Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

It's confirming what I already felt - something evil tried to keep them apart.

Well, it seems like at various points in his career "they" (in the business) wanted to craft his image a certain way (obviously, I know) - but I mean in regards to having a girlfriend, etc., especially in his younger days - the answer was "NO." Like the Beatles when they started out - no girlfriends, cause that tampers with the image and might negatively affect a certain target audience.

He did say that in the conversation which I think can't be discussed (which I feel bad for listening to, but it was never the less a rare glimpse). Also, I recall reading about the model from the "The Way You Make Me Feel" video talking about their sort of affection for each other, and she was kicked off abruptly after they kissed on the stage during one of the songs.

So maybe that carried through even in his later years - maybe they didn't want someone distracting him from his touring, appearances, and music. I doubt she'd have any affect over the music (since recording, aside from the stage, seemed to be therapeutic for him) but maybe in terms of touring, especially since the poor guy was 50, maybe it inclined him to settle down I guess in a way and perhaps that was frowned upon.

At any rate, he was not stupid by any means and although he had some shady people around him, I believe he knew what was up with them. He had enough experience to recognize it at that point in his life. So I'm sure there couldn't have been as much influence as prior in his life.

There is no indication to us and I doubt there will ever be any reliable indication that he did find love again. I don't believe a word anyone says about him after his passing - hell, I didn't really believe a word anyone said before he passed. However, I do hope he did find that sort of peace again, at least once more. I like to think he did...
I found these responses to Moddie777's dream very interesting and by your dream analysis it makes me think of one person in particular. She was inside his camp, worked for him a long time before he let her go (he got rid of the old) yet she seems to still be trying to hang around, it's been said she had strong jealousies towards MJ because of her long obsession with him but he lacked any interest in her (would this person wish for or try to curse his happiness?), her name is what the number "5" means...................-_-

Holy Crap, MP!!!!! I think you are on to something with the
"camp" theory and the meaning of the number 5(Grace).
Damn! This dream was telling me alot wasn't it? I asked for a sign and direction after his death and just look what God did! We have got to figure this dream completely out. I believe the answers maybe found in them somehow.

:eek: Wow, Lily and Moddie!!! I didn't even realize what I was writing as I was writing it! I was just writing the different interpretations I was getting. Of course I was very tired and burnt out, but now looking at it ... Wow! Just wow! Powerful!

MP, I am not sure about the auditorium dream,
but it was indeed freightening. I felt extreme fear. I think when the announcer said "and the winner is Michael Jackson", and he started to come in my direction with this BIG grin on his face; possibly the meaning could be:He saw her
as his PRIZE? BuT the people on both his sides wouldn't let him completely up to get to her.
I don't understand why there were 2 MJ's, the alive and happy one, then the one in the gold coffin on the stage in front of all those people.

I'm still trying to figure out why this was so frightening. Perhaps because you thought you were seeing a ghost. I'll have to think about that some more.
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Wow Lily and Moddie!!!:eek: I didn't even realize what I was writing as I was writing it! I was just writing the different interpretations I was getting. Of course I was very tired and burnt out, but now looking at it ... wow! just wow! How powerful!

You analyzed it well.:)

I truly believe all dreams have meaning, whether they are something that has carried over from our awake state such as emotions, happiness, stress, anxiety, could be something we've seen or read that's been stored in our subconscious that we dream, something spiritually that is sent as messages from God, they could be signs of happiness and also some are warnings, or they could just be something completely random (like for me it never fails if I eat Mexican food before I go to bed, I have a nightmare:huh:), don't know why, but I do LOL. I'm big on signs and that there are reasons for everything in life as well as analyzing my dreams with my dream book. I believe each and every dream that I have truly has a meaning to it. :)
Moddie, did you see his face in the coffin or was there just someone in the coffin but you couldn't or didn't see who, but assumed it was Michael?
Moddie, did you see his face in the coffin or was there just someone in the coffin but you couldn't or didn't see who, but assumed it was Michael?

I saw the upper body of Michael in the gold casket, but that view wasn't close up. I knew without a doubt there were 2 Michael's in this dream. In the split second that the alive and happy MJ was trying to come directly to me, I could see the head of the deceased MJ in the casket. It is odd becuase I stood far behind, kinda off from the stage, but in the dream, I guess it zoomed in to the Golden Casket, the exact same one the entire world saw on July 7th.
:eek: Wow, Lily and Moddie!!! I didn't even realize what I was writing as I was writing it! I was just writing the different interpretations I was getting. Of course I was very tired and burnt out, but now looking at it ... Wow! Just wow! Powerful!

I'm still trying to figure out why this was so frightening. Perhaps because you thought you were seeing a ghost. I'll have to think about that some more.

Oh, I was terrified in my dream because, in life I am scared to death of furnerals, dead people, caskets and seeing people in caskets. Even though, the alive and happy Michael who was smiling so vibrantly was coming in my direction, my subconcience mind knew he was gone and it is that, that frightened me and made me turn and quickly go to get away.
I didn't want the alive mJ to take me in front of the coffin to view the deceased one, this is what my fear was.
I remember, feelling nothing but warmth and love from the way he was smiling at looking at "her".
During church service today, mu mind began to ponder, I wondered if this part of the dream with the 2 MJ's, one being alive, the other deceased; could mean He loved "her' both in his life and his death?
Oh, I was terrified in my dream because, in life I am scared to death of furnerals, dead people, caskets and seeing people in caskets. Even though, the alive and happy Michael who was smiling so vibrantly was coming in my direction, my subconcience mind knew he was gone and it is that, that frightened me and made me turn and quickly go to get away.
I didn't want the alive mJ to take me in front of the coffin to view the deceased one, this is what my fear was.
I remember, feelling nothing but warmth and love from the way he was smiling at looking at "her".
During church service today, mu mind began to ponder, I wondered if this part of the dream with the 2 MJ's, one being alive, the other deceased; could mean He loved "her' both in his life and his death?

That could be it.. Maybe he loved "her" in his life and after death.. Hmmm Moddie. so you saw "her" in both dreams right?
That could be it.. Maybe he loved "her" in his life and after death.. Hmmm Moddie. so you saw "her" in both dreams right?

Yes, I believe I represent "Her" in both dreams, the first dream with the shadowy figure I can see my face really well but this dream isn't my life. The second dream, I could feel more of the energy coming from the "her" than I could actually see her but I saw the white wedding Gown and before the gown I saw in my dream, me and a woman near the vanity mirror, the counter was empty. The lights had a soft yellow glow all around the large square shaped mirror.

Going to eat, be back soon.
^ Wow, very interesting. It was like you were viewing things from her perspective?
^ Wow, very interesting. It was like you were viewing things from her perspective?

That is exactly how the dream was! I viewed it all from her persepctive, which is why I believe, I was able to see so much, the view was widened almost as if I was wacthing a movie but I also felt a conenction and could feel the emotions with it. The emotions were all very strong.

Remember the time I woke up? 4:30am. 4 + 3=7. Michael's Favorite Number.
That is exactly how the dream was! I viewed it all from her persepctive, which is why I believe, I was able to see so much, the view was widened almost as if I was wacthing a movie but I also felt a conenction and could feel the emotions with it. The emotions were all very strong.

Remember the time I woke up? 4:30am. 4 + 3=7. Michael's Favorite Number.

Maybe through your dream MJ was telling you something? If you believe in those type of things..That's crazy how you woke up at 4:30am.. wow this symbolizes something imo.
Wow! Unfortunately I can not interpret dreams, I can not remember of my dreams. lol! But as someone said here, I heard that dreams have any meaning. I think I speak here a while ago about dreams and even comment on premonitory dreams. Do not dream of this would be Moddie premonitory or just a warning about something. But one thing is certain: dreams have meanings and try to show us something.​
london, it's a bit of everything really. It started out with AllforMJ's observations of his countenance and lyrics and related it to what could be happening in his real life. We all looked at the lyrics somewhat like a riddle to be solved. To figure out if he does or did have a love in his life through ways other than prying into what he hasn't given us to see. In other words, to look at all the hints and signs that he has placed out for anyone to see and say what we see in it.

It's become really so much else though. Kind of a place to hang out for those who need or want some more romance in our lives, even by living vicariously through his songs and possible story. A place to dream. A place to share fantasies perhaps. It's been a place to yap to the other girls like a slumber party, and the guys even crashed it a few places.

Some day I wouldn't mind reading it all over again. It's a lot of reading though. Sometimes it repeats what's already been said kind of like a rerun or recap.
london, it's a bit of everything really. It started out with AllforMJ's observations of his countenance and lyrics and related it to what could be happening in his real life. We all looked at the lyrics somewhat like a riddle to be solved. To figure out if he does or did have a love in his life through ways other than prying into what he hasn't given us to see. In other words, to look at all the hints and signs that he has placed out for anyone to see and say what we see in it.

It's become really so much else though. Kind of a place to hang out for those who need or want some more romance in our lives, even by living vicariously through his songs and possible story. A place to dream. A place to share fantasies perhaps. It's been a place to yap to the other girls like a slumber party, and the guys even crashed it a few places.

Some day I wouldn't mind reading it all over again. It's a lot of reading though. Sometimes it repeats what's already been said kind of like a rerun or recap.

thanks so much for the explanation. i only got to read the first post and already i could see it was a very deep study of what mike has written.

now, the important questions is: did mj find love in the dark? (just kidding :) )
Hmmm ... I'm still trying to see more symbolism in the first dream. For instance, is there any significance in the fact that you were camping? You could've been in a kitchen in a house preparing food and MJ could've been sitting at a table instead of the ground. Could it mean that the evil was coming from inside his "camp" as they say? We already felt that it was close to him and he knew it. As far as the "white dress," according to this dream chart I have by Barbie Breathitt, "white" can mean love, Spirit of the Lord, purity, marriage (maybe foreshadowing a wedding coming up like the one that took place in your second dream) and, oddly enough, it can also mean witchcraft, which is interesting because you have that shadowy figure there. Was it trying to use witchcraft on them and their relationship? What about using an "old" can opener? Any significance in that? Old, traditional ways of doing things not working, especially with that "shadowy figure" hanging around? Interesting that you actually came up with a number - the number "5." Numbers are very significant to God. For instance, in biblical numerology the number "5" means grace. For 5 months there was life. Still trying to figure out how 5 months is significant, but it could mean pregnancy like you said. According to my chart, dreaming of pregnancy means ready to birth a new ministry, new idea, creative ability coming forth, revelation is growing. Maybe the relationship was 5 months old. Meh, maybe I'm just over thinking everything 'cause I'm overly tired! I'll sleep on this and see if I come up with anything new.

Im so seriously wishing i knew what my mum did with her dream book
I wish i had it lol
Im so seriously wishing i knew what my mum did with her dream book
I wish i had it lol

I had a Dream Book Back in the 90's, darn it! I don't throw nothing away but that thing is long gone now, so I know how you feel.

One thing I remember from reading that dream book so much is: You have to be open in order to recieve certain types of dreams like the way our minds were open to the art of interpreting Michael's lyrics, poems, statements and other stuff.

Ape, I hope I answered your question.

Where's AllForMJ, wish she would come in and give her expertise on the dream.

Waiting for you MP,to get some more rest and tell us if you figured out anymore symbols.
I'm sorry. I wasn't sure what it could mean after that. Maybe there are two parts to MJ, the entertainer, and the man, and maybe it was one or the other in the coffin. If it were to be the entertainer, maybe it means that he has buried that part of himself so that the man shall live? So he can live his life now and maybe he was now able to go to the one he loves because that part of his life is now done and he's done being an entertainer, but maybe there are still people who want to hold them apart which is why they were holding him back. Now if it is the man part that was buried, maybe it is saying that even though he has passed on, the entertainer lives on, because he can never truly die. Not with his entertainment legacy to live on through his music and that of others who were influenced by him. Though I am not sure why the shadows or people would hold him back from going to her then.
now, the important questions is: did mj find love in the dark? (just kidding :) )

Aha! No getting off that easy, my dear child! Yours is a question with a definite answer, but ... you will have to submit to the grueling (and I do mean greuling!) task of reading this entire thread from day one to the very end (I myself suggest you get the Cliffnotes version)!

: It is not for the faint of heart! Once you enter this dark abyss, there is no turning back! You will laugh, you will cry, you may even want to run and hide, for it will get veddy sceddy at times!:mello:

Or, you could make it more fun and just listen to all of his love songs starting with the Off the Wall album to the present and ye shall have your answer! Or, you could cheat and just ask someone who did, but what fun would that be?:)
Maybe there are two parts to MJ, the entertainer, and the man, and maybe it was one or the other in the coffin. If it were to be the entertainer, maybe it means that he has buried that part of himself so that the man shall live? So he can live his life now and maybe he was now able to go to the one he loves because that part of his life is now done and he's done being an entertainer, but maybe there are still people who want to hold them apart which is why they were holding him back. Now if it is the man part that was buried, maybe it is saying that even though he has passed on, the entertainer lives on, because he can never truly die. Not with his entertainment legacy to live on through his music and that of others who were influenced by him. Though I am not sure why the shadows or people would hold him back from going to her then.

Yeah, that's how I see it too. I always thought that there were two parts to him as you said and maybe that's what we are seeing. One has died and the other wants to go on living somehow. I also think that his fame was "holding him back" from the simple pleasures of life. That's probably why the hundreds of people were "holding him down" at the award show. You can tell he was famous because he was in the front row of an award show. He wasn't able to go forward in life. If you notice, once that part of himself died (that part of himself in the casket), he seemed to be able to break free and was finally able to get up and go forward after what he wanted. Therefore, he became the "winner" in the end, as the announcer declared!

Second dream:
I could see me and a woman in a bathroom, we were standing at the vanity mirror facing eachother, we were in deep conversation discussing something I can't recall.
I remembe next i can see my mother, then a few other relatives. It seemed we were in a very large auditorium with an event taking place, I was backstage. I walked to a room where other were waiting for me, I could feel anticipation and excitement, then I saw what I was dressed in, A WHITE WEDDING GOWN. I walk out of room and see a ceremony like an award show taking place. I stand there for a few moments. There are hundreds in the crowd. I see Michael. He is alive, smiling his butt off, he sees me and he wants to get up and come to me, but the people on both sides holds his arm, then I hear the announcer guys voice say, "and the winner is michael jackson". I look up again and his open casket is on the stage facing the audience right in front of me! I could see the top of his head and he lay in the gold coffin but the alive MJ is smiling and getting up, heading in my direction to come to me and I turn and take off with FEAR! Thats when I woke up. It was 4:30am and I did not go back to sleep.

Some More Symbols from Dream #2:

Bathrooms (The bride started out in a bathroom): A place of cleansing; purification or beautification; washing away defilement; repentance; shaving unwanted things from your appearance; scrubbing; looking at your true self in the mirror; allow God to purify every area of your life.

*Hmmm ... seems to be a lot there. She is preparing herself/God is or has been preparing her for her groom?

Woman (There was a woman in the bathroom with the bride)
: Church; angel; Holy Spirit; compassion; powerful; matron; demon; witchcraft; seducing spirit; temptation; yourself.

*Wow! Seems like it could be a really good thing or a really bad thing! As she is preparing for her groom, the woman could be helping her or trying to hold her back!

Mother (First person bride encounters upon leaving the bathroom): Church; Jerusalem; charity and love; comfort; Holy Spirit; kind; gentle; giving; nurturer; meddler; mother herself; spiritual mother; teacher; city; parting of the way, highway.

*I thought the "parting of the way, highway" seemed interesting! The way is now made clear for her?

Death or Dying (The casket scene): something is coming to and end; could be a chapter in life; marriage; bad habit being buried; job; relationship; desire; flesh is crucified.

*Well, I guess that's pretty obvious.

Oh, also, Moddie mentioned that she woke up at 4:30a.m. and that 4+3+0=7.
"7" is God's number of "perfection" and "completion" if that means anything to you.
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Some More Symbols from Dream #2:

Mother (First person bride encounters upon leaving the bathroom): Church; Jerusalem; charity and love; comfort; Holy Spirit; kind; gentle; giving; nurturer; meddler; mother herself; spiritual mother; teacher; city; parting of the way, highway.

*I thought the "parting of the way, highway" seemed interesting!

This reminds me of the Exodus to the Promised Land by Moses, and God using His powers to part the Red Sea for a safe passage. It could be that Michael has broken free from the bondage (such as corporations) which he endured his whole life, now he's parted ways with the present life and is traveling down a new road (highway), maybe the vision is to let you know that God truly is with him and he made a safe passage or transition to the other side.....I dunno.....or could this person have been someone he loves just as much as his Mother, someone with the same qualities, heart, etc...and he knew she was it, his once in a lifetime true love?
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This reminds me of the Exodus to the Promised Land by Moses, and God using His powers to part the Red Sea for a safe passage. It could be that Michael has broken free from the bondage (such as corporations) which he endured his whole life, now he's parted ways with the present life and is traveling down a new road (highway), maybe the vision is to let you know that God truly is with him and he made a safe passage or transition to the other side.....I dunno.....or could this person have been someone he loves just as much as his Mother, someone with the same qualities, heart, etc...and he knew she was it, his once in a lifetime true love?

That's one way of looking at it. I found it interesting that the "bride" is the one seeing her mother. It's almost as if the way has been made for "her." Perhaps she had been as "held back" as the groom.
OMG watching those home movies they just showed on tv :cry: :cry: Michael was such a beautiful daddy, man, and person. I wish he would have had the chance to build a life and spend forever with his true love. So heartbreaking. :cry:
I had a Dream Book Back in the 90's, darn it! I don't throw nothing away but that thing is long gone now, so I know how you feel.

One thing I remember from reading that dream book so much is: You have to be open in order to recieve certain types of dreams like the way our minds were open to the art of interpreting Michael's lyrics, poems, statements and other stuff.


That what i love so much bout dream books, they help giving the dreams meaning though. Even though half of the time i really think its real.
... I look up again and his open casket is on the stage facing the audience right in front of me! I could see the top of his head and he lay in the gold coffin but the alive MJ is smiling and getting up, heading in my direction to come to me and I turn and take off with FEAR!

Oh, I was terrified in my dream ...

I didn't want the alive mJ to take me in front of the coffin to view the deceased one, this is what my fear was.

Hmmm ... you sound pretty frightened there. Could there be any other reason you were frightened other than the fact that he was deceased? Were you getting any particular vibes from the MJ in the golden box?
Hmmm ... you sound pretty frightened there. Could there be any other reason you were frightened other than the fact that he was deceased? Were you getting any particular vibes from the MJ in the golden box?

No, no other vibe from the deceased him and casket but Fear. I just can not handle that sight in my awakened state and to dream it was terrifying for me.

But even so, I can not get it out of my head how very vibrant and beautiful the alive MJ was. He was glowing. His eyes were very clear and dreamy, his smile widened and bright. I could tell, at the sight of her standing there gave him true happiness. There was a sense of peace I felt from within him but it became overshadowed by my fear of the Golden Casket, but even as he got up to come in "her" direction, his smile remained.

I really think you and lily are doing and awesome job at interpreting this dream. When I read both of your post, it sent chills. I think you both are right.
Moddie, always trying to understand the confusing dreams. I read all the comments and was thinking of Freud that he wrote about the interpretation of dreams. He has a book called "The interpretation of dreams," if you want to delve into the subject more, read this book, Freud can help you. I found interesting post here summarizing what he said and I hope that helps you to better understand the dreams:​

"Considered the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) revolutionizes the study of dreams with his work The Interpretation Of Dreams. Freud begins to analyze dreams in order to understand aspects of personality as they relate to pathology. He believes that nothing you do occurs by chance; every action and thought is motivated by your unconscious at some level. In order to live in a civilized society, you have a tendency to hold back our urges and repress our impulses. However, these urges and impulses must be released in some way; they have a way of coming to the surface in disguised forms.
One way these urges and impulses are released is through your dreams. Because the content of the unconscious may be extremely disturbing or harmful, Freud believes that the unconscious expresses itself in a symbolic language.
Freud categorizes aspects of the mind into three parts:
Id - centered around primal impulses, pleasures, desires, unchecked urges and wish fulfillment.
Ego - concerned with the conscious, the rational, the moral and the self-aware aspect of the mind.
Superego - the censor for the id, which is also responsible for enforcing the moral codes of the ego.
When you are awake, the impulses and desires of the id are suppressed by the superego. Through dreams, you are able to get a glimpse into your unconscious or the id. Because your guards are down during the dream state, your unconscious has the opportunity to act out and express the hidden desires of the id. However, the desires of the id can, at times, be so disturbing and even psychologically harmful that a "censor" comes into play and translates the id's disturbing content into a more acceptable symbolic form. This helps to preserve sleep and prevent you from waking up shocked at the images. As a result, confusing and cryptic dream images occur.
According to Freud, the reason you struggle to remember your dreams, is because the superego is at work. It is doing its job by protecting the conscious mind from the disturbing images and desires conjured by the unconscious.

Freudian Dream Tools:
According to Freud, dreams always have a manifest and latent content. The manifest content is what the dream seems to be saying. It is often bizarre and nonsensical. The latent content is what the dream is really trying to say. Dreams give us a look into our unconscious. Freud believes that we can chip through the dream's manifest content to reveal the underlying significance and its latent by utilizing the technique of "free association". Using this technique, you start with one dream symbol and then follow with what automatically comes to your mind first. You continue in this manner and see where it leads.
To further help in interpreting the cryptic images of our dreams, Freud classified the images into the following five processes:

1. Displacement
This occurs when the desire for one thing or person is symbolized by something or someone else.

2. Projection
This happens when the dreamer propels their own desires and wants onto another person.

3. Symbolization
This is characterized when the dreamer's repressed urges or suppressed desires are acted out metaphorically.

4. Condensation
This is the process in which the dreamer hides their feelings or urges by contracting it or underplaying it into a brief dream image or event. Thus the meaning of this dream imagery may not be apparent or obvious.

5. Rationalization
This is regarded as the final stage of dreamwork. The dreaming mind organizes an incoherent dream into one that is more comprehensible and logical. This is also known as secondary revision.
Freud is particularly preoccupied with sexual content in dreams. He believes that sex is the root cause of what occurs in your dreams. According to Freud, every long slender or elongated object (i.e. knife, cigar, gun, etc) represents the phallus, while any cavity or receptacle (bowl, cave, tunnel, etc) denotes the female genitalia."

Freud's book:

"The real dream is the road that leads to unconscious, Freud wrote in his masterpiece "The Interpretation of Dreams." The book took two years (1898 and 1899) to be written and to Freud built the main foundations of psychoanalytic theory, as is the whole point of support for the further development of his work. For Freud, the essence of the dream is the realization of a repressed infantile wish. It was from this principle he developed the foundations of the psychoanalytic method.
Before Freud, dreams were seen as the only symbols, premonições were analyzed as events or divine. Freud, by the analysis of dreams, showed the existence of the unconscious and had become something like the junk science of thought, where the dreams, in a revealing of the human personality. The dreams show a clear preference for impressions of the days immediately preceding. Have access to the most primitive impressions of our childhood and even details are emerging this time of our life that, once again, appear to be trivial and that in our state of wakefulness, we have fallen into oblivion long ago.
For a dream is interpreted we need not try to understand it at once, in its entirety, because due to be formed in the unconscious there is only affection and fragments of reality, just very confusing at first. We should divide it into parts according to the context of the patient and let it slowly without deciphering adopt a Cartesian criterion, because the same piece of content may conceal a different meaning when it occurs in different people or in different situations.
The dream is precisely the phenomenon of mental life in which the normal processes of the unconscious mind are revealed in a very clear and accessible study. In the Freudian conception, the dream is a product of the activity of the unconscious, which always has a sense intentional, namely the implementation or the attempt to achieve - more or less disguised, in a repressed tendency. Thus, the dreams reveal the true nature of man, although not all nature, and are a way of making the hidden interior of the mind available to our knowledge.
The dream and hysterical to begin psychoanalysis, give you, with Freud, the initial blast. In Theory of Fields, of course, also thinks the dream. Awake, our actions, ideas, feelings, find themselves along the lines of force that, in sleep, emerge as a dream episode. Our identity, with their "selves" in dialogue or dispute, is composed of plots that best value in dreams. The characters of these plots also populate our reality, sneak between the objects of everyday life, represented by a friend, a person we awaken the passion in ourselves. Dream after dream are present, until one of these allows us to interpret its meaning and awakening in the dream that we were immersed.
The dream may let us play we see the rose - and still be dreaming. There is a criterion to determine whether we are dreaming or awake, and this is the criterion of the purely empirical fact agree. All that between sleeping and waking experience is illusory when, at the wake, we see that lying in bed. During sleep, we dream by the images real images through our mental habit (which can not be sleeping) to assume the existence of an external method with which we set a contrast with our ego.
Therefore, the interpretation of dreams reveal, above all, mental content, thoughts, information and experiences that were suppressed or repressed, excluded from consciousness by the activities of defense of ego and superego and sent to the unconscious. The part of the id which was prevented access to consciousness, is precisely the one involved in the origin of neuroses. Therefore, the interest of Freud by dreams originated in the fact that they represent normal processes, with which all are familiar, but that exemplify processes active in the formation of neurotic symptoms. Comes the dream, usually, in a congested area of the interlacing of fields, from which follows that its content expressing rules pertaining to different subjects simultaneously psychic, why not have a latent sense only, but a network of emotional meanings, the dream is when a diagnosis of excellence, identifies the subject.
It is absurd to ask for explanations and associations to a dream that patient, ie treating the dream as a separate episode and isolável phenomenon. Do this when you feel appropriate, but remember that the way in which the dream was narrated and the entire set of ideas that surround, even and especially if you do not seem connected, associations are also, potentially. With the dreamer, the dream analyst tie, leaving it to take the lighting that makes the dream, without haste, hoping that the precipitation inseminate you the ideas, to operate at the same pace the field dream.
The dream is a defense to sleep, so you can add that the dream open, the visual story of lives that night and is today is the opportunity to get out of a dream, the deaf undercurrent of issues that the dream comes, which conceal the logic presiding vigil until they can show in an episode consists of gaining status consciousness. According to Freud, there is no basis in fact that dreams have the power to guess the future and dreams no moral feelings.
As there is a strong tendency to forget a dream, a work of resistance, and thus lost almost all, the function of the analyst is also in remembrance. He has the function to keep the dream afloat for a longer time than it would spontaneously and monitor its movement and spread of new concentration, and is not an easy task, because we operate in resistance."
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Another Dream! I had wondered when I awakened if it applied to this thread, then as I thought about it and remembered the symbol on her finger, I felt I should share the dream in this thread as I did the first one, and you know what? I am excited- I felt absolutely no fear at all this time!
Here's what I saw in the dream lastnight: I saw "her" standing at the top of a flight of stairs, she was backstage looking out at what appeared to be the 02 dancers for the London Shows. They were all happy, jumping up and down, hugging eachother and a few were doing warm up excercises. I could immediately make out the female who sang "Heal the World" at the memorial on July 7. She was in the dream, I saw her run up to someone and hug them with so much excitement. There was nothing but love and excitement in the air from the dancers. But as "she" stood at top of stairwell, I felt her anticipation, I felt her, she was like: IS HE HERE YET? WILL HE BE ON TIME? IS HE HERE? HAVE THEY BROUGHT HIM YET?Her mind was saying this, I didnt see her lips move at all, then suddenly with the last thought she had, I saw her walking down the stairs as she bent slightly down to see MJ inside the Golden casket up against the wall. A male dancer in a leotard was standing near stretching his legs. The coffin was open and she was smiling. She was happy to see him finally there. Then I saw glimpse of her, her right hand held onto the banister as she came down the stairs and her left hand was free, she was the only one on the staircase. Everyone beneath her was still happy, hugging eachother and warming up even as MJ lay in the open Golden Casket. On her left ring finger I saw a very shiny ring set. It looked very expensive and antique. She wore the engagement ring and the wedding band, there were alot of diamonds and it sparkled. Her dress was dark blue or dark purple, can't make out which color. It was not long, it stopped at her knees. She also wore fancy high heels with the toes out and a strap around the ankle. Her black hair was past her shoulders, this woman was petite, just like the woman who I was talking with by the vanity mirror in the first dream the other night, the only difference is the hair and this time, I can see more details of her.
Also, there was a little colorful graffiti falling from the top of the room, you know the kind thats shown at the countdown of a new year? Exact same just not nearly as much. The graffiti came as she began to move down the steps after she saw that the Gold Casket was there.
Since I felt no fear this time I could see the deceased MJ was the Thriller Era MJ, His skin was dark and so was hers in these dreams. He had on his famous shades and the exact outfit he wore when he met with President Reagan at the White House! There are pictures of it online and I think in Moonwalk.
She wants to go to him, I can feel her excitement as her eyes are glued to him but before she gets to the bottom, the dream is over.
I can not believe this time I wasn't scared! I slept the entire night! Wow! i can't believe it. Thank you God!
I got to go now, be back later to see if anyone gives an analysis.