Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

The MysteriousPhoenix, she is ready for the analysis ...

*Even my handy dandy little dream chart couldn't help me this time, so I had to wing it! I had to go by the general rule for analyzing dreams which is to simply ask yourself what each symbol means to you. So, I guess this is going to be what it means to me personally rather than what it actually means.

Another Dream!

... I am excited- I felt absolutely no fear at all this time!
... I saw "her" standing at the top of a flight of stairs, she was backstage looking out at what appeared to be the 02 dancers for the London Shows. They were all happy, jumping up and down, hugging eachother and a few were doing warm up excercises. I could immediately make out the female who sang "Heal the World" at the memorial on July 7. She was in the dream, I saw her run up to someone and hug them with so much excitement. There was nothing but love and excitement in the air from the dancers. But as "she" stood at top of stairwell, I felt her anticipation, I felt her, she was like: IS HE HERE YET? WILL HE BE ON TIME? IS HE HERE? HAVE THEY BROUGHT HIM YET?Her mind was saying this, I didnt see her lips move at all, then suddenly with the last thought she had, I saw her walking down the stairs as she bent slightly down to see MJ inside the Golden casket up against the wall. A male dancer in a leotard was standing near stretching his legs. The coffin was open and she was smiling. She was happy to see him finally there. Then I saw glimpse of her, her right hand held onto the banister as she came down the stairs and her left hand was free, she was the only one on the staircase. Everyone beneath her was still happy, hugging eachother and warming up even as MJ lay in the open Golden Casket. On her left ring finger I saw a very shiny ring set. It looked very expensive and antique. She wore the engagement ring and the wedding band, there were alot of diamonds and it sparkled. Her dress was dark blue or dark purple, can't make out which color. It was not long, it stopped at her knees. She also wore fancy high heels with the toes out and a strap around the ankle. Her black hair was past her shoulders, this woman was petite, just like the woman who I was talking with by the vanity mirror in the first dream the other night, the only difference is the hair and this time, I can see more details of her.
Also, there was a little colorful graffiti falling from the top of the room, you know the kind thats shown at the countdown of a new year? Exact same just not nearly as much. The graffiti came as she began to move down the steps after she saw that the Gold Casket was there.
Since I felt no fear this time I could see the deceased MJ was the Thriller Era MJ, His skin was dark and so was hers in these dreams. He had on his famous shades and the exact outfit he wore when he met with President Reagan at the White House! There are pictures of it online and I think in Moonwalk.
She wants to go to him, I can feel her excitement as her eyes are glued to him but before she gets to the bottom, the dream is over.
I can not believe this time I wasn't scared! I slept the entire night! Wow! i can't believe it. Thank you God!
The "Thriller Era" MJ in the Golden Box

May 14, 1984

The first thing I notice is Moddie's sudden change of mood in this one. She is definitely no longer afraid. She is in fact excited. As a matter of fact, everyone seems to be excited. I also had to ask myself what did the 02 shows mean to me personally. Well, to me it symbolized MJ's great comeback. I won't get into any arguments over whether he had ever really left, as some people were saying around that time. It was still a comeback in my eyes. He had gone through so much prior to these shows. The name of the shows was, This Is It! That, in and of itself, can mean so many things. As we all know, the more "recent" MJ never did make it to those shows, but in the dream it almost looks as if they are still going to take place. The dancers are excited. They are "warming up" even. "She" happens to be descending the stairs while confetti flies above her head. The scene almost reminds me of MJ's Pepsi commercial (also from the 80's) as he was descending the stairs. Interestingly, in the commercial he is singing, "... You're a whole new generation." Everyone and everything is "downstairs." We usually keep "old" things and things that we don't use on a regular basis, "downstairs." Lo and behold, the "old" MJ is down there! The 1980's, "Thriller Era" MJ to be exact! What did the "Thriller Era" mean to me? I guess it was MJ's heyday! That time was almost perfect and there had never been a time quite like it for him since. It was definitely exciting! It was a time of innocence and fun too! It was magic! As a matter of fact, the picture above was taken in 1984 and I think that was the last "perfect" year for MJ. After 1984, things began to turn a bit.

A good question to ask at this point is, why isn't the dreamer of this dream frightened like in the last dream? She was deathly afraid in the other dream. She has a fear of dead things. This MJ is also in a casket, but he is not feared. Could it be because he or some part of this "Thriller Era" MJ is actually "alive" or about to come to life again? After all, this is definitely no funeral - way too much happiness and excitement going around. Seems like these people are planning ... a "resurrection." Sort of resurrecting the past? "She" (MJ's "wife") seems to want to go back there, relive it it seems. She is excited. Is she trying to pick up where they left off at the most "perfect" time of his life? She didn't seem so excited over the other MJ in the golden box at the wedding.

This dream seems to represent the old and the new and going backwards and forwards at the same time. The 02 shows seem to represent the "new" and going forward and the "Thriller Era" MJ in the golden box seems to represent the "past" and going back in time, nostalgia perhaps. Maybe it's not about bringing the past back literally, but recapturing some part of it - the magic, the innocence, the excitement, the fun, etc. and bringing it forward to the present and making it new again at the same time. The MJ we thought would live forever has died and the one we thought had died is ready to ... "come back to life!"
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The MysteriousPhoenix, she is ready for the analysis ...

*Even my handy dandy little dream chart couldn't help me this time, so I had to wing it! I had to go by the general rule for analyzing dreams which is to simply ask yourself what each symbol means to you. So, I guess this is going to be what it means to me personally rather than what it actually means.

The "Thriller Era" MJ in the Golden Box

May 14, 1984​

The first thing I notice is Moddie's sudden change of mood in this one. She is definitely no longer afraid. She is in fact excited. As a matter of fact, everyone seems to be excited. I also had to ask myself what did the 02 shows mean to me personally. Well, to me it symbolized MJ's great comeback. I won't get into any arguments over whether he had ever really left, as some people were saying around that time. It was still a comeback in my eyes. He had gone through so much prior to these shows. The name of the shows was, This Is It! That, in and of itself, can mean so many things. As we all know, the more "recent" MJ never did make it to those shows, but in the dream it almost looks as if they are still going to take place. The dancers are excited. They are "warming up" even. "She" happens to be descending the stairs while confetti flies above her head. The scene almost reminds me of MJ's Pepsi commercial (also from the 80's) as he was descending the stairs. Interestingly, in the commercial he is singing, "... You're a whole new generation." Everyone and everything is "downstairs." We usually keep "old" things and things that we don't use on a regular basis, "downstairs." Lo and behold, the "old" MJ is down there! The 1980's, "Thriller Era" MJ to be exact! What did the "Thriller Era" mean to me? I guess it was MJ's heyday! That time was almost perfect and there had never been a time quite like it for him since. It was definitely exciting! It was a time of innocence and fun too! It was magic! As a matter of fact, the picture above was taken in 1984 and I think that was the last "perfect" year for MJ. After 1984, things began to turn a bit.

A good question to ask at this point is, why isn't the dreamer of this dream frightened like in the last dream? She was deathly afraid in the other dream. She has a fear of dead things. This MJ is also in a casket, but he is not feared. Could it be because he or some part of this "Thriller Era" MJ is actually "alive" or about to come to life again? After all, this is definitely no funeral - way too much happiness and excitement going around. Seems like these people are planning ... a "resurrection." Sort of resurrecting the past? "She" (MJ's "wife") seems to want to go back there, relive it it seems. She is excited. Is she trying to pick up where they left off at the most "perfect" time of his life? She didn't seem so excited over the other MJ in the golden box at the wedding.

This dream seems to represent the old and the new and going backwards and forwards at the same time. The 02 shows seem to represent the "new" and going forward and the "Thriller Era" MJ in the golden box seems to represent the "past" and going back in time, nostalgia perhaps. Maybe it's not about bringing the past back literally, but recapturing some part of it - the magic, the innocence, the excitement, the fun, etc. and bringing it forward to the present and making it new again at the same time. The MJ we thought would live forever has died and the one we thought had died is ready to ... "come back to life!"

Wow! That was incredible! The new disciple of Freud... lol! For me the "Thriller Era" was also exciting was the beginning of the peak. But I think the "Bad Era" was much more exciting that Michael appeared with a new style, a new way of dancing and has the "Bad Tour" which to me is the best tour. I was 9 years old and vaguely remember that time and I believe it was from there (after Bad) that things began to change. But "Dangerous Era" was also incredible, but I did not feel he had the same emotion as before. Michael was different, their energy on stage was different. It may be that a development that artists in general are well. Are phases and each phase has to be different and can never be equal. The artist always has to reinvent it. This was a great interpretation of the dream of Moddie. I would never go so deep in the interpretation of dreams, I never even remember of my dreams.
I would like to have as your brain to interpret the dreams! lol!
Congratulations, you always do very well done the homework. Keep it up! Will still much work to do to you. What Freud help you. lol!​
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My attention span is at zero today and I'll be back if I think of more -_- LOL this is about all I can add right now and if my memory serves me right about dreaming of "stairs", is that it's more favorable to ascend a staircase, than it is to descend a staircase.

My dream book is at home but here is how dreammoods.com defines it.


To see a staircase in your dream, symbolizes change and transformation.


To dream that you are walking up a flight of stairs, indicates that you are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are making progress into your spiritual/emotional/material journey. It also represents material and thoughts that are coming to the surface.

To dream that you are walking down a flight of stairs, represents your repressed thoughts. It suggests that you are going into your unconscious. It also refers to setbacks that you will experience in your life. If you are afraid of going down the stairs, then it suggests that you are afraid to confront your repressed emotions and thoughts. Is there something from your past that you are not acknowledging.

To see spiral or winding stairs, signify growth and/or rebirth.
My attention span is at zero today and I'll be back if I think of more -_- LOL this is about all I can add right now and if my memory serves me right about dreaming of "stairs", is that it's more favorable to ascend a staircase, than it is to descend a staircase.

My dream book is at home but here is how dreammoods.com defines it.


To see a staircase in your dream, symbolizes change and transformation.


To dream that you are walking up a flight of stairs, indicates that you are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are making progress into your spiritual/emotional/material journey. It also represents material and thoughts that are coming to the surface.

To dream that you are walking down a flight of stairs, represents your repressed thoughts. It suggests that you are going into your unconscious. It also refers to setbacks that you will experience in your life. If you are afraid of going down the stairs, then it suggests that you are afraid to confront your repressed emotions and thoughts. Is there something from your past that you are not acknowledging.

To see spiral or winding stairs, signify growth and/or rebirth.

This is very interesting. You made me remember a dream I always had. When I was a teenager and spent much time dreaming that I fell a great staircase and many steps. This ladder of my dream was the same staircase in the house that I lived. I dreamed this dream and the right when I fell, I felt I really was falling and when I came down I agreed. The last time I had this dream was at 18 years of age. Dropping the staircase... I never knew the meaning of it.
I think fall is coming down the staircase. I do not know if I'm right about that.​
Wow! When I saw that old pic of MJ and former President Reagan, my heart started to take leaps. It felt kinda eery seeing him alive and well(84) dressed in the exact same outfit from my dreams but with him deceased and in the Gold Casket. In looking at the date at bottom of that pic: May 14, 1984. Could it be that, that date represent something of significance to them and their relationship? Is That a clue? There has to be a connection between them and the Thriller Era. Why elese would it be in the dream?

With "Her" wearing a complete wedding set on her ring finger, I think this symbolizes her desires to be his wife during the time of the rehearsals for the 02 concerts. Maybe Michael gave her good reason to feel they would be married sometime at the start or during his residency in London. Marriage between the two was the theme of 2 out of the 3 dreams and since we haven't gotten any official word stating otherwise, during the time of his death, Michael was an unmarried man.

The "alive" and "happy" MJ was excluded from this dream. Why is that? As the dreamer, I am terrified of the decease and coffins but this time, I was not. When I saw the alive MJ come in my direction in the earlier dream, I felt fear and turned quickly away. Did he not appear lively in this latest dream so I may get the full meaning of what is meant?

Could there be answers to his death in these dreams? Was the gold casket there with the dancers because its some kind of confirmation, The 02 Residency is indeed connected to his demise?

The deceased MJ in the cofffin went unnoticed by all the dancers even the one closet to it in the leotard stretching his legs. Only "She" looked in its direction.Only she repsonded to the presence of the coffin being there. Does this mean, whatever unsavory and malicious deeds that were being done aganist Michael during rehearsal time by anyone who may been involved went completely unnoticed by the dancers due to their overwhelming excitement in working with Michael Jackson. Now, if thats true, will that also mean, "she" saw the truth about the people around Michael including the aeg executives.

I have more questions than I do the answer.
Here is what dreaming of a ring means:
To see a ring in your dream, symbolizes emotional wholeness, continuity and commitments. If the ring is on your finger, then it signifies your commitment to a relationship or a successful new endeavor. It also indicates your loyalty to your ideals, responsibilities, or beliefs.

The photo with the date May 14, 1984 was taken when Michael received a Presidential Award, I saw it on tv last night and I believe it had something to do with the "Just Say No" to drugs campaign. Maybe it has something to do with whats going on with the investigation and all the issues being brought up about drugs?

Also, if you add the date up a couple ways it still comes out to be the same number :huh:

5 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 32, add the 3 + 2 = 5
5 + 14 + 1984 = 2003 add the 2 + 3 = 5

I know it may be far fetched but there's that number "5" you dreamt about :huh: which made me think back to your first dream and the analysis that I came up with on that one -_- (I'll post MP's & mine so you see why I responded the way I did)

Hmmm ... I'm still trying to see more symbolism in the first dream. For instance, is there any significance in the fact that you were camping? You could've been in a kitchen in a house preparing food and MJ could've been sitting at a table instead of the ground. Could it mean that the evil was coming from inside his "camp" as they say? We already felt that it was close to him and he knew it. As far as the "white dress," according to this dream chart I have by Barbie Breathitt, "white" can mean love, Spirit of the Lord, purity, marriage (maybe foreshadowing a wedding coming up like the one that took place in your second dream) and, oddly enough, it can also mean witchcraft, which is interesting because you have that shadowy figure there. Was it trying to use witchcraft on them and their relationship? What about using an "old" can opener? Any significance in that? Old, traditional ways of doing things not working, especially with that "shadowy figure" hanging around? Interesting that you actually came up with a number - the number "5." Numbers are very significant to God. For instance, in biblical numerology the number "5" means grace. For 5 months there was life. Still trying to figure out how 5 months is significant, but it could mean pregnancy like you said. According to my chart, dreaming of pregnancy means ready to birth a new ministry, new idea, creative ability coming forth, revelation is growing. Maybe the relationship was 5 months old. Meh, maybe I'm just over thinking everything 'cause I'm overly tired! I'll sleep on this and see if I come up with anything new.

I found these responses to Moddie777's dream very interesting and by your dream analysis it makes me think of one person in particular. She was inside his camp, worked for him a long time before he let her go (he got rid of the old) yet she seems to still be trying to hang around, it's been said she had strong jealousies towards MJ because of her long obsession with him but he lacked any interest in her (would this person wish for or try to curse his happiness?), her name is what the number "5" means...................-_-

It has been said some people did intentionally drug Michael several years ago as a control mechanism. I don't know the truth to it but we all heard the stories here about that and the obsession and stalker tendencies of one person in particular (number "5"). :mello: I truly think Michael was able to find a love that he had been longing for once he cut ties to her, as well as some others, but her in particular. I honestly think she cursed him (witchcraft, her energy or in some other way), because of her wanting desire for him and his not reciprocating the feelings.

Maybe your dream is showing you his life was heading in the right direction, you dreamt of color which represents energy, vibes, emotions. I think his true love had come into his life and things had changed for the better, he felt blissful now more than he ever had before, we saw it in many pictures these past several months, maybe that's why you see him smiling in that way in your dream, his heart truly was happy until his final days. :cry:
Wow Lily! That was incredible. You are smart to do that with the date. I knew it had to signify something of importance, who would have ever thought it wouldv'e been the "evil" employee who drugged and isolated him.

This is all so sad and incredible at the same time.

It seems Michael's spirit wants the truth to be out doesn't it?
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Hey, Lily and Moddie, what you two have posted is so interesting!

Also, if you add the date up a couple ways it still comes out to be the same number :huh:

5 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 32, add the 3 + 2 = 5
5 + 14 + 1984 = 2003 add the 2 + 3 = 5

Also, if you just take the number of the day itself, the 14th, 1+4=5. So that was very much a "5" day no matter how you slice it!

Anyways, I don't know if this means anything, but last night I just so happened to be rereading Jermaine's statement informing us of MJ's death and I was startled when I came to the part where he said MJ passed away at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center! Now I had known that that's where he had been taken, but since it didn't have any significance to me at the time, except maybe the fact that Ed McMahon had just been taken there, I had forgotten about it. But, reading it again after Moddie's dream involving Reagan, it just jumped out at me! Well, it's something to think about anyway.
Lily, I didnt see the "Ring" meaning to your post when I repsonded. I guess I was in such a hurry but one thing stands out with the symbol of the ring"s meaning, The word "Wholeness". To be whole is to be complete. Complete. whole or one with oneself , complete, whole or one with God or complete, whole ,or one with another person.
What does that remind you of? It reminded me of something Michael alledgely wrote and was posted on MJLive.com after the annoucement of the 02 shows. It reads it part: "One in joy, One in pain, One in love, One in service and in consciousness".

In this thread we had interpreted the full quote from MJ to mean he had Marriage, Love and Committment on his mind. The quote was posted on March 08, 2009.
Hey, Lily and Moddie, what you two have posted is so interesting!

Also, if you just take the number of the day itself, the 14th, 1+4=5. So that was very much a "5" day no matter how you slice it!

Anyways, I don't know if this means anything, but last night I just so happened to be rereading Jermaine's statement informing us of MJ's death and I was startled when I came to the part where he said MJ passed away at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center! Now I had known that that's where he had been taken, but since it didn't have any significance to me at the time, except maybe the fact that Ed McMahon had just been taken there, I had forgotten about it. But, reading it again after Moddie's dream involving Reagan, it just jumped out at me! Well, it's something to think about anyway.

Thanks Moddie. :D All it took was a little fresh air at lunch to get my brain working again LOL.

He seemed to be surrounded by certain evils throughout his life and yes I do believe he wants the truth to come out. Slowly things are coming to light and the world is finally getting to see what he had to endure throughout his life. He certainly DESERVES the truth to be known and I pray to God that someday it happens.
Holy Crap! I think I may understand now the importance of why I dreamed of that particular MJ in the gold casket. Lily you said the picture of MJ in that outfit was from the "Just say No" to drugs campaign? I remember Nancy Regean started this campaign and it was HUGE!
With Michael taking a stand in support of it in 1984; could it mean by dreaming of this now, Michael is trying to show us he would not TAKE DRUGS ON HIS OWN FREE WILL to the extent of him killing himself or overdosing. Could he somehow be trying to remind us what he stood for in the beginning of his career, he came to stand for it as a parent in latter years of his career?( I recongize he admitted to an addiction to pain meds in the 90's. And let us not forget, how he reportedly sought treament during that time).
Oh, also, that dream reminded me a little of the "Pepsi Commercial" with the woman descending the stairs and all, which also came out the same year. I'm also thinking about it due to all of the controversy surrounding the mysterious release of the accident on the set while shooting the commercial just recently. This has been linked to the beginning of his use of pain meds. The date of the accident happened to be January 27, 1984 and, 1+2+7+1+9+8+4=32 and 3+2= yep, you guessed it, 5! Also, if you just take the day, the 27th, 7-2 also = 5.

Whoa! I posted this before I read your post above Moddie about the "Just Say No!" campaign.

Holy Crap! I think I may understand now the importance of why I dreamed of that particular MJ in the gold casket. Lily you said the picture of MJ in that outfit was from the "Just say No" to drugs campaign? I remember Nancy Regean started this campaign and it was HUGE!
With Michael taking a stand in support of it in 1984; could it mean by dreaming of this now, Michael is trying to show us he would not TAKE DRUGS ON HIS OWN FREE WILL to the extent of him killing himself or overdosing. Could he somehow be trying to remind us what he stood for in the beginning of his career, he came to stand for it as a parent in latter years of his career?( I recongize he admitted to an addiction to pain meds in the 90's. And let us not forget, how he reportedly sought treament during that time).

Wow! This is really good! He was receiving an award for allowing the song, Beat It to be used in a television and radio campaign against teenage drunk driving which was probably a part of the bigger "Just Say No!" to drugs campaign. The clip was probably just shown on t.v. recently because May 14 of this year (2009) marked the 25th anniversary of the event.
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Oh, also, that dream reminded me a little of the "Pepsi Commercial" with the woman descending the stairs and all, which also came out the same year. I'm also thinking about it due to all of the controversy surrounding the mysterious release of the accident on the set while shooting the commercial just recently. This has been linked to the beginning of his use of pain meds. The date of the accident happened to be January 27, 1984 and, 1+2+7+1+9+8+4=32 and 3+2= yep, you guessed it, 5! Also, if you just take the day, the 27th, 7-2 also = 5.

Whoa! I posted this before I read your post above Moddie about the "Just Say No!" campaign.

Wow! This is really good! He was receiving an award for allowing the song, Beat It to be used in a television and radio campaign against teenage drunk driving which was probably a part of the bigger "Just Say No!" to drugs campaign. The clip was probably just shown on t.v. recently because May 14 of this year (2009) marked the 25th anniversary of the event.

It's creepy how much the number 5 keep relating to symbols from the dreams. And even creepier since we now know what that number means. It can't be no coincidence either.

Is it possible, Michael is trying to tell us something about the person of whom the number 5 mean?
woah..all these 5's and 7's.....now im totally spinning lol
The Bible also makes reference to number 5 (I know it has nothing to do, but remembered some quotes in the Bible):​

The five bring the meaning of the five books of the law of Moses, of whom the Apostle says (Corinthians 14.19): "I want to say five words of meaning," or for the five senses of the body: vision, hearing, taste, smell and tact. Hence it is written in Evangel (Mt 25.1): "The kingdom of heaven is like the ten virgins, five of which were goofy and five conservative." And also (Mt 25.15): "And has a five talents." And the Lord says the Samaritan woman (Jn 4,18): "Five husbands had." Five fingers of the hand. The first block of the Bible (the Act) has 5 books, the Pentateuch. In the apocalypse may be negative.
The number 5 must have some meaning to michael..wonder what it is.
Oh and the number 7 too.. i dont know why, but number 7 always keeps like flashing around michael. Then again number is supposed to be a lucky number...maybe that was mikes "luckly number"??
Oh and the number 7 too.. i dont know why, but number 7 always keeps like flashing around michael. Then again number is supposed to be a lucky number...maybe that was mikes "luckly number"??

The number seven is the mystic for excellence. :yes: He has a number of privileges, not only among Occultists as in all religions and sects, the most primitive to more modern.

Not enough to be the number of Creation - 3 (the sky) + 4 (the land) = 7, is also the number that indicates the strong relationship between the divine and human. This is more or less implicit in the star of Solomon, where two triangles cross: one ascending and one descending. The six points plus the central point, add the mystic seven, symbolizing the union of heaven and earth, of good and evil, the divine and human.
All sacred books are full of examples of excellence in the number seven. In the Bible there are hundreds more examples of force and power of the number seven.

In the book of Genesis, for example, we find the seven as the number of Creation. On the first day God created the light, separating it from darkness, the second day God created the sky, separating the waters from above low water, in the third, created the land, separating it from the water, and spread it the vegetation, in the room, he created the sun, the moon and the stars, created on the fifth day fish, sea monsters and birds, in the sixth, he created the animals, reptiles and man, and on the seventh day He rested .

"Thus were finished the heavens and the earth and all its ornaments. And on the seventh day God finished the work he had done, and rested the seventh day from all the work he had done. And blessed the seventh day and sanctified, because it had ceased all of his work, which had created and done. " Genesis, 2, 1-3.

Thus, since the creation of the world, one time was printed the universal rhythm when God decided that the week had seven days and not five or ten. As Ray Bradbury said, "The seven days are entered into our blood in letters of fire." At the same time, God gave the seventh day to rest. The seventh day is holy.

Seven natural sciences, are the seven virtues, are seven deadly sins, as are seven sacraments, the musical notes, the geniuses Persians, the Judeo-Christian archangels.

In Christianity we find the seven on the basis of its main prayer. The priest's prayer begins with an invocation and ends with a dedication. Between the beginning and the end we find seven petitions:

1 - hallowed be Thy name;

2 - Come to us to your kingdom;

3 - your will be done, on earth as well in heaven;

4 - The day our daily bread give us today;

5 - Forgive our debts and forgive our debtors;

6 - lead us not into temptation;

7 - deliver us from evil.

As we see, the seven petitions in the paternoster the first three are addressed to God and to man the following four. This refers us to another mystery surrounding the number seven as a number of Creation. The seven is the addition of 3 (divine) and 4 (physical and human).

Previously, in the book of Genesis, that God turned, creating the world, the first three days devoted to the creation of "camps" where the creatures act on four days rest.

This division is valid and can be observed in most examples where seven serve basis. In the seven virtues, three are supernatural (faith, hope, charity) and four are Cardinals (prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance). The seven deadly sins are divided into three belonging to the spirit (pride, anger, envy) and four belonging to the body (lust, gluttony, greed and sloth). Of the seven sacraments of the Catholic church, three relate to spiritual life (baptism, confirmation, Eucharist) and the remaining four relate to the mundane life (penance, order, marriage, extreme unction). Therefore, to understand fully the significance of the number seven, we have to look past the numbers 3 and 4, ie the ternary and quaternary.

*The seven is the number of creation. The seven, is taken as the number of creation. Why is the number of creation? The creation was presented as having essentially the vibration issue. Came from nothing when the started to vibrate. Things only become manifest created by vibration. Where there is vibration "world" of anything. As the universe is manifest, all that it does exist by vibration. The main difference between the created universe and nothing is the discontinuity, and is just the vibration that determines the discontinuity.

Because the number of creation, the seven is the number that appears with a higher incidence in all occurrences of the universe, all in the creation of some form is attached. Why is seven the number of creation? Because the vibrations are distributed exactly in more situations. The number that appears in more citations of all mystical works in magic, the occult in general, in the Bible and in all sacred books.

The reason of the importance of seven is because the vibrations are distributed in octaves. Take the example of the musical scale. 7 are also notes of which opened another octave, and so on. This is a property of the vibrations and consequently the vibration that connects the number seven, but this is not enough, there is an even greater mystery: why the vibrations are presented in octaves?

Without vibration there would be the universe as we know, we can say that the number seven is essential to the universe. Without the number five there would be the biological side of nature, but this could exist regardless of whether or not this side. Without the development there would be six, but the universe could exist without the improvement. The guide says eight, but even so the world could exist in it. Without the four physical things could not exist, but he will still continue to exist in the universe energy levels. But without the seven there anything it would be impossible the existence of everything that is created, the universe as a whole does not exist, so the seven is taken as the number of creation. The establishment is, in general, the explicit expressions in the symbolism of seven.

In the first phase of the unfolding of creation is formed the ONE - TWO - THREE (in fact only himself in a triple point). In the second phase SEVEN. As the first three numbers are one, the number two of the apparently natural sequence should be the four. But as you can see to create the first of the seven is four, so the second place it belongs.

The four represents the physical structure and it can not precede. Could there be a realization of what is represented by four before there was a vibration, the seven? No, of course. Something can not be structured without first having been established, so the seven preceding stage four. First there was need to vibrate and then create what is already there by the vibration structure. Thus the first three numbers is one of the seven is two. After structured, then there may be biological, the liquid is three, then the improvement, the four, then six and finally guide the human life to nine.

Through a physical experience can be seen as the seven immediately following the three (one). Take a ray of light symbolizing the one who enters a prism (solid three sides, so the three. The one (river) to exceed the three (light) is projected as seven. The radius is decomposed in seven colors). The radius of the prism does not emerge as four, but as seven. By analogy with the solar spectrum, the seven is considered a manifestation of an immediate through three.

The seven "emanations" light is described by tradition as seven rays of creation (separation) and the union. Based on three basic colors you can reconstruct the whole spectrum, ie the seven colors of the rainbow. This is the ratio of the source - the divine or the Sun - with its demonstration. The number seven is very powerful! :yes:

Wow, I wrote a lot. :bugeyed Sorry. :( I was excited. lol! :D
The number seven is the mystic for excellence. :yes: He has a number of privileges, not only among Occultists as in all religions and sects, the most primitive to more modern.

Not enough to be the number of Creation - 3 (the sky) + 4 (the land) = 7, is also the number that indicates the strong relationship between the divine and human. This is more or less implicit in the star of Solomon, where two triangles cross: one ascending and one descending. The six points plus the central point, add the mystic seven, symbolizing the union of heaven and earth, of good and evil, the divine and human.
All sacred books are full of examples of excellence in the number seven. In the Bible there are hundreds more examples of force and power of the number seven.

In the book of Genesis, for example, we find the seven as the number of Creation. On the first day God created the light, separating it from darkness, the second day God created the sky, separating the waters from above low water, in the third, created the land, separating it from the water, and spread it the vegetation, in the room, he created the sun, the moon and the stars, created on the fifth day fish, sea monsters and birds, in the sixth, he created the animals, reptiles and man, and on the seventh day He rested .

"Thus were finished the heavens and the earth and all its ornaments. And on the seventh day God finished the work he had done, and rested the seventh day from all the work he had done. And blessed the seventh day and sanctified, because it had ceased all of his work, which had created and done. " Genesis, 2, 1-3.

Thus, since the creation of the world, one time was printed the universal rhythm when God decided that the week had seven days and not five or ten. As Ray Bradbury said, "The seven days are entered into our blood in letters of fire." At the same time, God gave the seventh day to rest. The seventh day is holy.

Seven natural sciences, are the seven virtues, are seven deadly sins, as are seven sacraments, the musical notes, the geniuses Persians, the Judeo-Christian archangels.

In Christianity we find the seven on the basis of its main prayer. The priest's prayer begins with an invocation and ends with a dedication. Between the beginning and the end we find seven petitions:

1 - hallowed be Thy name;

2 - Come to us to your kingdom;

3 - your will be done, on earth as well in heaven;

4 - The day our daily bread give us today;

5 - Forgive our debts and forgive our debtors;

6 - lead us not into temptation;

7 - deliver us from evil.

As we see, the seven petitions in the paternoster the first three are addressed to God and to man the following four. This refers us to another mystery surrounding the number seven as a number of Creation. The seven is the addition of 3 (divine) and 4 (physical and human).

Previously, in the book of Genesis, that God turned, creating the world, the first three days devoted to the creation of "camps" where the creatures act on four days rest.

This division is valid and can be observed in most examples where seven serve basis. In the seven virtues, three are supernatural (faith, hope, charity) and four are Cardinals (prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance). The seven deadly sins are divided into three belonging to the spirit (pride, anger, envy) and four belonging to the body (lust, gluttony, greed and sloth). Of the seven sacraments of the Catholic church, three relate to spiritual life (baptism, confirmation, Eucharist) and the remaining four relate to the mundane life (penance, order, marriage, extreme unction). Therefore, to understand fully the significance of the number seven, we have to look past the numbers 3 and 4, ie the ternary and quaternary.

*The seven is the number of creation. The seven, is taken as the number of creation. Why is the number of creation? The creation was presented as having essentially the vibration issue. Came from nothing when the started to vibrate. Things only become manifest created by vibration. Where there is vibration "world" of anything. As the universe is manifest, all that it does exist by vibration. The main difference between the created universe and nothing is the discontinuity, and is just the vibration that determines the discontinuity.

Because the number of creation, the seven is the number that appears with a higher incidence in all occurrences of the universe, all in the creation of some form is attached. Why is seven the number of creation? Because the vibrations are distributed exactly in more situations. The number that appears in more citations of all mystical works in magic, the occult in general, in the Bible and in all sacred books.

The reason of the importance of seven is because the vibrations are distributed in octaves. Take the example of the musical scale. 7 are also notes of which opened another octave, and so on. This is a property of the vibrations and consequently the vibration that connects the number seven, but this is not enough, there is an even greater mystery: why the vibrations are presented in octaves?

Without vibration there would be the universe as we know, we can say that the number seven is essential to the universe. Without the number five there would be the biological side of nature, but this could exist regardless of whether or not this side. Without the development there would be six, but the universe could exist without the improvement. The guide says eight, but even so the world could exist in it. Without the four physical things could not exist, but he will still continue to exist in the universe energy levels. But without the seven there anything it would be impossible the existence of everything that is created, the universe as a whole does not exist, so the seven is taken as the number of creation. The establishment is, in general, the explicit expressions in the symbolism of seven.

In the first phase of the unfolding of creation is formed the ONE - TWO - THREE (in fact only himself in a triple point). In the second phase SEVEN. As the first three numbers are one, the number two of the apparently natural sequence should be the four. But as you can see to create the first of the seven is four, so the second place it belongs.

The four represents the physical structure and it can not precede. Could there be a realization of what is represented by four before there was a vibration, the seven? No, of course. Something can not be structured without first having been established, so the seven preceding stage four. First there was need to vibrate and then create what is already there by the vibration structure. Thus the first three numbers is one of the seven is two. After structured, then there may be biological, the liquid is three, then the improvement, the four, then six and finally guide the human life to nine.

Through a physical experience can be seen as the seven immediately following the three (one). Take a ray of light symbolizing the one who enters a prism (solid three sides, so the three. The one (river) to exceed the three (light) is projected as seven. The radius is decomposed in seven colors). The radius of the prism does not emerge as four, but as seven. By analogy with the solar spectrum, the seven is considered a manifestation of an immediate through three.

The seven "emanations" light is described by tradition as seven rays of creation (separation) and the union. Based on three basic colors you can reconstruct the whole spectrum, ie the seven colors of the rainbow. This is the ratio of the source - the divine or the Sun - with its demonstration. The number seven is very powerful! :yes:

Wow, I wrote a lot. :bugeyed Sorry. :( I was excited. lol! :D

Thats ok , talking bout mikes numerology can get one excited! lol.
Thats ok , talking bout mikes numerology can get one excited! lol.

lol! I know I write a lot and exaggeration. :yes: Sometimes my thoughts fly far. The miles away. :D

I think there must be thousands of meanings for the number 7. What I posted is just the basics, I believe that goes far beyond that. In the Kabbalah, for example, the number 7 should have a meaning, as well as other areas. There is much mysticism behind the number 7. He must have thousands of meanings.​
lol! I know I write a lot and exaggeration. :yes: Sometimes my thoughts fly far. The miles away. :D

I think there must be thousands of meanings for the number 7. What I posted is just the basics, I believe that goes far beyond that. In the Kabbalah, for example, the number 7 should have a meaning, as well as other areas. There is much mysticism behind the number 7. He must have thousands of meanings.​
I was just thinking on your post with the part saying ''7- deliver us from evil'', i think that might have been mike's biggest wish. To have all the evilness that surronneded him on a daily basis must been so greatfully painful , he properly prayed so often for them to leave him- but real hard thing bout it is, he was the one that left.It makes me wonder how can good prevail...when evil keeps on winning and winning? It just isnt fair :(
I was just thinking on your post with the part saying ''7- deliver us from evil'', i think that might have been mike's biggest wish. To have all the evilness that surronneded him on a daily basis must been so greatfully painful , he properly prayed so often for them to leave him- but real hard thing bout it is, he was the one that left.It makes me wonder how can good prevail...when evil keeps on winning and winning? It just isnt fair :(

You're right. Get rid of evil has always been the greatest wish of Michael and I believe that is the desire of all people in the world. Be understood and have peace. Unfortunately there are things in the world and bad people. The evil win as you said, but in a moment something happens. Who does evil to someone or some bad practices will be punished in some way by God in life to learn to do that again. God is looking at us... ever. Do not worry about the people who made bad for Michael and left in a sad moment. All these people were bad for Michael at some point God will send his punishment for the evil not practice with others. God gives a person the chance to become a bad person good. And all these people that were bad for Michael will be punished by God, I have no doubt that. :)
I miss him :( seeing his beautiful smile and his crazy eclectic style, hearing his surprise messages, the wonderment and anticipation of what he's created for us, I just miss him, life has forever changed.....*sigh*
I miss him :( seeing his beautiful smile and his crazy eclectic style, hearing his surprise messages, the wonderment and anticipation of what he's created for us, I just miss him, life has forever changed.....*sigh*

I know. You've inspired me to write a little poem.

A life without MJ is like ...

A day without sunshine
It's like a night without stars
It's like cake without the frosting
It's like a spring with no flowers
It's like a rose with no scent
It's like a December without Christmas
It's like a Christmas with no gifts
It's like a world without color
It's like a life without magic
It's like music without the dancing

I think I'd better stop. I'm making myself depressed all over again.:boohoo
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You're right. Get rid of evil has always been the greatest wish of Michael and I believe that is the desire of all people in the world. Be understood and have peace. Unfortunately there are things in the world and bad people. The evil win as you said, but in a moment something happens. Who does evil to someone or some bad practices will be punished in some way by God in life to learn to do that again. God is looking at us... ever. Do not worry about the people who made bad for Michael and left in a sad moment. All these people were bad for Michael at some point God will send his punishment for the evil not practice with others. God gives a person the chance to become a bad person good. And all these people that were bad for Michael will be punished by God, I have no doubt that. :)

I :pray: every night & night that the evil will be punished, but a part of me doubts it will happen very much. And the another thing i wanna say bout the number 7, i brought a tribute mag of mj today and in it it had facts bout him, and its said that number 7 was mikes fave number!
I :pray: every night & night that the evil will be punished, but a part of me doubts it will happen very much. And the another thing i wanna say bout the number 7, i brought a tribute mag of mj today and in it it had facts bout him, and its said that number 7 was mikes fave number!

You need not worry. God is always fair. People who make others believe the evil that nothing will happen and that everything will be fine forever. But it is not. God is greater than all, He is up there looking at each one of us. He is watching everything we do good and bad (yes, sometimes we do bad things:yes:) and one day will reward you for what a good learning and / punishment for what you did to bad. This may take, but it ALWAYS happens. The evil can win a battle, but never a war. The evil will never prevail that God is much more to keep the good always prevailed. Therefore, you should not worry, God is in control and is taking care of everything. :)
You need not worry. God is always fair. People who make others believe the evil that nothing will happen and that everything will be fine forever. But it is not. God is greater than all, He is up there looking at each one of us. He is watching everything we do good and bad (yes, sometimes we do bad things:yes:) and one day will reward you for what a good learning and / punishment for what you did to bad. This may take, but it ALWAYS happens. The evil can win a battle, but never a war. The evil will never prevail that God is much more to keep the good always prevailed. Therefore, you should not worry, God is in control and is taking care of everything. :)
After reading this post it has made my faith in god a lil stronger, but i belive my full on faith in him will not comebck till those evil ppl that r still trying to hurt mike even in death. But fear not im sure with a lil silent prayer each night, i will get stronger in time .