Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

:scratch:.............. :smilerolleyes::wild: Off again... is a great mystery. :fortuneteller:

But I can only say that I agree with what you said... :yes:
Soooooooooooo I will just tell you! :D:cheeky:

are you rolling your eyes at.. me? o_0
:giggle: but.. I just sat and heard through some of his music and it made me think that Michael experienced so many things in his 50 years of life.. He experienced so much that there was enough for 100 years of living for a normal person! :)

Maybe even more.. That makes me a little less sad..

But then I heard this song "Heaven Can Wait" - and now it's so obvious that he wrote that song for Paris! And that is just.. heartbreaking! To think how devistated and panicced he must be (if you believe in stuff like "afterlife") because he can't be there to protect his little daughter.
:giggle: but.. I just sat and heard through some of his music and it made me think that Michael experienced so many things in his 50 years of life.. He experienced so much that there was enough for 100 years of living for a normal person! :)

Absolutely! But.... Michael has matured very fast and became an adult as a child. He had an adult life as a child. He lived many things, but not really had a childhood. But I'm sure there were still many things he wanted to do and experience.​
I have a question for you guys:

With all the new info coming out regarding MJ's circle/camp and how possessive and controlling many people around him seemed to be, do you think that he could've ever had a "Someone in the Light"? Do you think the relationship would've been able to survive against all odds or do you think the relationship was doomed to forever stay in the "dark"? Do you think he even realized how challenging it would've been or do you think he thought all the obstacles could've been overcome? I guess that was more than one question. Sorry.
What about that bodyguard said that he had someone? Someone he kept secretly? Who's that... someone who he really love?
I think that with all the new information, it makes even more sense that he had a secret love.
Look - he was able to keep Omer a secret for 20 years. Why not a lover for 20 years? hmm..
:giggle: but.. I just sat and heard through some of his music and it made me think that Michael experienced so many things in his 50 years of life.. He experienced so much that there was enough for 100 years of living for a normal person! :)


I agree
lol! I do not believe in those things that we're talking about a celebrity and not a person who has a normal life. Michael has always been chased by paparazzi and press. Nothing can be secret in the life of a celebrity. Something can be kept secret for some, but not for long. Why always find... Someone will always open the mouth (someone always opens his mouth to tabloids and all the press) and put all the light and the whole world know. Unfortunately people 100% reliable is a rarity for a celebrity. But there are people that you can buy them ($$$$$) to keep your mouth shut and keep your secret. Privacy and no secrets in the world of celebrity, this is the truth and the bad side. Sorry, but that is how I see. I can not see the side of pink, why is life. Life will never be 100% perfect and wonderful, much less for a celebrity.

*The big question is: He never liked to talk about his private life and would never do that. And I'm sure many people would like it if he came out doing interviews talking about his private life and making great revelations. And he is right to never have done this because it is something that relates to them and should not be shared with the world. So people are dying of curiosity to know about your private life, his loves, his feelings... So this intense curiosity to know about his life and his secrets, because Michael has always been a very mysterious man. This great interest tireless on the private life of Michael will always continue. You are very curious! lol!
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Michael Jackson was (ofcourse..) a human being, and he was (ofcourse) JUST like everyone else inside.
Just like any other man. With the same feelings and needs throughout his 50 years of living.

What I meen is just this - that Michael got to have so many happy and exiting times! Also many not so happy times (like the rest of us) and some very lonely and depressing times (many people experiences this too. It was just a different REASON for Michael being depressed and lonely).

He could ofcourse have experienced a lot more, but he did'nt, and theres no turning back now. We are left with our memories and all that he gave to us in many ways.

We need to learn to live with this fact, and also need to accept that we DID'NT knew him as the true human being that he was. We knew him as super star, muse, mentor - Michael Jackson.

However - those people that knew him as a human being, as a familymember, close friend, lover - these are the people that we must let be now. They are the people who needs to mourn.

I do believe in energies and spirits, and I think it's always a good idea to pray for his children, and then try to force ourselves to not think about how much WE need him, but instead think of how much THEY need him. The energies should be focused on his family I think.

Imagine that they might feel the pain 10x worse than many of us fans do.
We must remember Mr.Jackson was/is very adamant about protecting his PRIVACY...

Anything in life is possible!

:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
moddie one question.. i hope i dont offend anyone. just want to ask was this lady you saw an african american lady or a white or tanned lady? ( I mean the lady in your dreams)just in case this lady dr.etok was his secret lover..cause they met in 1998. i hope you can or others can asnwer this.. huggs to all
I have a question for you guys:

With all the new info coming out regarding MJ's circle/camp and how possessive and controlling many people around him seemed to be, do you think that he could've ever had a "Someone in the Light"? Do you think the relationship would've been able to survive against all odds or do you think the relationship was doomed to forever stay in the "dark"? Do you think he even realized how challenging it would've been or do you think he thought all the obstacles could've been overcome? I guess that was more than one question. Sorry.

I have thought about this too and long before his death actually. When I started to pick up on the lyrics and messages from "Who is it" (song & video), I began to first look at his life from a very different perspective.

Honestly in lieu of his death, I guess my answer would be: It was doomed to forever stay in the dark.

When I think of the fact that Michael added a "New Bridge" to "For all Time for T25, and what he's actually saying/singing, its very clear to me what he wanted and what was on his mind. He had to have known of the challenges better than anyone elese, I think with her coming back to him during a dark time in his life made him believe even more in their love and in God's Will.
moddie one question.. i hope i dont offend anyone. just want to ask was this lady you saw an african american lady or a white or tanned lady? ( I mean the lady in your dreams)just in case this lady dr.etok was his secret lover..cause they met in 1998. i hope you can or others can asnwer this.. huggs to all

Hi cleopatra1975,

No I'm not offended at all by your question. In fact I'm glad you asked, I wondered the same thing about this Dr. Etok when I saw her on tv last week.

But to answer your question. Yes. The lady in my dreams is African American, but that doesn't mean anything concrete even though It would kinda make sense and fall in line with some of the old clues pointed out in this thread ions ago.

Dr. Etok's features are more chiseled (sp), her face narrow, the smile isn't the same as the woman in my dreams but I for some reason I'm not sure I'm ready to rule her out completely.

Matt Fiddes, a former bodygurad from UK spoke about a secret Love MJ had for years that he saw him with and I always had a feeling he could have been referring to a woman from the UK, That is if its true or not..
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Matt Fiddes? To me he just wanted to show talking about it. There are people who love to show the expense of the other and have their 15 minutes of fame. He was never a close friend of Michael, so he knows nothing of the private life of Michael. If you knew would be a great disrespect on his part to go around saying things about Michael. Matt Fiddes is not a reliable source. Indeed, no source is reliable. Only one person could confirm: Michael Jackson and anyone else. :)
I have a question for you guys:

With all the new info coming out regarding MJ's circle/camp and how possessive and controlling many people around him seemed to be, do you think that he could've ever had a "Someone in the Light"? Do you think the relationship would've been able to survive against all odds or do you think the relationship was doomed to forever stay in the "dark"? Do you think he even realized how challenging it would've been or do you think he thought all the obstacles could've been overcome? I guess that was more than one question. Sorry.

To be honest as much as I love a love story, unless Michael eradicated virtually every single person within his inner circle and those that were so-called "friends", no I don't think he would have ever found true happiness. He had a fault, trying to see the good in people where evil truly existed. The more days that pass and characters that we see that have come out that he associated and surrounded himself with, it's like the devil was at work. I personally look at all these people and listen to their "stories" and think 2 things to myself WTF rock did these people crawl from under and why don't they disappear back under it and some peoples true colors certainly do come shining through at the most opportune times. *shakes my head*

I think the only way for him to find true happiness was to break free from it all. Happiness is a choice and sometimes that means making COMPLETE life changes.......

just in case this lady dr.etok was his secret lover..cause they met in 1998. i hope you can or others can asnwer this.. huggs to all

I'm sure he met alot of people in 1998. Why is she talking now that he's not here to defend himself? Where was she before when he was alive? Oh yeah the same reason the secret love child came out today talking, the psychic spoke, the bodyguard spoke, or Lester, and on and on and on.....they are all self-absorbed, self-serving OPPORTUNIST.....and it's sickening.

Matt Fiddes? To me he just wanted to show talking about it. There are people who love to show the expense of the other and have their 15 minutes of fame. He was never a close friend of Michael, so he knows nothing of the private life of Michael. If you knew would be a great disrespect on his part to go around saying things about Michael. Matt Fiddes is not a reliable source. Indeed, no source is reliable. Only one person could confirm: Michael Jackson and anyone else. :)

I agree ashtanga. All these people are not friends, they are opportunist running their mouth at the expense of another human being because he's not here to defend himself. Instead of cherishing and keeping sacred whatever experiences they may have had, they violate every meaning I know of that a true friend really is. Makes me sick these dumb f**ks.

I have nothing else to say tonight, I'm not in the mood for love.....LOL
I agree ashtanga. All these people are not friends, they are opportunist running their mouth at the expense of another human being because he's not here to defend himself. Instead of cherishing and keeping sacred whatever experiences they may have had, they violate every meaning I know of that a true friend really is. Makes me sick these dumb f**ks.

Yes! Not only with Michael, but all the celebrities have always been surrounded by these types of people that involves money. Very rich and famous and will always have this kind of problem. Unfortunately. That's why I always say with absolute certainty that a celebrity will never trust 100% in one person. It is rare to happen. There will always be doubt about the loyalty of that person and talk about his private life with this person you do not fully trust can be very dangerous. This is just one part of what is really the life of a celebrity who has nothing fascinating and easy as people often think. The reality is another, very hard times and not always the total happiness is present.:yes:
Honestly in lieu of his death, I guess my answer would be: It was doomed to forever stay in the dark.

To be honest as much as I love a love story, unless Michael eradicated virtually every single person within his inner circle and those that were so-called "friends", no I don't think he would have ever found true happiness. He had a fault, trying to see the good in people where evil truly existed. The more days that pass and characters that we see that have come out that he associated and surrounded himself with, it's like the devil was at work. I personally look at all these people and listen to their "stories" and think 2 things to myself WTF rock did these people crawl from under and why don't they disappear back under it and some peoples true colors certainly do come shining through at the most opportune times. *shakes my head*

I think the only way for him to find true happiness was to break free from it all. Happiness is a choice and sometimes that means making COMPLETE life changes.......

I guess this really is the harsh, cold, sad reality that I am learning more and more with each passing day. It's really hard to accept something like this, especially when you believe that love conquers all, but at the end of the day, this very well may be the honest truth, as sad and tragic as it seems. In the end, one has to wonder what it all really meant. I suppose in time, God will reveal the true meaning of this very sad and tragic love story. Thanks for your very honest and enlightening answers.
thank you moddie and lily and all :) for the fast answer... just wondering what is the truth of all.the lady dr.etok talks like michael wasnt interested in her, only wanting a baby from her.or maybe he was in love with her but she didnt get it and he never told her. like in beautiful girl. she never knows never knows.
if someone asks me i would tell he got a secret love but they were not together. this is what i get in songs and in his messages.he was maybe in platonic love, he wanted to tell but maybe he doesnt wanted to disturb her life.
i m sure moddies dreams will tell us more... im waiting for her next dreams... hugggs to all.
I guess this really is the harsh, cold, sad reality that I am learning more and more with each passing day. It's really hard to accept something like this, especially when you believe that love conquers all, but at the end of the day, this very well may be the honest truth, as sad and tragic as it seems. In the end, one has to wonder what it all really meant. I suppose in time, God will reveal the true meaning of this very sad and tragic love story. Thanks for your very honest and enlightening answers.

Yes, the reality is hard, cold, sad and sometimes tragic, but not forever, all these things are temporary. There are good times and bad times. Remember that God is always in command. He is always looking at all and sometimes you go through bad things to grow and mature. God can not only put good things in our lives. We have to feel pain, suffer, go through bad times to learn to survive at that and becoming stronger even the worst that can appear in the path. God does not want anyone to be weak. God also puts a lot of good in the way only when the right time for that to happen, that everything in life has a right moment to happen. At the end of the tragedy all survived, reborn again to live new experiences good and bad to follow the path of life and go in search of happiness and love. :yes:

And yes, love always wins and overcome any barriers and obstacles that arise and in the end everything will be okay. :yes:

That's how life works, the secret is to always be prepared. :)

Well, maybe nobody will agree with me, maybe I could be wrong, maybe I'm too young to feel that life works this way, maybe I have not yet lived long enough in my life, but that is how I see all that I can not and see otherwise. :)
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I guess this really is the harsh, cold, sad reality that I am learning more and more with each passing day. It's really hard to accept something like this, especially when you believe that love conquers all, but at the end of the day, this very well may be the honest truth, as sad and tragic as it seems. In the end, one has to wonder what it all really meant. I suppose in time, God will reveal the true meaning of this very sad and tragic love story. Thanks for your very honest and enlightening answers.

It's heartbreaking to think about when you wish nothing but the best for someone but I believe that in order to be happy in life sometimes you have to eliminate certain things around you. I know, I've done it in my life because negativity is suffocating especially for someone like me who's naturally an optimistic person. I believe happiness is a choice and as painful as letting things go is sometimes, our energy and aura feeds off of what we surround ourself with. I think if he was able to break free from the negativity and all these toxic people that we've been witnessing come out, he would have opened himself up to something free flowing and extremely beautiful.


Maybe that was what he was trying to do? Could he have found true love and was working towards making changes in his life so that it would flourish? I guess right now only God knows the answer to that.:)
Yes, the reality is hard, cold, sad and sometimes tragic, but not forever, all these things are temporary. There are good times and bad times. Remember that God is always in command. He is always looking at all and sometimes you go through bad things to grow and mature. God can not only put good things in our lives. We have to feel pain, suffer, go through bad times to learn to survive at that and becoming stronger even the worst that can appear in the path. God does not want anyone to be weak. God also puts a lot of good in the way only when the right time for that to happen, that everything in life has a right moment to happen. At the end of the tragedy all survived, reborn again to live new experiences good and bad to follow the path of life and go in search of happiness and love. :yes:

And yes, love always wins and overcome any barriers and obstacles that arise and in the end everything will be okay. :yes:

That's how life works, the secret is to always be prepared. :)

Well, maybe nobody will agree with me, maybe I could be wrong, maybe I'm too young to feel that life works this way, maybe I have not yet lived long enough in my life, but that is how I see all that I can not and see otherwise. :)

Awww, thanks ashtanga, that was really beautiful and I really needed to hear that today! You are correct, "trouble don't last always," it is only temporary. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning! He gives us beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning! Thanks so much for restoring my faith. I sometimes have to remind myself that no matter what happens, He's still on His throne!:) What you wrote at the end there kinda reminds me of this song:

You'll Never Walk Alone (Lyrics)

When you walk through a storm
Keep your chin up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never walk alone

It's heartbreaking to think about when you wish nothing but the best for someone but I believe that in order to be happy in life sometimes you have to eliminate certain things around you. I know, I've done it in my life because negativity is suffocating especially for someone like me who's naturally an optimistic person. I believe happiness is a choice and as painful as letting things go is sometimes, our energy and aura feeds off of what we surround ourself with. I think if he was able to break free from the negativity and all these toxic people that we've been witnessing come out, he would have opened himself up to something free flowing and extremely beautiful.


Maybe that was what he was trying to do? Could he have found true love and was working towards making changes in his life so that it would
flourish? I guess right now only God knows the answer to that.:)

Yep, it seems like that's exactly what he was trying to do!:yes:
Awww, thanks ashtanga, that was really beautiful and I really needed to hear that today! You are correct, "trouble don't last always," it is only temporary. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning! He gives us beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning! Thanks so much for restoring my faith. I sometimes have to remind myself that no matter what happens, He's still on His throne!:) What you wrote at the end there kinda reminds me of this song:

You'll Never Walk Alone (Lyrics)

When you walk through a storm
Keep your chin up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never walk alone

Wow!!!! :wild::wild::wild:

That's it! I'm glad that you have become more optimistic and with even greater faith. Life is not so complicated, just be prepared always. Remember that storms and all the bad things always come and end all is well. And God is always at our side giving strength and protection. :angel:

I loved that song. :wub: Thank you for it. This song has a beautiful message. :yes::clapping:
Lily, I believe he was indeed making necessary changes in his life so the personal aspects of his life with "her" could flourish.

My dreams and some of his lyrics from the past indicates there were dark forces around him within his own circle and these forces were conspiring against his every move ( in the right direction). They were the darkness that gave him worry, fear and setbacks where as she was the Light that gave him direction, strength and unconditional love.

Michael's messages from recent months before his death indicates he was guided to move forward by this new found energy from within. He had a renewed purpose.

I wonder sometimes, Is part of the reason why he died becuase, he was in love and was going to get Married and be the kind of Husband and father and have the kind of life he always dream of; did that Contribute to his death? Did someone in his circle view his happiness and love for "her" as a Threat to them? Did he die protecting her? In other words, did they ever threaten him that they would do harm to her if he didnt give them what they wanted or play their games?

Since having the dream with the Shadowy figure, I am haunted by these notions.....
Hey all! I know it's a little early, but I wanted to be the first to wish our dear, sweet, precious, Prince Angel Michael a very Happy Birthday! I was inspired to write a little poem. Bear in mind, I'm not a poet (and you know it!). But anyway, I wanted to celebrate him on what would've been his 51st birthday! I wish I could see him. As you all know, he was gettin' pretty cute in his "old" age and today he would've been one year cuter!;D

And, my dear, sweet, precious Michael, well, I never dreamed we'd be celebrating our birthdays this way this year of all years :no:, but I guess sometimes God has other plans.:(
Anyway, I'll try to cheer up just long enough to say:

Here's to you!:cheers:

An Angel Was Born

On August 29, 1958
An angel was born
So we celebrate this date
An angel on earth is a very rare thing
Not only was he an angel, he was an angel who could sing
As if singing weren’t enough, this angel could also dance
He filled our days with joy and our nights with true romance
He was so amazing; he could do what no one else can
He left you wondering, was he a man, a myth or could he be Superman
He had many other talents so very much untold
But what made us happiest of all was his heart of pure, unadulterated gold
On earth he was not only an angel, but an elegant royal king
He loved and was so loved because he shared not only a little
But he gave us everything
Compassion poured forth from his big, warm, chocolaty brown eyes.
One had to be extra careful ‘cause those things could really hypnotize
His generosity was so great; you wouldn’t be able to rank it
His greatest legacy of all will be Prince, Paris and Blanket
Although this poem is not as great as anything he could write in any way
I just wanted to take a moment to wish our Angel Michael
A very happy B-day
I also want you to always remember, my dear, sweet Angel Prince
Something I hope you’ve known from the start
I will never, ever let you part
For you will always and forever be right here ... in my heart

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An Angel Was Born By MP

On August 29, 1958
An angel was born
So we celebrate this date
An angel on earth is a very rare thing
Not only was he an angel, he was an angel who could sing
As if singing weren’t enough, this angel could also dance
He filled our days with joy and our nights with true romance
He was so amazing; he could do what no one else can
He left you wondering, was he a man, a myth or could he be Superman
He had many other talents so very much untold
But what made us happiest of all was his heart of pure, unadulterated gold
On earth he was not only an angel, but an elegant royal king
He loved and was so loved because he shared not only a little
But he gave us everything
Compassion poured forth from his big, warm, chocolaty brown eyes.
One had to be extra careful ‘cause those things could really hypnotize
His generosity was so great; you wouldn’t be able to rank it
His greatest legacy of all will be Prince, Paris and Blanket
Although this poem is not as great as anything he could write in any way
I just wanted to take a moment to wish our Angel Michael

A very happy B-day
I also want you to always remember, my dear, sweet Angel Prince
Something I hope you’ve known from the start
I will never, ever let you part
For you will always and forever be right here ... in my heart


Aww that was beautiful :wub: :cry: