Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

It is always difficult trying to understand what the dreams or nightmares in want to show. It may be that some day at some event in your life will remind you of your nightmare and this time you will understand what the meaning. For example: "I saw it somewhere." Yes, through the dream or nightmare. This also happens with people when you say: "I think I know or have seen this person somewhere." This has happened to me. :yes:​

I think I have seen too much.
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I think I have seen too much.:(

Really? This is a good sign for you to prepare for what may come ahead. Do not see this as something bad that you "remember" and nightmares may not always mean bad things. Just a warning for you to stay tuned. "Remember" the dream or nightmare is important to arise when the events you can remember and understand when you say: "I think I've seen it somewhere." There are many people like me, when dreams do not remember anything, but I have nightmares when I remember. This may also have a meaning, but I do not know.

Wow, I think it is late and so my thoughts are traveling so much! They are miles away! lol! :wild::smilerolleyes:​
Mysterious Phoenix, (and anyone really) sometimes dreams, or premonitions aren't necessarily about things that will be, but things that COULD be. They are often a warning more than a seeing into the future. We need to take heed and do something. I was going to say, if nothing else, then pray, but prayer maybe should even be the first thing we do..but not the only thing we do.

If anyone is interested, I could share a story about my experience with it.. but it's not necessary.

Really? This is a good sign for you to prepare for what may come ahead.
Do not see this as something bad that you "remember" and nightmares may not always mean bad things. Just a warning for you to stay tuned. "Remember" the dream or nightmare is important to arise when the events you can remember and understand when you say: "I think I've seen it somewhere." There are many people like me, when dreams do not remember anything, but I have nightmares when I remember. This may also have a meaning, but I do not know.

:fortuneteller: I can see it now. Only good things are coming our way from now on. NO MORE DRAMA! My nightmares will turn into beautiful dreams come true. I will only dream of unicorns and rainbows. Every day, in every way, it's getting better and better. I'm feeling better about the future already. Thanks ashtanga.:)

P.S. I know none of you will believe this, but periodically I have been seeing a rainbow on the ceiling of my bedroom right above my bed right at eye level as I look up from my bed when I wake up in the morning. Have any of you ever witnessed something like this before? A rainbow inside of your house? I take it as a sign from God that better days are ahead.;D
I have actually.. funny you should mention rainbow.

Well there are rainbows after a storm. This was quite the storm. I hope we won't let the storm be for nothing.
Mysterious Phoenix, (and anyone really) sometimes dreams, or premonitions aren't necessarily about things that will be, but things that COULD be. They are often a warning more than a seeing into the future. We need to take heed and do something. I was going to say, if nothing else, then pray, but prayer maybe should even be the first thing we do..but not the only thing we do.

If anyone is interested, I could share a story about my experience with it.. but it's not necessary.

I've had preomitions before. And then the things that could happend actually DID happen.It really did come true :( But i couldn't tell who it was about until it really did happen :( sadly. So yeah i guess its a warning sign, but i couldnt do anything about it because i didn't recognize who it was gonna happen to.
:better: yes sometimes they do come true and no one can blame themselves for it if it does. You just have to pray. Some things are beyond our control. Sometimes it is a warning though. Recently on our way back from Mexico, in the plane, while on the runway getting ready for take off, I looked out towards the wing and an image of it blowing up flashed in my mind. I have flown lots and this has never happened to me. I didn't get worried or anything, I felt calm and thought alright, if it's our time to die, then it's our time to die but I have a little one to come home to and I don't want her growing up without a mom. I said a little prayer and shortly after that we were heading back to the airport as there was a problem with the air conditioning (they said). So we sat there for an hour and a half while they fixed it, and looked for an alternative plane. We eventually took off again and half hour or so into the flight they said we had to turn back. The problem had returned, and it was due to cabin pressure which is attached to the air conditioning. They said there was a hole somewhere and they couldn't know the outcome of the flight if we were to continue on. So we turned back. It was a bumpy ride back and it seemed everyone was on edge, even the pilot. When we got in, everyone clapped. The pilot said something jokingly about the situation and swore (showing his stress), and we got back safely to wait for a new airplane and new pilots. I could tell he held it together to avoid panic, but I could hear some panic in his voice, especially after we were all safe.

Anyways, that was one recent experience for me. I suppose it could have turned out bad but it didn't other than turning a 10 hour trip into a 20 hour trip.

I can't say why sometimes things turn around and why others, there seems to be nothing we can do. I suppose if the pilot ignored the warning signs, my little premonition could have become a reality so sometimes the action needed is out of our reach. That is why prayer is important. (For those who don't believe in prayer, I don't mean to offend or anything.. but there is scientific evidence of the power of prayer and it is what I believe in. So that's why I say it.)
:fortuneteller: I can see it now. Only good things are coming our way from now on. NO MORE DRAMA! My nightmares will turn into beautiful dreams come true. I will only dream of unicorns and rainbows. Every day, in every way, it's getting better and better. I'm feeling better about the future already. Thanks ashtanga.:)

P.S. I know none of you will believe this, but periodically I have been seeing a rainbow on the ceiling of my bedroom right above my bed right at eye level as I look up from my bed when I wake up in the morning. Have any of you ever witnessed something like this before? A rainbow inside of your house? I take it as a sign from God that better days are ahead.;D

:fortuneteller: I'm seeing now... lol! :wild:

Thanks! :D I am sure that from now on you will only many, many, many beautiful dreams and a future full of achievement and good things. :yes:​

Over the rainbow... as everything has a meaning in life, the colors of the rainbow also has its meanings:

A vibration designed by colored lights in the fields of acting force called chakras, promoting the balancing of energy. Then, its effect reaches the physical, allowing the restoration of the organs affected by a disease.

Here are some essential qualities of the 7 colors of the rainbow:

Red - brings consolation, force, victory and strength to overcome difficulties. The color red is the manifestation of the world high. It is the emblem of life in its initial manifestation, which has its origin in love. That is why the color red has always invigorating force. In its pure achievement is so beautiful and delicate that one could acquire the intensive vibration of playing only the high life. But the red drops gradually from one octave to another becomes annoying. In the material world causes an irritating effect on people. Physical field in the color red brings energy but it strengthens the destructive instincts and fight. That is why all beings in one form or another have accumulated in your system red light in their lowest manifestations are extremely active and harsh.

Orange - pure individual produces a noble people, raise your spirit and impetus for the demonstration. The orange impure feeds the vanity, complacency and selfishness.

Yellow - brings pure internal balance of thoughts and emotions. It produces peace, quiet and calm. Contributes to the development of intelligence and mental capacity. If the yellow is treated as a state produces impure sinful conditions. The mental equilibrium is disturbed. The grow more intensely personal emotions (eg pride).

Green - brings growth, development, abundance, prosperity, calm, hope, peace and fertility. But if it is treated as a state and impure influences the other colors cause bad influence on the man, he awakens avarice, greed person ease the property and material.

Blue - in its high vibration brings spiritual elevation and deepening the emotions. Awakens the highest emotions, brings the idealism and faith.

Indigo - brings strength, kindness, good behavior, respect, generosity, magnanimity, love and power. In its impure state leads to cowardice.

Violet - brings salvation, affection, perfection, holiness, worship, humility and seclusion. The color of diamond producing efficiency, purity and perfection.


It has its place in legend due to its beauty and difficulty to explain it before the treaty of the properties of the light of Galileo. In Greek mythology, it was the path made by a messenger (Iris) between land and sky. The secret place where the Irish elves hiding his pot of gold is usually said to be the end of the rainbow. In Chinese mythology, the rainbow was an opening in the sky sealed by Goddess Nüwa using stones of seven different colors. In Hindu mythology, the rainbow is called Indradhanush-meaning the bow of Indra, the goddess of lightning and thunder. In Norwegian mythology, a rainbow called the Bifröst bridge connects the realm of Asgard and Midgard, homes of gods and men, respectively. In Genesis 9:13, the rainbow is a sign of agreement between God and humanity. Once Noah survived the flood in the history of the Ark of Noah God sent a rainbow to promise that he never send a flood to destroy the world.

And I remember this song:

Over the Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really to come true

Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the Chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can not I?
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the Chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can not I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can not I?

(Music from the movie: "The Wizard of Oz")

And of course all these colors will muits good things for you. :yes::cheeky: and sorry... I wrote too much! lol! :wild:

*Hey, something happened last night... For the first time, I dreamed with Michael and I can remember what I dreamed! :yes: In another post I will share what I dreamed that this post is already too large. lol!:wild:

Like I said at the end of my previous post, I dreamed with Michael last night and for the first time I remember what I dreamed. I do not understand the dreams and I can not understand the meaning of them. But as for the first time I remember what I dreamed, I decided to post here. I do not know what it might mean.

I dreamed that Michael was landing at an airport I do not know what. He passed the gate of landing in the middle of a great uproar and several security guards had their back to protect him and the police too. Many people were with him, probably people who were together and traveled with him, but I do not know the face of these people. They were all men. Michael was alone. Prince, Paris and Blanket were not with him. All around it were many reporters around the world, the press was all there. And many, many, many photographers who ran to try to get a better angle of the picture of Michael. There were many flashes. They all tried to get as close as possible to Michael. I remember there was a lot right now, people running and screaming at the same time: "Michael, please speak with us." Michael was very serious, not covering the face, not saying anything and seemed to have a hard expression. No smile and no gesture to anyone, but it was very quiet. Michael was impeccably dressed, all in black, dark glasses and her hair was smooth and a little more. All men who were with him were also all well dressed. There were fans at the airport and called me so much attention: Michael landing at an airport and had fans not to receive it? My dream ended well, with the image of all those people at the same time and shouting: "Michael, please speak with us" and I woke up. I do not know what this could mean, but surely has some meaning. I know it was a very real dream, I felt as if I was there in the airport watching everything happen. Well, this is the first time I remember having a dream and I hope to continue this dream to share here. :)
Wow Ape! What a story! You were so cool, calm, collected and fearless on that plane! I like your attitude, you just nonchalantly said, "If it's our time to die then it's our time to die." Wow! I think I woulda been screaming, "Aaaaahhhhhh! Get meeeee outaaaa heeeeere! We're all gonna die!!!" Are you sure we're both virgos? lol!

And ashtanga, thanks for the run down on the meaning of the colors of the rainbow. Fascinating! And I love that song Somewhere Over the Rainbow! I sing it to myself sometimes. I'm just glad you can't hear me! Maybe God does love me after all. For a while there I was feeling like an ugly step-child!

Now on to your fascinating and mysterious dream...

Well, I've got to think about it a minute, but here is what I have so far from my handy dandy dream chart:

Vehicles: (examples: cars, trucks, planes, ships, sailboat) the calling or level of influence you will have on people; level of current anointing and spiritual power you are operating in; wind operated vehicles represent Holy Spirit; gas represents power; man power is the works of the flesh.

Black: neutral; dusk; moved with passion; midnight hour; sophistication; formality; elegance; wealth; mystery; style; sin; grief; death; physical affliction; from the soul; enemy; famine; lack; in the dark; judgment of God; wickedness; ignorance; mourning; gloomy; evil; demonic; ominous.

Hopes this helps to at least start you off.

*Leaves thread singing* "... If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, oh why caaaaaaaan't I?"
And ashtanga, thanks for the run down on the meaning of the colors of the rainbow. Fascinating! And I love that song Somewhere Over the Rainbow! I sing it to myself sometimes. I'm just glad you can't hear me! Maybe God does love me after all. For a while there I was feeling like an ugly step-child!

Now on to your fascinating and mysterious dream...

Well, I've got to think about it a minute, but here is what I have so far from my handy dandy dream chart:

Vehicles: (examples: cars, trucks, planes, ships, sailboat) the calling or level of influence you will have on people; level of current anointing and spiritual power you are operating in; wind operated vehicles represent Holy Spirit; gas represents power; man power is the works of the flesh.

Black: neutral; dusk; moved with passion; midnight hour; sophistication; formality; elegance; wealth; mystery; style; sin; grief; death; physical affliction; from the soul; enemy; famine; lack; in the dark; judgment of God; wickedness; ignorance; mourning; gloomy; evil; demonic; ominous.

Hopes this helps to at least start you off.

*Leaves thread singing* "... If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, oh why caaaaaaaan't I?"

Ahhhhhh I knew you would love this song so I posted here and also when I thought the rainbow I remembered it. :wild: And I love hearing you sing it. lol! :D I hope you continue to see the rainbow every day in your room, that their colors are very powerful and certainly they have the power to bring a lot of positive energy and will bring you in the coming days. :yes:​

About my mysterious and fascinating dream... I found it very interesting what you posted: vehicles and color black. On the black, I also realized that things can be good (elegance, wealth, style), and nightmares may also represent good things. What about vehicles (plane) are also good things and what predominates is the power that can mean "total control", "the power to control" and "being in command." I am very curious to see the continuation of this dream and I hope I remember it. lol! Well, if you have something to comment back on my dream, please share that I am very curious and I want to know. lol! :wild:

But thinking a lot about that dream today, I think I know what that could mean...:yes:​
Ashtanga, can you share it with us please? I think no one can interpret dreams as well as the person having them. Often times we have insight that we just can't give to another about those dreams, and the feelings we have while having them. (at least that's what I think)

MP, it was really just a quick moment. I kind of have a habit of ignoring my intuition or whatever it is anyways, and shrugging it off as meaning nothing. Just this time it was about something pretty serious, so I thought about it a bit and nothing saying I couldn't die just as easily inside the airport if it was my time to go. I guess I view things a bit differently (Sometimes... sometimes not) about death lately. There were quite a few times that people had told me that "if it's your time to die then there's really nothing you can do about it, it's your time to die. If it isn't, then it doesn't matter what happens, you'll live." something like that. I think it may have been before Michael's .. June 25th. Anyways, it kind of brings a strange sort of comfort knowing that I really don't have much say in it (other than I should probably keep myself healthy so however long I live, it's in a good healthy body). Kinda like that "Enjoy Yourself" song of MJ's or Jacksons. "You shouldn't worry.. about things you can't control" lalalalalala . So.. I wasn't going to worry about it..lol.

It's harder thinking about someone else close to me dying than about myself. It's so hard to lose someone, as we all know here.

I hope I'm not sounding morbid.
I have actually.. funny you should mention rainbow.

Well there are rainbows after a storm. This was quite the storm. I hope we won't let the storm be for nothing.
I saw a rainbow this morning! it had been raining early in the morning, and when i went for a walk 2 the shop..thats when i saw it.It was so beautiful & colourful :)
I saw a rainbow this morning! it had been raining early in the morning, and when i went for a walk 2 the shop..thats when i saw it.It was so beautiful & colourful :)

Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me

Though you're gone star far away
Each time I see a rainbow
I'll remember being with you
Smiles coming through my tears ...

Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me

Though you're gone star far away
Each time I see a rainbow
I'll remember being with you
Smiles coming through my tears ...
OMG its been ages since i have heard that song....such a sweet song :wub:
But i have 2 say its feels like mike has been following me everywhere i go!

My mum and i were watching this cooking show and the cook guy was in africa. After the cook guy finshed cooking the meal, the camerman had turned to this young african boy and all of a sudden the kid starts to sing "you are not alone!".Then my mum changed the channel, and we then see these some ppl in a club/pub and in the background we could hear a remix of mike & paul mcccartneys song "say say say"!...its been really errie
Mysteriousphoenix and Ashtanga,

The "Rainbow" connection,

Holy Christ, Holy Christ!!!!!!!!

When I first read MP's post about the Rainbow, I knew there was something very familiar about that but at the time, my kids were talking to me and interrupting my train of thought so I became distracted but later I thought of it again.

There could be a more significant reason as to why you see or dream of a Rainbow.

I have recently learned, there is a lady who fit alot of the clues in this thread who has a connection to MJ, and who happens to also have a conenction to the word "Rainbow". I didn't realize it then but a fan had told me, before that word is part of "her" place of business.

If this is true, I am not the only one whose recieving messages or premonitions.

Do you think Michael wants us to figure this out?
ok, I gotta go and get dinner started soon but I wanted to explain more about how the conversation started on this day but first:

This fan used to have her own mj website, she speaks to the family and only since MJ's death have she and I gotten close. It use to be we only conversed via email but we do have alot in common. We are older and have families of our own.

When we were on the phone, we were discussing several subjects all at once, thats how I have to do with her, since I dont get to talk to her much. It takes several tries before I can get her on the phone.

We talked about, Murray, Dileo, MJ's children. We cried, cracked jokes, talked about hsi music, Aeg and then we got on the subject of Al sharpton at the memorial and Jesse Jackson being with Joe right after the announcement of Michael's passing. And a secret possible Girlfriend( it was in the news in the UK)
I said something about the "Rainbow Coalition" trying to be funny and lighting up the conversation since we both had been crying and at that time her son was speaking to her too and she thought I had said something in relation to the so called girlfriend. She immediately assumed I knew where the lady worked and that it was a business title with that word( Rainbow). I corrected her and explained, I was just making a joke about Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition always on the case but I thought very little of the clue she had just given me.
Since Michael's death, I believe this fan knows for sure more info regarding a relationship but she will not return to the forums. I have asked her to come back but since that falling out involving Raymone Bain and 1 fan in particluar, she won't do it, she wont come back to the forums.
She has told me how tired she is of all the fighting and what she went through in the online fan community when she was just trying to help and did what was asked of her by the family. One fan became jeoulous and started an attack against her using other fans help.

I hope this helps a little.
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Ashtanga, can you share it with us please? I think no one can interpret dreams as well as the person having them. Often times we have insight that we just can't give to another about those dreams, and the feelings we have while having them. (at least that's what I think)
Hmmmmm :scratch:

Well... I thought a lot about and looked at my dream and I came to a conclusion on it. It is something very personal and therefore not shared with anyone about what I think. My view is very different from other people. I'm sure. If I say here what I really think about that dream can create a great discussion and I am sure everyone will think the opposite of what I think. And I do not want that here. Well, I expected a little why I think I will have to continue this dream and can I change my opinion. So I hope to share with you. Ape, I do not want you and others here are so upset. I just feel that I must share... not for now. :)

Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me

Though you're gone star far away
Each time I see a rainbow
I'll remember being with you
Smiles coming through my tears ...

Ahhhhhhhhh I love this song "Someone in the dark". :wub: It is one of my favorites. I remembered another song I hear that sometimes when I'm at home and I also love. I hope everyone here is a beautiful rainbow every day and their colors that bring many good things and much positive energy. :D

The Colours Of The Rainbow (Sarah Brightman)

The colours of the rainbow will show the world to you,
the colours of the rainbow are fading into blue…
Losing the future, and the colours of the rainbow
You shouldn’t keep it secret, just wear your inside out.
You can trust me, I’ll take you to the field of dreams.
The colours of the rainbow will show the world to you,
the colours of the rainbow are fading into blue.
The colours of the rainbow, promise what you want to do,
the colours of the rainbow, they all belong to you.
Lie across the flowers and everybody smiles at you
Drifting past the hours drowning in big blue
You can trust me, It’s always gonna feel like this.
The colours of the rainbow will show the world to you,
the colours of the rainbow are fading into blue.
The colours of the rainbow, promise what you want to do,
the colours of the rainbow, they all belong to you.
One world, one life in the colours of the rainbow.
One world, one time in the colours of the rainbow.
The colours of the rainbow will show the world to you,
the colours of the rainbow, they all belong to you.
One world, one life in the colours of the rainbow.
One world, one time in the colours of the rainbow.
One world, one life in the colours of the rainbow.
One world, one time in the colours of the rainbow.
The rainbow…
The rainbow…
The rainbow…
The rainbow…
The rainbow…
The rainbow…

*Moddie, we are starting a "Rainbow Connection"! I think this music of Sarah Brightman is how good is the rainbow in our lives.
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ok, I gotta go and get dinner started soon but I wanted to explain more about how the conversation started on this day but first:

This fan used to have her own mj website, she speaks to the family and only since MJ's death have she and I gotten close. It use to be we only conversed via email but we do have alot in common. We are older and have families of our own.

When we were on the phone, we were discussing several subjects all at once, thats how I have to do with her, since I dont get to talk to her much. It takes several tries before I can get her on the phone.

We talked about, Murray, Dileo, MJ's children. We cried, cracked jokes, talked about hsi music, Aeg and then we got on the subject of Al sharpton at the memorial and Jesse Jackson being with Joe right after the announcement of Michael's passing. And a secret possible Girlfriend( it was in the news in the UK)
I said something about the "Rainbow Coalition" trying to be funny and lighting up the conversation since we both had been crying and at that time her son was speaking to her too and she thought I had said something in relation to the so called girlfriend. She immediately assumed I knew where the lady worked and that it was a business title with that word( Rainbow). I corrected her and explained, I was just making a joke about Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition always on the case but I thought very little of the she had just given me.
Since Michael's death, I believe this fan knows for sure more info regarding a relationship but she will not return to the forums. I have asked her to come back but since that falling out involving Raymone Bain and 1 fan in particluar, she won't do it, she wont come back to the forums.
She has told me how tired she is of all the fighting and what she went through in the online fan community when she was just trying to help and did what was asked of her by the family. One fan became jeoulous and started an attack against her using other fans help.

I hope this helps a little.

Thanks for sharing this... Maybe MJ is trying to tel us something. That's too bad a fans attacked your friend.
Hmmmmm :scratch:

Well... I thought a lot about and looked at my dream and I came to a conclusion on it. It is something very personal and therefore not shared with anyone about what I think. My view is very different from other people. I'm sure. If I say here what I really think about that dream can create a great discussion and I am sure everyone will think the opposite of what I think. And I do not want that here. Well, I expected a little why I think I will have to continue this dream and can I change my opinion. So I hope to share with you. Ape, I do not want you and others here are so upset. I just feel that I must share... not for now. :)
Ashtanga, that's no problem at all. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable by asking you to share. I just wanted to let you know that (can't speak for everyone but) I was interested in hearing it if you wanted to share.

Moddie, I only remember the lady who came here as "MJsSecretLady" or something like that who people were confrontational towards. I believe that was because often times online there are many people who like to talk like they are something they aren't, or fake things. Someone must have thought that's what she was doing and confronted her about those things in case she wasn't being honest. I never saw it as jealousy but someone trying to protect fans from another possible lie? Maybe that isn't who you were talking about or even on this site though.
I guess it's irrelevant now.

Putting dinner on table in next few min.....

No Ape, I;m not talking about "mjsecret". I remember this person but I don't know them.

How Ironic, MJbabe21 as I was reading your repsonse, I looked up on the wall pass my computer and what did I see?

An old art school drawing from one of our kids I put on the wall. Guess what it is? The title of the picture says "RAINBOW" at the very top, underneath to the right is this date: March 13, 2002.
Our kid colored a RAINBOW and the colors he used in order from bottom up are: Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. There are 2 clouds, one on each side. He did not color them white but instead: Blue.

This room bares many of our children's school work on the walls, especially drawings and art work. This picture has been here since 2002 and I hardly ever notice it, since its been so long but today, I would pay attention to it of all the times I sit right here in this chair.

How Ironic............
Moddie everything you have stated is very ironic esp. how your kid colored the clouds blue..wow, and wasn't the lady wearing Blue in your dream?!! !! hmm this could be indicating something. I think we are still getting clues! Which is good :yes:
Ashtanga, that's no problem at all. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable by asking you to share. I just wanted to let you know that (can't speak for everyone but) I was interested in hearing it if you wanted to share.

Ape, I do not feel uncomfortable. Do not worry about it. :) Well, I do not want to cause an unnecessary discussion here so I think. I still feel that for now I do not share and which should remain only with me for now. I want to wait for the next dream, if I can remember it later (I hope so!). lol! :yes: Maybe he can prove many things.​
ok, I gotta go and get dinner started soon but I wanted to explain more about how the conversation started on this day but first:

This fan used to have her own mj website, she speaks to the family and only since MJ's death have she and I gotten close. It use to be we only conversed via email but we do have alot in common. We are older and have families of our own.

When we were on the phone, we were discussing several subjects all at once, thats how I have to do with her, since I dont get to talk to her much. It takes several tries before I can get her on the phone.

We talked about, Murray, Dileo, MJ's children. We cried, cracked jokes, talked about hsi music, Aeg and then we got on the subject of Al sharpton at the memorial and Jesse Jackson being with Joe right after the announcement of Michael's passing. And a secret possible Girlfriend( it was in the news in the UK)
I said something about the "Rainbow Coalition" trying to be funny and lighting up the conversation since we both had been crying and at that time her son was speaking to her too and she thought I had said something in relation to the so called girlfriend. She immediately assumed I knew where the lady worked and that it was a business title with that word( Rainbow). I corrected her and explained, I was just making a joke about Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition always on the case but I thought very little of the clue she had just given me.
Since Michael's death, I believe this fan knows for sure more info regarding a relationship but she will not return to the forums. I have asked her to come back but since that falling out involving Raymone Bain and 1 fan in particluar, she won't do it, she wont come back to the forums.
She has told me how tired she is of all the fighting and what she went through in the online fan community when she was just trying to help and did what was asked of her by the family. One fan became jeoulous and started an attack against her using other fans help.

I hope this helps a little.

Im so sorry to hear your friend was attacked by some mj fans...i hope she doing ok
Moddie everything you have stated is very ironic esp. how your kid colored the clouds blue..wow, and wasn't the lady wearing Blue in your dream?!! !! hmm this could be indicating something. I think we are still getting clues! Which is good :yes:

Yep! The color the lady in my dream was wearing a blue or purple dress as she came down the stairs looking and waiting for MJ to arrive(in his Gold casket), that is why I started with the color of our sons Rainbow from bottom to top, cause its the bottom where he uses those 2 colors back to back( purple and blue), which most people describe as turqouise(sp).

Who ever would've thought after MJ's untimely death that we'd be still getting clues.

My heart is so heavy right now.
Who ever would've thought after MJ's untimely death that we'd be still getting clues.


Yeah i know right. We still get clues. Im telling you , it feels like when you have these dreams or have something ironic happen ( the blue clouds) it feels like these are all signs!!
Im so sorry to hear your friend was attacked by some mj fans...i hope she doing ok

Thanks 8701girl, When all that stuff went down, she was really upset and didnt want to ever speak to other MJ fans but I knew that was only her frustration speaking. She loved MJ too much to completely turn away from all of us just because a few were self-important and jealous of her being somewhat close to a few Jackson family members. She never even bragged about that either. You had to pull it out of her before she would confess to speaking to them on occasion.

Like us, she is still in alot of pain over his death and missing him. We can not believe he no longer in this world. Our families are helping us to cope.