Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

In a previous post I had commented on the colors of the rainbow and their meanings.

Blue - in its high vibration brings spiritual elevation and Deepening the emotions. Awakens the highest emotions, brings the idealism and faith.
God has been openly showing signs that He has Michael with Him.

The dreams that Moddie777 has been having are confirmation along with the other signs that God has been showing in the form of numbers.

Moddie, the reason why you kept waking up every time MJ and the bride wanted to go to each other, is because his death came between them and prevented them from being together as husband and wife.

This is why you see him on one side of the casket sitting in the front row and the bride on the other side of the casket. Notice that both he and the fully dressed bride, as well as the woman wearing the engagement ring, are happy, but at the same time, the casket is open with MJ inside in an eternal sleep.

It shows that he was not expecting to leave. Your dream also shows that MJ was very happy with the woman that he had fallen in love with before he left.

Remember his handwritten note that included the red rose? In it he said, "You make me sooo happy." In this note he also said, "I can feel your energy through the walls."

Then, in "For All Time" he said to her, "If these words could keep you happy, I'd do anything" before going into telling her that he loves her and that she needs to know.

Notice that he said "keep you happy" in the song, "For All Time." Therefore, he is saying that he knew that she was happy too. Also in "For All Time," he said, "And maybe the walls will tumble..." This shows that the handwritten note with the rose and the song "For All Time" are for the same person. Also, notice that at the end of "For All Time" he said, "Say that you'll never go..." This shows that she was present is in his life, as these are words that are said to someone that is present.

I will point out the other number that God is using to show that He has Michael with Him; how it is leading to the Book of Revelations; and where the song "Heal The World" ties into not only this chapter, but also your dream.

Although death is a natural part of life and that some day each and every living person on earth will one day leave too because it is unavoidable, it is still so hard to believe that Michael is no longer walking the earth. For so long I thought that he would be here at least until he reached his elder years.

The only thing that brings me any comfort is knowing that God has Michael with Him and that God is real. He has been continuously trying to show people that He is real.

I am so thankful that Michael always loved the Lord and that when he left, God welcomed him home.

There are some people that are not going to be welcomed. Unfortunately for them, they choose to disregard God, or only believe in Him to a certain extent even though God has been trying to show them through the most famous man in the world that He is real. I guess mocking the most famous man in the world was more important to them than looking beyond their enjoyment and seeing what's really what.

I'm so thankful that Michael did not disregard God and that he used his time on earth in a very loving way. He is still a totally sweetie! His body is lying still, but his soul is very much alive.

I once asked God in prayer how people receive answers from Him when praying for His guidance. What came to me some days afterwards were these words.

"Your soul is connected to the spritual world where I live. I communicate with your spirit, the mind records it, and brings the information into the human world where you live. I place My answer directly into your mind to store it there so that it is easy to remember. Your mind is not just for remembering the spoken words of earth's scholars. It is to remember My words as I am the very first scholar and I am the creater of the mind. It is obedient to Me. It was created to remember the truth of life. I am the truth. I am The Word."

Back in October 2001 during an interview, Michael said "The most powerful thing in the world is the human mind and prayer." I guess he one day asked God the same question and got the same answer. lol Lucky him. I'm glad he asked.

God is good all the time. I'm very thankful that He allows us to have an opportunity to establish a relationship with Him while we are on earth, so that when we leave here, we can be with Him. It's all about trying to pass the test and we never know when our time is up. All we can do is hope that we did good work. We know that Michael did. He was working hard to please God by uplifting souls. He uplifted millions.
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Yeah, ashtanga the "Rainbow' connection is another clue and piece to this ever growing puzzle. Can't wait for MP to comment to the recent post.

Thanks for the hug 8701girl, I felt it miles away!
God has been openly showing signs that He has Michael with Him.

The dreams that Moddie777 has been having are confirmation along with the other signs that God has been showing in the form of numbers.

Moddie, the reason why you kept waking up every time MJ and the bride wanted to go to each other, is because his death came between them and prevented them from being together as husband and wife.

This is why you see him on one side of the casket sitting in the front row and the bride on the other side of the casket. Notice that both he and the fully dressed bride, as well as the woman wearing the engagement ring, are happy, but at the same time, the casket is open with MJ inside in an eternal sleep.

It shows that he was not expecting to leave. Your dream also shows that MJ was very happy with the woman that he had fallen in love with before he left.

Remember his handwritten note that included the red rose? In it he said, "You make me sooo happy." In this note he also said, "I can feel your energy through the walls."

Then, in "For All Time" he said to her, "If these words could keep you happy, I'd do anything" before going into telling her that he loves her and that she needs to know.

Notice that he said "keep you happy" in the song, "For All Time." Therefore, he is saying that he knew that she was happy too. Also in "For All Time," he said, "And maybe the walls will tumble..." This shows that the handwritten note with the rose and the song "For All Time" are for the same person. Also, notice that at the end of "For All Time" he said, "Say that you'll never go..." This shows that she was present is in his life, as these are words that are said to someone that is present.

I will point out the other number that God is using to show that He has Michael with Him; how it is leading to the Book of Revelations; and where the song "Heal The World" ties into not only this chapter, but also your dream.

Although death is a natural part of life and that some day each and every living person on earth will one day leave too because it is unavoidable, it is still so hard to believe that Michael is no longer walking the earth. For so long I thought that he would be here at least until he reached his elder years. The only thing that brings me any comfort is knowing that God has Michael with Him and that God is real. He has been continuously trying to show people that He is real. I am so thankful that Michael always loved the Lord and that when he left, God welcomed him home. There are some people that are not going to be welcomed. Unfortunately for them, they choose to disregard God, or only believe in Him to a certain extent even though God has been trying to show them through the most famous man in the world. I guess mocking the most famous man in the world was more important to them than looking beyond their enjoyment and seeing what's really what.

I'm so thankful that Michael did not disregard God and that he used his time on earth in a very loving way. He is still a totally sweetie! His body is lying still, but his soul is very much alive.

I once asked God in prayer how people receive answers from Him when we pray for His guidance. What came to me some days afterwards were these words.

"Your soul is connected to the spritual world where I live. I communicate with your spirit, the mind records it, and brings the information into the human world where you live. I place My answer directly into your mind to store it there so that it is easy to remember. Your mind is not just for remembering the spoken words of earth's scholars. It is to remember My words as I am the very first scholar and I am the creater of the mind. It is obedient to Me. It was created to remember truth. I am the truth. I am The Word."

Back in October 2001 during an interview, Michael said "The most powerful thing in the world is the human mind and prayer." I guess he one day asked God the same question and got the same answer. lol Lucky him. I'm glad he asked.

God is good all the time. I'm very thankful that He allows us to have an opportunity to establish a relationship with Him while we are on earth, so that when we leave here, we can be with Him. It's all about trying to pass the test and we never know when our time is up. All we can do is hope that we did good work. We know that Michael did. He was working hard to please God by uplifting souls. He uplifted millions.

Lovely post :)
AllForMJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You are back!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are back!!!!!!!!
AllForMJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You are back!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are back!!!!!!!!
Hey, Girlie!! LOL

Yeahhh, it took a minute, huh? These past couple of months have not been easy. We all are going through an adjustment period.

Mike has been a part of many of our lives since childhood. He's been there every step of the way from childhood to adulthood.

I wasn't expecting to be saying good-bye to him yet. I thought he was going to be here longer. I am so thankful that he loved God though and truly believed in Him, because it helps to know where he is.

We are mind, body and soul. The mind and soul are a part of our spiritual being. The body is a part of our human being. The spiritual side of Michael was his strongest side. So, find comfort in knowing this.
:D why does it feel like a family reunion in here when one of us returns after having gone for a time? Now if only S.O.S. and queeng would return. I know there are more. Just they were two who I got somewhat close to in particular.

Welcome back AllforMJ :)
Now she can interpret your dreams too :wild:
There seems to be a two-part answer.

Part of the answer pertains to MJ being in love before he left, and part of the answer pertains to the message that he was trying to spread on how to get to Heaven.

:D why does it feel like a family reunion in here when one of us returns after having gone for a time? Now if only S.O.S. and queeng would return. I know there are more. Just they were two who I got somewhat close to in particular.

Welcome back AllforMJ :)
Thanks, Ape. :)

S.O.S. is probably still trying to come to terms with what has taken place. She had planned to close her account on the forum just before it had been announced that MJ had passed, but when she heard the news about what had happened, she instead stayed longer. Maybe she has now decided to step away for a while and will come back later. It would be nice to see how she is doing.

I hope queen is okay too, but it's understandable if queen is still hurt by what has transpired. It's just so hard not to miss Michael. He's such a beautiful person. He shared his gifts for a very long time and he touched many lives while he was here.
S.O.S. is probably still trying to come to terms with what has taken place. She had planned to close her account on the forum just before it had been announced that MJ had passed, but when she heard the news about what had happened, she instead stayed longer. Maybe she has now decided to step away for a while and will come back later. It would be nice to see how she is doing.
Hi there!! :D Yep and you are absolutely correct my dear. I have simply had to redistribute my natural resources, time, energy etc. to make some necessary change.

A quick Hi to All! Just stopping by to say hello since I happen to be around on this Sunday night. You know I had to peek in here. I couldn't post in the "investigative unit" thread without stopping by my old stomping ground to say hi :D Thanks for thinking of me. I've missed every one of you so much!

AllforMJ that was a very nice post as always.

Speaking of rainbows, its amazing. . . I saw the most amazing rainbow the other day you guys! It was a COMPLETE arch!! And it had every color there is!! I was on the train and could not contain myself. I had to tell everyone on the train and they all got their camera phones and started snapping!

It went from clear on one side of the city all the way to the other!! When I figure out how to send it from my cell phone to my pc I'll post it. My frame could only capture the main part but it was PERFECT in every way from all the way to the left to all the way to the right!

Speaking of wonders in the sky, the first couple days after the "news" I found myself looking out the window of the train and saw two clouds formed as perfectly shaped hearts! :giggle: It literally made me laugh out loud as I marveled at the message I felt it was there to convey which is that God is still in charge, that God is Love, and that love is in the air!

I'm not much on dreams but its fun to read. I guess only MJ, God and "she" will only know what is really going on, if "she" ever really knew in the end, that is. AllforMJ's interpretation sounds similiar to what I was thinking though. OR ... that there are two MJs ... one who died and one who lives in whatever way that means in real life, only God knows.

If MJ had any say on music being released it might give a big clue but since that will be in the hands of others, there's no telling how they will do things. I do believe that if God wants it to be made known then it will be, because if the music come "from Above" as MJ always said, and God is the author of any songs MJ did for "her" then God just may make sure those songs get out that He wants to get out.

Maybe we'll just have to be patient. :) So good to see you all, MP, Babe, Moddie, Apeee, AllforMJ, 8701, Ashtanga, didn't I see Safira?!! :D sorry who I left out...I'm always flappin' my fingers so quickly.

I've been offline for several weeks and will be unplugging again soon as things are still unsettled for me and my youngunz and by the way, all Christians, please do say a prayer for state of shock and her two little shock waves! lol....well not so little anymore but still ... lol

I still may have only enough time for the "investigation" postings because it is partly driving me nutz to get to the bottom of things and I have such limited time these days so if you see me, please don't think hard of me for not stopping in for a while.

We have to keep the prayers going for the truth to come out and say prayers of special condolences for all who had such a special relationship as "she" did with MJ, plus all others who had their own special relationships with/to him as well and who need special condolences for their own reasons, eg., AllforMJ, you have mine as you had a special meeting of him and a very unique experience. :( :flowers:

Gotta run and will check with you guys later on. Meanwhile, keep dreamin' ;) and again I say, let's do keep the prayers going for all of us in this army of love, and for the truth to come out about what happened to our beloved. MJ was "about truth" as he so succinctly put it on Geraldo. So should we be too. Actually I don't think any of us will really 'rest' until we know the truth of what happened.

btw , these are for all the widows :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

If fans are MJ's "wife" they are all now also his "widows".

Let's keep the prayers going for eachother :) and thanks once again for thinking of me. I miss you guyz more. :yes: :flowers: See y'all lovlies later :)
Yes! Welcome back AllForMJ and SoS (and hopefully soon, the rest of our "Love in the Dark" family)! What lovely things you have written us!

All this "Rainbow" stuff has been very intriguing. I am still doing more research into this phenomenon and what it all means, but in the meantime, I had felt lead to post this song here last night, but I was having so much trouble with my computer freezing every time I went to this YouTube site, but perhaps you will have better luck. I wanted to dedicate it to our beloved MJ and all of the rest of you "rainbow lovers!"


Kermit the Frog

Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side
Rainbow's are visions
They're only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
So we've been told and some chose to
Believe it
But I know they're wrong wait and see

Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
And look what it's done so far
What's so amazing
That keeps us star gazing
What so we think we might see

Someday we'll find it
That Rainbow Connection
The lovers the dreamers and me

Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices
I've heard them calling my name
Are these the sweet sounds that called
The young sailors
I think they're one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it
There's something that I'm supposed to be

Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me ...
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Speaking of wonders in the sky, the first couple days after the "news" I found myself looking out the window of the train and saw two clouds formed as perfectly shaped hearts! :giggle: It literally made me laugh out loud as I marveled at the message I felt it was there to convey which is that God is still in charge, that God is Love, and that love is in the air!

Perhaps this is a sign that God subscribes to the "Love in the Dark" thread.:)

I've been offline for several weeks and will be unplugging again soon as things are still unsettled for me and my youngunz and by the way, all Christians, please do say a prayer for state of shock and her two little shock waves! lol....well not so little anymore but still ... lol


... I'm not much on dreams but its fun to read. I guess only MJ, God and "she" will only know what is really going on, if "she" ever really knew in the end, that is. AllforMJ's interpretation sounds similiar to what I was thinking though. OR ... that there are two MJs ... one who died and one who lives in whatever way that means in real life, only God knows.

... If MJ had any say on music being released it might give a big clue but since that will be in the hands of others, there's no telling how they will do things. I do believe that if God wants it to be made known then it will be, because if the music come "from Above" as MJ always said, and God is the author of any songs MJ did for "her" then God just may make sure those songs get out that He wants to get out.

... We have to keep the prayers going for the truth to come out and say prayers of special condolences for all who had such a special relationship as "she" did with MJ, plus all others who had their own special relationships with/to him as well and who need special condolences for their own reasons, eg., AllforMJ, you have mine as you had a special meeting of him and a very unique experience. :( :flowers:

btw , these are for all the widows :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

If fans are MJ's "wife" they are all now also his "widows".

Let's keep the prayers going for eachother :) and thanks once again for thinking of me. I miss you guyz more. :yes: :flowers: See y'all lovlies later :)

That's so lovely what you wrote, very insightful.:) I especially like the part about all of us being his "widows." I really feel like we are. We are all in so much pain. I see it everywhere. I don't blame anyone for wanting to stay away. I know my first reaction was to leave and never come back. It was just too painful and overwhelming and it all seemed to happen at the worst possible time for me too. But at the same time, I felt like I needed the support that I could only get from the people here at a time like this. I also needed an outlet for my pain. A place where I could write my feelings, cry, even laugh every once and a while and I know everyone here would understand because we are all feeling the same way. There are not too many people who would understand something this unique. But I also know that we all grieve differently and that's o.k.

It also made wonder about something and that is: What happens now to all of the beautiful promises that MJ made to "her" in his songs and maybe even in songs to come? Do they and will they still have any meaning at all? What is she supposed to do with them? Are they just supposed to forever be painful and taunting reminders of what could've been? I know some are probably thinking something similar to what my uncle used to say which was, "Honey, dead men can't keep promises." I know some could get real deep and philosophical and say all of those promises shall be fulfilled in the sweet by and by in heaven, but according to the Bible, people who pass on are like the angels and neither marry nor are given in marriage in heaven. So, it would seem that these things could only apply to the here and now. So, what should she do now? Does she continue to love MJ as a ghost? Does she move on, but ache every time she hears his voice or sees his face? Well, I know there is no simple answer, but it would be interesting to hear others' opinions.
Hi there!! :D Yep and you are absolutely correct my dear. I have simply had to redistribute my natural resources, time, energy etc. to make some necessary change.

A quick Hi to All! Just stopping by to say hello since I happen to be around on this Sunday night. You know I had to peek in here. I couldn't post in the "investigative unit" thread without stopping by my old stomping ground to say hi :D Thanks for thinking of me. I've missed every one of you so much!

AllforMJ that was a very nice post as always.

Speaking of rainbows, its amazing. . . I saw the most amazing rainbow the other day you guys! It was a COMPLETE arch!! And it had every color there is!! I was on the train and could not contain myself. I had to tell everyone on the train and they all got their camera phones and started snapping!
Thanks, STATEofSHOCK and hi there to you TOO!

Yes! Welcome back AllForMJ and SoS (and hopefully soon, the rest of our "Love in the Dark" family)! What lovely things you have written us!
Thanks, MysteriousPhoenix and hello!
Ape: it sure does feel like a family reunion lol! Allformj : Thank god ur back...i have been worried bout you :hug: Sos: You are right bout us fan feeling like ''widows'',most of us have loved him all our lives and feel like we were ''married'' 2 him. Didnt mike say once he was ''married to god, married to my fans'' or somethin similar?
Ape: it sure does feel like a family reunion lol! Allformj : Thank god ur back...i have been worried bout you :hug: Sos: You are right bout us fan feeling like ''widows'',most of us have loved him all our lives and feel like we were ''married'' 2 him. Didnt mike say once he was ''married to god, married to my fans'' or somethin similar?

Holy! If I am a MJ widow, then that means I am also a bigomist, LOL. Don't tell nobody.

Sos, I am so glad to see you again, been thinking about you. I am getting alllllll teary eyed now. sniff. sniff.

MP, The same questions you have about her are questions I've been asking myself too.
I also wonder where in the crowd was "she" at the memorial. Surely she would have been there, right? I wonder Since we didn't see her speaking if that was due to her been too overwhelmed with pain? Will we ever have this relationship confirmed through media? Or were the dreams the only confirmation we should expect?

There has to be a bigger reason why fans are recieving these messages, and signs now?
Is something approaching and being revealed?
I started reading,the first few post, it was very though provoking and touching seing MJ singing everything about his life and his feelings as he goes through the times of his life, but then it explain there is someone in the song he is always singing about? I'm not going to read the entire 368 pages to understand it! lol! I don't know why but MJJC site seems to load a lot slower than other sites!
Holy! If I am a MJ widow, then that means I am also a bigomist, LOL. Don't tell nobody.

Sos, I am so glad to see you again, been thinking about you. I am getting alllllll teary eyed now. sniff. sniff.

MP, The same questions you have about her are questions I've been asking myself too.
I also wonder where in the crowd was "she" at the memorial. Surely she would have been there, right? I wonder Since we didn't see her speaking if that was due to her been too overwhelmed with pain? Will we ever have this relationship confirmed through media? Or were the dreams the only confirmation we should expect?

There has to be a bigger reason why fans are recieving these messages, and signs now?
Is something approaching and being revealed?

I'm wondering the same thing.
Maybe we'll just have to be patient. :) So good to see you all, MP, Babe, Moddie, Apeee, AllforMJ, 8701, Ashtanga, didn't I see Safira?!! :D sorry who I left out...I'm always flappin' my

SOS and AllforMJ, I had missed the posts from you. :wild::wild::wild:
I'm glad you came back. :) I am missing the LindaC781, Safira and Renata. I hope they come back too.​
I think fans may be receiving messages because they were trusted by MJ. Maybe he wants the world to know the truth about the trolls that were around him, or what his feelings about life were at the present time, or possibly who he may have fallen in love with? I also believe Michael had a greater message he was trying to share with the world during these shows. He was concerned about Mother Earth, humanity, he spoke about higher consciousness, and in this last message

The Time Has Come
"It is now I see and feel that calling once again,
To be part of a music that will not just connect but,
Make all feel one, one in joy, one in pain
One in love, one in service and in consciousness"

Michael knew changes needed to be made, within ourselves, within our communities, and in the greater world. He's was right...and we are all living separate lives, but at the same time, we are all ONE.

"We are seasoned in each other's lives.
our joys and sorrows woven
into the tapestry of shared history". ~Linda Ellerbee~

Just to put my little analysis on "Rainbows" because personally I don't believe rainbows relates to any particular "love in the dark" woman. But this is what I do believe they mean.....:2cents:LOL

Rainbows are a message that is sent from God. I always say the Angels are crying in Heaven or they are Mother Earths tears for our planet that reflect off of a bright sunlight to create this magical phenomenon in the hope that brighter days are ahead. A rainbows color creates energy, a divine energy. Natures beauty that brings a smile to our face when they appear out of nowhere on a dreary/rainy day, changing how we feel if only for an instant. But nonetheless, they are a vision that makes a change within us, like food for our soul. Also, notice how the closer you feel you are getting to the rainbow like it's within your grasp, the further away it gets, it has no end. I feel that's God way of teaching us a lesson. Things aren't always as they seem, life can be an illusion at times. Besides what would we learn if we reached the end of the rainbow? Would we stop grasping for things in life because the pot of gold had been attained? Would we be content and lose our sense of wonderment or would we keep reaching, continuing to reach beyond what is within our grasp? I think rainbows allow us to dream, dream of what can be. It's a sign from God that if the simplicity of raindrops and sunlight can create such magnificent beauty, nothing is impossible. :)
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Very lovely Lily.

Thank you. :flowers:

Perhaps one day she will write a book.

Please tell me you are joking?

If Michaels LILD does exist this would be an ultimate betrayal of their love, trust and loyalty towards each other. She was not true to him if she does that imo. She'd be no different than the rest of them that have been all over the media. Blahhhhh.....
I think fans may be receiving messages because they were trusted by MJ. Maybe he wants the world to know the truth about the trolls that were around him, or what his feelings about life were at the present time, or possibly who he may have fallen in love with? I also believe Michael had a greater message he was trying to share with the world during these shows. He was concerned about Mother Earth, humanity, he spoke about higher consciousness, and in this last message

The Time Has Come
"It is now I see and feel that calling once again,
To be part of a music that will not just connect but,
Make all feel one, one in joy, one in pain
One in love, one in service and in consciousness"

Michael knew changes needed to be made, within ourselves, within our communities, and in the greater world. He's was right...and we are all living separate lives, but at the same time, we are all ONE.

"We are seasoned in each other's lives.
our joys and sorrows woven
into the tapestry of shared history". ~Linda Ellerbee~

Just to put my little analysis on "Rainbows" because personally I don't believe rainbows relates to any particular "love in the dark" woman. But this is what I do believe they mean.....:2cents:LOL

Rainbows are a message that is sent from God. I always say the Angels are crying in Heaven or they are Mother Earths tears for our planet that reflect off of a bright sunlight to create this magical phenomenon in the hope that brighter days are ahead. A rainbows color creates energy, a divine energy. Natures beauty that brings a smile to our face when they appear out of nowhere on a dreary/rainy day, changing how we feel if only for an instant. But nonetheless, they are a vision that makes a change within us, like food for our soul. Also, notice how the closer you feel you are getting to the rainbow like it's within your grasp, the further away it gets, it has no end. I feel that's God way of teaching us a lesson. Things aren't always as they seem, life can be an illusion at times. Besides what would we learn if we reached the end of the rainbow? Would we stop grasping for things in life because the pot of gold had been attained? Would we be content and lose our sense of wonderment or would we keep reaching, continuing to reach beyond what is within our grasp? I think rainbows allow us to dream, dream of what can be. It's a sign from God that if the simplicity of raindrops and sunlight can create such magnificent beauty, nothing is impossible. :)

That was very lovely :)
Perhaps one day she will write a book.

You said and now you have to tell. lol! :wild:I am so curious...​

*But I want to talk seriously about it... I do not believe in secret girlfriend. No celebrity can hide a secret relationship for long. At some point always find (the press). And if there was a secret girlfriend, long the world had known it. What about writing a book... Writing a book to tell something so private that only relates to two people and there is nobody else? If it were me I would never do that, it would be a lack of confidence with him, would break the privacy. And even that if there was a "secret girlfriend", "true love", everything would be very different to very, very, long time, that love is not just a feeling, is taking care of another. And when you have true love and that loves and is loved for real, love transforms the life of a person. The happiness of feeling loved unconditionally by a person and love are printed on the face of the person. When looking for that person you know who this person is loving and happy. Well, that's my view of everyone here. I can not see otherwise.