Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Hey, ashtanga, time for you to put on your private detective thinking cap and help me solve another little mystery. O.k. Sherlock?:cheeky:
This may seem a little off topic, but at the same time, maybe it isn't. I know that someone brought this up a while ago, but it's something that has remained unanswered and I've been curious about. Well, what has got me curious is a certain line in the chorus of the song "Threatened." The line is the one that is bolded below:

You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened
Every time your lady speaks she speaks to me, threatened
Half of me you’ll never be, so you should feel threatened by me

So, whaddya think about that? What exactly is he inferring here? Is he saying that he is interested in some other guy's lady or perhaps this other guy's lady is interested in him and he's taunting the other guy with this info or what? I know that it's a strange and unique song, but I know you have a pretty sharp mind. Lemme know what you think.
Hey, ashtanga, time for you to put on your private detective thinking cap and help me solve another little mystery. O.k. Sherlock?:cheeky:
This may seem a little off topic, but at the same time, maybe it isn't. I know that someone brought this up a while ago, but it's something that has remained unanswered and I've been curious about. Well, what has got me curious is a certain line in the chorus of the song "Threatened." The line is the one that is bolded below:

You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened
Every time your lady speaks she speaks to me, threatened
Half of me you’ll never be, so you should feel threatened by me

So, whaddya think about that? What exactly is he inferring here? Is he saying that he is interested in some other guy's lady or perhaps this other guy's lady is interested in him and he's taunting the other guy with this info or what? I know that it's a strange and unique song, but I know you have a pretty sharp mind. Lemme know what you think.
Thanks for the compliment! I love the Sherlock Holmes and I think I could be his assistant: Sherlock Girl. It would be a great partnership. lol!

On this piece of music in bold... Well, I'm not good at commenting and analyzing music that to me is something very personal, only the creator is able to answer our questions about his work. :yes: So I will leave this mystery for our friends here uncover the topic. I'm sure that will make a great analysis. And I'll be following the result.

Meanwhile, I'll try to uncover other great mysteries. lol! :smilerolleyes:
On this piece of music in bold... Well, I'm not good at commenting and analyzing music that to me is something very personal, only the creator is able to answer our questions about his work. :yes: So I will leave this mystery for our friends here uncover the topic. I'm sure that will make a great analysis. And I'll be following the result.

Awwww, chickening out on me, eh?;D

Well, I guess I'm left to answer my own question. What I think is, that that doesn't sound very "MJ-like" to me. He never seemed like the kind of guy who would taunt another guy. I wonder if there was someone in MJ's life who was taunting him(MJ) and that was what the song was trying to convey? Maybe MJ was not playing himself in the song, but the part of the someone who was bullying him(MJ). Question is, who was taunting/bullying MJ like that? Confusing, I know, but then again, it's a pretty unique and mysterious song, eh?
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The Morning after our Sweet, Sweet Angel Michael is finally laid to Rest.

I had another Dream Lastnight. I don't remember alot but you'll need to do one thing for me before you began reading. Picture a Dark( mood)"B" Rated horror flick. This is very, very Disturbing.

In the dream, I see a house. It's a run down, old house, almost unliveable. I can make out the color it looks to be white but the alot of the paint is chipped.
Inside I see "her", she is pleading with a black woman to take her out of there. She wants to leave and she is very uncomfortable with the people she sees. It's clear to me, she doesn't want to be around them or in that house. She is freaked out. The black woman gives her a Sly look, when "she" is looking away observing the people in the house, but as "she" looks back at the black woman who is standing to her left, the black woman's expression turns from the Sly look to a smile within a milisecond.

There are people in this run down house, they had been Celebrating Something. Jumping up and down and smiling and laughing loudly. Their clothes are not well kept, the colors were not black but not bright either. During their celebration, these vile people danced. There was a feeling that these people were No Good. These are not people you'd want to meet on a darken street corner if you became lost and needed help.
These people made her very uncomfortable. I got the sense, the other woman had brought "Her" there and did not wish to leave.

I could not see our Michael but his presense was real and very much in that run down house!!!!I felt him WATCHING very still and quietly as all of this took place. He was not watching from the ground level. I felt he was Elevated. His presense was very strong. And there was absolutely no fear coming from him but he was intensely watching EVERYTHING.
Seconds after the celebration, the vile people began a "Clean up". They used liquid cleaning agents from a plactic squirt bottle with a nozzle on it. There was the presense of BLOOD. I did not see it but I could feel it was part of whatever had taken place in that run down house. I could not get a good look at their faces. Most of them had their backs showing as they cleaned with Gloves on, they were scrubbing everywhere in the house, ALL OF THEM.
I knew something was purposely being hidden.

"She" began begging and pleading to the other woman wanting her to take "her" away from there. The black woman, said something to "her" about putting on her shoes first, then I saw the black woman slightly bend to her left to get a shoe on, She was in no hurry.
Then I saw a shirtless black man sit down on an old rusted chair. He looked as if someone had just kicked him in the stomach. He almost looked as if he was in shock. His hair was a little messy and I got the impression he had been in an altercation in the house with someone but I didnt see it. His lip appeared to be swollen from being hit in it.
The black woman came over to sit in a chair next to him, she bend down and almost in a whispered voice began talking to him. He never gave her eye contact. He looked at the floor.
The black woman asked him, was he going to be ok. He answered her but i could not make out what he said.

There was old food still in plates that looked as if it had been sitting on a table and the counter for days. The walls didnt look like walls, it appeared like the walls had all rusted away leaving just the wooden frames underneath (what used to be walls).

The next thing I can remember, the two woman are standing outside the house and they began to argue. "She" is very upset with this black woman. I can not make out any words from either woman but there was intense dialogue from them both.

Also in this dream, I saw 2 of my male relatives. One who is deceased but in the dream he was alive but sleeping on an old dirty couch with no legs. The other relative was in his under clothes; white fruit of the looms and shirtless, he too appeared to be trying to go sleep but couldnt with the activity in the house, he got up and I saw his legs and feet, I think he was trying to find quiet place to rest. Both of these two men from my own personal family are known to have lived very fast and violent lives. They had many woman, children born outside of their marriages and they use to beat their wives.

I can not even fathom my emotions right now. I've had little sleep. I stayed up watching the burial.
I sure hope so :D

Its a nice thought to think that he had someone like that in his life. Someone who loved him for who he was on the inside, and not for the $$$$ or anything else that was in his life that wasnt really meaningful.

I truly belive that was all he ever wanted, someone to love and someone to love back with no questions asked. isnt that what we all want in life?


:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
The Morning after our Sweet, Sweet Angel Michael is finally laid to Rest.

I had another Dream Lastnight. I don't remember alot but you'll need to do one thing for me before you began reading. Picture a Dark( mood)"B" Rated horror flick. This is very, very Disturbing.

In the dream, I see a house. It's a run down, old house, almost unliveable. I can make out the color it looks to be white but the alot of the paint is chipped.
Inside I see "her", she is pleading with a black woman to take her out of there. She wants to leave and she is very uncomfortable with the people she sees. It's clear to me, she doesn't want to be around them or in that house. She is freaked out. The black woman gives her a Sly look, when "she" is looking away observing the people in the house, but as "she" looks back at the black woman who is standing to her left, the black woman's expression turns from the Sly look to a smile within a milisecond.

There are people in this run down house, they had been Celebrating Something. Jumping up and down and smiling and laughing loudly. Their clothes are not well kept, the colors were not black but not bright either. During their celebration, these vile people danced. There was a feeling that these people were No Good. These are not people you'd want to meet on a darken street corner if you became lost and needed help.
These people made her very uncomfortable. I got the sense, the other woman had brought "Her" there and did not wish to leave.

I could not see our Michael but his presense was real and very much in that run down house!!!!I felt him WATCHING very still and quietly as all of this took place. He was not watching from the ground level. I felt he was Elevated. His presense was very strong. And there was absolutely no fear coming from him but he was intensely watching EVERYTHING.
Seconds after the celebration, the vile people began a "Clean up". They used liquid cleaning agents from a plactic squirt bottle with a nozzle on it. There was the presense of BLOOD. I did not see it but I could feel it was part of whatever had taken place in that run down house. I could not get a good look at their faces. Most of them had their backs showing as they cleaned with Gloves on, they were scrubbing everywhere in the house, ALL OF THEM.
I knew something was purposely being hidden.

"She" began begging and pleading to the other woman wanting her to take "her" away from there. The black woman, said something to "her" about putting on her shoes first, then I saw the black woman slightly bend to her left to get a shoe on, She was in no hurry.
Then I saw a shirtless black man sit down on an old rusted chair. He looked as if someone had just kicked him in the stomach. He almost looked as if he was in shock. His hair was a little messy and I got the impression he had been in an altercation in the house with someone but I didnt see it. His lip appeared to be swollen from being hit in it.
The black woman came over to sit in a chair next to him, she bend down and almost in a whispered voice began talking to him. He never gave her eye contact. He looked at the floor.
The black woman asked him, was he going to be ok. He answered her but i could not make out what he said.

There was old food still in plates that looked as if it had been sitting on a table and the counter for days. The walls didnt look like walls, it appeared like the walls had all rusted away leaving just the wooden frames underneath (what used to be walls).

The next thing I can remember, the two woman are standing outside the house and they began to argue. "She" is very upset with this black woman. I can not make out any words from either woman but there was intense dialogue from them both.

Also in this dream, I saw 2 of my male relatives. One who is deceased but in the dream he was alive but sleeping on an old dirty couch with no legs. The other relative was in his under clothes; white fruit of the looms and shirtless, he too appeared to be trying to go sleep but couldnt with the activity in the house, he got up and I saw his legs and feet, I think he was trying to find quiet place to rest. Both of these two men from my own personal family are known to have lived very fast and violent lives. They had many woman, children born outside of their marriages and they use to beat their wives.

I can not even fathom my emotions right now. I've had little sleep. I stayed up watching the burial.

This dream seems very dark.. Lets see if MP can interept this!!!Hopefully. There are so many thing i want to know about this dream.
Yes MJbabe21, it's very dark and surprisingly enough, I wasn't all scared when I woke up.

There was no anxiety, only greatfulness, our Michael is finally resting.

Hurry, MP, Lily, summer, 8701girl, AllForMJ, Ape!
Oh wow Moddie. I came here hoping to tell you all about how the first day of shooting went but I don't really want to take away from Moddie's dream here so I'll just say it was incredible and it was nice to find out that I really am a good actress :) . It felt amazing, but I now have a headache and a raw throat from the days work. Interestingly enough, when I started to read your dream, it really reminded me of the feel of the scene we just shot. The intensity of it was similar and it was quite dark in emotion.
Not the same happenings, but the way you described the setting, it was very similar. When you mentioned MJ's presence in it up high, it made me imagine him as director on a boom high up.

I'm sorry I can't really add much to the interpretation of your dream. It actually felt good to watch MJ's funeral last night (what they showed of it). Somehow peaceful. Maybe that sounds strange. It's not that I want him gone, I really don't want him dead, but it felt peaceful.

Anyways, I just got back from the films first day of shooting (which was such a rush. I LOVE acting so much. It's hard to go to places with such raw emotion, but healing.) and I wanted to let you all know since you here were one of the first ones I had told when I got the role.

Edit: This is the set of the bathroom that they made where we shot today.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/court...was=510594292#/video/video.php?v=280729775264 hope that works.
I have a vision so different about it. :yes: For me, being Michael Jackson or any other celebrity has always been and always will be difficult to find real people and reliable, but not impossible. This is the bad side, because you never know if people are with you for who you really are or the money and fame you have. There are false and that people wear masks to hide their real identity. They cheat and lie with great skill that is often hard to see that there is a lie, then that leaves the blind person and can not see the real identity of that person. It's like hypnosis, you believe blindly in person. :yes:

I'm sure it was something that Michael learned early in life: "never trust people." Well, you can trust, but always suspicious. Never rely 100% on a person and is always wide-eyed. The world is full of bad people and they do evil to each other, but I believe that humans are kind and special lost out there and these are rarities in the world. Who found this rarity, will be a very lucky person. :yes::)

I think that what mike did, trusted ppl in the beginning but then when things started to unfold.. that when all the trust left. He felt so hurt by constantly being hurt and backstabbed, but he still was looking for "that someone" to bring his faith back up and hoping it will never be put down again.
The Morning after our Sweet, Sweet Angel Michael is finally laid to Rest.

I had another Dream Lastnight. I don't remember alot but you'll need to do one thing for me before you began reading. Picture a Dark( mood)"B" Rated horror flick. This is very, very Disturbing.

In the dream, I see a house. It's a run down, old house, almost unliveable. I can make out the color it looks to be white but the alot of the paint is chipped.
Inside I see "her", she is pleading with a black woman to take her out of there. She wants to leave and she is very uncomfortable with the people she sees. It's clear to me, she doesn't want to be around them or in that house. She is freaked out. The black woman gives her a Sly look, when "she" is looking away observing the people in the house, but as "she" looks back at the black woman who is standing to her left, the black woman's expression turns from the Sly look to a smile within a milisecond.

There are people in this run down house, they had been Celebrating Something. Jumping up and down and smiling and laughing loudly. Their clothes are not well kept, the colors were not black but not bright either. During their celebration, these vile people danced. There was a feeling that these people were No Good. These are not people you'd want to meet on a darken street corner if you became lost and needed help.
These people made her very uncomfortable. I got the sense, the other woman had brought "Her" there and did not wish to leave.

I could not see our Michael but his presense was real and very much in that run down house!!!!I felt him WATCHING very still and quietly as all of this took place. He was not watching from the ground level. I felt he was Elevated. His presense was very strong. And there was absolutely no fear coming from him but he was intensely watching EVERYTHING.
Seconds after the celebration, the vile people began a "Clean up". They used liquid cleaning agents from a plactic squirt bottle with a nozzle on it. There was the presense of BLOOD. I did not see it but I could feel it was part of whatever had taken place in that run down house. I could not get a good look at their faces. Most of them had their backs showing as they cleaned with Gloves on, they were scrubbing everywhere in the house, ALL OF THEM.
I knew something was purposely being hidden.

"She" began begging and pleading to the other woman wanting her to take "her" away from there. The black woman, said something to "her" about putting on her shoes first, then I saw the black woman slightly bend to her left to get a shoe on, She was in no hurry.
Then I saw a shirtless black man sit down on an old rusted chair. He looked as if someone had just kicked him in the stomach. He almost looked as if he was in shock. His hair was a little messy and I got the impression he had been in an altercation in the house with someone but I didnt see it. His lip appeared to be swollen from being hit in it.
The black woman came over to sit in a chair next to him, she bend down and almost in a whispered voice began talking to him. He never gave her eye contact. He looked at the floor.
The black woman asked him, was he going to be ok. He answered her but i could not make out what he said.

There was old food still in plates that looked as if it had been sitting on a table and the counter for days. The walls didnt look like walls, it appeared like the walls had all rusted away leaving just the wooden frames underneath (what used to be walls).

The next thing I can remember, the two woman are standing outside the house and they began to argue. "She" is very upset with this black woman. I can not make out any words from either woman but there was intense dialogue from them both.

Also in this dream, I saw 2 of my male relatives. One who is deceased but in the dream he was alive but sleeping on an old dirty couch with no legs. The other relative was in his under clothes; white fruit of the looms and shirtless, he too appeared to be trying to go sleep but couldnt with the activity in the house, he got up and I saw his legs and feet, I think he was trying to find quiet place to rest. Both of these two men from my own personal family are known to have lived very fast and violent lives. They had many woman, children born outside of their marriages and they use to beat their wives.

I can not even fathom my emotions right now. I've had little sleep. I stayed up watching the burial.

Moodie, your dream seems scary and very dark. Im getting the feeling that the black woman and "her" were maybe fighting over mike..i dont know .. maybe
The Morning after our Sweet, Sweet Angel Michael is finally laid to Rest.

I had another Dream Lastnight. I don't remember alot but you'll need to do one thing for me before you began reading. Picture a Dark( mood)"B" Rated horror flick. This is very, very Disturbing.

In the dream, I see a house. It's a run down, old house, almost unliveable. I can make out the color it looks to be white but the alot of the paint is chipped.
Inside I see "her", she is pleading with a black woman to take her out of there. She wants to leave and she is very uncomfortable with the people she sees. It's clear to me, she doesn't want to be around them or in that house. She is freaked out. The black woman gives her a Sly look, when "she" is looking away observing the people in the house, but as "she" looks back at the black woman who is standing to her left, the black woman's expression turns from the Sly look to a smile within a milisecond.

There are people in this run down house, they had been Celebrating Something. Jumping up and down and smiling and laughing loudly. Their clothes are not well kept, the colors were not black but not bright either. During their celebration, these vile people danced. There was a feeling that these people were No Good. These are not people you'd want to meet on a darken street corner if you became lost and needed help.
These people made her very uncomfortable. I got the sense, the other woman had brought "Her" there and did not wish to leave.

I could not see our Michael but his presense was real and very much in that run down house!!!!I felt him WATCHING very still and quietly as all of this took place. He was not watching from the ground level. I felt he was Elevated. His presense was very strong. And there was absolutely no fear coming from him but he was intensely watching EVERYTHING.
Seconds after the celebration, the vile people began a "Clean up". They used liquid cleaning agents from a plactic squirt bottle with a nozzle on it. There was the presense of BLOOD. I did not see it but I could feel it was part of whatever had taken place in that run down house. I could not get a good look at their faces. Most of them had their backs showing as they cleaned with Gloves on, they were scrubbing everywhere in the house, ALL OF THEM.
I knew something was purposely being hidden.

"She" began begging and pleading to the other woman wanting her to take "her" away from there. The black woman, said something to "her" about putting on her shoes first, then I saw the black woman slightly bend to her left to get a shoe on, She was in no hurry.
Then I saw a shirtless black man sit down on an old rusted chair. He looked as if someone had just kicked him in the stomach. He almost looked as if he was in shock. His hair was a little messy and I got the impression he had been in an altercation in the house with someone but I didnt see it. His lip appeared to be swollen from being hit in it.
The black woman came over to sit in a chair next to him, she bend down and almost in a whispered voice began talking to him. He never gave her eye contact. He looked at the floor.
The black woman asked him, was he going to be ok. He answered her but i could not make out what he said.

There was old food still in plates that looked as if it had been sitting on a table and the counter for days. The walls didnt look like walls, it appeared like the walls had all rusted away leaving just the wooden frames underneath (what used to be walls).

The next thing I can remember, the two woman are standing outside the house and they began to argue. "She" is very upset with this black woman. I can not make out any words from either woman but there was intense dialogue from them both.

Also in this dream, I saw 2 of my male relatives. One who is deceased but in the dream he was alive but sleeping on an old dirty couch with no legs. The other relative was in his under clothes; white fruit of the looms and shirtless, he too appeared to be trying to go sleep but couldnt with the activity in the house, he got up and I saw his legs and feet, I think he was trying to find quiet place to rest. Both of these two men from my own personal family are known to have lived very fast and violent lives. They had many woman, children born outside of their marriages and they use to beat their wives.

I can not even fathom my emotions right now. I've had little sleep. I stayed up watching the burial.

Heloooooooo ....

Yay! Another dream!:clapping:

And wow, a lot going on here, huh? Well, this all takes place in a house, for the most part, and there seems to be a lot of evil! I tried to write down the meanings to as many symbols as I could find on my chart. I highlighted some words I thought were relevant in red. They are mostly all negative of course, due to the negative vibe of the dream.

Houses: your current spiritual condition; past, present, or future issues dealing with a person's life; their church or business; are you under construction; in need of repair; remodeling; updating or outdated?

love; Spirit of the Lord; holy power; purity; without mixture; light; righteousness; blameless; innocence; reverence; snow; peace; holiness of God; Christ; angels' saints; white horse; victory; cleanliness; redeemed; simplicity; security; marriage; covenant; sterility; winter; coldness; clinical; surrender; cowardice; fearfulness; unimaginative; religious spirit; witchcraft; false righteousness; mourning for Buddhist or Hindu.

Church; angel; Holy Spirit; compassion; powerful; matron; demon; witchcraft; seducing spirit; temptation.

Man (unknown):
God's messenger; demonic messenger; evil motive; if a kind stranger: Jesus; Son of Man.

a comfortable place of rest; enables a person to communicate from a relaxed position; joining in or fellowshipping; an invitation to lead as in chairing a meeting; a position of authority; seat of office; favor or position.

neutral; dusk; moved with passion; midnight hour; sophistication; formality; elegance; wealth; mystery; style; sin; grief; death; physical affliction; from the soul; enemy; famine; lack; in the dark; judgment of God; wickedness; ignorance; mourning; gloomy; evil; demonic; ominous.

help determine the intensity; maturity; and strength of gifts and anointings empowered by spiritual or soulish sources; wither positive Godly or negative evil influence; the proper colors of light and musical notes energize healing.

Dead Relative:
can relate to a generational inheritance, issue, curse, or blessing trying to be passed down; earthly Father can represent Father God; Mother can represent the Holy Spirit.

a warm, comfortable, inviting environment to engage in conversation with family and friends.

Well, I'm still marinating over this, lol! ( thanks for that word, Lily!), but after looking at all the symbols, the immediate impression I get is "she" has more than likely been in a battle with evil within herself and in her personal life as is represented by the "house." The people in the "house" seem pretty demonic if you ask me. This battle has left her "house"/ personal life in shambles! It is in desperate need of repair! She has been left shipwrecked! That's why the demons were probably celebrating. They probably thought they got the best of her. But they underestimated her! She is MJ's lady after all, she's gotta be tough! There was quite a fight going on in her house! There was even blood shed. Now, I didn't have the meaning of blood on my chart unfortunately, but according to one website, it could actually be a good sign. It could mean that the distressing situation has come to an end and the worst is over. I think she got a couple of good licks in by the looks of those worn out demons in her house, lol! Of course this battle probably had a lot to do with the man of the hour, the silent man hovering above her watching the whole thing intently. I won't tell you his name, but his initials are M.J. lol! Even though it seems the worst may be over ... SHE WANTS OUT OF THERE!!! Well, who could blame her. M.J. doesn't seemed too concerned about all of this, or maybe he is but is not showing it. Although this battle may have started over him, he hasn't really been directly involved in her fight, he has been elevated, hovering over it all. As my mother used to say, "How conveeeeenient!":smilerolleyes: lol! I could imagine her looking up above and thinking, hey MJ how ya doin', while you're up there watchin', YOU THINK YOU COULD HELP!!! Ha! Ha!

Well, not completely done yet, but that's my very first impression in a nutshell.
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This battle has left her "house"/ personal life in shambles! It is in desperate need of repair! .

i think "she" feels evertything has been destoryed by evil ever since mike died. "She" is trying so very hard to fight the fight to bring goodness & light back in her life, but its very hard for her to try.
Heloooooooo ....

Yay! Another dream!:clapping:

And wow, a lot going on here, huh? Well, this all takes place in a house, for the most part, and there seems to be a lot of evil! I tried to write down the meanings to as many symbols as I could find on my chart. I highlighted some words I thought were relevant in red. They are mostly all negative of course, due to the negative vibe of the dream.

Houses: your current spiritual condition; past, present, or future issues dealing with a person's life; their church or business; are you under construction; in need of repair; remodeling; updating or outdated?

White: love; Spirit of the Lord; holy power; purity; without mixture; light; righteousness; blameless; innocence; reverence; snow; peace; holiness of God; Christ; angels' saints; white horse; victory; cleanliness; redeemed; simplicity; security; marriage; covenant; sterility; winter; coldness; clinical; surrender; cowardice; fearfulness; unimaginative; religious spirit; witchcraft; false righteousness; mourning for Buddhist or Hindu.

Woman: Church; angel; Holy Spirit; compassion; powerful; matron; demon; witchcraft; seducing spirit; temptation.

Man (unknown): God's messenger; demonic messenger; evil motive; if a kind stranger: Jesus; Son of Man.

Chair: a comfortable place of rest; enables a person to communicate from a relaxed position; joining in or fellowshipping; an invitation to lead as in chairing a meeting; a position of authority; seat of office; favor or position.

Black: neutral; dusk; moved with passion; midnight hour; sophistication; formality; elegance; wealth; mystery; style; sin; grief; death; physical affliction; from the soul; enemy; famine; lack; in the dark; judgment of God; wickedness; ignorance; mourning; gloomy; evil; demonic; ominous.

Colors: help determine the intensity; maturity; and strength of gifts and anointings empowered by spiritual or soulish sources; wither positive Godly or negative evil influence; the proper colors of light and musical notes energize healing.

Dead Relative: can relate to a generational inheritance, issue, curse, or blessing trying to be passed down; earthly Father can represent Father God; Mother can represent the Holy Spirit.

Sofa: a warm, comfortable, inviting environment to engage in conversation with family and friends.

Well, I'm still marinating over this, lol! ( thanks for that word, Lily!), but after looking at all the symbols, the immediate impression I get is "she" has more than likely been in a battle with evil within herself and in her personal life as is represented by the "house." The people in the "house" seem pretty demonic if you ask me. This battle has left her "house"/ personal life in shambles! It is in desperate need of repair! She has been left shipwrecked! That's why the demons were probably celebrating. They probably thought they got the best of her. But they underestimated her! She is MJ's lady after all, she's gotta be tough! There was quite a fight going on in her house! There was even blood shed. Now, I didn't have the meaning of blood on my chart unfortunately, but according to one website, it could actually be a good sign. It could mean that the distressing situation has come to an end and the worst is over. I think she got a couple of good licks in by the looks of those worn out demons in her house, lol! Of course this battle probably had a lot to do with the man of the hour, the silent man hovering above her watching the whole thing intently. I won't tell you his name, but his initials are M.J. lol! Even though it seems the worst may be over ... SHE WANTS OUT OF THERE!!! Well, who could blame her. M.J. doesn't seemed too concerned about all of this, or maybe he is but is not showing it. Although this battle may have started over him, he hasn't really been directly involved in her fight, he has been elevated, hovering over it all. As my mother used to say, "How conveeeeenient!":smilerolleyes: lol! I could imagine her looking up above and thinking, hey MJ how ya doin', while you're up there watchin', YOU THINK YOU COULD HELP!!! Ha! Ha!

Well, not completely done yet, but that's my very first impression in a nutshell.

You were amazing! :wild::clapping:I love your interpretations. :yes:I travel to far away when I read. lol! :wild: You know, I think I'll ask you for some lessons. I also want to learn to interpret dreams! You should write a book: "How to interpret dreams." lol! I think it would become a best-seller!

I'm not good at it, but I'll risk it. :ph34r:I was thinking that the meaning for "woman" in the dream could also mean maternity / children or child / pregnancy/ having children? Michael would like to have many children, so the woman could represent motherhood and the desire to have more children, or the woman who could give that child or children for him. It was the first thing I thought, but I also think it can mean many other things that we do not know, as well as the "man" in the dream.

Ok. I know I'm bad for that... I hope I have not traveled much in my thoughts! :(:ph34r:... but I tried. :D
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You were amazing!I'm not good at it, but I'll risk it. :ph34r:I was thinking that the meaning for "woman" in the dream could also mean maternity / children or child / pregnancy/ having children? Michael would like to have many children, so the woman could represent motherhood and the desire to have more children, or the woman who could give that child or children for him. It was the first thing I thought, but I also think it can mean many other things that we do not know, as well as the "man" in the dream.

Ok. I know I'm bad for that... I hope I have not traveled much in my thoughts! :(:ph34r:... but I tried. :D

i think michael wanted a big family, that was his biggest dream :D
but he also wanted a woman to share his family with, a woman that would stand by him through thick & thin no matter what.
This is a very nice summary.


and ash, i reckon that what maybe michael needed. A solid marriage based on love & trust, a marriage where nothing else mattered : just him & his beloved. I truly belive if u have a strong marrige that is filled with love , u can withstand anything that comes your way- be it good things or bad.

and ash, i reckon that what maybe michael needed. A solid marriage based on love & trust, a marriage where nothing else mattered : just him & his beloved. I truly belive if u have a strong marrige that is filled with love , u can withstand anything that comes your way- be it good things or bad.

:clap: you're right!
Hmmm ... I believe you probably really could.

I belive you can..Remember anything is possible if u really put your heart and soul into it.

And also another thing bout marriage, u need alot of respect as well to make it work. Respect & deep love go together , they like join up as a whole.
Glad you guys finally saw the dream! I couldn't wait to get here and post it!

Congrats to Ape! You go girlie, Ms. Actress, knock 'em dead.

This is going to be a lil hard to read but after waking up from this dream, i felt in my heart I knew why I dreamed this particular dream. I think Michael's soul is RESTLESS and he wants the truth to come out about his murder. I also believe this dream shows us he was murdered by evil PEOPLE in his house and during the process of the murder he wasn't completely gone; in other words he could have been still hanging on and was able to hear alot of the mayheim around him. He is telling us, there was a COVER-UP going on BEFORE he died and their were MULTIPLE people in his own residence who were in on it.

The Black woman in this dream with the sly look one minute and the smile the next, represents the black woman in Michael's home of whom he put his trust in. Michael is telling us in this dream, in the end she betrayed him and hurt his lady love in someway. Michael is revealing to us, this woman has two faces, the one she presents to you when you are looking at her and the real one that embodies her when she feels, no one can see.
Michael from his grave is telling us, she is involved and somehow connected to what has happened to him.*****We don't have to say her name*********.

I believe the shirtless man who appeared to have been in an altercation represents Dr. Murray. Remember he had a look of "shock" on his face and had to sit down after he looked as though he had been in a fight prior? I think, Michael is showing us, how Murray actually reacted to the realization that Michael Jackson had just died and he would take the rap for it. Him being shirtless, could represent being and feeling "bare" and "open", in other words vunerable. Which indicates to me, Murray wasn't the mastermind and may not have had prior knowledge Michael was to die on that day, but the dream shows the others did. Why elese would they celebrate. The shirtless man did not. But they did. He did their deed but he was not without evilness and vile temptation himself.
Michael is telling us, he is watching from above and he sees everything, then and now.

The black woman really wanted to hurt "her", by keeping her surrounded by the evilness in that house. It didnt seem to matter to the black woman that "she" was uncomfortable at all.
Michael revealed to us through the interaction between the two women that they are very OPPOSITE, and something elese Michael is revealing to us about these woman: The black woman, knew about his love for this other woman.

Is the black woman's involvement of MJ's murder due to being a woman SCORNED?

Michael is telling us something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Glad you guys finally saw the dream! I couldn't wait to get here and post it!

Congrats to Ape! You go girlie, Ms. Actress, knock 'em dead.

This is going to be a lil hard to read but after waking up from this dream, i felt in my heart I knew why I dreamed this particular dream. I think Michael's soul is RESTLESS and he wants the truth to come out about his murder. I also believe this dream shows us he was murdered by evil PEOPLE in his house and during the process of the murder he wasn't completely gone; in other words he could have been still hanging on and was able to hear alot of the mayheim around him. He is telling us, there was a COVER-UP going on BEFORE he died and their were MULTIPLE people in his own residence who were in on it.

The Black woman in this dream with the sly look one minute and the smile the next, represents the black woman in Michael's home of whom he put his trust in. Michael is telling us in this dream, in the end she betrayed him and hurt his lady love in someway. Michael is revealing to us, this woman has two faces, the one she presents to you when you are looking at her and the real one that embodies her when she feels, no one can see.
Michael from his grave is telling us, she is involved and somehow connected to what has happened to him.*****We don't have to say her name*********.

I believe the shirtless man who appeared to have been in an altercation represents Dr. Murray. Remember he had a look of "shock" on his face and had to sit down after he looked as though he had been in a fight prior? I think, Michael is showing us, how Murray actually reacted to the realization that Michael Jackson had just died and he would take the rap for it. Him being shirtless, could represent being and feeling "bare" and "open", in other words vunerable. Which indicates to me, Murray wasn't the mastermind and may not have had prior knowledge Michael was to die on that day, but the dream shows the others did. Why elese would they celebrate. The shirtless man did not. But they did. He did their deed but he was not without evilness and vile temptation himself.
Michael is telling us, he is watching from above and he sees everything, then and now.

The black woman really wanted to hurt "her", by keeping her surrounded by the evilness in that house. It didnt seem to matter to the black woman that "she" was uncomfortable at all.
Michael revealed to us through the interaction between the two women that they are very OPPOSITE, and something us Michael is revealing to us about these woman: The black woman, knew about his love for this other woman.

Is the black woman's involvement of MJ's murder due to being a woman SCORNED?

Michael is telling us something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great intereptations Moddie. I think I know who this black women may be.. but i wont say the name. But its pretty obvious who it could be. So you think this black women and "her" could have been in the same house?? If so of course the black women knew how MJ felt for "her" ..... It seems like this women was jealous of "her" and didn't want to see MJ with the lady he loved.
Great intereptations Moddie. I think I know who this black women may be.. but i wont say the name. But its pretty obvious who it could be. So you think this black women and "her" could have been in the same house?? If so of course the black women knew how MJ felt for "her" ..... It seems like this women was jealous of "her" and didn't want to see MJ with the lady he loved.

I'm not sure if Michael's lady love lived in the same house as the black woman. Remember, "she" was very uncomfortable and wanted to leave throughout the dream. It was the Black woman who showed no signs of being uncomfortable, which could indicate This house was not "her" home or a familiar place of comfort for "her". It appears, the other woman( black woman) was far more comfortable in that evil and dark surrounding and among those vile people. She wasn't the one begging to leave and she wasn't moving as if she really wanted to leave the house when she said she would have to put on her shoes first.
^^^ hmmmm. I think MJ is trying to tell you something in your dreams. So you are familiar with everyone in your dream right? You said you saw Dr. Murray, so i was wondering if you knew all the faces you saw.
^^^ hmmmm. I think MJ is trying to tell you something in your dreams. So you are familiar with everyone in your dream right? You said you saw Dr. Murray, so i was wondering if you knew all the faces you saw.

I only Recognize the actual faces of my two male relatives from the dream. I didn't see Dr. Murray's face but the shirtless man whose face I did see, I believed to be representative of Dr. Murray. Like Murray he is a black man and whatever the shirtless man was doing BEFORE he came to sit down in the rusted chair, he had a DIRECT INVOLVEMENT IN. It shows in his behavior, and body language.

I don't always recognize faces when I dream. Most times these people are strangers to me but I read somewhere years ago, they could represent the real people in my life or could be a preminition for the future.

I do believe "she" is the same lady each time I dream of her, but the black woman from my dream did not bare the face of any woman I have seen connected to Michael. The black woman's behavior is very similar to that of an employee's of MJ of whom I have learned alot about since our Michael's passing through others.

The faces of the people in the house who were celebrating, I couldn't see very well.

I need to figure out the link between my two relatives, MJ's murder and this dream?
Oh ok!! yeah i've heard eventhough faces aren't recgonizable that it still represents someone or something in your life.. And as for the black women. I think i know who you are talking about but i wont reveal the name... Maybe since you keep seeing the same girl( Her) maybe thats really her?? Maybe MJ was giving you clues in your dream. ? This is the dumbest thing im gonna say, but maybe he knows you go to this thread?? LOL i know what a fantasy ..
Glad you guys finally saw the dream! I couldn't wait to get here and post it!

Congrats to Ape! You go girlie, Ms. Actress, knock 'em dead.

This is going to be a lil hard to read but after waking up from this dream, i felt in my heart I knew why I dreamed this particular dream. I think Michael's soul is RESTLESS and he wants the truth to come out about his murder. I also believe this dream shows us he was murdered by evil PEOPLE in his house and during the process of the murder he wasn't completely gone; in other words he could have been still hanging on and was able to hear alot of the mayheim around him. He is telling us, there was a COVER-UP going on BEFORE he died and their were MULTIPLE people in his own residence who were in on it.

The Black woman in this dream with the sly look one minute and the smile the next, represents the black woman in Michael's home of whom he put his trust in. Michael is telling us in this dream, in the end she betrayed him and hurt his lady love in someway. Michael is revealing to us, this woman has two faces, the one she presents to you when you are looking at her and the real one that embodies her when she feels, no one can see.
Michael from his grave is telling us, she is involved and somehow connected to what has happened to him.*****We don't have to say her name*********.

I believe the shirtless man who appeared to have been in an altercation represents Dr. Murray. Remember he had a look of "shock" on his face and had to sit down after he looked as though he had been in a fight prior? I think, Michael is showing us, how Murray actually reacted to the realization that Michael Jackson had just died and he would take the rap for it. Him being shirtless, could represent being and feeling "bare" and "open", in other words vunerable. Which indicates to me, Murray wasn't the mastermind and may not have had prior knowledge Michael was to die on that day, but the dream shows the others did. Why elese would they celebrate. The shirtless man did not. But they did. He did their deed but he was not without evilness and vile temptation himself.
Michael is telling us, he is watching from above and he sees everything, then and now.

The black woman really wanted to hurt "her", by keeping her surrounded by the evilness in that house. It didnt seem to matter to the black woman that "she" was uncomfortable at all.
Michael revealed to us through the interaction between the two women that they are very OPPOSITE, and something elese Michael is revealing to us about these woman: The black woman, knew about his love for this other woman.

Is the black woman's involvement of MJ's murder due to being a woman SCORNED?

Michael is telling us something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't say much to the latest dream of yours, but when I was watching the funeral and saw they had blue and purple flowers among the white ones on MJ's casket, I had to think of you and your dreams. Didn't you say you dreamed of something in those colors and weren't you guys analyzing those colors?