Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Well I know I am sure going to miss you on here SOS. If you happen to read this one last time before the account get's put on hold for you, then I hope you read this. Please keep in touch via email, and I'll even email you my home number in case you just need a friend to talk to someday(or in case I do).

That's the biggest reason I love this thread is because of the socializing and friendship of the people in here..and the dreaming and ideas and romance and even just giving the old brain something to work on, constructive or not. Sometimes things felt much like a riddle to figure out. It always felt like the never ending sleepover in here, or girls night out. Your parting post summed things up nicely. Though it will be sad not having you come around so often, it is probably a good thing for you in the long run to focus on what matters most in your life. It sounds like you are ready to take action instead of allowing yourself to be distracted. I wonder what stage I'm at...lol. Somewhere in the middle I think.

Thank you for taking the time to share all this with us and explaining. I'll miss you here but I'm proud of you too. .. and we have to keep in touch.
aw :hug: you just keep those great poems going

i will miss you SOS ! huggs take care of you
:hug: you too cleo and u keep asking those pointed questions :)

Well I know I am sure going to miss you on here SOS. If you happen to read this one last time before the account get's put on hold for you, then I hope you read this. Please keep in touch via email, and I'll even email you my home number in case you just need a friend to talk to someday(or in case I do).

That's the biggest reason I love this thread is because of the socializing and friendship of the people in here..and the dreaming and ideas and romance and even just giving the old brain something to work on, constructive or not. Sometimes things felt much like a riddle to figure out. It always felt like the never ending sleepover in here, or girls night out. Your parting post summed things up nicely. Though it will be sad not having you come around so often, it is probably a good thing for you in the long run to focus on what matters most in your life. It sounds like you are ready to take action instead of allowing yourself to be distracted. I wonder what stage I'm at...lol. Somewhere in the middle I think.

Thank you for taking the time to share all this with us and explaining. I'll miss you here but I'm proud of you too. .. and we have to keep in touch.
aw Ape :hug: I'm gonna miss you too and yes, we can continue to email eachother anytime and maybe you'll keep me updated on our favorite "saga" :cheeky:
Hey, I was feeling homesick for your books. I am so sorry for that. But if you need to stay out for a while, do so. I hope you remember here and when you can come back. We will miss you for your posts. Whatever, I'll wring that God bless you and wish you much luck on his way. :angel::yes::D
oh gosh :hug: what a sweet thing to say about my War & Peace - like posts - you just keep those encouraging poems going Girl, they make a great difference for the soul

*Hey, were not 13 children that Michael would like to have? lol! :scratch:So still 10 babies! lol! :wild:

Yes, you're right about that 13 children thing! lol I don't know why I was thinking 11 - maybe that's because I think he'd said he wanted to have at least as many as his dad plus 1 or something like that lol but yeh, thirteen babies is right :yes:

Michael finds that his true love, he is truly loved and give him the chance to be a father again, it gives many children to him!:wub: (I'm sure Michael will find this person so special about it... God is watching it!):yes:

Yes, you're right - God is watching it all :yes:

Ashtanga :hug: sorry I messed up the quote function - my responses are ^ in there and thanks Sweetie, please feel free to email me anytime -

Awww state dont leave..we all will miss you very very much :( :cry:But thank you for all the analysing and everything else that youhave done for us. You will be sadly missed :(. Untill we hear from you again u take care ok, may god bless you with all his love & greatness always. BYE BYE SOS!
aw :hug: thanks Sweetie for the love.

:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed no not godbye SoS! :cry: I hate godbyes!
god bless you, and thanks for everything you've written in this thread!
This last post of yours is a good "dot" for all your posts together :yes:
Also a very wise post, and thoughts that I've had myself these past weeks too..

But you take care SoS! :)
Safira :hug: I'll miss you too and I hate goodbyes too which is why I don't say "goodbye" per se - I don't believe in "goodbye" - I just believe in I've got to back up, regroup and get silent for a while to rebalance things at home. Thanks for the compliments btw - that was very sweet of you to say :hug:

I'm gonna be online a few more days then by the weekend I'll be off. If anyone wants to keep me updated or just wants to say hello, please feel free to email me and thanks for the PMs and well wishes! I love you all very much. This is a very special experience, one I'll never forget nor regret, and not to mention the fact that, I'll be back.

Leaving hugs for all who have contributed to the stimulation of thoughts that have opened up our minds, hearts and spirits - AllforMJ, moddie777, Renata, queen_g, mjzz (gosh i can't think of how that's spelled out right now but the one with one or two 'z's in it lol but u know, that interp of Heartbreaker and Threatened I think it was), Sdjiedjs (oh man! i can't think of how its spelled ... Suze you know!! thanks for your upliftments all the time) Summer (thanks for the laughs), Babe don't sit back to far - the wings y'know lol) Love.Him, mystygirl, mysterygirl, Lily, msfairy (u offered a totally unique dimension and thanks for that), Shabuya (loved that poem/lyrics u shared one time), the infamous poet MimiK, the reluctant participant poefiend lol, eu ci cu min or something like that ... goodness I can't remember all right now please forgive me if it should have been an obvious mention, just EVERYBODY that has made this journey through MJ's songs so refreshing and satisfying. Y'all just don't know maaan, me and my big brother used to do this stuff as a pasttime! lol truly and my brother had to leave home and there was NOBODY else I could do it with ...

then I found you guyz :wub: :giggle: so serious

so thank you and thank you AllforMJ

oh maaan! and haven't we all learned so much about love from one another! Love Is Forever that's what I got out of all this - whatever form it comes in - and romance has its place for sure and I feel we should all enjoy it for what it is for as long as we can 'cause its on a time limit in some cases shorter or longer than we could ever expect, depending on things - an hour :cheeky: a month a year a decade or two ... and life goes on. Meanwhile ...

the "saga" does continue ... as the mysteries unfold ... :) so y'all come with some more songs

I'll be on a few days to visit a couple threads then I'll c'yall when I get back :) Thanks again for all the love. Love you guyz too :yes: :) :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: Y'all so ROCK, truly. And YES MJ found love in the dark. It was a concert - a series of concerts with thousands off screaming fans all around. They were his first love :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: and they've been in love with him ever since and he's in love with all of his fans. One thing he'll never have a shortage of, is love, especially now that he's attracted even more fans by sharing his life.

He can have a thousand babies if he wants :lol: there's always a new generation ..

enough. lol check y'all later on :cheeky:
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No one's been doing any song analyses for a while now :giggle:

I want to let y'all know this is to be my final "book" among my last few posts, and I'm saying it here in this thread because so many of you that I know on the board come here and I don't want you PMing me expecting a response because I won't be here and I don't want anyone feeling I've abandoned you.

I've asked the mods to help me figure out how to disable my account for a while. Too much going on in my life right now. :blush: and tbh, it's too much like a full blown "addiction" for me at this point. My long postings, getting all enwrapped in somebody else's life - its really not me to do that nor is it 'serving' my life ... at all :lol: - up all hours of the night like a crack head zombie - oh sorry :giggle: - and its not like "the man" needs my lil ole' self lol,

so with that said,

I'll continue to get periodic updates in a newsletter via my email and will surely lurk in the News thread from time to time so don't think that I'm not caring for our man. I'll just have to go back to knowing that God is doing His thing for MJ. Prayer and fellowship was what brought me to MJJF in the beginning. Hopefully it won't be needed again but if it is, I'll be right here :)

I do hope you all will keep the romance flowing :wub: :wub: - at least until MJ comes out with some "bomshell news" about his actual real life lol as he's always done via the covers of magazines or the DL or whatever.

Also just to let you know, whether this thread is on track or not, I have given myself a plausible enough "story" to leave with so that I don't have to wonder what's going on in the thread LOL

I guess the long and short of "my" version of the storyline is that in the end, nobody knows anything! :lol: and maybe never will.

I've realized too I guess, that with all our different 'takes' on any possible "storyline" that seems to flow throughout the songs, throughout the years, there are differring schools of thought which lends to too many possibilities.

Mine basically is the "IF" school of thought - meaning "IF" there's a single theme running, starting as far back as the song that started this conversation, leading up to the last songs released, then that person is probably someone MJ feels/felt some very special way about for his reasons which only he knows and will ever know, maybe like a 'muse' that helped him through somehow and inspires some songs.

Also while I love the spirit of this thread and the idea that there's one piece of fabric in this story (if only being woven by us! lol using the threads of MJ's music as our tapestry) I've also felt that its very unlikely that the story is quite the way it seems, meaning communicated in song to someone MJ is expecting to be listening over a period of years and who he someday expects to "be with" - all this presumes to me they have no other form of communication - and as he goes on living his real life getting his very real needs met. Unlike some, male and female, MJ'll never be short of someone to "be with" we all know that, and relationships naturally develop, we also all know that. . . so I guess I'm just saying, it seems to me like common sense so to speak that it kinda doesn't altogether compute imho, y'know - keepin' it real on his behalf.

I don't know about you all but there's an "image" that I've always had of the "perfect" woman for MJ, for one, someone as rarely beautiful as he is inside and out, and someone who he sees as being just as dropdead gorgeous as he is also ! but looks aside, (which I'd imagine are pretty important to him since he loves visual art) someone he can have at least 8 more babies with lol that's what I got stuck in my head that he wanted a thousand years ago as its always been well publicized that he LOVES children :wub: and obviously loves being a daddy. One of the things about kids growing up is you need new ones to replace them!! :lol: anyway, its his life and I am all for whatever he does with it.

And also, I feel I got the answer I was looking for which attracted me to this thread in the first place, which is, did MJ find love in the dark, and I can feel rest assured that based on the music, he did find love somehow in the dark (whether literal or metaphoric) and oh how sweet is my final thought on it. There's not telling what that "means" or doesn't "mean" imho.

And finally, yes indeed, (as posted prior) MJ fans are surely and truly a special bunch :yes: truly are

while I don't mean to be making this some "long goodbye" lol - I just know tho that there's one or two of you who'd eventually miss me (u know who u are and so do I :) ) so please email me if ever need be - and I'll email you - and I hope that any one on here who's ever posted will feel free to stay in touch as well - y'know - send me your contact info or sth

I have to go to bed now, I'm about to pass out. Its been an extremely long day. You guyz truly ROCK and I'll miss you!!

PLEASE keep paying attention to the music. You guyz have stimulated so many different ways of looking at things. There's no telling how much MJ will reveal that he's learned since 2004 so keep the Faith you ole' romantics you!!! but I do also say, stay open.

lol AllforMJ, thanks for this distraction for the past couple years lol, its served a great purpose of lifting my spirits at times of pressure and/or fatigue. Besides, I think we all really know who it was that MJ "found" love in the dark with :shifty:

:giggle: j/k j/k well he was "alone in the dark" when he met a special young lady we all know and love! (u did say he was wearing black?) lol

*makes way for the door*

*waves frantically from door at AllforMJ*

I'm waiting for the mods response regarding my account right now, so until then, - I'm sure I'll catch you guyz 'round the bend -

Love Yous All Immensely

p.s. (or is it p.p.s. at this point)

Its in a lull now but please keep the thread going - there are many more songs and also, you know MimiK will eventually come back and enlighten you guys on his 'take' as well. That oughtta be interesting.

oh well,

*passes out as head hits keyboard - snoring with one eye open*

... cyooo guys later, g'nite
Wait a minute! What?!! *spittin' out koolaid* LOL

STATEofSHOCK, you're headin' out?! We only have a couple of weeks to go and then Mr. Man is gonna step out on that stage! I mean, I now you do have to keep things balanced and all, but can you hang out on and off with us at least until July 13th?! Huh? Can ya can ya, huh? LOL

I know it's gonna take some serious will power to not chit chat and chat and chit with your peeps in cyberspace, but can you keep your account active until Mike goes "Lights! Camera! Action!" just so that you can celebrate with us if you want to?!

Ahhhhhh mannnnn!! My gurl is cuttin' out!! LOL

You know...with the song interpretations and things...I had put it on pause for a minute because of the different things that were poppin' up on the heels of each other with our boy and then of course I've gotta kick it with my sons because school was ending and things, ya know how that goes!! Now that things have calmed down a little bit and you are about to cut out lol looks like I betta wrap up the interpretations qui-zick!! So I only got a few days, huh and then my gurl is gone?!! LOL!!

You gotta handle yours, tho, SOS. I fully understand. I've pulled back before too. Just had to do that to let my brain recharge. Plus, it's important to stay on top of things on the home side of the computer. That's a priority! I applaud you! I really do!. I'm also gonna MISS YOU!!! Ahhhhh mannnnn. STATE is about to cut as of this week!!

And you KNOW I was laughin' at your good-bye post, right?! See, why you gotta leave like that?! Have folks crackin' up and thangs?! That's why it's hecka hard to say good-bye, STATE!! Ooooooooo!! :lol:

I hope I didn't come into the thread too late!! Did you already sign off, gurl?!! :lol:
Ashtanga :hug: sorry I messed up the quote function - my responses are ^ in there and thanks Sweetie, please feel free to email me anytime -

Thanks! :D I miss you to read their "books" here. :yes: Thanks for saying that when I want I can write it. I hope you do not get much time away. We are one big family here. We discuss our ideas here and everyone has different thoughts about MJ find love in the dark, but a friendship and union between us. When you can come visit us. Again I wish much luck to you and that God always bless you and enlighten your path and all the angels of heaven are always around you! :angel:​
When I read your first message, I thought you were gone already. Just wanted to say I've enjoyed reading your "books" :) ; you will be missed & not just in this thread.

Take care & I hope you get to see Michael in the States :flowers:

aw :hug: you just keep those great poems going - I'm assuming my email is in my contacts but if not its ajayell7@aim.com - that goes for everyone who's posted - I disabled IMs tho, just so you guyz know. Ladies feel free to keep me updated if the thread comes to some kind of clmax or something lol

:hug: you too cleo and u keep asking those pointed questions :)

aw Ape :hug: I'm gonna miss you too and yes, we can continue to email eachother anytime and maybe you'll keep me updated on our favorite "saga" :cheeky:

Ashtanga :hug: sorry I messed up the quote function - my responses are ^ in there and thanks Sweetie, please feel free to email me anytime -

aw :hug: thanks Sweetie for the love, I appreciate it and don't forget - my email - same as my IM, is in the contact info on my profile or if you want to make a note of it now its ajayell7@aim.com

Safira :hug: I'll miss you too and I hate goodbyes too which is why I don't say "goodbye" per se - I don't believe in "goodbye" - I just believe in I've got to back up, regroup and get silent for a while to rebalance things at home. Thanks for the compliments btw - that was very sweet of you to say :hug:

I'm gonna be online a few more days then by the weekend I'll be off. If anyone wants to keep me updated or just wants to say hello, please feel free to email me and thanks for the PMs and well wishes! I love you all very much. This is a very special experience, one I'll never forget nor regret, and not to mention the fact that, I'll be back.

Leaving hugs for all who have contributed to the stimulation of thoughts that have opened up our minds, hearts and spirits - AllforMJ, moddie777, Renata, queen_g, mjzz (gosh i can't think of how that's spelled out right now but the one with one or two 'z's in it lol but u know, that interp of Heartbreaker and Threatened I think it was), Sdjiedjs (oh man! i can't think of how its spelled ... Suze you know!! thanks for your upliftments all the time) Summer (thanks for the laughs), Babe don't sit back to far - the wings y'know lol) Love.Him, mystygirl, mysterygirl, Lily, msfairy (u offered a totally unique dimension and thanks for that), Shabuya (loved that poem/lyrics u shared one time), the infamous poet MimiK, the reluctant participant poefiend lol, eu ci cu min or something like that ... goodness I can't remember all right now please forgive me if it should have been an obvious mention, just EVERYBODY that has made this journey through MJ's songs so refreshing and satisfying. Y'all just don't know maaan, me and my big brother used to do this stuff as a pasttime! lol truly and my brother had to leave home and there was NOBODY else I could do it with ...

then I found you guyz :wub: :giggle: so serious

so thank you and thank you AllforMJ

oh maaan! and haven't we all learned so much about love from one another! Love Is Forever that's what I got out of all this - whatever form it comes in - and romance has its place for sure and I feel we should all enjoy it for what it is for as long as we can 'cause its on a time limit in some cases shorter or longer than we could ever expect, depending on things - an hour :cheeky: a month a year a decade or two ... and life goes on. Meanwhile ...

the "saga" does continue ... as the mysteries unfold ... :) so y'all come with some more songs

I'll be on a few days to visit a couple threads then I'll c'yall when I get back :) Thanks again for all the love. Love you guyz too :yes: :) :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: Y'all so ROCK, truly. And YES MJ found love in the dark. It was a concert - a series of concerts with thousands off screaming fans all around. They were his first love :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: and they've been in love with him ever since and he's in love with all of his fans. One thing he'll never have a shortage of, is love, especially now that he's attracted even more fans by sharing his life.

He can have a thousand babies if he wants :lol: there's always a new generation ..

enough. lol check y'all later on :cheeky:
SOS - I am going to miss you as well!! Take care, and I understand. This forum and this topic are addicting. I just can't wait for MJ to come out with new music...music we can all pick apart and wonder who he's singing to ....
beautifull words. And I have been thinking about this thread.
I hope Michael found love.. I hope he died happy..
oh I can't understand that this man that we speak of is no longer among us..
Hello to all here. :better:

You know, this thread has always been about love, hasn't it?

Michael wished for a love that was so divine,

and there is no greater divine romance or love than the Love he is experiencing right now in heaven with Jesus... the truest, purest, form of Love that no earthy love or romance could ever match up to.

I'm so very glad that God made it work out for Michael (and for us to learn, for it helps us) that he had such a happy, happy night at reheasals the night before he was taken to be with the Lord. But even that amount of happiness he felt that night does not compare to the happiness he is feeling now. God's incomparable Love is what Michael is on the receiving end of right now in full force!

There will be no more pain, and no more shame, and no more anxiety or fears, and no more worries in heaven, only Peace, and Comfort, and Love, and great Joy. I am so happy for you, Michael!

Thank you, Lord, for giving that gift of heaven to Michael, and thank you for giving us here the privilege of loving this very special and beautiful man. It is through Your amazing grace that Michael, or any of us, can have this greatest blessing of all...to be called one of your own. :wub:

God is Love. Michael has always been about Love. And now God is giving all His Love to Michael in heaven.

A Love so Divine.
queen g you were perfect. Thank you for these beautiful words. They gave us a little comfort. We are sad, hurt... is much pain. But I am still devastated by the case. It is impossible to believe what happened. Michael left too early. I feel he had much to accomplish. Sometimes it is difficult to understand certain things that God does in our lives. :(
Hello to all here. :better:

You know, this thread has always been about love, hasn't it?

Michael wished for a love that was so divine,

and there is no greater divine romance or love than the Love he is experiencing right now in heaven with Jesus... the truest, purest, form of Love that no earthy love or romance could ever match up to.

I'm so very glad that God made it work out for Michael (and for us to learn, for it helps us) that he had such a happy, happy night at reheasals the night before he was taken to be with the Lord. But even that amount of happiness he felt that night does not compare to the happiness he is feeling now. God's incomparable Love is what Michael is on the receiving end of right now in full force!

There will be no more pain, and no more shame, and no more anxiety or fears, and no more worries in heaven, only Peace, and Comfort, and Love, and great Joy. I am so happy for you, Michael!

Thank you, Lord, for giving that gift of heaven to Michael, and thank you for giving us here the privilege of loving this very special and beautiful man. It is through Your amazing grace that Michael, or any of us, can have this greatest blessing of all...to be called one of your own. :wub:

God is Love. Michael has always been about Love. And now God is giving all His Love to Michael in heaven.

A Love so Divine.

i know he'd agree with every word. ty for the post. it's like he is speaking through it....
I wondered how we could post in here again and that was the perfect post. Thank you queen g. So true and so comforting to read. Somehow I feel at peace. I wonder if it is this thought that brings it or if it still hasn't fully hit me. But maybe even when it does, this thought makes it happy instead of sad.

Some lyrics that popped into my head while reading that post:

I've searched for the perfect love all my life
All My Life
Ooh feels like
I have finally found a perfect love this time
I have finally found

Finally find the perfect love I search for all my life
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