Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

We know Michael's life to be very busy, caotic, and complexed. There are so many people all around him, each having different roles in his professional career, each possibly giving him direction or trying to do so. One wanting or demanding this from him, while at the same time another wanting or demanding something entirely different. Having a long, very successful and high profiled career as Michael could leave a person feeling as though they have little control in certain aspects of their lives. How can one feel as though they are in control when theres so many different people in their face or trying to get in their face all the time?
Some of his own admissions in interviews as well as clues from his songs suggests he is aware that this has created problems for him.
A person who is aware that these factors will cause or have caused problems in their professional careers will probably take on a different approach in their personal lives, especially if they have something in their private lives they do not want to part with, and we know from Michael's clues, now that she has returned to him after being apart for so long, this is it for him. he wants to take that next step with her. Everything he has done in recent years was for the two of them to reconnect and have the happy ending he needs.
Remember the changes he began to make after the trial? Remember that cleansing period he went through? That was to get his house in order and make room for this relationship. These are signs he has been the one leading in this relationship.
When Michael is on stage performing, what do we witness? We witness a man who is vibrant, in control, commands the stage, very sexual and alive. Not shy at all, is it? Where does it come from? It derives from his inner being, the person he isn't allowed to be in every day life, comes alive on stage. These traits are as much a part of the real him as being shy and soft spoken has been apart of his public image.
In Michael's personal life, when he is at ease and comfortable and with a woman he desires, I believe he is vibrant, outspoken( unshy), in control of revealing his needs and wants, have a commanding presense in the relationship; in other words he is present and involved in the relationship, very sexual and flirty with his partner and he's animated(alive and playful) with her.
If you pay close attention to his stage persona You'd see exactly what I am talking about.
His stage performances gives us many clues about how comfortable he is in his own manly skin.
Remember how we keep hearing about he flirts with female fans? He goes on and on doesn't he? We have so many stories of this. What does it show? Not only does it show a performer who recognizes his role within his female fanbase but it also reveals how confident he is as a
man with the opposite sex. After being flirted with by Michael, many female fans believe they are or could be his girlfriend. Just image how that same confidence is played out behind closed doors with "the one" who holds his heart. In his personal life, I doubt he would hold back at all. He doesn't seem to be the type to want too. It appears that he enjoy having fun being the man.

Maybe you're right. Man oh man.. if MY!! boyfriend is going to start flirting with HIS female fanbase, I'm gonna craaaazy I tell ya :p (he's not famous but theres always those kinds of girls when his playing a smaller concert anyway..)
Once a girl went nutz in front of the stage (we where playing a concert at a school) and began to dance like Britney Spears looking in his eyes in a really inapropriate way..
I had a hard time trying to not ask wtf the little doll was doing.. :lol:

Those of you that was a fan of Michael when he was married, did you notice any difference in his outgoing? I meen like. anything? besides the "in love" behavior ofcourse.
^ Another great post, Moddie. Wow, you're on a roll! :D

I thought that was interesting for you to bring up. If an individual shows passion in their art, then that passion is a part of them, period, if it is always evident or not, depending what they are doing. A lot of what you shared here was good stuff, Moddie. I enjoyed reading your post. Thought provoking.

queen g, your compliments always inspire. You are a great cheerleader!

Ya' know something elese I picked up on about Michael's behavior/personality when he is being loved the way he wants and needs to be ?
When everything is coming together for Michael in his personal life not only is he playful,happy and upbeat but he also show signs of being erotically possessive of his love interest. Take for instance his usage of the word, "Mine" in his songs. For a typical average joe to use this word in describing what his woman mean to him would immediately give the impression of how intense his emotions are for his honey. The same apply to Michael.
Remember how he sang "The girl is mine" in the original ''thriller", listen to how he sings the word "Mine" from T25 remix, he is singing with more of a conviction, more emphasis on that word alone. You can tell, with every fiber of his being; he knows she belongs to only him. Something elese that comes across with this word from "The Girl is Mine" and the way he now sings it as opposed to the way he did ions ago is this: The words to the song have more meaning to him now. You can tell there has been a personal change and Michael being playful and flirty shared that with us by making the T25 version the first single release, remember that?
I just remembered something: Remember the old but beautiful ballad "She's out of my life"?, I know he didn't write this song, but he sang it and later revealed to us whom it was for. His first love. What did he say about possession in that song? He sang this in part: "loves not possession, but I've learned too late". Like many songs that hold true meaning for him, he breaks down and cry in this song. The words have meaning, he identifies with them and the pain becomes intensified with the reality of what had happened in that relationship( it ended and he was crushed).
Like so many men, when in love Michael has experience with showing signs of being possessive. It is almost impossible for any man NOT to give off some signs of this trait when he is being loved the way he desires. It must be part of the male genepool because I can pick up on it nearly everywhere I go. It's really sweet to see actually. It's not meant to be intimidating at all for the woman. Men actually behave this way quit naturally. Not only that but I remember reading how intensified this emotions is for the virgo male in relationships.
Through the years we have read how meticulous Michael is when he is in the studio recording, how he does a song over and over until its right, then he relistens to it only to find something missing, and he reworks it again and again until he's satisfied. That is a sign of his passion. He is deeply passionate about something of which he possesses, in this case his artistry.
Now think about his passion for a lady love, a love he lost and longed for and sang about through the years even as he had others. A love he willed back to him after a long absence.
A flame rekindled because something about their initial connection wouldn't allow him to completely put the fire out. A love he so desperately wanted to return, he called on the Master for guidance.
How can he not be deeply passionate about this possession?
"The way she came into the place....there was something different about this girl...the way she moved...her hair, her face, her lines....divinity in motion...."



Summer, I almost forget to add this about your post. it reminds me of the many times Michael has revealed to us in song or through poetry how he is pays attention to the different things he likes about a lady who is holding his attention. We often hear him singing about the way she moves, and how he notices and like certain things about her body. He has told us over and over again about how he desires what he sees when he is looking in her direction. Almost all men are attracted to the visuals first but as we have come to know; it appears to take more to keep Michael than just having that initial physical attraction but in having that with his lady love, he appears to almost gloat.
He has revealed to us on several different occasions and in more than one way of how his having such an intensified physical attraction to her along with their spiritual bond has awakened all senses deep inside of him. Seeing her and enjoying what he sees, obviously from his own clues have given him that added boost needed.
"The way she came into the place....there was something different about this girl...the way she moved...her hair, her face, her lines....divinity in motion...."



I love that part of "dangerous"

Michael speaks so sexy in it :wub:
Summer, I almost forget to add this about your post. it reminds me of the many times Michael has revealed to us in song or through poetry how he is pays attention to the different things he likes about a lady who is holding his attention. We often hear him singing about the way she moves, and how he notices and like certain things about her body. He has told us over and over again about how he desires what he sees when he is looking in her direction. Almost all men are attracted to the visuals first but as we have come to know; it appears to take more to keep Michael than just having that initial physical attraction but in having that with his lady love, he appears to almost gloat.
He has revealed to us on several different occasions and in more than one way of how his having such an intensified physical attraction to her along with their spiritual bond has awakened all senses deep inside of him. Seeing her and enjoying what he sees, obviously from his own clues have given him that added boost needed.

did michael see her physically?
and did she know that michael is loving her?(i mean, not spiritual)
Lily, I'm not blonde. My hair is dark and the picture you're talking about is old, it is 2004 and I had 23 years of age. lol! I was very young and I moved around a lot physically.:)

And I do not like to take pictures. :(

Oh I thought that was your pic in your avatar too oops sorry. :blush: I don't like taking pictures either, I'm not very photogenic. -_- :blush:

did michael see her physically?
and did she know that michael is loving her?(i mean, not spiritual)

I believe that is left to everyones own individual interpretations, it's all speculative.....I think :unsure: who knows LOL
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Oh I thought that was your pic in your avatar too oops sorry. :blush: I don't like taking pictures either, I'm not very photogenic. -_- :blush:

My photos are old (with the dog that you saw), that of my avatar is present and is the first time I am blonde. lol! I do not have many photos that hate take pictures. They never come out the way I want! lol! :)
Ya' know something elese I picked up on about Michael's behavior/personality when he is being loved the way he wants and needs to be ?
When everything is coming together for Michael in his personal life not only is he playful,happy and upbeat but he also show signs of being erotically possessive of his love interest. Take for instance his usage of the word, "Mine" in his songs. For a typical average joe to use this word in describing what his woman mean to him would immediately give the impression of how intense his emotions are for his honey. The same apply to Michael.
Remember how he sang "The girl is mine" in the original ''thriller", listen to how he sings the word "Mine" from T25 remix, he is singing with more of a conviction, more emphasis on that word alone. You can tell, with every fiber of his being; he knows she belongs to only him. Something elese that comes across with this word from "The Girl is Mine" and the way he now sings it as opposed to the way he did ions ago is this: The words to the song have more meaning to him now. You can tell there has been a personal change and Michael being playful and flirty shared that with us by making the T25 version the first single release, remember that?

This part of your post Moddie777 about the T25 version kinda makes me think of what I've thought all along that the feelings could be more recent than what has been interpretated as being a love from maybe 20 years ago. It's more like within the past few years or so. He seems different to me today. There's something there and it's deeper than it has been before when I look at him. Hmmmmm?

.....or maybe I'm just thinking too analytical today, I'm in one of those scary romantic love moods :bugeyed :lol:
This part of your post Moddie777 about the T25 version kinda makes me think of what I've thought all along that the feelings could be more recent than what has been interpretated as being a love from maybe 20 years ago. It's more like within the past few years or so. He seems different to me today. There's something there and it's deeper than it has been before when I look at him. Hmmmmm?

.....or maybe I'm just thinking too analytical today, I'm in one of those scary romantic love moods :bugeyed :lol:

It is very difficult to be so sure about these things. Only people who actually live with Michael to say, or better, Michael Jackson himself to answer all these questions. Talking about feelings and about what the other (in this case is Michael) feels it is difficult to say, only the person is known, only the person knows his own feelings, or even who is on their side: relatives and friends. Everything we write here are only superficial analysis of what we do see and not witnessed. Not always what we see is the truth, Michael may have had other thoughts and ideas to make their music, have been in a state of mind supple feel that different from what it was, never know what was the reality experienced by him in this process . Michael is a great mystery and so here we analyze and discuss trying to unravel this mystery. :yes:​
This part of your post Moddie777 about the T25 version kinda makes me think of what I've thought all along that the feelings could be more recent than what has been interpretated as being a love from maybe 20 years ago. It's more like within the past few years or so. He seems different to me today. There's something there and it's deeper than it has been before when I look at him. Hmmmmm?

.....or maybe I'm just thinking too analytical today, I'm in one of those scary romantic love moods :bugeyed :lol:

but what exactly do you find different about him now?
He seems more calm and mature now, but that's what happens when your life progresses and you get "older".

I remember how he was acting when he was with Lisa Marie. I was'nt a commited fan backthen but I have seen some interviews and other clips with them together. And in that time period I saw something "different" in him.
He seemed a little more playful and happy, and he was more strong in his handeling of the journalists.

Right now I feel like I see a man who has settled with his children. I don't see "in love", but there might be someone special that he loves and wants in his life, and in his childrens life. Maybe?
but what exactly do you find different about him now?
He seems more calm and mature now, but that's what happens when your life progresses and you get "older".

I remember how he was acting when he was with Lisa Marie. I was'nt a commited fan backthen but I have seen some interviews and other clips with them together. And in that time period I saw something "different" in him.
He seemed a little more playful and happy, and he was more strong in his handeling of the journalists.

Right now I feel like I see a man who has settled with his children. I don't see "in love", but there might be someone special that he loves and wants in his life, and in his childrens life. Maybe?

Hey, you're right Safira. Over the years we become more mature, that is how I see Michael today, a man more mature, but still has much to learn in life. All of us over the years will always have something to learn, is a cycle that never ends when one finishes learning, then get another, will never have an end. Today, I see Michael living for their children, worrying about their future, after all they are still children and need it very much. About love, I believe that Michael is not desperate to find their loved once that he knows that God is in control, is looking for him and working hard for it. And as I always say: Michael knows that God is preparing a very special woman for him, then why come in desperation to find his beloved if he knows that God is watching this and it will appear at the right time? Michael knows that this time will be the right woman for him, someone to love the way he deserves someone that loves the truth, someone who is your true friend, someone to give him security for Michael to feel safe her, someone who also loves unconditionally its three angels, who is always with him in good times and bad and is forever the eternal love and no matter what happens or appears in the middle of the road, she will always be beside Michael giving you the love that he always deserved. :yes:
It is very difficult to be so sure about these things. Only people who actually live with Michael to say, or better, Michael Jackson himself to answer all these questions. Talking about feelings and about what the other (in this case is Michael) feels it is difficult to say, only the person is known, only the person knows his own feelings, or even who is on their side: relatives and friends. Everything we write here are only superficial analysis of what we do see and not witnessed. Not always what we see is the truth, Michael may have had other thoughts and ideas to make their music, have been in a state of mind supple feel that different from what it was, never know what was the reality experienced by him in this process . Michael is a great mystery and so here we analyze and discuss trying to unravel this mystery. :yes:​

I agree and that's why I said a couple pages back, we may be way off base here in our interpretations LOL. We don't know the true answers to any of this and to be honest I'd rather he stay mysterious and we never know the answer to DMJFLIND. I hope it stays between just him and his love, like it should. :)

but what exactly do you find different about him now?
He seems more calm and mature now, but that's what happens when your life progresses and you get "older".

I remember how he was acting when he was with Lisa Marie. I was'nt a commited fan backthen but I have seen some interviews and other clips with them together. And in that time period I saw something "different" in him.
He seemed a little more playful and happy, and he was more strong in his handeling of the journalists.

Right now I feel like I see a man who has settled with his children. I don't see "in love", but there might be someone special that he loves and wants in his life, and in his childrens life. Maybe?

I'm not sure how he acted during that LMP thing I didn't pay much attention, honestly he turned me off during that time. There's something about her I didn't and still don't care for. Oh well.....

I think you are right about the maturing but I still see a playfulness. There is something about his energy, it's just different to me when I look at him today. He's a man of even greater depth.....and I like it. :winking2:

.....or I dunno maybe I'm not seeing straight and need a new contact prescription LOL :girl_sigh: :lol:
I agree and that's why I said a couple pages back, we may be way off base here in our interpretations LOL. We don't know the true answers to any of this and to be honest I'd rather he stay mysterious and we never know the answer to DMJFLIND. I hope it stays between just him and his love, like it should. :)

Yes, that has to be kept just between Michael and his love. The privacy in private life must always exist when it comes to a celebrity. If there is no privacy, that relationship will not right and will not be the way it should be lived by the two and can generate large problems. Although there is much curiosity by the press and fans, everyone should understand that life and private life are completely different things and that Michael is a human being and therefore everyone should respect their privacy. He also needs to have their "normal life" with his love and children. :cheeky:​
I'm not sure how he acted during that LMP thing I didn't pay much attention, honestly he turned me off during that time. There's something about her I didn't and still don't care for. Oh well.....

I think you are right about the maturing but I still see a playfulness. There is something about his energy, it's just different to me when I look at him today. He's a man of even greater depth.....and I like it. :winking2:

.....or I dunno maybe I'm not seeing straight and need a new contact prescription LOL :girl_sigh: :lol:

So you did'nt pay attention to him in that time area because you did'nt like the choise of woman? ;)
I'm just kidding.. Sorry I just had a bad conversation with my mother in the phone :angry:

I just don't like the judging and talking about Michael and Lisa Marie. A relationship is not something for other people to evaluate on.
Michael is a very intelligent person that understands the human nature, and he can't be manipulated into anything..

but nomore talk of that..

I think you're right that he has a greater depth today! He has changed a lot in these last 10 years.. I wonder if we will also be able to see that change in his scene show? Or will he "take us back" ? :popcorn:
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I wonder if we will also be able to see that change in his scene show? Or will he "take us back" ? :popcorn:

I believe that yes, we will see a small change, but still have the same essence of the past. Of course, that as you said, it will take us back to the past with their presentations and beautifull voice. I feel that is something completely different from what we have seen and have to be that Michael is in 50 years, much has changed, but that same guy that we know of the past still there, but in another way: mature. Michael will for their creativity to test these concerts and once again he will prove to the world that he is and always will be the best and biggest artist in the world. Everything that involves the concerts has been a big mystery and will continue even if the rumors are emerging as these shows are, I'm sure Michael does not want to be disclosed any information he wants is a surprise to everyone. What all fans prepare their hearts and their eyes to what they are about to see live! And I'm super excited... :wild:​
This part of your post Moddie777 about the T25 version kinda makes me think of what I've thought all along that the feelings could be more recent than what has been interpretated as being a love from maybe 20 years ago. It's more like within the past few years or so. He seems different to me today. There's something there and it's deeper than it has been before when I look at him. Hmmmmm?

.....or maybe I'm just thinking too analytical today, I'm in one of those scary romantic love moods :bugeyed :lol:

Lily, I think you are right to pick up on this. You are hearing in the song exactly what I heard when I first listened to it. His mood. And it does sound different, as I stated in the earlier post. I think the song and words have a more in depth meaning to him now.
It seems to reveal, there's has been a recent change that he more than likes.
Lily, I think you are right to pick up on this. You are hearing in the song exactly what I heard when I first listened to it. His mood. And it does sound different, as I stated in the earlier post. I think the song and words have a more in depth meaning to him now.
It seems to reveal, there's has been a recent change that he more than likes.

I tend to agree. IF there was a love in his life, it happened after 1993. Cause every time I saw him during that horrible time in his life, he looked downtrodden, old and weary. Like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. If he did have a love back then, she would have made him happy despite what he was going through. We would have noticed the happiness back then. He wouldn't have appeared that way...but now he does.

And I for one am truly grateful for that. Life is too short to be angry, sad or depressed all the time...
Life is too short to be angry, sad or depressed all the time...

It is true... The important thing is be happy and Michael will still have the happiness and love that he always deserved. What happened, and is buried and is part of the past and now Michael must not look further back and not to the side but forward to its future, for the good things that are still to come. :D:yes::angel:​
I tend to agree. IF there was a love in his life, it happened after 1993. Cause every time I saw him during that horrible time in his life, he looked downtrodden, old and weary. Like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. If he did have a love back then, she would have made him happy despite what he was going through. We would have noticed the happiness back then. He wouldn't have appeared that way...but now he does.

And I for one am truly grateful for that. Life is too short to be angry, sad or depressed all the time...

Yep! You have just described the way I too saw his mood(off and on) during this era. He seemed very down, depressed, lonely, and broken. And to think, we saw him with more and different women than ever before. But he did not seem satisfied and it came across in alot of the songs and lyrics he released.

Just as a different more happier tone is coming across in the more recent song choices.
Yep! You have just described the way I too saw his mood(off and on) during this era. He seemed very down, depressed, lonely, and broken. And to think, we saw him with more and different women than ever before. But he did not seem satisfied and it came across in alot of the songs and lyrics he released.

Just as a different more happier tone is coming across in the more recent song choices.

Hmmm very down, depressed, lonely, and broken? I never saw it that way. I look at Michael and I see a man strong and victorious in everything in life. Michael was just going through a difficult time, but inside it has always existed a great force that never lets you fall. Everything happened so he had an apprenticeship in his life, for he was stronger and more attentive to people around. Women ... feelings, a perfect combination. I am sure that Michael should be a very demanding man with women and I think he will not want "any" by your side that now has to be forever, has to be someone special, as well as him. I think Michael does not see women as most men. And also imagine that he see the feelings very seriously, especially the love that is so essential in people's lives today and that is not taken seriously by people. Human beings feel a great need to be loved for what is really inside, but people forget the inside and are concerned more with what is outside. Michael is a man completely different from other men in the world and this makes it very special in our eyes and the eyes of God. :)
Hmmm very down, depressed, lonely, and broken? I never saw it that way. I look at Michael and I see a man strong and victorious in everything in life. Michael was just going through a difficult time, but inside it has always existed a great force that never lets you fall. Everything happened so he had an apprenticeship in his life, for he was stronger and more attentive to people around. Women ... feelings, a perfect combination. I am sure that Michael should be a very demanding man with women and I think he will not want "any" by your side that now has to be forever, has to be someone special, as well as him. I think Michael does not see women as most men. And also imagine that he see the feelings very seriously, especially the love that is so essential in people's lives today and that is not taken seriously by people. Human beings feel a great need to be loved for what is really inside, but people forget the inside and are concerned more with what is outside. Michael is a man completely different from other men in the world and this makes it very special in our eyes and the eyes of God. :)

We will differ sometimes at how we percieve Michael. However, I do agree with you completely when you say; you think Michael does not see women as most men. And yes, I too feel he does have a great force from within. We can see it alot when he performs, hear it in his voice as he sings and sense it from his vibe albeit televised or in person for those of us who've been lucky enough to meet him.

A deeply spiritual person often times have a special aura about themselves. It is undeniable to the naked eye to others.
We will differ sometimes at how we percieve Michael. However, I do agree with you completely when you say; you think Michael does not see women as most men. And yes, I too feel he does have a great force from within. We can see it alot when he performs, hear it in his voice as he sings and sense it from his vibe albeit televised or in person for those of us who've been lucky enough to meet him.

A deeply spiritual person often times have a special aura about themselves. It is undeniable to the naked eye to others.

Thanks! I thought you were not agreeing with me. lol! :wild: Well, Michael is without doubt a very special human being and am very happy for him being in our midst. He is a great example for us all. Michael has a great strength in it and is a very rarefy same as you said. When he is on the stage that we all force that is hidden within it to leave out. It is simply incredible. Michael Jackson is a living work of art! I am very proud to admire a person like this and hope that Michael will never change your way of being, it remains incredible that human being and a great example for us. :D
did michael see her physically?
and did she know that michael is loving her?(i mean, not spiritual)
I think this song will answer your first question. In 2004, this love song was the very first one that MJ released onto the Internet in its entirety from "The Ultimate Collection" box set before the box set became available in stores.


As for your second question, notice that MJ went from saying "If you see her, tell her this for me" in "One More Chance" to "She never knows" in "Beautiful Girl" to "Baby, you gotta know" in "For All Time."

If she didn't know at first, it would be hard for her to not know now, because MJ is being persistent. lol How cute and romantic is that?!

If you compare the type of love songs that he was releasing in 2001 to the ones that he is releasing now, there is a very noticeable difference in his tone. His love songs are now sending a much calmer message. He's not releasing love songs that sound like he's having doubts about the person that he's fallen in love with.

Imagine being him when he was feeling deprived of the type of love that a companion can bring. It must be a great feeling to have experienced the type of love that was being wished for, for so long, have in come into your life just when it was needed the most and also have it sustain you until the very end of your darkest hour. That's major and more than enough to make someone beam the way that he is beaming these days.

Look at him. When you look at this 2001 picture of him, you see a man that carries a facial expression that matches the type of love songs that he was putting out at the time.


When you look at him in this recent picture, you can see that he is stronger than ever, can tell he feels content and you can feel his inner peace and you can't ignore that glow.


He doesn't look like a man that still feels like no one understands him. It would be hard for someone to touch him deeply without knowing how. I think he's always wanted someone to do it, he just didn't want to be hurt by the one that would know how. Letting someone get close to him can be a scary thing because people usually try to control him afterwards. From reading his handwritten message, I think he was just hoping someone would bring positive changes into his life and just let him enjoy what they are doing. He seems to be pretty happy about it.

Can you imagine how good it must feel to be able to just let love do what it naturally does? He said all he needed was one more chance at love and from looking at him, this time it did turn out right. It strengthened him from the inside and it's showing on the outside.

So the love story continues, as the mystery unfolds...

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I think this song will answer your first question. In 2004, this love song was the very first one that MJ released onto the Internet in its entirety from "The Ultimate Collection" box set before the box set became available in stores.


As for your second question, notice that MJ went from saying "If you see her, tell her this for me" in "One More Chance" to "She never knows" in "Beautiful Girl" to "Baby, you gotta know" in "For All Time."

If she didn't know at first, it would be hard for her to not know now, because MJ is being persistent. lol How cute and romantic is that?!

If you compare the type of love songs that he was releasing in 2001 to the ones that he is releasing now, there is a very noticeable difference in his tone. His love songs are now sending a much calmer message. He's not releasing love songs that sound like he's having doubts about the person that he's fallen in love with.

Imagine being him when he was feeling deprived of the type of love that a companion can bring. It must be a great feeling to have experienced the type of love that was being wished for, for so long, have in come into your life just when it was needed the most and also have it sustain you until the very end of your darkest hour. That's major and more than enough to make someone beam the way that he is beaming these days.

Look at him. When you look at this 2001 picture of him, you see a man that carries a facial expression that matches the type of love songs that he was putting out at the time.


When you look at him in this recent picture, you can see that he is stronger than ever, can tell he feels content and you can feel his inner peace and you can't ignore that glow.


He doesn't look like a man that still feels like no one understands him. It would be hard for someone to touch him deeply without knowing how. I think he's always wanted someone to do it, he just didn't want to be hurt by the one that would know how. Letting someone get close to him can be a scary thing because people usually try to control him afterwards. From reading his handwritten message, I think he was just hoping someone would bring positive changes into his life and just let him enjoy what they are doing. He seems to be pretty happy about it.

Can you imagine how good it must feel to be able to just let love do what it naturally does? He said all he needed was one more chance at love and from looking at him, this time it did turn out right. It strengthened him from the inside and it's showing on the outside.

So the love story continues, as the mystery unfolds...


You see what I am talking about? That first picture shows a man who is pretty down. I just see someone who is depressed. Aw, maybe he just didn't feel like smiling then, but now he does...esp in the 2nd picture. The 2nd picture shows a man who is happy and secure. Probably secure in the fact that someone loves him for him....and he knows it.
You see what I am talking about? That first picture shows a man who is pretty down. I just see someone who is depressed. Aw, maybe he just didn't feel like smiling then, but now he does...esp in the 2nd picture. The 2nd picture shows a man who is happy and secure. Probably secure in the fact that someone loves him for him....and he knows it.

maybe a woman? maybe.. himself? (I hope both things:yes:)
You see what I am talking about? That first picture shows a man who is pretty down. I just see someone who is depressed. Aw, maybe he just didn't feel like smiling then, but now he does...esp in the 2nd picture. The 2nd picture shows a man who is happy and secure. Probably secure in the fact that someone loves him for him....and he knows it.
Yep, he looks like he had a case of the blues in the first picture. Isn't is nice to see him feeling upbeat again?

Hey! :wild: Speaking of upbeat. Did you see his pants in the latest pix?!


Now if you can get him to wear them just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit shorter... :giggle:

maybe a woman? maybe.. himself? (I hope both things:yes:)
Both is always a good thing! Oh yes indeed!

Yep, he looks like he had a case of the blues in the first picture. Isn't is nice to see him feeling upbeat again?

Hey! :wild: Speaking of upbeat. Did you see his pants in the latest pix?!


Now if you can get him to wear them just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit shorter... :giggle:

:eek: I like the jeans more.. and seeing these pictures makes me doubt the presence of a woman in his life.. because she would have demanded him to cut those nails!! :giggle:

lol I love the dude filming the last clip.. "I'm moonwalking here Michael! I'm moonwalking!"
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Nice post AllForMJ. :flowers:

This picture right here OMG :swoon: :wub:

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