Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

After reading this post it has made my faith in god a lil stronger, but i belive my full on faith in him will not comebck till those evil ppl that r still trying to hurt mike even in death. But fear not im sure with a lil silent prayer each night, i will get stronger in time .
It is very good to know that! I am happy that you are stronger. This is as it should be. Always believe in God. :yes: Always talk to God, this helps alleviate that He will hear you. Things happen at the right time. God is watching everything that is happening. May take, but one day when the truth appears. :)
It is very good to know that! I am happy that you are stronger. This is as it should be. Always believe in God. :yes: Always talk to God, this helps alleviate that He will hear you. Things happen at the right time. God is watching everything that is happening. May take, but one day when the truth appears. :)

I hope that one day comes very soon.

"For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all."

~Luke 8:17 (New Living Translation)​
"For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all."

~Luke 8:17 (New Living Translation)​
I love that phrase. :yes: But I think you read my thoughts. lol! Why exactly is it that I have thought many, many, many days... It will be a big coincidence? Hmmm someone told me once that there is no coincidences! lol! :smilerolleyes:

And that sentence in my signature also says about it:

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time." (Abraham Lincoln) http://translate.google.com/translate_s?hl=pt-BR&source=translation_link
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And that sentence in my signature also says about it:

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time." (Abraham Lincoln)

Amen Sistah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Preach it!

We is havin' chuuurch!:D
I had another dream lastnight, but this time I could not make out too much.

The dream centered around Michael's last dance rehearsal. The exact footage of him on stage with his dancers from that lastnight was in my dream.

I could see the studio was somewhat dim of light, "she" was standing off to the side backstage a bit but with a view of Michael as he practice with his dancers. "She" was watching the rehearsal's. All I could make out was her upper body, she was standing and I could see the color blue or purple again. I think it was the same dress from my last dream but I can't be certain since I only saw her upper body.

I could hear male voices, there seem to be several talking in calm almost quiet tone's as Michael and the dancers continue on stage with their rehearsal routine. The presence of Randy Phillips was among these voices but I couldn't or don't remember a clear vision of him from the dream. I do remember seeing Kenny Ortega, he was dressed in black from head to toe and he was standing looking towards the stage smiling, he was standing towards his left allowing me to get a good leftside profile of him. The other male voices continued even as I could see Kenny Ortega, and Kenny was engaged in conversations with them but all was not revealed. I have no memory of what was being said among these men but it was all about Michael. that I am sure of.

I also could see a small male child playing on the floor backstage with a toy. I do not recognize this child. He was blond with straight hair and was wearing beige colored cacky pants and t-shirt.

At no time from what I could make out did anyone interact with eachother, only the ,male voices appeared to be grouped along with Kenny.

Wish I could remember more.
That dream was amazing. Seemed so real. The child caught my attention. Who is this child? Do you have to do with "her"? And "she" would love for Michael? I am confused. lol! I hope you can remember or that you have the continuation of that dream. The dreams are always, it is so difficult to interpret what they want in the show. But like everything in life has a substantially, dreams also mean that an attempt to show us something, that I always say: "nothing ever happens by chance in life." :)
I had another dream lastnight, but this time I could not make out too much.

The dream centered around Michael's last dance rehearsal. The exact footage of him on stage with his dancers from that lastnight was in my dream.

I could see the studio was somewhat dim of light, "she" was standing off to the side backstage a bit but with a view of Michael as he practice with his dancers. "She" was watching the rehearsal's. All I could make out was her upper body, she was standing and I could see the color blue or purple again. I think it was the same dress from my last dream but I can't be certain since I only saw her upper body.

I could hear male voices, there seem to be several talking in calm almost quiet tone's as Michael and the dancers continue on stage with their rehearsal routine. The presence of Randy Phillips was among these voices but I couldn't or don't remember a clear vision of him from the dream. I do remember seeing Kenny Ortega, he was dressed in black from head to toe and he was standing looking towards the stage smiling, he was standing towards his left allowing me to get a good leftside profile of him. The other male voices continued even as I could see Kenny Ortega, and Kenny was engaged in conversations with them but all was not revealed. I have no memory of what was being said among these men but it was all about Michael. that I am sure of.

I also could see a small male child playing on the floor backstage with a toy. I do not recognize this child. He was blond with straight hair and was wearing beige colored cacky pants and t-shirt.

At no time from what I could make out did anyone interact with eachother, only the ,male voices appeared to be grouped along with Kenny.

Wish I could remember more.

Could this child be mac when he was lil? Hes the only kid with blond hair that i can think of that mike had hang out with.
hmmm i wonder who this blond child belonged to? And how he connects to this dream??Wow moddie, you're having a lot of dreams. its like a continuation? Maybe its a sign.. Maybe he was going to bring this child out during Heal the world? or maybe the child was with "her" hmmm.. or this child belongs to one of the people at the rehearsal?
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That dream was amazing. Seemed so real. The child caught my attention. Who is this child? Do you have to do with "her"? And "she" would love for Michael? I am confused. lol! I hope you can remember or that you have the continuation of that dream. The dreams are always, it is so difficult to interpret what they want in the show. But like everything in life has a substantially, dreams also mean that an attempt to show us something, that I always say: "nothing ever happens by chance in life." :)

ashtanga, I am not sure who the child is but after I posted and came off the forum, I remembered how the child looked an awful lot like a very young Prince(MJ's first born). Anyone remember the first ever published pics of Prince and Paris on TV? They were captured looking out of the window of a limo ( i think). The boy looks almost identical to that and seems to be that age, very young and small.

I think your other question is asking me what do I have to do with her? I think this "did MJ find love in the dark" thread has alot to do with it. I truly believed he did find love and I was very active in this thread with interpreting. I also spent alot of time researching the lyrics and thinking about this relationship from both perspectives, his and hers. I am a spiritual person, like my great grandmother of whom I resemble alot. She was clairvoyant, I am not though.

I have always been taught, when a very spiritual person becomes troubled all they have to do is meditate/ pray and ask God for Direction and a Sign. Believe fully that it will be recieved and in time, you will have the answer. This is what I did after Michaels' death.

Hope that helps a little.
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hmmm i wonder who this blond child belonged to? And how he connects to this dream??Wow moddie, you're having a lot of dreams. its like a continuation? Maybe its a sign.. Maybe he was going to bring this child out during Heal the world? or maybe the child was with "her" hmmm.. or this child belongs to one of the people at the rehearsal?

Yes, MJbabe21, you are right. I do feel this dream is a continuance from the lastone. Remember in the last one, the dancers were warming up and stretching? Now, I can see them on stage. It is like this dream is showing me what all was taking place while Michael and the dancers were rehearsing on stage.

I think there are clues in what the voices were saying but I can not remember. I only know, there were multiple voices and they were all men. The only man that I could clearly see was Kenny Ortega. Randy Phillips's presence was in this dream but a good look at his image was not, at least not from what I remembered when I woke up.

I don't know how the little boy firgures into this but when MP comes in maybe we will get our answer?
I was thinking of something as I was getting ready for work this morning :huh: LOL, and when I read the child part of Moddie's dream it reminded me of the thoughts/questions I had. Do you think in Heaven we stay as we are when we get called home or do we get to revert to a time in our life when we were the happiest or for instance in Michaels case revert to childhood so that he can finally experience something that he never really knew?

When I visualized the child that is described in the dream it reminds me of seeing the videos of his oldest son when he was little and had the blonde hair. :) The media has been showing alot of videos when the kids were little, could that be where this vision came from, something you saw that was stored in the subconscience? I dunno.....

Here are some other meanings to some of the visions in Moddie's dream to help us analyze it.....

To hear voices in your dream, signifies a message from the unconscious or spiritual realm. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you need to "voice" your opinions more loudly.

The Color Blue
Blue is the coolest color - the color of the sky, ocean, sleep, twilight. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli to represent heaven. Blue symbolizes the Virgin Mary. A pure blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality. Blue is often the chosen color by conservative people. Blue is the calming color. That makes it a wonderful color to use in the home, especially for babies. Blue is so soothing that is a good choice for pajamas. Dark blue is the color of truth and moderation. A blue iris means your friendship is very important to me. Wednesday's color is blue. Blue gemstones to wear to feel calm are blue sapphire and blue topaz. Lapis lazuli and azurite are said to heighten psychic power.
Turquoise is the symbol of youth, both the color and the gemstone. This color has a soothing affect. Turquoise is the color of communication. It contains the growth quality of green with the blue quality of communication. Turquoise has long been used in amulets to provide protection, health, confidence and strength.
Aqua is the color of high ideals.
Blue Energy

Blue gives a feeling of distance. Artists use it to to show perspective. This is a good way to understand the energy of the color blue - it allows us to look beyond and increase our perspective outward. It contains a cool vibration that is helpful to communication.
The vibration if blue can be used to open energy flow where it is blocked. Using blue to relax will encourage feelings of communication and peace.

The Color Purple
Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation.
Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Most children love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists. Thursday's color is purple.
Violet is the color of purpose. Violet is associated with the Crown chakra (This links individual and universal).
Violet Energy

Violet is a combination of blue and red. Red is a focusing, dynamic and active energy while blue is cooling, calming and expansive. Violet brings a new dynamic to the expansion of blue and the activity of red. Red brings practicality to the undirected expansiveness of the blue, and allows more creative energy to emerge. For this reason, violet is associated with imagination and inspiration.
Violet is an important energy for those who use blue and indigo skills in the psychic field. The red in violet offers a grounding effect.
Yeah maybe MP can explain it to us.. MP is good that this stuff!! :) But nice dream, i believe this dream maybe telling you something, i truely do Moddie!! So did this lady look the same from the last dream? But then again you said you can see she was wearing a blue or purple outfit? So it must be... Maybe this is "her" we have been talking about this whole time :)
^^ @ Lily!

This could be.. You have a good point. Maybe the child symbolized MJ in a way. He cherished being a child at heart.. so maybe thats why the child was in te dream. But when i saw that it was a blond child i thought of his son prince..
Lily, I too have had questions about Heaven especially when I was much younger. I am intrigued by movies about heaven even comedies. I'm not sure but I think we are the same as in heaven as we were when we were called home.

Your "color" meanings are very interesting. I think there could be clues about her in their meaning since she is the one wearing this color.

You and MJbabe21 are right. The more I think about it, I believe the blonde child is Michael's son, Prince when he was younger.

Seeing The boy, "Her' and Kenny Ortega all in the same dream while Michael is on stage rehearsing with his dancers must mean: These images symbolize the things that meant the most to Michael during the time of his death.

The boy- Represents Michael's love and devotion for his children. Seeing the boy playing while MJ was rehearsing in same venue, must indicate Michael's need to have his kids near him as he would embark on this upcoming journey. The fact that the boy is at the rehearsal gives me that indication and remember what Michael was reported saying, he wanted his kids to see him perform on stage. Could this part of the dream be a confirmation of that?

"Her"- I think, Michael had plans for her being there with him during this tour. In some capacity either private or not, he was going to make her a part of this experience too.
Since this is the second dream with images of "her" and the 02 dancers, I can't think of anything elese.

Kenny Ortega- Represents Michael's focus on his Artistic Goals for the 02 performaces.

boy-His family. "Her"-His personal relationship. Kenny Ortega- His Career.

The voices represents a "Warning" close at hand that symbolizes The destruction and breakdown of these 3 key things to Michael. The fact that I could hear them but not see or make out what was being said, must be a "warning" of them being Close within MJ's reach.
He knew his enemies.
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... Seeing The boy, "Her' and Kenny Ortega all in the same dream while Michael is on stage rehearsing with his dancers must mean: These images symbolize the things that meant the most to Michael during the time of his death.

... boy-His family. "Her"-His personal relationship. Kenny Ortega- His Career.

The voices represents a "Warning" close at hand that symbolizes The destruction and breakdown of these 3 key things to Michael. The fact that I could hear them but not see or make out what was being said, must be a "warning" of them being Close within MJ's reach.
He knew his enemies.

Wow Moddie!!! I think you just analyzed your own dream and you did an excellent job! You are gettin' gooooooood!!!:yes:
ashtanga, I am not sure who the child is but after I posted and came off the forum, I remembered how the child looked an awful lot like a very young Prince(MJ's first born). Anyone remember the first ever published pics of Prince and Paris on TV? They were captured looking out of the window of a limo ( i think). The boy looks almost identical to that and seems to be that age, very young and small.

I think your other question is asking me what do I have to do with her? I think this "did MJ find love in the dark" thread has alot to do with it. I truly believed he did find love and I was very active in this thread with interpreting. I also spent alot of time researching the lyrics and thinking about this relationship from both perspectives, his and hers. I am a spiritual person, like my great grandmother of whom I resemble alot. She was clairvoyant, I am not though.

I have always been taught, when a very spiritual person becomes troubled all they have to do is meditate/ pray and ask God for Direction and a Sign. Believe fully that it will be recieved and in time, you will have the answer. This is what I did after Michaels' death.

Hope that helps a little.

Hmmm I am still confused about this child. Could be the Prince? I am happy that you are a person very spiritual and sensitive, this is very good. People thus have the ability to see beyond the events and I would like to have this capability, but no. This may also help you interpret your dreams. I think they are trying to show you something. Well, I'm not good at interpreting dreams. lol! But like you said God always gives us a sign and shows the right direction of things. Sometimes it is difficult to understand, but a moment comes suddenly that we understand. :)
Wow Moddie!!! I think you just analyzed your own dream and you did an excellent job! You are gettin' gooooooood!!!:yes:

If this interpretation of my dream is correct, then that means AllForMJ was right all along when she first created this Thread! And all of us hopeless romantics weren't so hopeless afterall, we were little MJ P. I.'s.

I wish allformj would come back. Hope she and Ape are doing ok.
I'm quoting myself because of the color meanings and I'll put my responses in red so it's not so confusing.lol

The Color Blue
Blue is the coolest color - the color of the sky, ocean, sleep, twilight. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli to represent heaven. Blue symbolizes the Virgin Mary. A pure blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality. Blue is often the chosen color by conservative people. Blue is the calming color. That makes it a wonderful color to use in the home, especially for babies. Blue is so soothing that is a good choice for pajamas. Dark blue is the color of truth and moderation. A blue iris means your friendship is very important to me. Wednesday's color is blue. Blue gemstones to wear to feel calm are blue sapphire and blue topaz. Lapis lazuli and azurite are said to heighten psychic power.
Turquoise is the symbol of youth, both the color and the gemstone. This color has a soothing affect. Turquoise is the color of communication. It contains the growth quality of green with the blue quality of communication. Turquoise has long been used in amulets to provide protection, health, confidence and strength.
Aqua is the color of high ideals.
Blue Energy

Blue gives a feeling of distance. Artists use it to to show perspective. This is a good way to understand the energy of the color blue - it allows us to look beyond and increase our perspective outward. It contains a cool vibration that is helpful to communication.
The vibration if blue can be used to open energy flow where it is blocked. Using blue to relax will encourage feelings of communication and peace.

The Color Purple
Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation.
Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Most children love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists. Thursday's color is purple.
Violet is the color of purpose. Violet is associated with the Crown chakra (This links individual and universal).
Violet Energy

Violet is a combination of blue and red. Red is a focusing, dynamic and active energy while blue is cooling, calming and expansive. Violet brings a new dynamic to the expansion of blue and the activity of red. Red brings practicality to the undirected expansiveness of the blue, and allows more creative energy to emerge. For this reason, violet is associated with imagination and inspiration.
Violet is an important energy for those who use blue and indigo skills inthe psychic field. The red in violet offers a grounding effect.

The interesting thing when I read about these 2 colors that you dreamt she was wearing again is they have alot of similarities, energy, inspiration, artistry, calm, psychic power, etc.....since she is the one wearing them I believe these may be qualities that she brought into his life. Her love inspired him in many ways, as the artist MJ and as the man Michael. Is she creative or an artist herself? Did her personality balance his? The psychic reference could be interpreted as they had a very strong special connection, they were kindred spirits. Their love is truly eternal.

Your "color" meanings are very interesting. I think there could be clues about her in their meaning since she is the one wearing this color.

"Her"- I think, Michael had plans for her being there with him during this tour. In some capacity either private or not, he was going to make her a part of this experience too.
Since this is the second dream with images of "her" and the 02 dancers, I can't think of anything elese.

I think they were a gift in each others lives. Michael had finally found someone truly special, a love he had been yearning for, two lives that came together when they least expected it. Pure true love brought together by the divine.:cry:

The voices represents a "Warning" close at hand that symbolizes The destruction and breakdown of these 3 key things to Michael. The fact that I could hear them but not see or make out what was being said, must be a "warning" of them being Close within MJ's reach.
He knew his enemies.

This scares me. :mello:
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I'm ok :) I'm just reading this right now. Thank you for thinking of me.

I don't often know what to add these days. It's still a nice escape in here sometimes, but I have so much work to do in my life that usually keeps me from getting too into things as I used to.

:hug: :) I still enjoy reading though.
Lily your remarks in "red" sent chills. I think you maybe right on with your interpretation of their relationship. Sounds very beautiful. I get the feeling, that a bunch of someones within MJ's own camp did not want to see this relationship prosper and he knew it.

Ape, so glad you repsonded and are doing ok. Glad to see you.

Have guest coming over tonight. See you guys later.
I'm ok :) I'm just reading this right now. Thank you for thinking of me.

I don't often know what to add these days. It's still a nice escape in here sometimes, but I have so much work to do in my life that usually keeps me from getting too into things as I used to.

:hug: :) I still enjoy reading though.

Ape, I am happy to see you! I hope you are well and are working hard for your character in the movie that you will do or is already doing. (Yes, I remember that!:)) I wish much luck to you in your work. :yes:

I am also missing from Linda, she was always very present here.
I hope you have more dreams like this Moddie!! I think since you saw the same lady in both dreams it indicates something.. maybe you really saw "her" ( i mean the way so looked)...
:) Thank you Ashtanga. Filming starts next month. It's so different from theater. There are no rehearsals at all. I just have to do all the work on my own away from everyone else. Makes me nervous because I didn't know that's how it worked. I will keep you guys updated though on the progress. If I think the movie sucks, I will even let you know then, but I hope it doesn't of course. It's a good message for the movie anyways. Haven't even signed our contracts yet, but will in a couple weeks.

The theme ties in with MJ's message too with healing the world. Interesting how that worked out.

I know this is way off topic but I will share anyways since I really don't know what to say for the rest of this topic. You know my role is the alcoholic single mom of 4. Well.. I rarely ever drink at all. I don't really like to. But I decided while I was away on vacation that I'd take one day to explore that part of things. I had my script in hand and with each drink I would take notes on how I was feeling, and I'd read the script to myself (my parts) at the various stages of inebriation paying close attention to my feelings, thoughts and movement. It was all going quite well to a stage. Then I started to talk to various people, had these great drunk talks, got all involved while I tried to keep my focus. My notes started to turn into notes about my surroundings rather than the script or observations of the state of mind. Instead of "mostly normal till I try to move, then slow, drunk. Take time to think, some staring off into space. Drunk movement, trying to be normal." to "watched stars, stood in waves on beach. saw 3 shooting stars, talked to God. went to sports bar to go over script, cry. lol. strawberry daquiri. they were out of pina-colada." Before I stumbled on back to my room.
My script got signed by a few of my new friends that I made that night. One such note was from the bartender Ricardo who, when I asked for "something yummy" replied with "how about me?" Though I never got to taste him, he made a delicious drink and signed my script with "The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making them come true -Ricardo"

So I had to laugh at myself for that experimient. From now on I will just observe the drunken ladies on youtube. Kids please don't try that experiment. For myself, I do think that I understood the role somewhat better now but I'm not going to turn it into a habit.
Mac? :scratch:I do not think that the events that are facts of this dream, it happened now. I think this child has to do with this mysterious woman in the dream.​

MMM not sure who this child could be. but my god i wish i could have dreams like urs moddie!