Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Remember. It's for the good of females everywhere....

:doh::doh::doh: Trash this man of the caves! Or is the Tarzan? :scratch: :wild::wild::wild:

Girls, it is not pretty, it has nothing to sexy, that wig is ugly, that his underwear... no comments (lol!), it lying on top of open-mouthed bear has nothing to do (poor bear...:(), is trying to be sexy and lovelace does not have anything and I found that horrible picture. lol! :wild::wild::wild:​

I'm just laughing with this picture! lol!​

The "man of the caves" or "Tarzan" will look in the mirror and asks and very afraid to know the answer:

*Mirror, mirror, mirror my own: there is another man in this world more beautiful than I, smarter than me, more sexy than me with the look more seductive than mine, with the body more sculptural than the man, more palatable to me? :scratch:​

After a few minutes and with much sincerity the mirror answered:​

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! Michael Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wild::wild::wild:​
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Um, excuse me, but can anyone interpret this song, 2000 Watts?

2000 Watts lyrics

You feel I’m real
I’m everything you need, so tell me what’s the deal

Compact steelo, chico, D-Lo, highpost lady
Shorty really wanna be there for me

Edit: Never mind. Someone already explained it to me.

These lyrics are odd because at one point it seens like a poshy lady, but at the same time it seems like someone who wants to be there for him?

Maybe this girl only wanted him for egoistic needs, and the wantng to be there for him was only to satisfy something she needed herself, and Michael saw through that?

The energy of this song seems to be a little "irritated" and "grumpy".. or is it just me? It seems like a statement.

I like the line in the beginning "you may now apply your 3d glasses".
Watch MJ in 3d. Profile. Turn him around. Look at him from top to toe.
Think they know everything about him.

I can imagine that the women fans' fascination of his appearance can go to his head sometimes, and maybe this is where this particular lyric comes from..
:doh::doh::doh: Trash this man of the caves! Or is the Tarzan? :scratch: :wild::wild::wild:

Girls, it is not pretty, it has nothing to sexy, that wig is ugly, that his underwear... no comments (lol!), it lying on top of open-mouthed bear has nothing to do (poor bear...:(), is trying to be sexy and lovelace does not have anything and I found that horrible picture. lol! :wild::wild::wild:​

I'm just laughing with this picture! lol!​

The "man of the caves" or "Tarzan" will look in the mirror and asks and very afraid to know the answer:​

*Mirror, mirror, mirror my own: there is another man in this world more beautiful than I, smarter than me, more sexy than me with the look more seductive than mine, with the body more sculptural than the man, more palatable to me? :scratch:​

After a few minutes and with much sincerity the mirror answered:​

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! Michael Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wild::wild::wild:​

:lol: Theres a LOT of men in this world that is more beautifull than this one. But the ugly thing is the motive, not the person really.. Don't you agree? I meen.. if he had some decent cloth on he would'nt look that bad?

but I think it's important to understand the ironic message in this picture that Linda posted.

The true story is:
We don't want to see Michael in loin cloth! We want to see him in the sort of clothes he has always been wearing! We want to see him dance and hear him sing.
If any of us wanted to be fan of a man in loin cloth I think we would have picked someone totally different than MJ..

I can't even find an example.. uuhh.. Peter André maybe? bwaaadr.. unintelligent, untalented.. a lot of muscles? Whatever.. He don't know how to carry himself around..
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I know these interpretations are all in fun, but have you ever gone back and read this thread from the beginning and think "we may be way off base here....." :ermm: :lol:
I know these interpretations are all in fun, but have you ever gone back and read this thread from the beginning and think "we may be way off base here....." :ermm: :lol:

just a little?:giggle: sorry I hope it's not my fault :mello:
:lol: Theres a LOT of men in this world that is more beautifull than this one. But the ugly thing is the motive, not the person really.. Don't you agree? I meen.. if he had some decent cloth on he would'nt look that bad?

but I think it's important to understand the ironic message in this picture that Linda posted.

The true story is:
We don't want to see Michael in loin cloth! We want to see him in the sort of clothes he has always been wearing! We want to see him dance and hear him sing.
If any of us wanted to be fan of a man in loin cloth I think we would have picked someone totally different than MJ..

I can't even find an example.. uuhh.. Peter André maybe? bwaaadr.. unintelligent, untalented.. a lot of muscles? Whatever.. He don't know how to carry himself around..

loin cloth... :smilerolleyes:hummm my imagination has gone now! lol! Off........

*Sorry Michael! Sometimes this happens... lol! :wild::D:smilerolleyes::wub:

Seriously... loin cloth does not match the Michael. But who is the "Peter André"? lol! I think I stop this kind of thing, as you said, is for those guys who only has a lot of muscles and are the best, the most beautiful man on the planet... For example, a model or Brad Pitt??? I remember him in the movie "Troy"...:wild:
Someone of the opposite Michael....​
^ I like reading the post from way back in all the areas on the board, it can be quite interesting. :bugeyed :lol:

You know, this all has really made me think (oh no, take cover!). Do you think that Michael is as romantic in real life as he is in his songs? Discuss.

I think he is, and probably moreso when he's in a relationship, but you can't expose ALL of yourself to the world. Some things are meant for only him and the woman he loves.....and I'll never ever tell -_- :lol:. I also think the feelings of love are more realistic and make your emotions come to life when you aren't just talking/singing about it but going through the experience. It happens with alot of us. So yes I do believe he is very romantic in real life. :)
A couple things that one might discover through the aid of an online "Urban Dictionary."

Shorty can mean a "fine lady"

And a highpost lady can refer to one that is coming off like she's disinterested...which, of course, fits with the earlier lyrics:

You feel I’m real
I’m everything you need, so tell me what’s the deal

It seems consistent with a few of the songs off Invinsible that from his perspective there is this girl that is seeming hard to get, but at the same time, in his view, she is giving him mixed messages. Something is telling him she really does care about him. He is just not understanding what seems to feel like a lack of interest coming from her.

Well, if you turn it around at look at it from the girls perspective.. let's say she had a moment where MJ could check her out.. then would he really be interested in someone who seemed interested in him... that's what he has always had with girls.. I think perhaps the girl had to play cold and do something different.. and maybe he wanted a girl, where he had to score her ( sorry score as in a soccer-goal - do you even use that term in english I wonder..) for a change
I agree with you. I also believe that Michael is very romantic for the woman he is loving. Especially when he feels that love is pure and true. He speaks very intensely about love in their songs and that would not be romantic? We do not know to what extent will this romance, but this is a very special part of it, that only he and his beloved wife know. It should be kept secret between the two. But we are curious to know how to love Michael Jackson and to what extent will the romanticism, the conquest, if he has some kind of crazy for someone.... is normal we have that curiosity. And the times I am thinking about it. :scratch:​
I think you make an excellent point.

thank you

Come to think of it...so do you! I'm sure he would feel that way. He seems the private type to me. Doncha think?

he does..., and maybe she is too, and that could be another reason, why they are apart (if they are apart ofcourse)

~ btw, mysterygirl7, I use that term "score" often in such a way.

^Oh really, I wasn't sure..
Well, if you turn it around at look at it from the girls perspective.. let's say she had a moment where MJ could check her out.. then would he really be interested in someone who seemed interested in him... that's what he has always had with girls.. I think perhaps the girl had to play cold and do something different.. and maybe he wanted a girl, where he had to score her ( sorry score as in a soccer-goal - do you even use that term in english I wonder..) for a change

GGGGoooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll!!!!!! just popped into my head when I read the soccer reference :lol: Sorry I'm being bratty right now :winking2:

Come to think of it...so do you! I'm sure he would feel that way. He seems the private type to me. Doncha think?

Yes, I think that goes for everyone, talkers bother me. There are just certain things you have to hold sacred when your life is so exposed, such as Michaels is. :)
Well, if you turn it around at look at it from the girls perspective.. let's say she had a moment where MJ could check her out.. then would he really be interested in someone who seemed interested in him... that's what he has always had with girls.. I think perhaps the girl had to play cold and do something different.. and maybe he wanted a girl, where he had to score her ( sorry score as in a soccer-goal - do you even use that term in english I wonder..) for a change

I've wondered that too.. Who knows? People are often much different inside than what they "pretend" on the outside. To give an example - I was suprised with my own boyfriends true emotions when I got to know him. And I'm still finding out new things about his true inner personality this day -3 years later. Personalities is a world to explore and whats annoying about trying to understand your idol is that you don't really know him at all. We can really only guess based on his "facade" basicly!

oh and Queen G - the only thing being said in the song was "you may now aply your 3d glasses" the other things that you marked where something I wrote myself :yes:

Do I speak like a lyric? cool.. I'm a lyric!!!! :p

and Ashtanga - That blond hair suits you very well :yes: very good picture.. *looks a little jaloux* :)
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I've wondered that too.. Who knows? People are often much different inside than what they "pretend" on the outside. To give an example - I was suprised with my own boyfriends true emotions when I got to know him. And I'm still finding out new things about his true inner personality this day -3 years later. Personalities is a world to explore and whats annoying about trying to understand your idol is that you don't really know him at all. We can really only guess based on his "facade" basicly!

I agree with you Safira. I usually say that the human being is a box of surprises. Each day you discover something new about the person. You never fully know the person at the exact moment you know. This takes time, sometimes for years you know and understand the other. I think you will only really know the background when the person you live with it daily, 24 hours a day, sleeping and waking together, living in the same house, or when you marry that person. When you are boyfriend or fiance you still do not fully know that person, you know the basics about your personality. So, in my view, it is only within the marriage that you will really know that person, if they experience problems and challenges in the path that must be addressed and overcome together. And when that happens, some people say: I think I made the wrong choice, he / she is so different from me, I'm not happy with him / her, we fight a lot or "now I really know who he / she is "... that last sentence I heard a lot... Find the right person, someone you really love and accept you the way you are, without trying to change you, is like winning the lottery, it is very difficult but not impossible. God has someone special booked for us... :yes:​

and Ashtanga - That blond hair suits you very well :yes: very good picture.. *looks a little jaloux* :)
:wild: Thanks Safira! This is "blond ambition"! lol! (Just kidding, I am not an ambitious person... just a little.) But... you left me shy now... :blush:
You should be a lyricist, my gosh! MJ will be hiring you soon to help out! :D

Shows how it would help if one really knew his songs before they go on and on deciphering lyrics...that do not...even exist! :doh: *can't even tell when someone is adding anything to the lyrics or not*

Oh, heck it was fun anyway. :lol:

This cracks me up, because it sounds like something I would do :lol: knowledge of the lyrics is definitely not my forté. :girl_sigh: :lol:

:wild: Thanks Safira! This is "blond ambition"! lol! (Just kidding, I am not an ambitious person... just a little.) But... you left me shy now... :blush:

It makes you look like 2 different people than the darker hair in the picture thread with the doggie. It looks nice. :)
It makes you look like 2 different people than the darker hair in the picture thread with the doggie. It looks nice. :)

Lily, I'm not blonde. My hair is dark and the picture you're talking about is old, it is 2004 and I had 23 years of age. lol! I was very young and I moved around a lot physically.:)
And I do not like to take pictures. :(
Mysterygirl and Safira, I think the two of you could be on to something as far as how Michael's approach with this current lady love could have differed from the rest.
Whatever she did, she certaintly made a very lasting impression on Michael. So much so, even as he had other women, he continued singing about his love for her and how he longed for her to be back in his life as things were before.
Michael's clues has consitantly told us,( through the years) he is on a deeply spiritual journey with this lady and without her, he has felt incomplete as a human being. She complete's him and he feels whole only when the love of the woman he desires is returned to him.
These things and several other clues he has given through the years indicates, their getting together was very very different from anything elese Michael had experienced with a female before. Something was different about her, something must have blown him away about her. And not "showing" signs of liking him or throwing herself at him when they initially met could very well be the key.
Men like to chase and court their women. Many enjoy being on the recieving end without having to do any work if you know what I mean, but the ladies that get the introduction to "Mama" are typically the ones that aren't "Easy".
From Michael's own clues, this relationship first started when he was on top of the world and everyone was singing his praises. You couldn't turn on the radio without hearing one of his songs every hour. During this time he could've had any woman he wanted and as many as he could handle. Women threw themselves at him all the time. A few during this era even claimed he had fathered their child/children. His affection was in high demand, but Michael was in love, someone had captured his heart and soul and he told us what direction he desired this relationship to take-The ultimate committment. Marriage. A standing before God and loved ones promising your life to another. Michael couldv'e taken the playboy route, he certaintly had many of women who made themselves available to him and even if a few of them caught his eye from time to time, it was his special secret lady that had already captured the very core of his essence and by sharing love toegther with her, had taken him to newer spiritual heights.
This woman had to have been different to do that. For Michael to feel the way his clues tells us he is feeling; this woman and how the initial meeting between them was, had to have been something, not even we can fully understand or explain.
He has told us on more than one occasion, it was/is a Magical and Mysterious connection with her.
A woman certainly can't give off those vibes if she was/is being easy or like all the
rest he has had.
"The way she came into the place....there was something different about this girl...the way she moved...her hair, her face, her lines....divinity in motion...."


Mysterygirl and Safira, I think the two of you could be on to something as far as how Michael's approach with this current lady love could have differed from the rest.
Whatever she did, she certaintly made a very lasting impression on Michael. So much so, even as he had other women, he continued singing about his love for her and how he longed for her to be back in his life as things were before.
Michael's clues has consitantly told us,( through the years) he is on a deeply spiritual journey with this lady and without her, he has felt incomplete as a human being. She complete's him and he feels whole only when the love of the woman he desires is returned to him.
These things and several other clues he has given through the years indicates, their getting together was very very different from anything elese Michael had experienced with a female before. Something was different about her, something must have blown him away about her. And not "showing" signs of liking him or throwing herself at him when they initially met could very well be the key.
Men like to chase and court their women. Many enjoy being on the recieving end without having to do any work if you know what I mean, but the ladies that get the introduction to "Mama" are typically the ones that aren't "Easy".
From Michael's own clues, this relationship first started when he was on top of the world and everyone was singing his praises. You couldn't turn on the radio without hearing one of his songs every hour. During this time he could've had any woman he wanted and as many as he could handle. Women threw themselves at him all the time. A few during this era even claimed he had fathered their child/children. His affection was in high demand, but Michael was in love, someone had captured his heart and soul and he told us what direction he desired this relationship to take-The ultimate committment. Marriage. A standing before God and loved ones promising your life to another. Michael couldv'e taken the playboy route, he certaintly had many of women who made themselves available to him and even if a few of them caught his eye from time to time, it was his special secret lady that had already captured the very core of his essence and by sharing love toegther with her, had taken him to newer spiritual heights.
This woman had to have been different to do that. For Michael to feel the way his clues tells us he is feeling; this woman and how the initial meeting between them was, had to have been something, not even we can fully understand or explain.
He has told us on more than one occasion, it was/is a Magical and Mysterious connection with her.
A woman certainly can't give off those vibes if she was/is being easy or like all the
rest he has had.

exactly! great post Moddie :clapping:
I've thought about something else regarding this.. Theres always someone who is leading the way when a relationship takes form.
How do you think Michael preffere that?
Do he want to be the one who invites or the one who gets invited?
Do he want to be the one who takes flirt or the one who gives flirt?

or in other words - does he like HER to fight for HIM or the oposite?
I think that theres a possibility that he might be conflicting with himself here..?
exactly!How do you think Michael preffere that?
Do he want to be the one who invites or the one who gets invited?
Do he want to be the one who takes flirt or the one who gives flirt?

or in other words - does he like HER to fight for HIM or the oposite?
I think that theres a possibility that he might be conflicting with himself here..?

Hey, Safira, you will make everyone dizzy with so many questions! lol!:wild::wild::wild: (Kidding!) :D

Very interesting what you said. Well, I think it depends greatly on the intensity of love, the stage was that this relationship and especially for Michael and his beloved. I "think" that Michael should be the type of man who likes to take the initiative, I believe that he likes women that are thrown to him immediately to the chase. I think he likes that thing for a woman to win a few, that is more exciting and creates a climate of mystery between the two is very romantic and that is still stage of knowledge, knowing the other one. And what a woman who does not like to be won that way? :D

But I do not know, Michael is shy, but and when he is alone with a woman, does it shy away? As this involves Michael Jackson that we do not know (the Michael Jackson love and face to face with your beloved)? :scratch:I was curious now... lol! :yes:

Hey, Safira... I remember now that music of Shakira ... I think that Michael would be:

Eterno Amor - Shakira

Hace tiempo que nos conocemos
Que estamos los dos en algo que parece una amistad
Compartimos mil secretos, nos contamos mil cosas
Es hora de decirte la verdad
Algo nuevo estoy sintiendo
Mi corazón te quiere hablar
Que por ti está latiendo y te quiere preguntar
Que vas ha hacer el resto de tu vida?
Que vas ha hacer desde ahora y para siempre?
Yo quiero saber si un milagro puede ser
Que este sueño sea el comienzo de un eterno amor
Yo quisiera que me acompanes, que me cambies la vida
Quisiera verte en cada atardecer
Y que sepas que te extraño cada vez que te vas
Necesito tenerte cerca un poco más
Yo no puedo estar fingiendo
Mi corazón no aguanta más
Que por ti está latiendo y te quiere preguntar
Que vas ha hacer el resto de tu vida?
Que vas ha hacer desde ahora y para siempre?
Yo quiero saber si un milagro puede ser
Que este sueño sea el comienzo de un eterno amor
Yo quiero saber si un milagro puede ser
Que este sueño sea el comienzo de un eterno amor
Que vas ha hacer el resto de tu vida?
Que vas ha hacer desde ahora y para siempre?
Yo quiero saber, yo quiero saber, yo quiero, yo quiero saber
El comienzo de un eterno amor
Que vas a hacer, que vas a hacer, que vas a hacer, que vas a hacer?
Yo quiero saber, yo quiero saber, yo quiero
El comienzo de un eterno amor​


Eternal Love

Some time that we know
We are both in something that looks like a friendship
Compartimos thousand secrets, we tell a thousand things
It's time to tell the truth

I'm feeling something new
My heart wants you to talk
That is beating you and you want to ask

What are you going to do the rest of your life?
What are you going to do now and forever?
I want to know if a miracle can be
This dream is the beginning of an eternal love

I would like to join me, that it changed my life
I would look at each evening
And you know that I miss you every time you go
I need to have a little more closely

I can not pretend
My heart is overcome
That is beating you and you want to ask

What are you going to do the rest of your life?
What are you going to do now and forever?
I want to know if a miracle can be
This dream is the beginning of an eternal love

I want to know if a miracle can be
This dream is the beginning of an eternal love

What are you going to do the rest of your life?
What are you going to do now and forever?
I want to know, I know, I want, I want to know
The beginning of an eternal love

What you gonna do, what you gonna do, what you gonna do, what you gonna do?
I want to know, I know, I
The beginning of an eternal love

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"The way she came into the place....there was something different about this girl...the way she moved...her hair, her face, her lines....divinity in motion...."



Yep! Yep! Yep!!!!!! Thanks for this proof summer!

Taken from Michael's own song.
exactly! great post Moddie :clapping:
I've thought about something else regarding this.. Theres always someone who is leading the way when a relationship takes form.
How do you think Michael preffere that?
Do he want to be the one who invites or the one who gets invited?
Do he want to be the one who takes flirt or the one who gives flirt?

or in other words - does he like HER to fight for HIM or the oposite?
I think that theres a possibility that he might be conflicting with himself here..?

Thanks for the compliment Safira. I can reply to your post a little later on.

I got to leave out with the family right now.
exactly! great post Moddie :clapping:
I've thought about something else regarding this.. Theres always someone who is leading the way when a relationship takes form.
How do you think Michael preffere that?
Do he want to be the one who invites or the one who gets invited?
Do he want to be the one who takes flirt or the one who gives flirt?

or in other words - does he like HER to fight for HIM or the oposite?
I think that theres a possibility that he might be conflicting with himself here..?

We know Michael's life to be very busy, caotic, and complexed. There are so many people all around him, each having different roles in his professional career, each possibly giving him direction or trying to do so. One wanting or demanding this from him, while at the same time another wanting or demanding something entirely different. Having a long, very successful and high profiled career as Michael could leave a person feeling as though they have little control in certain aspects of their lives. How can one feel as though they are in control when theres so many different people in their face or trying to get in their face all the time?
Some of his own admissions in interviews as well as clues from his songs suggests he is aware that this has created problems for him.
A person who is aware that these factors will cause or have caused problems in their professional careers will probably take on a different approach in their personal lives, especially if they have something in their private lives they do not want to part with, and we know from Michael's clues, now that she has returned to him after being apart for so long, this is it for him. he wants to take that next step with her. Everything he has done in recent years was for the two of them to reconnect and have the happy ending he needs.
Remember the changes he began to make after the trial? Remember that cleansing period he went through? That was to get his house in order and make room for this relationship. These are signs he has been the one leading in this relationship.
When Michael is on stage performing, what do we witness? We witness a man who is vibrant, in control, commands the stage, very sexual and alive. Not shy at all, is it? Where does it come from? It derives from his inner being, the person he isn't allowed to be in every day life, comes alive on stage. These traits are as much a part of the real him as being shy and soft spoken has been apart of his public image.
In Michael's personal life, when he is at ease and comfortable and with a woman he desires, I believe he is vibrant, outspoken( unshy), in control of revealing his needs and wants, have a commanding presense in the relationship; in other words he is present and involved in the relationship, very sexual and flirty with his partner and he's animated(alive and playful) with her.
If you pay close attention to his stage persona You'd see exactly what I am talking about.
His stage performances gives us many clues about how comfortable he is in his own manly skin.
Remember how we keep hearing about he flirts with female fans? He goes on and on doesn't he? We have so many stories of this. What does it show? Not only does it show a performer who recognizes his role within his female fanbase but it also reveals how confident he is as a
man with the opposite sex. After being flirted with by Michael, many female fans believe they are or could be his girlfriend. Just image how that same confidence is played out behind closed doors with "the one" who holds his heart. In his personal life, I doubt he would hold back at all. He doesn't seem to be the type to want too. It appears that he enjoy having fun being the man.