Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Nice post AllForMJ. :flowers:

This pictures right here OMG :swoon: :wub:


I agree...he looks HOT!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :stretcher :stretcher :girl_blush: :girl_blush: :girl_blush:
AllforMJ, with your recent post of those two very different pics, I feel you have really captured the "change in mood" as well as a timeline.

You do such an awesome job at giving us a timeline. That is very important to the theory of this thread.

That first pic instantly reminded me of all the sad songs of longing he had been singing so much about.

And the second one instantly reminded me of his charm and flirtacious ways with us female fans, his comfortableness with women and all those sweet and loving clues he has given(lately) in his own words for his special someone.
Been lurking about, and find that it is absolutely amazing how in tune each of you are with your thoughts...

Many in society feel that Mr.Jackson is this weird, odd, mysterious human being...

However, as reality would have it...

If people would just take the time and "LISTEN" to the lyrics of Mr. Jackson's songs, reflections of thoughts, poems...

ALL the answers to the questions they seek have always been right in front of them.

"I don't sing it, create it, if I don't mean it..!"
Michael Jackson

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth
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We will differ sometimes at how we percieve Michael. However, I do agree with you completely when you say; you think Michael does not see women as most men.

I Agree with what you said!!!I too think the same way...
Many in society feel that Mr.Jackson is this weird, odd, mysterious human being...

Michael is no stranger. Most people think so they do not know anything about his life and his career. This is the fault of the tabloids. :evil: People read this stuff and believe in everything that is there. This is the big problem. All the people I know say that Michael is strange, bizarre and weird, but admits: "He is the greatest artist in the world." The problem is in the press and I think this will never change.​

Mysterious human being... :scratch: Mystery is essential that he is an artist and artists tend to be mysterious by nature that everything about you and your life can not be an open book for people and the world. I think for any artist and Michael is very interesting to see that people are trying to unravel the mystery that is at that time that people show their thoughts and ideas on this artist. It is a way to see the artist as the others see you. But I think the mystery is an important ingredient in life, but it is essential to privacy, that celebrities have no privacy, it is invaded by the press and often unintentionally by fans. So much mystery shows that there is a great need to have a little or try to have some privacy in personal and professional life. Well, that is how I think about it. :yes:​
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There you are! There's sweet MJbaba21. I thought I'd have to send out a swat team to loacate your whereabouts, lol.

Nice to see ya again.

:rofl: :p lol!!! Yeah im stil here, just popin in here once in awhile lol! No need for a swat team heheh Im hereeeeeeeeeeeee :D.
Michael is no stranger. Most people think so they do not know anything about his life and his career. This is the fault of the tabloids. :evil: People read this stuff and believe in everything that is there. This is the big problem. All the people I know say that Michael is strange, bizarre and weird, but admits: "He is the greatest artist in the world." The problem is in the press and I think this will never change.​

Mysterious human being... :scratch: Mystery is essential that he is an artist and artists tend to be mysterious by nature that everything about you and your life can not be an open book for people and the world. I think for any artist and Michael is very interesting to see that people are trying to unravel the mystery that is at that time that people show their thoughts and ideas on this artist. It is a way to see the artist as the others see you. But I think the mystery is an important ingredient in life, but it is essential to privacy, that celebrities have no privacy, it is invaded by the press and often unintentionally by fans. So much mystery shows that there is a great need to have a little or try to have some privacy in personal and professional life. Well, that is how I think about it. :yes:​

PRIVACY is very important, should "always" be protected, and NEVER be jepardized..!

What happens between a man and a woman should remain PRIVATE no matter WHO we are...no ifs, ands or buts about it..!

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth~~~
PRIVACY is very important, should "always" be protected, and NEVER be jepardized..!

What happens between a man and a woman should remain PRIVATE no matter WHO we are...no ifs, ands or buts about it..!

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth~~~

You're right. Privacy should be maintained forever. But, I was confused, I do not know whether you agreed or not agreed with me. lol! :wild:Sometimes I fly with my other posts. :yes: Sorry... :(
Did MJ find love in the dark?
Did MJ find love in a park?
Did MJ find love on a boat?
Could MJ find love on a float?
Did MJ find love on a train?
Could MJ find love on a plane?
Did MJ find love in this nation?
Or just a blurry figment of his imagination?
Does MJ love jelly or jam on his toast?
Is his great love real or is she a ghost?
Will MJ find love in the future or present?
Could he fall in love with an old, homely peasant?
Does MJ eat beef, chicken or pork?
Could he find love in a clown or even a dork?
Would he serve her lemonade or even some sweet, brewed tea?
Would they eat real fancy or just have KFC?
Did MJ find love in his present or his past?
When MJ finds love ... will it be happy? will it last?

*Note* This poem was not meant to be taken seriously, so do not waste your brain cells trying to analyze it. It's not the "Bible Code" or anything, lol! Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely intentional. I just wanted to stop in and say, "hi" and I was also in a silly mood. (It is also my tribute to Dr. Seuss.):D
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I heard Dr. Seuss in it :) Green Eggs and Ham to be precise.

Now I will set out to break this code of Mysterious Phoenix's that she is obviously just discounting as a cover up ;) .

Wait.. wait.. I think I've got it.. MJ Is in love with a DOCTOR!! :D

It is funny, I was just looking at the poetry thread in random thoughts and was about to post something but wanted to read this first. How enjoyable. I think we should have a day of rhyming on here like a musical. lol.. have you ever done that? Turned your day into a musical and sang everything just to be silly?
Hey, Ape! There you are! I was just thinking about you and wondering what happened to you! It took one of my goofy poems to coax you out, eh? And yes, my poem finally solves the great mystery of weather or not MJ found love in the dark once and for all! I decided not to keep people in suspense any longer! You have to look very closely at ever word. The what, where, when, how, why and who of it - it's all right there! Just kidding! I wouldn't want anyone to waste their time like that, lol! I like your "musical" idea. We should pick a day when we will sing our theories on this thread!
Hahaha :D well for now here is another song to add. Guess it could be from his or her point of view. I just listened to it from my daughters songs and I really like it so I thought I'd share. ..and yes, it took one of your goofy poems to coax me out, I now expect you to rhyme every post of yours for the day! I seem to remember a time when you were pretty hard to coax out yourself ;) . Really though, I just didn't have internet for a week or so.

BREAKING NEWS!!! I AM GOING TO BE IN A FILM!!!!!!!!! FEATURE length movie!!!!

I am so excited and I had to share the news. Just got the call from the producer moments ago. It's a really juicy good role. So happy. The director loved my audition, he said :D. Anyways. .. just wanted to share that with you guys in here cause I consider you all my mjjc friends. :D I'm happy.

You all will probably never see it cause it's just an independent film and may not get picked up but it may. Then I will be all shy and go into hiding probably if anyone were to see it, but for now I can shout it out!

Totally off topic but I had to share :)
Well done, Ape. Can you tell us anything else about the role? Nice to end the week with some good news :)
-ah Ape, :clapping: Sweeeet!!! I got this notification in my email and had to respond right away b/c I know the feeling (a little bit kinda sorta lol). Well, a friend of mine made her big screen debut in Hairspray and we went to see it together and when her scene came up we both jumped up and screamed, it was so funny. That's really cool...I'm very excited for you. I guess I sort of know the feeling also with my extra part in Mama Flora's Family (a miniseries) a thousand years ago. It was more a psychic experience than anything 'cause the director stared at me throughout the shoot so I had a feeling I'd get a close-up and shore 'nough "Mr. DeMille" (Mr. Werner lol) did just that ... so yeh I do feelya. Hay, next thing we know you'll be in the "famous board members" thread :yes: (then you can be my mommee-mentor for creating a full-time creative career :cheeky: ) I know its an Indie but you just never know ... there's been some great ones released here lately. :yes: Its a new day when it comes to film. Anything's possible.

Congratulations, Dahlink !! :cheers:
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Thank you guys!!! I was so excited. I was fully expecting him to say I'm sorry but we have decided you aren't right for the role but we enjoyed your audition. (Because I knew they at least did that). The director couldn't even look at me after the audition though, because it was a strong moment (cried and yelled). So I thought that was either a good thing, or bad. Guess it was good cause the producer told me he loved it. I'll be an alcoholic mom in it. I am really hoping there is no nudity though I'm supposed to be in a tub for one scene... and I forgot about that when I said "Of course I'd love to be in it"..lol. So either I have to really work at getting into shape soon, or hope there's lots of bubbles to hide behind. But I really have to insist on wearing something though. My gosh.. suddenly I'm nervous. Anyways the film is most easily explained to be about hope. It is called Tumaini, which is Swahili for Hope. I am not sure if I should say much more about it yet.
Well done, Ape. Can you tell us anything else about the role? Nice to end the week with some good news :)

-ah Ape, :clapping: Sweeeet!!! I got this notification in my email and had to respond right away b/c I know the feeling (a little bit kinda sorta lol). Well, a friend of mine made her big screen debut in Hairspray and we went to see it together and when her scene came up we both jumped up and screamed, it was so funny. That's really cool...I'm very excited for you. I guess I sort of know the feeling also with my extra part in Mama Flora's Family (a miniseries) a thousand years ago. It was more a psychic experience than anything 'cause the director stared at me throughout the shoot so I had a feeling I'd get a close-up and shore 'nough "Mr. DeMille" (Mr. Werner lol) did just that ... so yeh I do feelya. Hay, next thing we know you'll be in the "famous board members" thread :yes: (then you can be my mommee-mentor for creating a full-time creative career :cheeky: ) I know its an Indie but you just never know ... there's been some great ones released here lately. :yes: Its a new day when it comes to film. Anything's possible.

Congratulations, Dahlink !! :cheers:
Oh! I wanna see it! You'll have to tell me how to find it and which one is your friend in Hairspray. Is that a new film? Did they redo it? That's awesome about the extra role though. I have never seen myself in the extra roles I've done. Never seen any of my acting because it's theatre usually. I watched for a year and never saw any of the episodes I was in for "Honey I shrunk the kids" the TV series.. It was painful because I watched many of them. Not my favorite show to sit through..lol.

We have a famous board members thread?? haha I'll have to go peek.

Yaaaaaaaay, Ape!!! Cogratulations!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping: This is so exciting!!! Now that you've made it to the big time, I hope you never forget your friends here at MJJC! LOL! We can say we knew you when! Cheers!:cheers:
HAHAHAHA yeah wow, you never knew you had such talent in your midst didja ;) hehehe. I will try to remember to throw a pillow case out for you all :p.

I honestly don't even know how it will translate from play to film. I haven't even seen the script yet. I haven't seen any of the directors work, he's a film student at the moment so this is his first feature film. I only know they have plans to get it to Toronto Film Festival...which suddenly makes me nervous. I gotta do my part to see that it has a shot at doing well there. I really hope it won't look cheap and cheesy. I also hope that my big butt doesn't find it's way to the screen..HAHA ohh the horror that would be.
I knew you'd catch that :)

Sorry for hi-jacking the thread for a bit here but there wasn't much happening in here anyways lately.. oh...oh.. yes there was. There was an awesome poem by Mysterious Phoenix that solved the mystery. So now that it's all wrapped up I thought I would use this as a platform to spread the word about the film :D (how tacky hey? lol)

So this is the write up about it from the website. It's a topic I really like too, so pretty awesome.

By Steve Neufeld, Screenwriter

It is becoming impossible for Terry Bowman to reconcile his typical suburban lifestyle, with his first hand experience with extreme poverty. He is disappointed when Rene, his student, backs out of her plan to raise money to build a school in Kenya. Melody, his girlfriend, seems oblivious to his desire to make some serious sacrifices to make a difference. However, it is not until a hallucination in the form of a little Kenyan girl begins to haunt his classroom that he seriously doubts that he can teach highschool and live in the suburbs without being a hypocrite. His colleague Candace encourages him to follow his gut, but she is also vying for Terry’s affections. Meanwhile, Terry’s obsession is blinding him to Rene’s cries for help, as her incredible potential is squandered caring for her alcoholic mother. He begins to suspect that his vision, whose name is Tumaini, is there to convince him to engage in a more drastically humanitarian lifestyle, but when he starts moving in this direction, it finally dawns on him that he can have a huge impact on the world if he pours his desire for social justice, along with a lot of compassion and understanding, into his students.
Well, well, well!! Congratulations on your really juicy good role, Ape!!! I was wondering where you had disappeared to!! Out auditioning, huh?!! Way ta go!!!

:clapping: :clapping:
:) well my internet was down for over a week so I was just doing things around the house, and auditioning too. It was just one audition, not even call backs. Thank you AllforMJ.

So.. I am now just waiting for my script. I'm so excited I think I could probably memorize it in a night but I have till September.

ok, bringing this thread back to topic.... well all I can say is I really hope we are on track for Michael Jackson and his lady love. I wish him total happiness and lots of love from someone that he loves in that special way.
Wowwwwwwwww Ape!!!! :wild: :dancin:Congratulations! :clapping:

I did not know we had an actress here. I am in love with movies. We are all happy for you. Enjoy this chance well, may be a small role in the film, but no matter, what matters is that you did, you were, if attempted, it has made the test and got the role. You will learn a lot and I am sure will open many doors for you. Much luck to you! :yes: And tell us all how the film was (and if you want. Lol!) And when the film is ready let us know. From what I read the short summary of the script you posted the Steve Neufeld, I love! You will be Melody?
This story sounds astounding. I feel so sure its going to go over VERY well, it sounds like a beautiful story! I have extremely high hopes, not even so much for the fate of this project per se, as for the hearts of those who are touched by it to "pay it forward" in a natural way and just by sharing it, it will find an appreciative, and I believe, broad audience. There are more people with hearts I believe, than those without. I believe that those "without" "hearts" are really people who interpreted uncomfortable experiences as a signal to "reject" goodness and even some of the hardest cores can be touched, so I feel this is already a success. The great news, well two pieces of great news, - one is, the creators see you as integral to telling this beautiful story and that's wonderful, it means you know what to do, (what you did in the audition) so doing it is all that's required, and also the fact that they picked you! They did pick the right one - whether you're playing the mom (you're the alchololic u say? or did i remember that right?) or playing the dutiful daughter - you are the one and you're going to turn it out!! :dancin: just with your enthusiasm and concentration on the role. I can't say enough how excited I am for you!! Its the greatest experience, I know, what you're feeling just with the role alone. Every project gives some version of that wonderful feeling!

Um, as for my part, I'm too bashful to say on here lol probably shouldn't have brought it up - I'll PM anyone who asks tho. I'd say the same for my friend. She's pretty much like me, and she's done a lot of other work since then. It was the original Hairspray from the 80s, when we wuz chillun LOL! but she's silly "shy" like me lol - she just called a second ago too (love "coincidences"!) and I hadn't read this yet to ask her. Some actors are truly strange I guess. I know when I was doing plays before I put all that on pause - I would tell no one in my family. They always found out anyway lol just would by asking me what's going on... and insisted on coming.
Sorry I'm yapping ...well, flapping (fingers)

I'm so jazzed Ape. No need to apologize for going off topic I don't feel. It was entertaining enough and had kinda stalled, so this is good imho :) Thanks for sharing!

I knew you'd catch that :)

Sorry for hi-jacking the thread for a bit here but there wasn't much happening in here anyways lately.. oh...oh.. yes there was. There was an awesome poem by Mysterious Phoenix that solved the mystery. So now that it's all wrapped up I thought I would use this as a platform to spread the word about the film :D (how tacky hey? lol)

So this is the write up about it from the website. It's a topic I really like too, so pretty awesome.

By Steve Neufeld, Screenwriter

It is becoming impossible for Terry Bowman to reconcile his typical suburban lifestyle, with his first hand experience with extreme poverty. He is disappointed when Rene, his student, backs out of her plan to raise money to build a school in Kenya. Melody, his girlfriend, seems oblivious to his desire to make some serious sacrifices to make a difference. However, it is not until a hallucination in the form of a little Kenyan girl begins to haunt his classroom that he seriously doubts that he can teach highschool and live in the suburbs without being a hypocrite. His colleague Candace encourages him to follow his gut, but she is also vying for Terry’s affections. Meanwhile, Terry’s obsession is blinding him to Rene’s cries for help, as her incredible potential is squandered caring for her alcoholic mother. He begins to suspect that his vision, whose name is Tumaini, is there to convince him to engage in a more drastically humanitarian lifestyle, but when he starts moving in this direction, it finally dawns on him that he can have a huge impact on the world if he pours his desire for social justice, along with a lot of compassion and understanding, into his students.
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Did MJ find love in the dark?
Did MJ find love in a park?
Did MJ find love on a boat?
Could MJ find love on a float?
Did MJ find love on a train?
Could MJ find love on a plane?
Did MJ find love in this nation?
Or just a blurry figment of his imagination?
Does MJ love jelly or jam on his toast?
Is his great love real or is she a ghost?
Will MJ find love in the future or present?
Could he fall in love with an old, homely peasant?
Does MJ eat beef, chicken or pork?
Could he find love in a clown or even a dork?
Would he serve her lemonade or even some sweet, brewed tea?
Would they eat real fancy or just have KFC?
Did MJ find love in his present or his past?
When MJ finds love ... will it be happy? will it last?

*Note* This poem was not meant to be taken seriously, so do not waste your brain cells trying to analyze it. It's not the "Bible Code" or anything, lol! Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely intentional. I just wanted to stop in and say, "hi" and I was also in a silly mood. (It is also my tribute to Dr. Seuss.):D

Wow! I liked that, you show your poetic side here... and it was pretty funny too. lol! :D

Just a correction: "love is everywhere, just look around you carefully." :yes:​

So, love can be found anywhere and anytime...;)

When MJ finds love ... will it be happy? will it last?
Yes!!!!!!!!!!! I have no doubt that: love and happiness forever!:yes:
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It looks like it will be a powerful story. Please keep us posted on how it turns out.

I knew you'd catch that :)

Sorry for hi-jacking the thread for a bit here but there wasn't much happening in here anyways lately.. oh...oh.. yes there was. There was an awesome poem by Mysterious Phoenix that solved the mystery. So now that it's all wrapped up I thought I would use this as a platform to spread the word about the film :D (how tacky hey? lol)

So this is the write up about it from the website. It's a topic I really like too, so pretty awesome.

By Steve Neufeld, Screenwriter

It is becoming impossible for Terry Bowman to reconcile his typical suburban lifestyle, with his first hand experience with extreme poverty. He is disappointed when Rene, his student, backs out of her plan to raise money to build a school in Kenya. Melody, his girlfriend, seems oblivious to his desire to make some serious sacrifices to make a difference. However, it is not until a hallucination in the form of a little Kenyan girl begins to haunt his classroom that he seriously doubts that he can teach highschool and live in the suburbs without being a hypocrite. His colleague Candace encourages him to follow his gut, but she is also vying for Terry’s affections. Meanwhile, Terry’s obsession is blinding him to Rene’s cries for help, as her incredible potential is squandered caring for her alcoholic mother. He begins to suspect that his vision, whose name is Tumaini, is there to convince him to engage in a more drastically humanitarian lifestyle, but when he starts moving in this direction, it finally dawns on him that he can have a huge impact on the world if he pours his desire for social justice, along with a lot of compassion and understanding, into his students.
:clapping:MP I also loved your poem! Nice take on Dr. Suess!! :yes: :D
Thank you guys again:) Ashtanga, the role of Melody won't actually be played. She is just talked about but not there. I don't think we even get to hear her on a phone or anything, just him talking on the phone (0r at least that's how the play was). I will be a mid 40's alcoholic single mother of four. From the website:


Rene’s mother, in her mid-forties. She is the kind of person who always took life as it came, which resulted in a string of unhealthy relationships, leaving behind an alcoholic single mother of four seems. She has a vague hope that Rene could aspire to more, but can’t put it into words, let alone show Rene the way. She vacillates between wanting to push Rene out into the world and letting Rene nurse her through her illness. Usually, her neediness wins, but it always leaves her feeling guilty.