Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Perhaps one day she will write a book.

The fact that we have not seen her "offically" or otherwise coming out and speaking after his death to announce a relationship with Michael tells me, writing a book may not be an option or consideration for her.

This relationship was obviously very very private for the both of them, I'm just curious now with these dreams; what is going on with her other than of course, Grieving.

I just can't imagine the pain and torment this lady must be feeling now. I pray she has someone there to give her lost of comfort and love. I hope she is being protected.
I believe that it does not exist that it had appeared. And in my opinion will never have the confirmation of her existence. And if it is the world need not know anything about this relationship. I know that nobody will like what I write here now. But I never really saw Michael happy. I always saw a sadness in the eyes of Michael. I never really felt he was really happy at any time and it always hurt for me and I do not believe that one day he found a love of truth, someone to love the truth. So do not believe he had a secret love that when you truly love and are loved the happiness and love are printed on the face and everyone realizes that. Why is she there, she would be there by your side watching him. Why love is not just a feeling, it is also caring for the other that nothing bad happens. If that true love exists, many things would have been different in the life of Michael. It is what I think about it. I felt I should explain my views here even though nobody will agree.​
I don't think that nobody will agree with you.

It does seem really sad that, if there were a lady, she wasn't there with him to see that he was taking care of himself and was safe. Not that it would be her job, but would this all have happened if they were side by side (assuming there is someone). Maybe, if there was someone, he was protecting her by having them separate? Or maybe you are right Ashtanga.. I just hope that you aren't. We didn't get to see him much, so anything could have been possible in his life.

I still have thoughts about it all that I won't share on here. Just not really necessary. So it was brave of you to do so. I hope everyone is doing well.

S.O.S it was nice to hear from you in here. Where is Safira???
I don't think that nobody will agree with you.

It does seem really sad that, if there were a lady, she wasn't there with him to see that he was taking care of himself and was safe. Not that it would be her job, but would this all have happened if they were side by side (assuming there is someone). Maybe, if there was someone, he was protecting her by having them separate? Or maybe you are right Ashtanga.. I just hope that you aren't. We didn't get to see him much, so anything could have been possible in his life.

I still have thoughts about it all that I won't share on here. Just not really necessary. So it was brave of you to do so. I hope everyone is doing well.

S.O.S it was nice to hear from you in here. Where is Safira???

I understand you Ape. :yes: Each has their different opinion and I respect and always respect that. :yes: But for me, I believe that if we had someone beside him that the love of truth, it would be very different. Michael's life would be different. When you love a real person and you make the impossible and possible for that person to be happy and nothing bad happen to her. At least I think that's how it works when two people really love it. So I think and I can not think about it otherwise.​
But I never really saw Michael happy. I always saw a sadness in the eyes of Michael. I never really felt he was really happy at any time and it always hurt for me and I do not believe that one day he found a love of truth, someone to love the truth. So do not believe he had a secret love that when you truly love and are loved the happiness and love are printed on the face and everyone realizes that.​

There was a period of time towards the end of last year that he was VERY different and you could see the happiness on his face when we saw pictures of him out and about. Everyone noticed and commented here how happy he looked then, you could just see his energy was different. It was around the same time he left the 2 notes for fans. I'm not sure what the reason(s) may have been but it was much different than the recent Michael. These are pics from that time.....​



Maybe, if there was someone, he was protecting her by having them separate?

I agree with this, I think he was very protective of his personal life, as he should be. But unfortunately I also think that something else may have been keeping them apart, like the people that surrounded him. If he had found true happiness changes would have been made and I'm sure many people would have been cut off or pushed aside because he would have moved on to a new phase in his life. MJ was surrounded by selfish manipulative people and I think some people didn't want him to be truly happy.
There was a period of time towards the end of last year that he was VERY different and you could see the happiness on his face when we saw pictures of him out and about. Everyone noticed and commented here how happy he looked then, you could just see his energy was different. It was around the same time he left the 2 notes for fans. I'm not sure what the reason(s) may have been but it was much different than the recent Michael. These are pics from that time.....​



Well, there is happiness masked. I'm not seeing the eyes of Michael. Most of the time or almost always it was sunglasses. Why hide those beautiful eyes ever? What those eyes had to hide? Does he not want people seeing what your eyes were saying? When you are in front of people (fans) that you admire and love unconditionally, happiness is complete. Michael was always happy when I met with their fans. In my opinion, the only people (fans) who love and respect to Michael as he deserves. The fans were always beside him. But... When Michael returned to his home? Well, there were the expected the three angels: Prince, Paris and Blanket are part of the happiness of Michael. But there is another happiness: the man and woman. Is that happiness was also the same when Michael returned home? Does he really was a complete joy? No, I see something that has always failed to happiness is complete. I always felt we needed something so that everything was complete. The truth about what happened with Michael in their feelings, we never know.​
Do you ever wonder how many women in this world either rightfully, or better yet, wrongfully think that they are MJ's LILD woman? :huh: Hmmmmm :wtf: LOL

Well, there is happiness masked. I'm not seeing the eyes of Michael. Most of the time or almost always it was sunglasses. Why hide those beautiful eyes ever? What those eyes had to hide? Does he not want people seeing what your eyes were saying?​

I do understand what you're saying about seeing his eyes because I have always felt they were mysterious and intriguing yet they did have a sadness about them. But I don't blame him for always wearing sunglasses with the flashbulbs and people all in his face constantly. I wear them all the time and I don't experience anywhere near the amount of attention. Also, being shy myself sunglasses are sort of like a protection shield from other peoples stares :fear: I feel like I'm invisible LOL and I can spy on people without them seeing me do it. :lol: Anyway, at this particular time I'm speaking about in the pics I posted we didn't need to see his eyes, his energy, how he was carrying himself and that smile showed us how happy he truly was. It was just different than in recent times.....:(
Do you ever wonder how many women in this world either rightfully, or better yet, wrongfully think that they are MJ's LILD woman? :huh: Hmmmmm :wtf: LOL

I do understand what you're saying about seeing his eyes because I have always felt they were mysterious and intriguing yet they did have a sadness about them. But I don't blame him for always wearing sunglasses with the flashbulbs and people all in his face constantly. I wear them all the time and I don't experience anywhere near the amount of attention. Also, being shy myself sunglasses are sort of like a protection shield from other peoples stares :fear: I feel like I'm invisible LOL and I can spy on people without them seeing me do it. :lol: Anyway, at this particular time I'm speaking about in the pics I posted we didn't need to see his eyes, his energy, how he was carrying himself and that smile showed us how happy he truly was. It was just different than in recent times.....:(

Ok. I understand you. :yes: But I not only talked about covering the eyes, hide your eyes. For I know that they were also to hide the shyness. In front of fans and other people and especially the press when he had to show happy, smiling to show: "Do not worry me, I'm fine." I meant the world out here, the way to Michael to show, is different. But when Michael arrived at his house? How real was the world of Michael? :scratch:This is the point. I always wondered since I met the man and artist Michael Jackson, how would your world, your life and your feelings. I always wanted to know what really happened in the closed and mysterious world of Michael. I was always very concerned about that. The world is not perfect for anyone, unfortunately. And nobody ever knows the truth about the mysterious world of Michael.​
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Lol, Rainbow is my nickname for a long time already. But anyway, I still don't understand this topic.
Fans recieving massage frm MJ?
Some unknown lady grieving?

This topic is about members interpreting songs and whether or not Michael was sharing certain life experiences and/or a personal love story through his lyrics. It goes from that to discussions about religion, our own personal life experiences and more recently dream interpretations. But we always come back to what this thread truly is about, LOVE, and that one question, "Did MJ find love in the dark"? :)

We like a fairy tale romance here, so if you have time to go back to the beginning, it's an interesting read. :)
I agree with this, I think he was very protective of his personal life, as he should be. But unfortunately I also think that something else may have been keeping them apart, like the people that surrounded him. If he had found true happiness changes would have been made and I'm sure many people would have been cut off or pushed aside because he would have moved on to a new phase in his life. MJ was surrounded by selfish manipulative people and I think some people didn't want him to be truly happy.[/QUOTE]

Our brains must be wired the same. This is exactly what I am feeling was going on. I felt it early on when interpreting the love songs. Some of Michael's own lyrics reveal things he was trying to convey about his personal life.

He told us there were walls and barriers between them back in the 90's( i think), fast forward to November 2008 didnt one of his notes say " I feel your enegry through the walls"?
If it was the same woman and if the theory of this thread was right, shouldn't that tell us what he was trying so say? They either had to be apart this way by design or they were made to be apart by other sources for whatever the reason being. It was clear, he no longer COULD BARE being separated from this love. He said he wanted to be ONE with her.
But when we saw all those pics of MJ and Dr. Tohme Tohme, all those lovely messages stopped and we saw his mood and weight drastically fall.
hmm... when was that Moddie? Was it sometime in the start of the year?

Are you asking about the walls and barriers he spoke about? Actually I am referring to song lyrics he sang about and more than once during that era. We discussed it here many, many, chapters back. I dont think we stayed on the subject too long though. I came across several works from MJ that touched on there being something in the way of him getting too and being truly and completely happy with a lady love.

Remember how "Iinvincible" starts? " If I could tear down these walls that keep you and I apart. I know I could claim your heart and our perfect love will start". Thats just one of many examples through the years.

I think Michael revealed alot about certain circumstances and realities in his life through his music and poetry.
I agree with this, I think he was very protective of his personal life, as he should be. But unfortunately I also think that something else may have been keeping them apart, like the people that surrounded him. If he had found true happiness changes would have been made and I'm sure many people would have been cut off or pushed aside because he would have moved on to a new phase in his life. MJ was surrounded by selfish manipulative people and I think some people didn't want him to be truly happy.

Our brains must be wired the same. This is exactly what I am feeling was going on. I felt it early on when interpreting the love songs. Some of Michael's own lyrics reveal things he was trying to convey about his personal life.

He told us there were walls and barriers between them back in the 90's( i think), fast forward to November 2008 didnt one of his notes say " I feel your enegry through the walls"?
If it was the same woman and if the theory of this thread was right, shouldn't that tell us what he was trying so say? They either had to be apart this way by design or they were made to be apart by other sources for whatever the reason being. It was clear, he no longer COULD BARE being separated from this love. He said he wanted to be ONE with her.
But when we saw all those pics of MJ and Dr. Tohme Tohme, all those lovely messages stopped and we saw his mood and weight drastically fall.[/QUOTE]

I absolutely agree with you.!!! Maybe the people that surrounded him kept them apart somehow.
I honestly still don't believe it was someone from long ago in the past (90's). imo I believe this was more recent. It's just a feeling/intuition I have and I'm not sure why?

I think the reference to walls certainly can refer to barriers such as other people keeping them apart, and I honestly do believe that happened. BUT I have a feeling it has alot more to do with Michael the man building the walls around himself and not letting a woman in due to lack of trust, shyness, scared of feeling certain emotions for fear of being hurt, etc...many of us build those same walls. I think he may have finally found someone that was able to penetrate those walls in some way that made him feel new emotions he never felt before, hence that note he released when he said "I feel your energy through the walls". Those 2 notes were released around the same time as those pics I spoke about a couple posts ago. You could feel and see he was different those couple of weeks we saw him out and about doing shopping, on Halloween, etc..new pics were posted at least 2 times a week, everyone here was commenting on how happy he looked, we got spoiled seeing him so much :wub: Maybe I was just imagining it lol, but to me he had a different energy and it showed. Someone was awakening his heart to the experience of NEW TRUE LOVE. Maybe she WAS the person special enough to him that someday those walls may have come crumbling down????? :cry:
Well, there is happiness masked. I'm not seeing the eyes of Michael. Most of the time or almost always it was sunglasses. Why hide those beautiful eyes ever? What those eyes had to hide? Does he not want people seeing what your eyes were saying? When you are in front of people (fans) that you admire and love unconditionally, happiness is complete. Michael was always happy when I met with their fans. In my opinion, the only people (fans) who love and respect to Michael as he deserves. The fans were always beside him. But... When Michael returned to his home? Well, there were the expected the three angels: Prince, Paris and Blanket are part of the happiness of Michael. But there is another happiness: the man and woman. Is that happiness was also the same when Michael returned home? Does he really was a complete joy? No, I see something that has always failed to happiness is complete. I always felt we needed something so that everything was complete. The truth about what happened with Michael in their feelings, we never know.​

I think michael hid hes eyes with the sunglasses was to hide the sadness he was feeling. As the saying goes "the eyes are the window to the soul" and imo hes sould was i guess damaged. As much as i know he loved his children ,he tried so hard to fight for them.. but the damage had been done and there was no turning back.
I think michael hid hes eyes with the sunglasses was to hide the sadness he was feeling. As the saying goes "the eyes are the window to the soul" and imo hes sould was i guess damaged. As much as i know he loved his children ,he tried so hard to fight for them.. but the damage had been done and there was no turning back.

I think I'm not so wrong, I really think not. Well, at least that is how I think about it. After all, there is no concrete evidence to reach a definitive conclusion on this. :)

Yes! :yes: The eyes say a lot about what you are feeling. They are the mirror of the soul as you said, but also the mirror of the heart. When we are faced with a person, the first thing you look at are the eyes that see that it is through the feelings of a person. So if you have a serious conversation with someone, you need look in the eyes of that person. You need to look at them and see what they express. Why through the eyes you can see the sadness, happiness, love, worry, tiredness, lie, truth... and many other things. And I always paid much attention to the eyes of Michael. To me they were always sad and mysterious... unfortunately. :(
Our brains must be wired the same. This is exactly what I am feeling was going on. I felt it early on when interpreting the love songs. Some of Michael's own lyrics reveal things he was trying to convey about his personal life.

He told us there were walls and barriers between them back in the 90's( i think), fast forward to November 2008 didnt one of his notes say " I feel your enegry through the walls"?
If it was the same woman and if the theory of this thread was right, shouldn't that tell us what he was trying so say? They either had to be apart this way by design or they were made to be apart by other sources for whatever the reason being. It was clear, he no longer COULD BARE being separated from this love. He said he wanted to be ONE with her.
But when we saw all those pics of MJ and Dr. Tohme Tohme, all those lovely messages stopped and we saw his mood and weight drastically fall.

Hi Moddie (and everyone)
I actually meant the very last sentence about when he seemed to change after Tohme. He seemed sad and got thinner I think you said? I just wondered when you saw that start
Are you asking about the walls and barriers he spoke about? Actually I am referring to song lyrics he sang about and more than once during that era. We discussed it here many, many, chapters back. I dont think we stayed on the subject too long though. I came across several works from MJ that touched on there being something in the way of him getting too and being truly and completely happy with a lady love.

Remember how "Iinvincible" starts? " If I could tear down these walls that keep you and I apart. I know I could claim your heart and our perfect love will start". Thats just one of many examples through the years.

I think Michael revealed alot about certain circumstances and realities in his life through his music and poetry.

I think it was Lily and Moddie both speaking about the wall? I wanted to add something that

Berlin 1989 (written by Michael Jackson)

They hated the Wall, but what could they do? It was too strong to break through.
They feared the Wall, but didn't that make sense? Many who tried to climb over it were killed.
They distrusted the Wall, but who wouldn't? Their enemies refused to tear down one brick, no matter how long the peace talks dragged on.
The Wall laughed grimly. "I'm teaching you a good lesson," it boasted. "If you want to build for eternity, don't bother with stones. Hatred, fear, and distrust are so much stronger."
They knew the Wall was right, and they almost gave up. Only one thing stopped them. They remembered who was on the other side. Grandmother, cousin, sister, wife. Beloved faces that yearned to be seen.
"What's happening?" the Wall asked, trembling. Without knowing what they did, they were looking through the Wall, trying to find their dear ones. Silently, from one person to another, love kept up its invisible work.
"Stop it!" the Wall shrieked. "I'm falling apart." But it was too late. A million hearts had found each other. The Wall had fallen before it came down.

from the book
**DANCING THE DREAM by Michael Jackson**
(published 1992)

Could be modified to fit what you two are saying. An analogy. Though it seemed that his wall was different. He cared about people and loved them from inside his wall out. Maybe it was a morphing wall depending on who was on the other side...but I suppose we all are much the same way. I don't know exactly how he was and I can only speculate, but did he trust? Seems he must have to an extent, though he said he didn't. Maybe he expected to be let down by people because they always seem to want something....so maybe it was a matter of accepting people as they are, but being aware that they may break his trust eventually, or come to want something more. ..but maybe someone came along who pleasantly surprised him by not breaking that trust? ..and then the wall came fully down?

Just some thoughts. I think love is something infinitely precious to him...and though everywhere.. somewhat elusive at the same time? Or there, but with a catch?
I got distracted and forget where I was headed with this (got reading his poems and thoughts). Oh well, I'll post it anyways.
I agree with this, I think he was very protective of his personal life, as he should be. But unfortunately I also think that something else may have been keeping them apart, like the people that surrounded him. If he had found true happiness changes would have been made and I'm sure many people would have been cut off or pushed aside because he would have moved on to a new phase in his life. MJ was surrounded by selfish manipulative people and I think some people didn't want him to be truly happy.

Our brains must be wired the same. This is exactly what I am feeling was going on. I felt it early on when interpreting the love songs. Some of Michael's own lyrics reveal things he was trying to convey about his
personal life.

He told us there were walls and barriers between them back in the 90's( i think), fast forward to November 2008 didnt one of his notes say " I feel your enegry through the walls"?
If it was the same woman and if the theory of this thread was right,
shouldn't that tell us what he was trying so say? They either had to be apart this way by design or they were made to be apart by other sources for whatever the reason being. It was clear, he no longer COULD BARE being separated from this love. He said he wanted to be ONE with her.
But when we saw all those pics of MJ and Dr. Tohme Tohme, all those lovely messages stopped and we saw his mood and weight drastically fall.

I think in the end they were both surrounded by demons that were coming against their relationship that neither one of them knew how to fight off and neither did the people around them (those who would've cared enough and loved them enough to fight for them). They may have not even been aware that such opposition was coming against them in the beginning. They probably couldn't figure out what was wrong. They probably blamed each other. In the end they were just two people who simply loved each other and wanted to be loved and wanted to be together like most couples in love. Pretty simple request and desire really, and I'm sure they saw it happening all around them and couldn't see a reason why it couldn't happen to them, so they probably didn't even suspect that anything or anyone would ever want to come between them. And you have to admit, when you are in love you're not thinking of fighting anyone anyway. You're just not in "fight" mode. So they probably had their guard down most of the time. Love can really leave you with your head in the clouds. They were pretty vulnerable.

We like a fairy tale romance here, so if you have time to go back to the beginning, it's an interesting read. :)

I just wish it had had a fairy tale ending.:(
Here is some more info about Moddie's dream. Her dream revealed a lot.

Second dream:

I walked to a room where other were waiting for me, I could feel anticipation and excitement, then I saw what I was dressed in, A WHITE WEDDING GOWN. I walk out of room and see a ceremony like an award show taking place. I stand there for a few moments. There are hundreds in the crowd. I see Michael. He is alive, smiling his butt off, he sees me and he wants to get up and come to me, but the people on both sides holds his arm, then I hear the announcer guys voice say, "and the winner is michael jackson".

I could immediately make out the female who sang "Heal the World" at the memorial on July 7. She was in the dream, I saw her run up to someone and hug them with so much excitement.

On her left ring finger I saw a very shiny ring set. It looked very expensive and antique. She wore the engagement ring and the wedding band, there were alot of diamonds and it sparkled. Her dress was dark blue or dark purple, can't make out which color. It was not long, it stopped at her knees. She also wore fancy high heels with the toes out and a strap around the ankle. Her black hair was past her shoulders, this woman was petite, just like the woman who I was talking with by the vanity mirror in the first dream the other night, the only difference is the hair and this time, I can see more details of her.

Also, there was a little colorful graffiti falling from the top of the room, you know the kind thats shown at the countdown of a new year? Exact same just not nearly as much. The graffiti came as she began to move down the steps after she saw that the Gold Casket was there.

Yeah*Hmmm ... seems to be a lot there. She is preparing herself/God is or has been preparing her for her groom?

Mother (First person bride encounters upon leaving the bathroom): Church; Jerusalem; charity and love; comfort; Holy Spirit; kind; gentle; giving; nurturer; meddler; mother herself; spiritual mother; teacher; city; parting of the way, highway.

*I thought the "parting of the way, highway" seemed interesting! The way is now made clear for her?

Death or Dying (The casket scene): something is coming to and end; could be a chapter in life; marriage; bad habit being buried; job; relationship; desire; flesh is crucified.

I saw the most amazing rainbow the other day you guys! It was a COMPLETE arch!! And it had every color there is!! I was on the train and could not contain myself. I had to tell everyone on the train and they all got their camera phones and started snapping!

It went from clear on one side of the city all the way to the other!! When I figure out how to send it from my cell phone to my pc I'll post it. My frame could only capture the main part but it was PERFECT in every way from all the way to the left to all the way to the right!


First Verse of "Heal The World"

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways
To get there
If you care enough
For the living

Make a little space
Make a better place


With the song "Heal The World" Michael is trying to tell us all how to get to Heaven. He is telling us to do good deeds while we are on earth.

Notice that he is talking about Revelations 21:4 in the first verse of "Heal The World." And notice that the song "Heal The World" came into Moddie777's dream that had the wedding gown. Also notice that in the second verse of "Heal The World" Michael says, "There are ways to get there."

Now look at Revelations 21:1-5. The things that Moddie777 saw in her dream; the interpretations given by MysteriousPhoenix; and the rainbow over the city that STATEofSHOCK saw...all of these things are leading to Revelations 21 just like Michael's song.

Revelation 21:1-5
The New Jerusalem

1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.

2 And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

3 I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them.

4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”

5 And the one sitting on the throne said, Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.”


Notice that Moddie777 was paying close attention to the stones in the ring. She was zeroing in on beautiful jewelry and then she starts talking about the lady's dress. From there, Moddie is trying to figure out the colors. Notice that you all have been trying to figure out colors.

As you will see below, the New Jerusalem has many precious stones. They are different colors. Revelations 21:12-21 is a description of the New Jersualem.

Notice that Moddie777 saw something very colorful coming down in her dream. Also, notice that STATEofSHOCK saw a perfect rainbow going over an entire city. And, notice that in MysteriousPhoenix' interpretation, she actually said "Jerusalem."

While you are reading about the variety of precious stones, also notice how the number "twelve" keeps being mentioned.

Revelations 21:12-21.

12 The city wall was broad and high, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. And the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the gates.
13 There were three gates on each side—east, north, south, and west.
14 The wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them were written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
15 The angel who talked to me held in his hand a gold measuring stick to measure the city, its gates, and its wall.
16 When he measured it, he found it was a square, as wide as it was long. In fact, its length and width and height were each 1,400 miles.
17 Then he measured the walls and found them to be 216 feet thick (according to the human standard used by the angel).
18 The wall was made of jasper, and the city was pure gold, as clear as glass.
19 The wall of the city was built on foundation stones inlaid with twelve precious stones:the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald,
20 the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.
21 The twelve gates were made of pearls—each gate from a single pearl! And the main street was pure gold, as clear as glass.


As you can see from reading the above, the number twelve seems to be a very important number to God along with the other numbers that have been mentioned. The reason why I wanted to point out the number twelve is because of this...

In Revelations 21, the number twelve starts appearing beginning with verse 12. The last time the number twelve is mentioned is in verse 21.

What time was the 911 call made the day that Michael passed away? It was 12:21 p.m.

How old is Prince Michael I? He is 12 years old.

How many doves did we see released on the day that Michael was exonerated? We saw 12.

How many people deliberated for 7 days before saying Michael was not guilty of wrongdoing? It was 12 people. We call them jurors.

Did you notice that the date that Michael was exonerated and the date of his passing will forever be 12 days apart starting from this year moving forward? Yep, June 13th and June 25th are exactly 12 days apart and will forever be.

God is trying to show us that He has Michael with Him. God is also trying to tell us that Michael is staying at His home in Heaven. This is how God is trying to revealing it to us.

If we take a look at the month of June, we will see that there were three significant times that Michael went home. On June 11th, he went to Gary, Indiana. On June 13th, he went to the place that he used to call home. It was Neverland. On June 25th, he went to God's home. Notice that God's home is mentioned in Revelations 21:3.

Revelations 21:3
I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them.

God's home is the ultimate home.

Also, in Moddie777's dream, Michael looked like he did during the Thriller era as he lay in his gold casket. I think this is God trying to tell us that He took away Michael's vitiligo. He has restored Michael in every way.

Michael was happy before he left the earth. He had fallen in love. He was singing about it. He called the love good. And although he was not expecting to leave yet, he is not unhappy with God. This is what Moddie's dreams are telling us.

One day, we will see Michael again if we try our best to carry out our own good deeds and allow God to be proud of us too. It just takes some effort and some willingness to continue spreading the message that Michael worked so hard to spread all over the world.

He was spreading the new commandment that Jesus brought to the world.

John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

If you look at the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke, you will notice that Jesus was doing a recap of the ten commandments. Then, in the Book of John, he adds a new one. This is something that a pastor had pointed out one day while I was channel flipping. This pastor said there are actually eleven commandments now, and that John 13:34 is the eleventh one.

Now, let's look at the ages of Michael's children again. Prince Michael I is 12, Prince Michael II is 7 and Paris is 11. Which of Michael's three children spoke about him at the memorial and mentioned the word love. It was Paris, Michael's 11 year old child.

Now, here is something else from the Bible that twelve appears in...

This special story is a must read. It is about young Jesus. :)

Luke 2:41-51

Jesus Speaks with the Teachers

41 Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. 42 When Jesus was twelve years old, they attended the festival as usual. 43 After the celebration was over, they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents didn’t miss him at first, 44 because they assumed he was among the other travelers. But when he didn’t show up that evening, they started looking for him among their relatives and friends.

45 When they couldn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem to search for him there. 46 Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions. 47 All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

48 His parents didn’t know what to think. “Son,” his mother said to him, “why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been frantic, searching for you everywhere.”

49 “But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they didn’t understand what he meant.

51 Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. And his mother stored all these things in her heart.


Now back to Michael's passing. Someone around him did not do right by him. Selfishness played a role in Michael no longer being here. Although he was not expecting to be gone yet, he is with God and he is happy with God. But, when the time comes for that person or those people that have caused Michael to no longer be with us find themselves making the trip between the physical world and the spiritual world, they are not going to like where they are going. Walking the earth or not walking the earth, Michael has still won. This is another thing that Moddie's dream is revealing.

God, thank You for Moddie's dream. :flowers:
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Awwwwwwww, Amazing work as usual AllForMJ. So glad you are back in this thread.
Here is some more info about Moddie's dream. Her dream revealed a lot.








First Verse of "Heal The World"

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways
To get there
If you care enough
For the living
Make a little space
Make a better place


With the song "Heal The World" Michael is trying to tell us all how to get to Heaven. He is telling us to do good deeds while we are on earth.

Notice that he is talking about Revelations 21:4 in the first verse of "Heal The World." And notice that the song "Heal The World" came into Moddie777's dream that had the wedding gown. Also notice that in the second verse of "Heal The World" Michael says, "There are ways to get there."

Now look at Revelations 21:1-5. The things that Moddie777 saw in her dream; the interpretations given by MysteriousPhoenix; and the rainbow over the city that STATEofSHOCK saw...all of these things are leading to Revelations 21 just like Michael's song.

Revelation 21:1-5
The New Jerusalem

1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.

2 And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

3 I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them.

4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”

5 And the one sitting on the throne said, Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.”


Notice that Moddie777 was paying close attention to the stones in the ring. She was zeroing in on beautiful jewelry and then she starts talking about the lady's dress. From there, Moddie is trying to figure out the colors. Notice that you all have been trying to figure out colors.

As you will see below, the New Jerusalem has many precious stones. They are different colors. Revelations 21:12-21 is a description of the New Jersualem.

Notice that Moddie777 saw something very colorful coming down in her dream. Also, notice that STATEofSHOCK saw a perfect rainbow going over an entire city. And, notice that in MysteriousPhoenix' interpretation, she actually said "Jerusalem."

While you are reading about the variety of precious stones, also notice how the number "twelve" keeps being mentioned.

Revelations 21:12-21.

12 The city wall was broad and high, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. And the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the gates.
13 There were three gates on each side—east, north, south, and west.
14 The wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them were written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
15 The angel who talked to me held in his hand a gold measuring stick to measure the city, its gates, and its wall.
16 When he measured it, he found it was a square, as wide as it was long. In fact, its length and width and height were each 1,400 miles.
17 Then he measured the walls and found them to be 216 feet thick (according to the human standard used by the angel).
18 The wall was made of jasper, and the city was pure gold, as clear as glass.
19 The wall of the city was built on foundation stones inlaid with twelve precious stones:the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald,
20 the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.
21 The twelve gates were made of pearls—each gate from a single pearl! And the main street was pure gold, as clear as glass.


As you can see from reading the above, the number twelve seems to be a very important number to God along with the other numbers that have been mentioned. The reason why I wanted to point out the number twelve is because of this...

In Revelations 21, the number twelve starts appearing beginning with verse 12. The last time the number twelve is mentioned is in verse 21.

What time was the 911 call made the day that Michael passed away? It was 12:21 p.m.

How old is Prince Michael I? He is 12 years old.

How many doves did we see released on the day that Michael was exonerated? We saw 12.

How many people deliberated for 7 days before saying Michael was not guilty of wrongdoing? It was 12 people. We call them jurors.

Did you notice that the date that Michael was exonerated and the date of his passing will forever be 12 days apart starting from this year moving forward? Yep, June 13th and June 25th are exactly 12 days apart and will forever be.

God is trying to show us that He has Michael with Him. God is also trying to tell us that Michael is staying at His home in Heaven. This is how God is trying to revealing it to us.

If we take a look at the month of June, we will see that there were three significant times that Michael went home. On June 11th, he went to Gary, Indiana. On June 13th, he went to the place that he used to call home. It was Neverland. On June 25th, he went to God's home. Notice that God's home is mentioned in Revelations 21:3.

Revelations 21:3
I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them.

God's home is the ultimate home.

Also, in Moddie777's dream, Michael looked like he did during the Thriller era as he lay in his gold casket. I think this is God trying to tell us that He took away Michael's vitiligo. He has restored Michael in every way.

Michael was happy before he left the earth. He had fallen in love. He was singing about it. He called the love good. And although he was not expecting to leave yet, he is not unhappy with God. This is what Moddie's dreams are telling us.

One day, we will see Michael again if we try our best to carry out our own good deeds and allow God to be proud of us too. It just takes some effort and some willingness to continue spreading the message that Michael worked so hard to spread all over the world.

He was spreading the new commandment that Jesus brought to the world.

John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

If you look at the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke, you will notice that Jesus was doing a recap of the ten commandments. Then, in the Book of John, he adds a new one. This is something that a pastor had pointed out one day while I was channel flipping. This pastor said there are actually eleven commandments now, and that John 13:34 is the eleventh one.

Now, let's look at the ages of Michael's children again. Prince Michael I is 12, Prince Michael II is 7 and Paris is 11. Which of Michael's three children spoke about him at the memorial and mentioned the word love. It was Paris, Michael's 11 year old child.

Now, here is something else from the Bible that twelve appears in...

This special story is a must read. It is about young Jesus. :)

Luke 2:41-51

Jesus Speaks with the Teachers

41 Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. 42 When Jesus was twelve years old, they attended the festival as usual. 43 After the celebration was over, they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents didn’t miss him at first, 44 because they assumed he was among the other travelers. But when he didn’t show up that evening, they started looking for him among their relatives and friends.

45 When they couldn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem to search for him there. 46 Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions. 47 All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

48 His parents didn’t know what to think. “Son,” his mother said to him, “why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been frantic, searching for you everywhere.”

49 “But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they didn’t understand what he meant.

51 Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. And his mother stored all these things in her heart.


Now back to Michael's passing. Someone around him did not do right by him. Selfishness played a role in Michael no longer being here. Although he was not expecting to be gone yet, he is with God and he is happy with God. But, when the time comes for that person or those people that have caused Michael to no longer be with us find themselves making the trip between the physical world and the spiritual world, they are not going to like where they are going. Walking the earth or not walking the earth, Michael has still won. This is another thing that Moddie's dream is revealing.

God, thank You for Moddie's dream. :flowers:

Wow! I had missed it. I always love reading your comments. :wild::D
Great posts everyone. :)

Hi Moddie (and everyone)
I actually meant the very last sentence about when he seemed to change after Tohme. He seemed sad and got thinner I think you said? I just wondered when you saw that start

I hope you don't mind me answering this also.:)

I think Tohme had been around for a couple years already and I don't feel like he involved himself in that particular part of MJ's life. I felt like something changed in his energy and sometimes in his appearance in the weeks leading up to the O2 shows. I personally believe the changes started happening when DiLeo came back on the scene. Which would make sense because didn't he block MJ from being involved with anyone in a romantic relationship back when he managed him before? I dunno.....
Ape my comment about Tohme and MJ were from the times we got those pics seeing the two of them coming and going from the Beverly Hills Hotel (i think), for business meetings. Even before we had confirmation of who Dr. Tohme Tohme was, in those particular pictures with this man along, Michael's spirit seemed down, his body language bothered me when I first saw the pictures, he seemed nervous or uncomfortable around this man but I did see another pic of the two of them from London I think were Michael was smiling and looked upbeat.

Lily, I think we both maybe on to something, cause during the time when I noticed MJ's mood around Dr. Tohme, Frank was certainly in the picture and keeping a low profile about it.
Both of these men were part of Michael's team either officially or unofficially, both has access to him when others couldn't get it.

And yes, back in the day it was Frank who Fired Tatiana after she kissed Michael on stage. Rumor was, Michael didn't want her to do that and felt she was being too forward and aggressive?
Wow, that was the Holy Spirit talking right there! It was long, huh?! LOL Glad you guys enjoyed reading it and I hope it makes your hearts feel less heavy.

Katherine Jackson raised her son very well. She gave him a strong spiritual foundation. :yes:
ok- you'all be nice and not yell at me... i can't read 370 pages .... i read this thread when there was a lot less pages.... but even then....

i did not and do not understand what you all are saying..... LOL!

I feel like i am reading Shakespeare... HELP???? :-(
ok- you'all be nice and not yell at me... i can't read 370 pages .... i read this thread when there was a lot less pages.... but even then....

i did not and do not understand what you all are saying..... LOL!

I feel like i am reading Shakespeare... HELP???? :-(

I'll just repeat my post from yesterday LOL. What I posted below is pretty much what this thread is about.....:)

This topic is about members interpreting songs and whether or not Michael was sharing certain life experiences and/or a personal love story through his lyrics. It goes from that to discussions about religion, our own personal life experiences and more recently dream interpretations. But we always come back to what this thread truly is about, LOVE, and that one question, "Did MJ find love in the dark"? :)

We like a fairy tale romance here, so if you have time to go back to the beginning, it's an interesting read. :)