Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

"Oh, I believe... you and I...could never really say goodbye...Where ever you may be....I'll look up and see...someone in the dark for me"...

I will miss you SO MUCH, Michael...words can never express how much! :cry: :cry: I will always love you FOR ALL TIME! :cry:
I have a question for you girls of the "love in the dark" thread

In all of the songs where he asked "her" to respond, to put "her" hand out, to "make this dream come true" - to stop walking away, running away, resisting, being invincible and all - do you feel if she had come sooner, that things would be different right now? I know it is something only God knows tho,

or do u think maybe she was about to try to find a way to be there for/with him, finally after all this time, and he expected that, which is why his faith was resurrected in the more recent songs, why he said, "I haven't left you alone" after "all this time away" and he loved "the way" she loved him, with "real love" -

presuming based on these things that he had no reason for being discouraged ?

I don't expect you all to answer right away, and maybe its a bit inappropriate somehow, to even ask, I just want to know what someone else would say ... i guess cause i'm wonderin' about this myself

my answer is, for now, i don't know
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I have no idea. It seemed Michael was so happy during the last months....it is so tragic he was taken away from us. :cry: IF there was a "someone in the dark"...it is even more tragic if he died just when things started to go right. :cry: If Michael died because someone did something to him or because the doctor didn't know what he was doing, it is going to tear my heart apart. :cry:
I have a question for you girls of the "love in the dark" thread

In all of the songs where he asked "her" to respond, to put "her" hand out, to "make this dream come true" - to stop walking away, running away, resisting, being invincible and all - do you feel if she had come sooner, that things would be different right now? I know it is something only God knows tho,

Maybe if she had come to him...he might have been saved. I dont think mike ever really had "a real love" well not after lisa marie anyway. I think somewhere inside him was missing her deeply, and i feel like he wanted that sort loving relationship more than anything. But i think coz mike felt ppl misunderstood him so much ....not sure if he trusted love ( well relationship sort of love) anymore. Poor mike :cry:
I asked because of that line that says, "this life don't last forever, so tell me what we're waiting for"

It almost sounds like a cry for help, or a warning of some sort, like he was feeling vulnerable due to knowing what all he was up against and what all he had been through already, like he was getting tired and tired of enduring it alone - or - maybe its just me - it just gives me shivers every time I think of that line in that song.
I asked because of that line that says, "this life don't last forever, so tell me what we're waiting for"

It almost sounds like a cry for help, or - maybe its just me.

It could be...i guess now we'll never know :(
after all the looking at it from "her" perspective that was done ..

just couldn't help but wonder ..

this whole thing is just ... its just too ... there just aren't any words to describe this ..
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I am devastated with it. I still can not believe that Michael is dead. God is sometimes cruel to us and he was very cruel to all the fans who love both Michael, your family and your beautiful children. Michael was so young, I was so happy and I think he had much to achieve in life, especially in your career and see their children grow. He could find true love, is truly loved, to marry again, be happy and maybe have more children. It is so sad. I do not accept. For me it would take a long time to happen. The death of Michael was quick, strange and unexpected. And I know that there is something wrong about it all I hope that everything is clear and informed. The press goes saying that he was addicted to drugs. I have read many stories and I know that will appear much more ahead. Not after Michael's death is not peace. I'm sure Michael was not addicted to drugs, his life was his children, they are your priority, then Michael would think before they do anything. I am very confused with everything and I understand what really happened on June 25.​
It's all so hard to believe. I mean, I always knew this day would come one day, because death is a part of life, but it just seemed like MJ was going to leave at a much later time.

It's really hard to believe that all of this is happening and that it can't be undone. I'm going to miss Mike sooo much.
It's all so hard to believe. I mean, I always knew this day would come one day, because death is a part of life, but it just seemed like MJ was going to leave at a much later time.

It's really hard to believe that all of this is happening and that it can't be undone. I'm going to miss Mike sooo much.
Yes it is and so many questions flood the mind. I have wondered whether God needed to set some people straight in the matter of "idol worship". If maybe folks had gone too far in worshiping the creation more than The Creator or if God was trying to make a point to Michael not to allow others to "worship" him instead of the One Who made Him.

Then I recall the time God used Michael to point me to God's word, in my very early 20s while reading a magazine and I have always seen Michael give God the glory for the music. I do realize however that there are many who see Michael as "the only true God" as demonstrated by taking the very lives God gave them when Mike left.

I always knew death was a part of life too and knew it would happen some day, its just that I'd forgotten that God seems to sometimes randomly remind us that tomorrow is not promised, and sometimes He does it at a time when we feel the most 10000% absolute certainty, about tomorrow.

I also know however that God's word says that "unforseen occurrance befalls them all" in the book of Ecclesiastes and maybe that's all this actually amounts to as far as why why why God oh why and how could this be.
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Here With Me // Dido
I didnt hear you leave
I wonder how am I still here
I dont want to move a thing
It might change my memory
Oh I am what I am
Ill do what I want
But I cant hide
I wont go
I wont sleep
I cant breathe
Until youre resting here with me
I wont leave
I cant hide
I cannot be
Until your resting here with me

I dont want to call my friends
They might wake me from this dream
And I cant leave this bed
Risk forgetting all thats been

Oh I am what I am
Ill do what I want
But I cant hide
I wont go
I wont sleep
I cant breathe
Until youre resting here with me
I wont leave
I cant hide
I cannot be
Until your resting here with me
I feel like singing along with all sorts of emotional music, whilst thinking of Michael.. I hope he can feel it.. I hope he can feel our love even better from the heaven.. :heart:
I wonder.. what was Michaels favorite disney movie? I know that he liked to watch cartoons, so he must have had a favorite disney.. I find comfort in the stranges things.. To view that movie.. That would make me feel him a little more alive inside me..

and don't tell me it was peter pan.. was it?
To my nearest and dearest best friend Mr.Michael Jackson,

YOU will forever and always be in my heart, in my soul~~~

As "promised", I will not only "continue" to complete what YOU and I started...Psalm 37..!

But will "contiune" to help YOU complete your legacy of God's work..!

I KNOW YOU are smiling upon me/us from Heaven...this is for YOU Sweetheart: Giggles~~~

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World

Mood: Devastated
I wonder.. what was Michaels favorite disney movie? I know that he liked to watch cartoons, so he must have had a favorite disney.. I find comfort in the stranges things.. To view that movie.. That would make me feel him a little more alive inside me..

and don't tell me it was peter pan.. was it?
Pirates of the Carribbean may be one. Before he built Neverland he had the ride for it installed at Hayvenhurst because it was his favorite Disney ride.
Pirates of the Carribbean may be one. Before he built Neverland he had the ride for it installed at Hayvenhurst because it was his favorite Disney ride.

aah I see.. very good movies!..

I hope that this thread will somehow survive after all this..
It was such a good thread for throwing your thoughts in the air and waiting for someone to catch them..

I also feel like something is missing here at mjjc now.. or rather.. someone..
I always had HIM in mind when I wrote something.. Not that it made me talk any different, but I was always hoping that he would read just that post.. if it had any importance that is..
I hope his heart was happy. :cry:

Same here. And I really really REALLY hope he knew how dearly loved he was. I really hope he knew how much we love him. :cry: It feels so surreal that after seven long years....I get to see him once more...and then three months after that he is gone. And it is both good and bad that I got to see him. Good because I was able to "experience the magic" once more before he was taken away from us. I got to see him one more time, and I got to show him how much I love and admire him. And I got to see him with his kids and saw how much he loved them. For all that, I feel blessed and thank God I got to see him one more time. But then on the other hand it makes it even more difficult to let go, because I just saw him. He was closer than ever before and now he won't be coming back. And it just breaks my heart. :cry:

I wonder.. what was Michaels favorite disney movie? I know that he liked to watch cartoons, so he must have had a favorite disney.. I find comfort in the stranges things.. To view that movie.. That would make me feel him a little more alive inside me..

and don't tell me it was peter pan.. was it?

I know about the comfort thing. I went to a bookstore today and pretty much the first book that was "staring" me in the face was a book about Michaelangelo. So of course my first thought was "Michael loved Michaelangelo". So I started leafing through it and it was interesting and I also thought Michael would have loved it, so I bought it.
I keep writing things to post, then end up not posting. I just wanted to send something in here, even if it isn't meaningful or moving or anything. Truth is, I just don't know what to say.