Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Yeh i agree. his shyness is what made him very sexy
but i also loved it when he was angry, like in his song "scream" or when he told gloria allread ( however u spell her last name) "to go to hell" :lol:. That was too darn sexy :wub:....well IMO it was

Yeah....I could imagine what face he had while reading that caveman post I put in...YIKES!! EEK!! :bugeyed

Girls you are right. :yes: But think of any better way Michael is sexy and irresistible. :wild: It is the whole. lol! :D Even sweet and innocent look that is sexy. A beautiful man inside and out, a wonderful voice, the planet's most beautiful smile, eyes more sweet and sincere, pure innocence, an intelligent man, an enigmatic way of dancing and very, very, very sexy. Is not resistant to all these charms and is not saying he is not sexy! :wild:

He was indeed sexy!

And knew we thought he was!

I mean cmon, he didnt do his "pimp" walk at times for nothin!
God that video is so funny! :lol: GO MIKE U TELL HER!!! :lol:
Hello everybody, just checkin in with the rest of you hopeless romantics. I haven't seen most of you in the main forum, are you getting along okay? I know its hard.

I was just thinkin about when the day come for all those songs Michael had been working on to be released. How difficult will that be to interpret now that we no longer have Michael here with us. I am certain if the theory of this thread is accurate and his worked isn't chopped and edited by whomever, we will get more material that relates to this love story, are we still going to be able to go on,( pick up where we left off with this thread) with Michael not here? Should we even try?

Has anyone thought about this yet?
"Every night in my dreams ... I see you ... I feel you ... that is how I know you go on ..."

That was from the movie "Titanic" in case you haven't already heard that tune a gazillion times! Just thought I'd lighten the mood with some humor. Yes, I do think that he goes on and we should also carry on. Who knows, maybe his spirit will guide us!;D
It is such a nice thought to think , that mikes spirit will guide us :)
"Every night in my dreams ... I see you ... I feel you ... that is how I know you go on ..."

That was from the movie "Titanic" in case you haven't already heard that tune a gazillion times! Just thought I'd lighten the mood with some humor. Yes, I do think that he goes on and we should also carry on. Who knows, maybe his spirit will guide us!;D

Awwwwwww that was nice. I hope everyone elese share in your opinion.
"Every night in my dreams ... I see you ... I feel you ... that is how I know you go on ..."

That was from the movie "Titanic" in case you haven't already heard that tune a gazillion times! Just thought I'd lighten the mood with some humor. Yes, I do think that he goes on and we should also carry on. Who knows, maybe his spirit will guide us!;D

OMG, not that song!!! :cry: This older man was paying it in London at a tube station with a harp....and it was the tube station that I SO WELL remembered from March, because we always changed tubes at that one to get to the O2 and back and also to get to MJ's hotel. And in March I was of course SO HAPPY and I can remember so well how we walked through the hallways all excited and happy and while chanting MJ's name at times with all the fans. And now it was so quiet...I was walking there alone...and then to already have all the memories in my head and then to hear THAT song being played...and knowing the lyrics....I almost started running to get out of there because it all became too much to bear because everything just remined me of Michael and to remember how HAPPY I had been the last time I had been there and to know what the situation was now....I just instantly started crying, I was so sad. :boohoo: It was so embarrassing. :cry:
Michael was and still is a very beautiful soul. Find comfort in knowing that he was a God-fearing man, God is alive and well, and that MJ had done the work required to be with Him once again. MJ's foes on the other hand fall far, far short. They have been spending their time on earth making others miserable for their own personal enjoyment. When God tells them their time is up, they're going to wish that they had spent their time on earth doing much better things. Earth is a testing ground that determines where we all go after we leave. Going up is much, much better than going down.

Those that made it their job to hurt Michael do not know that they did not hurt him. They only hurt themselves. I don't know what makes some want to act like God is not real and like Satan isn't real either, but one day when God calls them they are going to be introduced to both. Their time with God is going to be very short. They're just going to see Him long enough to find out that He is real and then He is going to send them to be with the one that they chose to work for.

People are either with God or they are not. There is no in between. When they turn their backs on God, Satan gets them by default.

People have to choose what they are going to allow to enter the world through them. People are much like ports. We can either allow heaven to enter the world through us or hell. We already know which one MJ allowed to enter through him and those of us that are still here on earth should continue doing our best to allow heaven to enter through us too.

Those that go around touching the lives of others in a negative way are allowing hell to enter the world through them. Those that go around touching the lives of others in a positive way are allowing heaven to enter the world through them.

One thing that today showed us is that many around the world do appreciate what MJ was doing and what he stood for. He will be missed because of it, but never forgotten.

Those that mean the world no good will just be here aimlessly roaming around doing things of no true worth. They have chosen to show the world their ugly ways via television in high definition. Shame will follow them every single day of their lives in all four corners of the earth.

I love your post and agree with it wholeheartedly.
His shyness was a turn-on for me as well, Ashtanga...it made him even more irresistable...

Michael's sensitivity drew me to him. I love sensitive men, and I love men who cry. Sometimes when hubby and I get in a bad argument, he is so sorry and feels so bad, he cries, and my heart melts.
aww Summer :hug:

I was followed around all day by MJ..lol. We went shopping today and first store we went in had his album playing. I forget which one.I didnt even notice it. My kids pointed it out to me. Then we went to some place that was like a Mexican walmart and on the TVs was his Thriller 25 dvd playing so we stood and watched that for a bit. There were a few other things that I can't remember but my daughter told me about with MJs music or photo or something playing wherever I was, and then the last one tonight when we got back to the resort, Human Nature was playing in an instrumental version. My oldest daughter joked that MJ was stalking me. It was actually really nice.

Also something kind of cool, the other day my son wanted to listen to Rock with You, and it happened to be missing from the CD we found of MJs here and bought so when we got back, we were walking to the restaurant and someone was playing "Rock with you" in their hotel room. I heard it out of their balcony.
Lol mike is getting back at us, for all the "stalking" we did with him! :p
Awww, I'm so sorry that song made you sad summer. That song really is pretty sad and played out. It just reminded me of him because I feel his spirit still very much around like everyone else. The other song I was gonna post was not much better I think - still kinda sad. I know how you feel. I think I'm really starting to get tired of feelin' sad. This is all really profound. I thought it was supposed to get easier with time, but to borrow a line from one of Elton John's songs ... "It's sad, so sad, it's a sad, sad situation and it's getting more and more absurd!" That's pretty much sums up my feelings! I think we need something with a little bit of "magic!"
If we get new music we may see more of a love story that was unfolding or had come to fruition, it's just not the sort of happy ending I ever envisioned in fairy tales. I know love is eternal but it feels strange to me talking about DMJFLITD now. I think the only thing that matters to me is that he knew he was loved and not alone, and that when God called him home his heart was truly happy.
aww Summer :hug:

I was followed around all day by MJ..lol. We went shopping today and first store we went in had his album playing. I forget which one.I didnt even notice it. My kids pointed it out to me. Then we went to some place that was like a Mexican walmart and on the TVs was his Thriller 25 dvd playing so we stood and watched that for a bit. There were a few other things that I can't remember but my daughter told me about with MJs music or photo or something playing wherever I was, and then the last one tonight when we got back to the resort, Human Nature was playing in an instrumental version. My oldest daughter joked that MJ was stalking me. It was actually really nice.

Also something kind of cool, the other day my son wanted to listen to Rock with You, and it happened to be missing from the CD we found of MJs here and bought so when we got back, we were walking to the restaurant and someone was playing "Rock with you" in their hotel room. I heard it out of their balcony.

Same here...When I got to central London from the airport and got out of the tube...I made the mistake of getting out right in front of the Lanesborough Hotel. The very place where I had last seen Michael only 4 months before. I saw the hotel and I just froze and stared at it and had tears running down my face instantly. I couldn't help but to cry. I don't know if the doorman recognized me and remembered me from March or if he just noticed me crying and thought I was weird, but I noticed him looking at me. I walked away and I just had to keep turning around to look at the windows where I had seen Michael. I kept thinking "If ONLY I could turn back time....if ONLY Michael could come to the window again and wave." :cry: I was just SO SAD. And then another day when I walked on Regent Street (I think...), I accidentally ended up in another place where I had seen Michael. I was just walking along...pretty aimlessly. I didn't really know what I was doing in London...I didn't feel like sighseeing, I didn't feel like doing much anything...so I was just walking along, not really knowing where I was going...until I looked at a street sign and it says "Poland Street". And again I froze. Because I realized that was the place where I had seen Michael on the bus almost exactly seven years ago at the Sony Demo. And then of course going to the O2 was torture. I had tears running down my face in the tube when I heard people talking about MJ. And the closer I got to O2, the more difficult it got. And as soon as I arrived and saw the video screen with pictures of MJ, I just started crying. It was so embarrassing. And when I went inside the O2 I just kept crying and crying. :cry: All the memories from 4 months ago just came flooding back and I could remember how HAPPY and EXCITED I had been the last tiem I was in the very same place. And now it was COMPLETELY the opposite. It couldn't have been more extreme emotions. Now I was completely devastated and heartbroken. :cry: And it was funny...when I got back from London, everyone kept asking if I had had a "good trip". I was like "Uhm...no not really. Not under those circumstances." :cry:

Lol mike is getting back at us, for all the "stalking" we did with him! :p

Okay that made me smile! That was funny! :lol:
If we get new music we may see more of a love story that was unfolding or had come to fruition, it's just not the sort of happy ending I ever envisioned in fairy tales. I know love is eternal but it feels strange to me talking about DMJFLITD now. I think the only thing that matters to me is that he knew he was loved and not alone, and that when God called him home his heart was truly happy.

My feelings exactly.
hey everyone. I miss the good old days in this thread. :cry:
I hope ya'll are getting better, and hopefully you have learned to live with the circumstance of Michaels passing away.

An important note to remember is:
In life we seek to handle everything. Every problem we seek to solve.
Death is not a problem. Death is a condition. You can't solve a condition. You can only learn to live with it.

I'm still caught at the point where I have accepted his death and nolonger mourn about it, but can't seem to move on. To make a life without him. It's like what Blanket said - "is daddy on a hollyday?"


The Relationship Between MJ and His "Someone in the Dark" all Began with E.T.!


That is the startling new revelation I had during my quiet meditation time!
Let me explain: You see MJ and his "Someone in the Dark" were "E.T." to each other. She was "E.T." to him and of course he was "E.T." to her. He even used the song Someone in the Dark to describe how their relationship began, which is from The E.T. Storybook! You see, these two people were so very unique and different that they were not able to completely connect to anyone else in the universe but each other. They were like, well, a couple of "E.T.'s" roaming the earth! That's why they were so bonded to each other and loved each other so much. They could understand each other. I would attempt to go more in depth on this, but a regular poster here by the name of "queen g" I think explained it best. I took the liberty of highlighting some parts that I thought were particularly important. Here is what she said:

I’m going to discuss being/feeling connected vs. being/feeling disconnected.

(And also look at it as if there was, is, and probably could only be, one particular woman for MJ)

MJ from a very young age felt disconnected from just about everyone. His mother may be the only exception...thank the Lord for her in his young life. It is also possible that his ladyfriend also felt a lack of connection with others growing up as well. For a child growing up, connection with, affirmation and engagement from others, is essential in forming a foundation within to help us be able to cope well in life.

I believe MJ grew up and recognized his strong need for connection. Someone suggested in this thread that MJ might have sensed that one day someone would “reach their hand out” to him. I think that is because he was calling out to God to please show him that there was someone out there in some way who would understand him and love him for him. His lady friend may even have had a similar yearning.

One day, and as someone in the thread stated, "Fate took hold" God sent them a saving grace...each other..

... It may have been the direct answer to MJ’s prayer.

The reason I say “saving grace” is because I understand what it is like to live a long life without having ever any connectedness with anyone. How I wish God could have shown me years ago there was someone out there for me. I know the pain of extreme isolation, never anyone engaging with me in such a way that I feel known, understood, or truly loved. Because as a child I did not have that needed connecting with others, life has felt like I am going through it flaundering and lost, unsure and at times very afraid of life ...
MJ and his lady friend, after their initial encounter, had the gift of knowing there was one person out there in the world who loved and understood them ...

... When you never have had a connection with anyone, and have been worried that you never will, and here you now have this wonderful connection with someone which seems of God, a direct answer of prayer... it forms an uncommonly deep, deep bond, I would think. And their two “hearts” were married. That is the “unspoken vows” he is referring to.

Here are the lyrics to Someone in the Dark:

All alone wishing on stars
Waiting for you to find me
One sweet night I knew I would see
A stranger who'd be my friend

When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Like it was written in the stars I knew
My friend, my someone in the dark was you

Promise me we'll always be
Walking the world together
Hand in hand where dreams never end
My star secret friend and me

When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me

Though you're gone star far away
Each time I see a rainbow
I'll remember being with you
Smiles coming through my tears

When someone in the dark reaches out for you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me ...
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:cry: MJ did FLITD :cry: his heart was happy and now she's going to be heartbroken forever :cry:
Here are the lyrics to Someone in the Dark:

All alone wishing on stars
Waiting for you to find me
One sweet night I knew I would see
A stranger who'd be my friend

When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Like it was written in the stars I knew
My friend, my someone in the dark was you

Promise me we'll always be
Walking the world together
Hand in hand where dreams never end
My star secret friend and me

When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me

Though you're gone star far away
Each time I see a rainbow
I'll remember being with you
Smiles coming through my tears

When someone in the dark reaches out for you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me ...
:wild::wild::wild: :wub::wub::wub:
This is one of my favorite songs and all other is indirect messages to someone. It seems that there is someone special. A "friend" who is the rock where he will hold when you're in trouble. The dark think it would be a difficult time that he was going and that special someone was always there for him or it was just something of the imagination, which invented the birth of this music.​