Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

OMG!!!!! Linda, you are a trip!!!

:lol: :rofl:

Guess what?!!! When I looked at that picture and imagined MJ wearing that, my mind went straight to it replacing the picture that's on the Thriller Album!!!


Sorry, Mike!! Linda started it!!! :lol:

Now thats an idea!! Let's spring a petition - call it the "Get MJ to Wear A Loin CLoth for His Next Album Cover!" LMAO!!:wild:
Here it is...

Remember. It's for the good of females everywhere....
Hey! Just got an idea!! MJ could sing this song to me...

"Trashy Women" by Confederate Railroad...

Well, I was raised in a sophisticated kind of style.
Yeah, my taste in music and women drove my folks half wild.
Mom and Dad had a plan for me,
It was debutantes and er-symphonies,
But I like my music; I like my women wild.

Yeah, an' I like my women just a little on the trashy side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
Too much lipstick an' er too much rouge,
Gets me excited, leaves me feeling confused.
An' I like my women just a little on the trashy side.

Shoulda seen the looks on the faces of my Dad and Mom,
When I showed up at the door with a date for the senior prom.
They said: "Well, pardon us son, she ain't no kid.
"That's a cocktail waitress in a Dolly Parton wig.
I said: "I know it dad, ain't she cool, that's the kind I dig."

Yeah, an' I like my women just a little on the trashy side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
Too much lipstick an' er too much rouge,
Gets me excited, leaves me feeling confused.
An' I like my women just a little on the trashy side.

Instrumental break.

I like 'em sweet, I like 'em with a heart of gold.
Yeah an' I like 'em brassy, I like 'em brazen and bold.
Well, they say that opposites attract, well, I don't agree
I want a woman just as tacky as me.
Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side.

Yeah, an' I like my women just a little on the trashy side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
Too much lipstick an' er too much rouge,
Gets me excited, leaves me feeling confused.
An' I like my women just a little on the trashy side.

Yeah, I like my women an' I like 'em on the trashy side

Cause, after all - they are singin about ME!! LOL!!
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You know, this all has really made me think (oh no, take cover!). Do you think that Michael is as romantic in real life as he is in his songs? Discuss.

*going over to sign petition for new This Is It! CD cover*

I dunno. I'm not as romantic as some would think. I think MJ has his moments...but could he be that serious all the time? He's gotta lighten up!! I'd make him crack up...
Next Album Cover...Mmmm~~~

How About a Black & White Album Cover...With one side a Kings Crown, the other side with a Queens Crown they meet in the middle...Heaven, the Angels, and Gods hands are above the two of them..?

That would fit perfectly into this thread...interesting...

When WE got God by our side...There is NO stopping us~~~ (c) 1993


:angel:Knowledge IS Growth
Here it is...

Remember. It's for the good of females everywhere....
geez.. the -dead bear- is the most attrative on this picture! :lol:
You know, this all has really made me think (oh no, take cover!). Do you think that Michael is as romantic in real life as he is in his songs? Discuss.

*going over to sign petition for new This Is It! CD cover*
He might be.. But arent we all just a little romantic :)
I believe that Michael is a very "deep" person when it comes to thoughts and feelings. And that that is what makes him sort of romantic. I don't see him as that sort of romantic that comes with red roses and chokolate for his lady all the time.
But more romantic in a thoughtfull, spiritual way. I think he has romantical ideas, like fx. (maybe) the thought of having a "love in the dark".

One thing that is for shure is that Michael dont just dream of the ordinary when it comes to romance.. or thats how I grasp his personality!
why don't we just all drop that snedon thingy on the floor.. he's pathetic, a picture of the mindless ego that grows in the human nature in this time of the history..

he's not worth spending words or energy on..
why don't we just all drop that snedon thingy on the floor.. he's pathetic, a picture of the mindless ego that grows in the human nature in this time of the history..

he's not worth spending words or energy on..

Yeah. I agree. I think we all need to sign my petition. Whaddya think? ;) ;)
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AW forget it. Once I get onto that petition site, I'm gonna delete this. It's just that MJ is one fine looking man, and he should know that he is!! He should walk around and flaunt it!! I mean, those long legs...that fine tight little tushy....ok I'll stop.

But I will stop referring to him as a piece of meat....so I do respect him.
AW forget it. Once I get onto that petition site, I'm gonna delete this. It's just that MJ is one fine looking man, and he should know that he is!! He should walk around and flaunt it!! I mean, those long legs...that fine tight little tushy....ok I'll stop.

But I will stop referring to him as a piece of meat....so I do respect him.
Don'y worry Linda, I think it's pretty clear that you are a little unserious about your "meat-talk" :giggle:

And I think you're right! It would only be fair if he agreed with us that he's handsome! But I think he does.. deep inside him.. that is where that "yea I know I'm hot.." sort of person is hiding :yes:
Well if he doesent know it then he better start knowing it!
When Michael is saying ":dont_mention_it:no I'm not sexy.." it's the same as if David Beckam said ":dont_mention_it:no I'm not good at soccer..".
or.. kinda.. :scratch:
See Safira...you understand me....:giggle:


I love humor! Positive-energy is always the answer.

apropos humor..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgd5OQy0nhI :lmao:
I believe it's the same artist that made "Indian Thriller"! soooo funny..
I don't get a word though.. But they are really talented dancers :eek:

Do you think Michael knows about this "indian michael jackson" ?
I think he is famous in india??

oh I'm going off topic again.. :doh:
it's always me isnt it.. :blush:
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Um, excuse me, but can anyone interpret this song, 2000 Watts?

2000 Watts lyrics

You feel I’m real
I’m everything you need, so tell me what’s the deal

Compact steelo, chico, D-Lo, highpost lady
Shorty really wanna be there for me

Edit: Never mind. Someone already explained it to me.
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