledge at the back of your mind. And vice versa…she knew he doesn’t care if someone’s taken, he’ll still pursue them. So that might have planted the seed of insecurity in her mind too. So when she took off with her ex-husband and their kids to go on a vacation without him…I can imagine how that could’ve messed with his mind. And vice versa, when he tried to pressure her into having kids and told her Debbie will have the kids for him if she won’t….that must’ve left her feeling worthless and like she’s completely disposable and like her feelings don’t matter to him at all. And also her divorcing him while he was in the hospital, and only based on innuendos from other people whispering in her ear that he’s going to divorce her, when that wasn’t true at all…That shows exactly what we had been talking about on this thread: How dangerous it can get when there are people around who want to get rid of the love of MJ’s life by whispering into their ears and making stuff up to cause them to break up. But also him not letting her in his heart anymore after the divorce, even though he was still seeing her and clearly dating her still. And then HIM being married to Debbie, but still frolicking around the world with Lisa and holding hands with her and kissing her on the mouth…..I guess they just were so truly and deeply in love with each other, that nothing else mattered to them and they just still wanted to be together and didn’t care about being married to other people. I guess it happens. Not saying it’s right or fair towards their spouses, but I guess they were just blinded by love. By true love. I really do think that Michael felt Lisa was the only one he could have ever imagined having a real family with. I really do think he really wanted to have a family, as in having a wife and kids..and when it didn’t work out with Lisa, he settled for just the kids. And I also really do think that Lisa never got over Michael and kept chasing him and still hoping they could be together until the day he died. She said herself in the book how he chased men to be with them and I don’t think it was a coincidence that she wanted to move to Ireland (of ALL the places in the world!!), just when MJ was living there. And she then bought a house and moved to London when MJ was going to live there for a year and do shows there. I also really do think that her doing her all (IVF) to get pregnant and have another baby, was her attempt to get MJ back into her life. I really do think that she thought that since MJ wanted kids so bad and had wanted to have kids with her, if she just gets pregnant and has a child, he will take her back. I really do believe that was her plan. She would have left her then husband in a heartbeat if MJ would’ve taken her back. But he died before that could happen. Which is a tragedy. And I don’t think she ever really recovered from that. Her addiction problems started after that. And now that she is gone too, it’s like that love story has come to an end. To a sad, tragic end. Or to a tragic, but beautiful end, if they are now together in heaven.

I think through that book by Riley and Lisa Marie, we all here on this thread also got our answers to our questions. And we were all sort of right one way or the other about Michael. Michael wasn’t the womanizer some thought he was. Yet, at the same time, he also wasn’t that shy either. He found the girl he liked and had been looking for and went for it and pursued her despite any and all obstacles, like her being married. And once he found ”THE ONE”, he was done waiting too and his principles went out the window. So as I said, we all were correct in some ways. So based on that, I think it’s fair to say that should he had ”found love in the dark”, he would’ve just gone for it and pursued her and made her his girl, no waiting or ”sending signs and obscure messages” needed, she would’ve known right away and they would’ve been together. Period. Like he said in that interview in 1999: ”It just has to hit me. I have to see her and go ’This is it. This is the one.’”. Safe to say that after Lisa he never found anyone else he thought was ”the one”, or he would’ve been with her. He obviously wasn’t shy about making the first move and asking a girl out if he liked her. It’s possible that he and the French fan, Joanna Thomae, really did have some type of a thing going on. I mean, he did seem to have a crush on her and did make the first move with her too during the Invincible signing in 2001 and he asked for her phone number and kissed and hugged her and seemed very infatuated with her. And she was with him on the bus in London in 2002 and everywhere he went and really close by. And she got to go to Neverland and was sitting on her lap in a limousine while he was kissing her and all that. But I guess other things like her getting it on with Frank behind his back and also the trial came between them. Also people told her to go on TV to defend Michael so it could’ve been people whispering into her ear and MJ’s ear too to get rid of her, just like they did with Lisa? On the other hand, I think MJ would’ve said or made his people make a statement to say she’s not with him if he had had someone else. I mean, it’s not like she was a total random saying things, she had actually been seen with him, close to him, in London, in Berlin, at Neverland. So that too is why I think (and espescially now after reading how he pursued Lisa) that they probably did have some sort of a romance going on. Do I think she was the love of his life like Lisa…no. But it’s possible he thought she’s cute and sweet (which she was, I met her in 1999) and had a crush on her and maybe was trying to see where it could go.

Anyways, long story short. Did Michael find love in the dark? Yes. It was Lisa and not some ”mystery woman” that he was pining after and no, he wasn’t scared to make a move. (Anyone ever read the book ”He’s Just Not That Into You”? If MJ was into a girl, he made the first move and pursued her. If he was not, he didn’t make a move. Simple as that. 😂😂😂 What do we learn from it once again ladies? If a guy is NOT making a move and pursuing you, no…he is NOT shy….he’s just NOT that into you. 🙄😂😂)

💗Summer. a very warm welcome back to you,
Alot of change around here.
Let’s see if this works…..FREE POPCORN everyone!!!!! 😬😂😂 I’ve got butter, chocolate, caramel, sour cream…..😌😬😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Let’s see if this works…..FREE POPCORN everyone!!!!! 😬😂😂 I’ve got butter, chocolate, caramel, sour cream…..😌😬😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yummy ! lets wait and see if they do pop in :LOL:🥰 ...regarding LMP book ..i don't have it yet ,[ not that ready ] yet we do have an up to the min , discussion for it , if you wanna come join us there summer , its nice over all, people are posting all kinds of thoughts. Its great to see you return !
@summer welcome back and great analysis.
From everything I have heard Lisa say, its clear that she never got over Michael (how could anyone!). They were perfect for each other, and for the same reasons just wrong for each other! She said in one of the interviews that at the time of divorce there were too many people telling them what to do, and that they tried to get back together many times later. I do wish they could find a way to make it work, might have turned out very different for both of then. For those who believe, now they are together for eternity away from this world.