Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

how did you guys like the Dido song?
I feel like it describes the darkness that we are navigating through right now..
I have no idea. It seemed Michael was so happy during the last months....it is so tragic he was taken away from us. :cry: IF there was a "someone in the dark"...it is even more tragic if he died just when things started to go right. :cry: If Michael died because someone did something to him or because the doctor didn't know what he was doing, it is going to tear my heart apart. :cry:

I didnt realize you guys had been in this thread recently. awwwwwwwww, I am so glad to see you.
I believe in the theory of this thread and I do believe Michael had a special someone in his life prior to his death.
I am not sure about the former uk security guy named matt fiddes but he said recently that Michael had a "secret girlfriend" of whom he was in love with on and off for years. When I first heard that, I instantly thought of this thread. I also remember years ago reading on another forum of how Matt Fiddes had claimed he drove MJ to see his secret lady on more than one occasion, I think it was put in the tabloid section of that forum all those years ago and now we have Mr. Fiddess saying very similar things after Michael's death. I think it can be read on SKYNEW.COM
I have thought of Michael's soul, his children, mom and dad and "her". What must she be going through with the world not knowing who she is,or that she had such a deep and profound connection to Michael.
One thing's for sure. Being in love and having someone to recipricate that love made him a very happy and vibrant man. He seemed ready to take on the world. He was giving off clues indicating he was ready for the next personal as well as professional step in his life. By all accounts from his own clues, I do not believe he was ready to leave us. Not at all.
But God had a plan and though we can't understand fully what that plan is, we can be assured that our beloved Michael is in eternally peace. He felt no pain as his spirit left this life to enter the next. You can tell by the peaceful look on his lovely face on the last photo enroute to UCLA( i am sorry to remind you of that pic. sorry).
Michael's soul seemed happy in recent years and months. He was recording again, preparing for the upcoming tour, he initiated getting his house in order with his team; making room for all his plans to "come together". And she had returned to him.
My gut tells me , he wanted to live. To see all his dreams realized.
I didnt realize you guys had been in this thread recently. awwwwwwwww, I am so glad to see you.
I believe in the theory of this thread and I do believe Michael had a special someone in his life prior to his death.
I am not sure about the former uk security guy named matt fiddes but he said recently that Michael had a "secret girlfriend" of whom he was in love with on and off for years. When I first heard that, I instantly thought of this thread. I also remember years ago reading on another forum of how Matt Fiddes had claimed he drove MJ to see his secret lady on more than one occasion, I think it was put in the tabloid section of that forum all those years ago and now we have Mr. Fiddess saying very similar things after Michael's death. I think it can be read on SKYNEW.COM
I have thought of Michael's soul, his children, mom and dad and "her". What must she be going through with the world not knowing who she is,or that she had such a deep and profound connection to Michael.
One thing's for sure. Being in love and having someone to recipricate that love made him a very happy and vibrant man. He seemed ready to take on the world. He was giving off clues indicating he was ready for the next personal as well as professional step in his life. By all accounts from his own clues, I do not believe he was ready to leave us. Not at all.
But God had a plan and though we can't understand fully what that plan is, we can be assured that our beloved Michael is in eternally peace. He felt no pain as his spirit left this life to enter the next. You can tell by the peaceful look on his lovely face on the last photo enroute to UCLA( i am sorry to remind you of that pic. sorry).
Michael's soul seemed happy in recent years and months. He was recording again, preparing for the upcoming tour, he initiated getting his house in order with his team; making room for all his plans to "come together". And she had returned to him.
My gut tells me , he wanted to live. To see all his dreams realized.

Lovely post Moddie!! And as for his secret lady, maybe he really did have a lady, if so they did a good job at hiding this.As for him not wanting to leave, of course he didn't.. I also agree with you that God had other plans for MJ but we don't know why.
Maybe god felt michael had been through enough pain...and felt it was mike's time to go :(
I think if Michael had really a "secret girlfriend" the whole world would know. Celebrities can not hide for long relationship a secret, is impossible. And you can not believe what other people say about Michael, they always increase it. And now he's gone will emerge many, many, many stories and people wanting to show the expense of Michael. I believe that Michael was not desperate to find the love that God was preparing it. So he did not have to worry about. Indeed Michael was living the moment, he was happy and very focused on that he would hold concerts for their fans, in return for it to be perfect and especially in his three children... these were the major concerns of Michael.​
I think Michael did have a secret love. The way that he expressed his music,
made us all feel like we were his secret love.:wub:
A love that transcends the physical.
A very special musical love that we all could feel.

I truly believe Michael loved us dearly.

Michael, You will forever be alive in my heart, heavy as it may be!
I completely feel you on this!

Thanx! Altough i must admit after what happned 2 mike, i have lost faith in god a lil. I mean why couldnt he save mike? :cry: He wanted 2 do this tour so much for his kids ( and us the fans)...its just unfair and in a way...cruel :(
Thanx! Altough i must admit after what happned 2 mike, i have lost faith in god a lil. I mean why couldnt he save mike? :cry: He wanted 2 do this tour so much for his kids ( and us the fans)...its just unfair and in a way...cruel :(

It is a very normal and very human reaction to question God when something like this occur.

My faith tells me, Michael's death will have a much higher and more deeper meaning for us all at a later time perhaphs. God obviously has a plan that can not be visible to any of us now due to our grief and pain.

I don't understand it all myself but I do believe what is God's Will. Will be and he/she doesn't make mistakes.
It is a very normal and very human reaction to question God when something like this occur.

My faith tells me, Michael's death will have a much higher and more deeper meaning for us all at a later time perhaphs. God obviously has a plan that can not be visible to any of us now due to our grief and pain.

I don't understand it all myself but I do believe what is God's Will. Will be and he/she doesn't make mistakes.

there is a plan.. Michael Jackson did not live or die for nothing.

I'll give you something to think about..

All saints in the history of mankind has been brutally taken away from life, before their messages and visions where truly embraced, appreciated and understood by the people.

Even Jesus had to be taken away before the "man" learned to love, respect and listen to him.

Personally - I marked June 25th as "Saint Michaels Day"..
I guess ur right :D

I just hope mike will finally be in peace

Michael was at peace when he was in that ambulance. You can see it on his lovely face. There are no traces of worries or fear in his expression. This alone has helped me a great deal in my mourning of him. I do not look at that picture alot but I remember it.

I pray for peace for those of whom he has left behind.
there is a plan.. Michael Jackson did not live or die for nothing.

I'll give you something to think about..

All saints in the history of mankind has been brutally taken away from life, before their messages and visions where truly embraced, appreciated and understood by the people.

Even Jesus had to be taken away before the "man" learned to love, respect and listen to him.

Personally - I marked June 25th as "Saint Michaels Day"..
I hadn't thought of that. That is indeed something to think about.:better:
there is a plan.. Michael Jackson did not live or die for nothing.

Personally - I marked June 25th as "Saint Michaels Day"..

let's make a facebook page about this and joind it and let other fans do !
sorry guys but i have a question:

few monthes ago a member in this thread said that all our happiness in this forum will come soon to an end ,,,she (or he) said that a horrible thing would happen but did not elaborate ??? this question is bothering me who is he / she what did s/he meant by that i really wanna know...
my heart is still bleeding ,i need to find some peace and unedrstand why HE left ???
Was it written in this thread or another? I don't remember reading it.

It is pretty difficult to come to terms. I still haven't come to terms with it. He's still alive to me. I just can't think of him as gone.
Michael was at peace when he was in that ambulance. You can see it on his lovely face. There are no traces of worries or fear in his expression. This alone has helped me a great deal in my mourning of him. I do not look at that picture alot but I remember it.

I pray for peace for those of whom he has left behind.
Yes i he did look peaceful in the ambulance...but seeing all that equiment around him scared me. To see all that happen around him frightned me so much.I pray too for all the ppl he left behind, especially he's kids and and i hate that they are going through so much pain. My heart bleeds for them :cry: And safira agree with you,, june 25 should me marked as ''saint michaels day''
:) :better: Well I know he is here in our hearts, and in song, and in spirit, but .. I still can't think or fathom him being ____
Michael was and still is a very beautiful soul. Find comfort in knowing that he was a God-fearing man, God is alive and well, and that MJ had done the work required to be with Him once again. MJ's foes on the other hand fall far, far short. They have been spending their time on earth making others miserable for their own personal enjoyment. When God tells them their time is up, they're going to wish that they had spent their time on earth doing much better things. Earth is a testing ground that determines where we all go after we leave. Going up is much, much better than going down.

Those that made it their job to hurt Michael do not know that they did not hurt him. They only hurt themselves. I don't know what makes some want to act like God is not real and like Satan isn't real either, but one day when God calls them they are going to be introduced to both. Their time with God is going to be very short. They're just going to see Him long enough to find out that He is real and then He is going to send them to be with the one that they chose to work for.

People are either with God or they are not. There is no in between. When they turn their backs on God, Satan gets them by default.

People have to choose what they are going to allow to enter the world through them. People are much like ports. We can either allow heaven to enter the world through us or hell. We already know which one MJ allowed to enter through him and those of us that are still here on earth should continue doing our best to allow heaven to enter through us too.

Those that go around touching the lives of others in a negative way are allowing hell to enter the world through them. Those that go around touching the lives of others in a positive way are allowing heaven to enter the world through them.

One thing that today showed us is that many around the world do appreciate what MJ was doing and what he stood for. He will be missed because of it, but never forgotten.

Those that mean the world no good will just be here aimlessly roaming around doing things of no true worth. They have chosen to show the world their ugly ways via television in high definition. Shame will follow them every single day of their lives in all four corners of the earth.
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I often fantasized that MJ read the posts here....did any of you ever do that too?

:) Oh, I'm sure he did. I mean, how could he resist? This thread has all of the right ingredients: love, his music, women gushing over him (lol!) He was probably drawn like a moth to a flame. lol! I think I actually feel him in the room as I type this! Yikes! Help me! (or maybe not!:cheeky:)

I'm glad to see people still post in here from time to time. I'd hate to see it get lost, it's so beautiful and so full of pleasant memories for me. I thought maybe I would still post here from time to time as a form of "therapy." I'd just like to post some random things that I find or come to mind like poems or songs or whatever. Guess I'm not quite ready to let it go yet. Like a great singer once sang, "Life without looooooove is so lonelaaaaay, I don't think, I don't think I'm gonna make it ..." That's what this thread is all about - love!:cheers:
I often fantasized that MJ read the posts here....did any of you ever do that too?

yes i did!! :lol:

I'd wonder how he would react seeing some the cheeky things been said bout him. Wondering whether he would blush, smile, giggle or just being shy & quiet reading this thread.
yes i did!! :lol:

I'd wonder how he would react seeing some the cheeky things been said bout him. Wondering whether he would blush, smile, giggle or just being shy & quiet reading this thread.

Yeah....I could imagine what face he had while reading that caveman post I put in...YIKES!! EEK!! :bugeyed
lol im sure i put some embrassing posts mysel!

Michael, if your looking down from heaven above.....im sorry :hug:...no really am!
yes i did!! :lol:

I'd wonder how he would react seeing some the cheeky things been said bout him. Wondering whether he would blush, smile, giggle or just being shy & quiet reading this thread.

Is that even you! :yes: Are all these things together you described. I always imagined the reaction it would be like reading the comments here. lol! But I confess that I love and I think he is pretty shy when it seems he is even more sexy. :wild::wub:​
Is that even you! :yes: Are all these things together you described. I always imagined the reaction it would be like reading the comments here. lol! But I confess that I love and I think he is pretty shy when it seems he is even more sexy. :wild::wub:​

His shyness was a turn-on for me as well, Ashtanga...it made him even more irresistable...
Yeh i agree. his shyness is what made him very sexy
but i also loved it when he was angry, like in his song "scream" or when he told gloria allread ( however u spell her last name) "to go to hell" :lol:. That was too darn sexy :wub:....well IMO it was