Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

:cry: MJ did FLITD :cry: his heart was happy and now she's going to be heartbroken forever :cry:

Yes, The movie, E.T. was sort of a set up for this love story. The movie premiered in June of 1982, The E.T. storybook came out in November of 1982 and of course, Thriller came out in December 1982. So, the movie was like a foreshadowing of what was to come concerning M.J. and his "Someone in the Dark." Thriller put M.J. on the scene so to speak. Whereas before he may still have been to some somewhat obscure, now there was no missing him. She was finally able to see him for who he really was to her - her very own "E.T." And she was "Elliott." What she probably didn't realize at the time though was she was also his "E.T." and in that case, he was Elliott. The tagline for the movie happened to be:

"He is afraid. He is totally alone. He is 3 million light years from home."

They both probably felt this way - until they found each other. They were both very much alike, like twins almost. She could understand him and identify with him and he would've been able to understand her as if they both came from the same "planet." In the movie, E.T. and Elliot shared a powerful connection, they were able to sense each other even when they were apart. E.T. also leaves Elliott at the end of the movie. Part of the description of the last scene of the movie goes as follows:

"Standing near the spaceship, E.T.'s heart glows as it prepares to return home. Mary, Gertie and "Keys" (Peter Coyote), a government agent, show up. E.T. says goodbye to Michael and Gertie, and before entering the spaceship, tells Elliott "I'll be right here," pointing its glowing finger to Elliott's heart.":(

Neil Diamond sang a song based on that scene, and E.T.'s heart which would sometimes glow, entitled, Heartlight. Here are the lyrics:

Come back again
I want you to stay next time
Cause sometimes the world ain't kind
When people get lost like you and me

I just made a friend
A friend is someone you need
But now that he has to go away
I still feel the words that he might say

Turn on your heartlight
Let it shine wherever you go
Let it make a happy glow
For all the world to see

Turn on your heartlight
In the middle of a young boy's dream
Don't wake me up too soon
Gonna take a ride across the moon
You and me

He's lookin' for a home
Cause everyone needs a place
A home's the most excellent place of all
And I'll be right here if you should call me

Turn on your heartlight
Let it shine wherever you go
Let it make a happy glow
For all the world to see

Turn on your heartlight
In the middle of a young boy's dream
Don't wake me up too soon
Gonna take a ride across the moon
You and me

Turn on your heartlight now
Turn on your heartlight now ...
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Oops I wasn't thinking of E.T. :fear: lol I was referring to a post that was in another thread here in GD that gave a link to this other website message board, that said he was very happy and going to ask her to marry him :(
Ohhh Michael, so sexy. Everything about him screams sex appeal. His smile, his voice, his walk, his stature I mean everything. He truly moves in a way no man has ever.
Well ... then ... to MJ and his "Forever Love" I dedicate this song:

"To Where You Are" by Josh Groban



Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memory so clear

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be ?
That you are my
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen

As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
Cause you are my
Forever love
Watching me from up above

And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave

Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

I know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are ...
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:cry: MJ did FLITD :cry: his heart was happy and now she's going to be heartbroken forever :cry:

Had been thinkin the same but I thought of a few things from the past about clues and a few things jumped out, when I am able to have a more coherent thought on the subject, I'll come back and share.

Loved the E.T. link to our love story MP.
I want to share this with you, however this isn't what I was going to post about originally.

Let me add this first: I am not one of those fans who wanted or prayed for an MJ dream after his death. I am the BIGGEST chicken i know and that would freighten me to death but it happened anyway.....
I know we have a dream thread but as you read along, you'll see how my dream may link to the theory of this thread.
The other night I had two MJ dreams back to back. The first one, it was dark outside I think we were camping. I saw Michael on the ground facing me with this big grin on his face. He was waiting on me to prepare and bring him his food. I was bending over in a white cotten gown type of garment, I had a can of beans in my hand and was trying to get it open with an old can opener. In front of Michael sat a dark shadowy figure of whom I could not see.
In the dream I felt my stomach with my left hand, It was full with life inside. I must've been 5 months along, I looked up at MJ and our eyes met and we smiled, my spirit felt warm and loved but when I looked at the shadowky dark figure, i felt fear and uneasiness......Then just like that I went into another dream, all in same night.
Second dream: I could see me and a woman in a bathroom, we were standing at the vanity mirror facing eachother, we were in deep conversation discussing something I can't recall.
I remembe next i can see my mother, then a few other relatives. It seemed we were in a very large auditorium with an event taking place, I was backstage. I walked to a room where other were waiting for me, I could feel anticipation and excitement, then I saw what I was dressed in, A WHITE WEDDING GOWN. I walk out of room and see a ceremony like an award show taking place. I stand there for a few moments. There are hundreds in the crowd. I see Michael. He is alive, smiling his butt off, he sees me and he wants to get up and come to me, but the people on both sides holds his arm, then I hear the announcer guys voice say, "and the winner is michael jackson". I look up again and his open casket is on the stage facing the audience right in front of me! I could see the top of his head and he lay in the gold coffin but the alive MJ is smiling and getting up, heading in my direction to come to me and I turn and take off with FEAR! Thats when I woke up. It was 4:30am and I did not go back to sleep.
My Analysis: I think in these 2 dreams "I" represent the real "Her". Just forget for a second it was me in the dreams. I believe these dreams could be conveying what this thread is about. Michael being in love before his untimely death. The dream indicate he was very happy and looking forward to being married to her, maybe she was pregnant or maybe they were talking about having kids of their own real soon?The shadowy figure to me represent the evilness that was all around Michael even at the very end. I couldn't see the face of that person, they faced only MJ, meaning to me, he was their only target. The shadowy figure also indicated to me just how closely MJ enemies were to him and how they tried to go unnoticed by others. It is befitting that the shadowy figure would appear in the dream that takes place when its dark. This dream confirm, he knew his enemies.
After Michael's passing, I asked God for a sign and Direction. He gave me this dream.
Michael did not die a lonely man. He was happy, looking forward to marrying her. He was in love.
Oh, btw, just in case, I just wanted to clarify that I didn't mean to imply that MJ's soulmate was the actual, literal Steven Spielburg-created, fictional E.T. character from the movie and all. I was simply trying to make the point that she was probably like E.T. in that she was probably unique in the way that she thought, felt and acted just as Michael was, therefore both she and he probably felt a little like "aliens" in this cookie cutter world that we live in. They may have felt like they were not completely from this planet and perhaps that's where their profound loneliness came from - not being able to completely fit in in this world and therefore not having anyone that they could relate to or who could relate to them, like the character E.T. in the movie, henceforth he always wanted to "phone home." And, when they found each other it may have felt like each was E.T. to the other in that they finally found someone on the same wavelength, from the same "planet" who could really "get them" finally because they were so alike and in tune with each other.

I just wanted to mention this in case anyone was offended thinking that I meant the real E.T. or that I was joking about such a serious issue. I just thought the E.T. metaphor was the best way to describe what they may have been going through, especially since there is a link there with the time the movie came out and when MJ made it big on the scene and of course the fact that the song, Someone in the Dark, which MJ saw fit to place on one of his most recent CD's along with some other love songs, just so happened to come from the E.T. Storybook. Thanks.:)
Can you guys comment on my dream? Do you think it relates at all to the theory of this thread? I was really creeped out about it for 2 days.
Wow! Thanks for sharing that dream Moddie! That was powerful! I hadn't read your post before I posted what I wrote, sorry 'bout that. I just wonder what this part means ...

... I see Michael. He is alive, smiling his butt off, he sees me and he wants to get up and come to me, but the people on both sides holds his arm, then I hear the announcer guys voice say, "and the winner is michael jackson". I look up again and his open casket is on the stage facing the audience right in front of me! I could see the top of his head and he lay in the gold coffin but the alive MJ is smiling and getting up, heading in my direction to come to me and I turn and take off with FEAR!

This sounds frightening, almost like someone wanting to take MJ's place, but not in a good way, especially if people are holding him down so he won't get to you, also the fact that he's winning some kind of award. What's the award for? Acting? Acting like Michael maybe? After all, the announcer calls him "Michael Jackson." Or perhaps I should say it maybe symbolizes that he's trying to pass himself off as Michael. What was that about?

... The shadowy figure to me represent the evilness that was all around Michael even at the very end. I couldn't see the face of that person, they faced only MJ, meaning to me, he was their only target. The shadowy figure also indicated to me just how closely MJ enemies were to him and how they tried to go unnoticed by others. It is befitting that the shadowy figure would appear in the dream that takes place when its dark. This dream confirm, he knew his enemies.

I feel this way too unfortunately.:( Oh, and yes, I do feel that it relates to this thread very much so. It's confirming what I already felt - something evil tried to keep them apart.
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Can you guys comment on my dream? Do you think it relates at all to the theory of this thread? I was really creeped out about it for 2 days.

Wow.. what a dream you had!! After reading your dream i felt kind of sad, but happy at the same time. The reason im saying i felt sad is because MJs coffin and the shadowy figures in your dream.. IMO, it could represent evil people surrounding MJ :( was in your dream :( And the happy part is that MJ and some lady were going to get married??Correct me if im wrong please.. Your dream can def. mean something that surely does relate to this thread. Maybe MJ was in love before he died :cry: I believe he may have been in love.. I want to tell you something Moddie, but i want to PM you, is this ok??
Can you guys comment on my dream? Do you think it relates at all to the theory of this thread? I was really creeped out about it for 2 days.

Moddie that incredible dream and confused at the same time. I am confused about it. :scratch:I do not know what it might mean. Well, I dream too much with Michael, but I never remember of my dreams, I do not know why this happens. Every dream I have, I never remember anything. :(:no:​
Oh you know what?? The MJ smiling getting up when the announcer said "and the winner is..."could have represented the bad people who surrounded MJ during his life. I think you're dream could be telling you that MJ had some shady people in his life as well as a lady he loved.. IDk maybe they were planning on marrying, but then he died and thats why you saw a wedding but then right after it was MJ in his coffin.
I want to share this with you, however this isn't what I was going to post about originally.

Let me add this first: I am not one of those fans who wanted or prayed for an MJ dream after his death. I am the BIGGEST chicken i know and that would freighten me to death but it happened anyway.....
I know we have a dream thread but as you read along, you'll see how my dream may link to the theory of this thread.
The other night I had two MJ dreams back to back. The first one, it was dark outside I think we were camping. I saw Michael on the ground facing me with this big grin on his face. He was waiting on me to prepare and bring him his food. I was bending over in a white cotten gown type of garment, I had a can of beans in my hand and was trying to get it open with an old can opener. In front of Michael sat a dark shadowy figure of whom I could not see.
In the dream I felt my stomach with my left hand, It was full with life inside. I must've been 5 months along, I looked up at MJ and our eyes met and we smiled, my spirit felt warm and loved but when I looked at the shadowky dark figure, i felt fear and uneasiness......Then just like that I went into another dream, all in same night.
Second dream: I could see me and a woman in a bathroom, we were standing at the vanity mirror facing eachother, we were in deep conversation discussing something I can't recall.
I remembe next i can see my mother, then a few other relatives. It seemed we were in a very large auditorium with an event taking place, I was backstage. I walked to a room where other were waiting for me, I could feel anticipation and excitement, then I saw what I was dressed in, A WHITE WEDDING GOWN. I walk out of room and see a ceremony like an award show taking place. I stand there for a few moments. There are hundreds in the crowd. I see Michael. He is alive, smiling his butt off, he sees me and he wants to get up and come to me, but the people on both sides holds his arm, then I hear the announcer guys voice say, "and the winner is michael jackson". I look up again and his open casket is on the stage facing the audience right in front of me! I could see the top of his head and he lay in the gold coffin but the alive MJ is smiling and getting up, heading in my direction to come to me and I turn and take off with FEAR! Thats when I woke up. It was 4:30am and I did not go back to sleep.
My Analysis: I think in these 2 dreams "I" represent the real "Her". Just forget for a second it was me in the dreams. I believe these dreams could be conveying what this thread is about. Michael being in love before his untimely death. The dream indicate he was very happy and looking forward to being married to her, maybe she was pregnant or maybe they were talking about having kids of their own real soon?The shadowy figure to me represent the evilness that was all around Michael even at the very end. I couldn't see the face of that person, they faced only MJ, meaning to me, he was their only target. The shadowy figure also indicated to me just how closely MJ enemies were to him and how they tried to go unnoticed by others. It is befitting that the shadowy figure would appear in the dream that takes place when its dark. This dream confirm, he knew his enemies.
After Michael's passing, I asked God for a sign and Direction. He gave me this dream.
Michael did not die a lonely man. He was happy, looking forward to marrying her. He was in love.

:bugeyed wow moddie this dream is just unbelivable!
i do reckon those shadowy figures in your dream represented the evil ppl in mikes life. I reckon they just could not stand mike being happy and in love at all! They knew if he was, he would have felt like he could conquer the world and live happliy ever after. And that somethin those evil ppl just did not want.

remember evil & the devil represents hatred, darkness and greed.
Goodness and god represents : love, light, kindess and goodwill for all mankind!
The other night I had two MJ dreams back to back.The first one, it was dark outside I think we were camping. I saw Michael on the ground facing me with this big grin on his face. He was waiting on me to prepare and bring him his food. I was bending over in a white cotten gown type of garment, I had a can of beans in my hand and was trying to get it open with an old can opener. In front of Michael sat a dark shadowy figure of whom I could not see.
In the dream I felt my stomach with my left hand, It was full with life inside. I must've been 5 months along, I looked up at MJ and our eyes met and we smiled, my spirit felt warm and loved but when I looked at the shadowky dark figure, i felt fear and uneasiness......

Hmmm ... I'm still trying to see more symbolism in the first dream. For instance, is there any significance in the fact that you were camping? You could've been in a kitchen in a house preparing food and MJ could've been sitting at a table instead of the ground. Could it mean that the evil was coming from inside his "camp" as they say? We already felt that it was close to him and he knew it. As far as the "white dress," according to this dream chart I have by Barbie Breathitt, "white" can mean love, Spirit of the Lord, purity, marriage (maybe foreshadowing a wedding coming up like the one that took place in your second dream) and, oddly enough, it can also mean witchcraft, which is interesting because you have that shadowy figure there. Was it trying to use witchcraft on them and their relationship? What about using an "old" can opener? Any significance in that? Old, traditional ways of doing things not working, especially with that "shadowy figure" hanging around? Interesting that you actually came up with a number - the number "5." Numbers are very significant to God. For instance, in biblical numerology the number "5" means grace. For 5 months there was life. Still trying to figure out how 5 months is significant, but it could mean pregnancy like you said. According to my chart, dreaming of pregnancy means ready to birth a new ministry, new idea, creative ability coming forth, revelation is growing. Maybe the relationship was 5 months old. Meh, maybe I'm just over thinking everything 'cause I'm overly tired! I'll sleep on this and see if I come up with anything new.
I feel this way too unfortunately.:( Oh, and yes, I do feel that it relates to this thread very much so. It's confirming what I already felt - something evil tried to keep them apart.

Do you think, that if something evil took him from her, and if they are really meant to be together, that it could still somehow happen..?

Moddie777 thank you for sharing the dream, you are in this thread, and you asked god for a sign, and he gave it to you.
Who was happy?? mike??
Who was he gonnna ask to marry him? :huh:

Thats what i wanna know too!

The poster said Michael was very happy, and her identity will never be revealed. I dunno.....

Hmmm ... I'm still trying to see more symbolism in the first dream. For instance, is there any significance in the fact that you were camping? You could've been in a kitchen in a house preparing food and MJ could've been sitting at a table instead of the ground. Could it mean that the evil was coming from inside his "camp" as they say? We already felt that it was close to him and he knew it. As far as the "white dress," according to this dream chart I have by Barbie Breathitt, "white" can mean love, Spirit of the Lord, purity, marriage (maybe foreshadowing a wedding coming up like the one that took place in your second dream) and, oddly enough, it can also mean witchcraft, which is interesting because you have that shadowy figure there. Was it trying to use witchcraft on them and their relationship? What about using an "old" can opener? Any significance in that? Old, traditional ways of doing things not working, especially with that "shadowy figure" hanging around? Interesting that you actually came up with a number - the number "5." Numbers are very significant to God. For instance, in biblical numerology the number "5" means grace. For 5 months there was life. Still trying to figure out how 5 months is significant, but it could mean pregnancy like you said. According to my chart, dreaming of pregnancy means ready to birth a new ministry, new idea, creative ability coming forth, revelation is growing. Maybe the relationship was 5 months old. Meh, maybe I'm just over thinking everything 'cause I'm overly tired! I'll sleep on this and see if I come up with anything new.

I found these responses to Moddie777's dream very interesting and by your dream analysis it makes me think of one person in particular. She was inside his camp, worked for him a long time before he let her go (he got rid of the old) yet she seems to still be trying to hang around, it's been said she had strong jealousies towards MJ because of her long obsession with him but he lacked any interest in her (would this person wish for or try to curse his happiness?), her name is what the number "5" means...................-_-

Do you think, that if something evil took him from her, and if they are really meant to be together, that it could still somehow happen..?

So heartbreaking to think about. :( pure true love is forever in our heart, but I believe physically for the two of them, only in the next life where they will have eternal peace and nothing evil can keep them apart. :cry:
Hmmm ... I'm still trying to see more symbolism in the first dream. For instance, is there any significance in the fact that you were camping? You could've been in a kitchen in a house preparing food and MJ could've been sitting at a table instead of the ground. Could it mean that the evil was coming from inside his "camp" as they say? We already felt that it was close to him and he knew it. As far as the "white dress," according to this dream chart I have by Barbie Breathitt, "white" can mean love, Spirit of the Lord, purity, marriage (maybe foreshadowing a wedding coming up like the one that took place in your second dream) and, oddly enough, it can also mean witchcraft, which is interesting because you have that shadowy figure there. Was it trying to use witchcraft on them and their relationship? What about using an "old" can opener? Any significance in that? Old, traditional ways of doing things not working, especially with that "shadowy figure" hanging around? Interesting that you actually came up with a number - the number "5." Numbers are very significant to God. For instance, in biblical numerology the number "5" means grace. For 5 months there was life. Still trying to figure out how 5 months is significant, but it could mean pregnancy like you said. According to my chart, dreaming of pregnancy means ready to birth a new ministry, new idea, creative ability coming forth, revelation is growing. Maybe the relationship was 5 months old. Meh, maybe I'm just over thinking everything 'cause I'm overly tired! I'll sleep on this and see if I come up with anything new.

Nice points you made!! It makes sense!
The poster said Michael was very happy, and her identity will never be revealed. I dunno.....

I found these responses to Moddie777's dream very interesting and by your dream analysis it makes me think of one person in particular. She was inside his camp, worked for him a long time before he let her go (he got rid of the old) yet she seems to still be trying to hang around, it's been said she had strong jealousies towards MJ because of her long obsession with him but he lacked any interest in her (would this person wish for or try to curse his happiness?), her name is what the number "5" means...................-_-

Ughhh. I think i know who you maybe talking about, but i won't name names. Hopefully she didn't -_-
Could you provide a link to this? Thanks.

Oops I wasn't thinking of E.T. :fear: lol I was referring to a post that was in another thread here in GD that gave a link to this other website message board, that said he was very happy and going to ask her to marry him :(
This sounds frightening, almost like someone wanting to take MJ's place, but not in a good way, especially if people are holding him down so he won't get to you, also the fact that he's winning some kind of award. What's the award for? Acting? Acting like Michael maybe? After all, the announcer calls him "Michael Jackson." Or perhaps I should say it maybe symbolizes that he's trying to pass himself off as Michael. What was that about?

I feel this way too unfortunately.:( Oh, and yes, I do feel that it relates to this thread very much so. It's confirming what I already felt - something evil tried to keep them apart.[/QUOTE]

Thank you guys for responding, I got to hurry, need toget ready for the afternoon church service with my family.
MP, I am not sure about the auditorium dream, but it was indeed freightening. I felt extreme fear. I think when the announcer said "and the winner is Michael Jackson", and he started to come in my direction with this BIG grin on his face; possibly the meaning could be:He saw her
as his PRIZE? BuT the people on both his sides wouldn't let him completely up to get to her.
I don't understand why there were 2 MJ's, the alive and happy one, then the one in the gold coffin on the stage in front of all those people.
Yes, I too have felt evilness all around Michael. As I researched in the past his lyrics that related to this thread I had come across other more disturbing links.
Hmmm ... I'm still trying to see more symbolism in the first dream. For instance, is there any significance in the fact that you were camping? You could've been in a kitchen in a house preparing food and MJ could've been sitting at a table instead of the ground. Could it mean that the evil was coming from inside his "camp" as they say? We already felt that it was close to him and he knew it. As far as the "white dress," according to this dream chart I have by Barbie Breathitt, "white" can mean love, Spirit of the Lord, purity, marriage (maybe foreshadowing a wedding coming up like the one that took place in your second dream) and, oddly enough, it can also mean witchcraft, which is interesting because you have that shadowy figure there. Was it trying to use witchcraft on them and their relationship? What about using an "old" can opener? Any significance in that? Old, traditional ways of doing things not working, especially with that "shadowy figure" hanging around? Interesting that you actually came up with a number - the number "5." Numbers are very significant to God. For instance, in biblical numerology the number "5" means grace. For 5 months there was life. Still trying to figure out how 5 months is significant, but it could mean pregnancy like you said. According to my chart, dreaming of pregnancy means ready to birth a new ministry, new idea, creative ability coming forth, revelation is growing. Maybe the relationship was 5 months old. Meh, maybe I'm just over thinking everything 'cause I'm overly tired! I'll sleep on this and see if I come up with anything new.

Holy Crap, MP!!!!! I think you are on to something with the "camp" theory and the meaning of the number 5(Grace).
Damn! This dream was telling me alot wasn't it? I asked for a sign and direction after his death and just look what God did! We have got to figure this dream completely out. I believe the answers maybe found in them somehow.