Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

You know, it's funny you mention Shakespeare 'cause this story is a little like Romeo and Juliet which he wrote. Or really, more like West Side Story which is a more modern version of Romeo and Juliet and coincidentally I was thinking about one of the songs from that movie earlier. The song is called Somewhere. It was the song that the character "Maria" sang to her dead lover, "Tony." You probably already know all of this, but just in case, here is the link to the version sung by Barbra Streisand if you wanna take a listen. I love her version of it!


Somewhere Lyrics

Someday, somewhere
We'll find a new way of living
We'll find a way of forgiving
There's a place for us
Somewhere a place for us
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us
There's a time for us
Someday there'll be a time for us
Time together and time to spare
Time to learn, time to care
Someday, somewhere
We'll find a new way of living
We'll find theres a way of forgiving
Somewhere... somewhere... somewhere...
There's a place for us
A time and a place for us
Hold my hand and we're half way there
Hold my hand and I'll take you there
Someday, somewhere...
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Somewhere Lyrics

Someday, somewhere
Well find a new way of living
Will find a way of forgiving
Theres a place for us
Somewhere a place for us
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us
Theres a time for us
Someday there'll time for us
Time together and time to spare
Time to learn, time to care
Someday, somewhere
Well find a new way of living
Will find theres a way of forgiving
Somewhere... somewhere... somewhere...
Theres a place for us
A time and a place for us
Hold my hand and were half way there
Hold my hand and Ill take you there
Someday, somewhere...
:wild: Thanks for the song! She really is very pretty. :wub: And this version of the video is amazing! :clapping: Barbara Streisand has a voice so sweet...:yes:

BTW, here's another beautiful song from West Side Story. It was from the scene where Maria and Tony are imagining their wedding day right before Tony's death. It's called One Hand, One Heart.


One Hand, One Heart

Make of our hands, one hand,

Make of our hearts, one heart.

Make of our vows, one last vow;

Only death will part us now.

Make of our lives, one life.

Day after day, one life.

Now it begins, Now we start;

One Hand, One Heart.

Even death won't part us now.

Wow!!!! :wild: I liked this song more than the other. :yes: It is a great declaration of love.:wub: Thanks!!!​
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BTW, here's another beautiful song from West Side Story. It was from the scene where Maria and Tony are imagining their wedding day right before Tony's death. It's called One Hand, One Heart.


One Hand, One Heart

Make of our hands, one hand,

Make of our hearts, one heart.

Make of our vows, one last vow;

Only death will part us now.

Make of our lives, one life.

Day after day, one life.

Now it begins, Now we start;

One Hand, One Heart.

Even death won't part us now.
Nice posts MP.

I miss him :( seeing his beautiful smile and his crazy eclectic style, hearing his surprise messages, the wonderment and anticipation of what he's created for us, I just miss him, life has forever changed.....*sigh*

I just felt like saying this again because it's how I feel right now. :( Blahhhhh :cry:
Ok, I was not going to share this dream at first. I had it about 3 nights ago and was a little confused by it and dismissed it but I continued thinking about it even as I tried hard to brush it off as nothing.

I do not understand this dream at all, it is very short but the emotions felt were extremely strong and felt very much real.

Dont laugh, here goes(its weird).

I saw the back of her head and body being caressed very gently and lovingly by President Barack Obama, he was up agaisnt a wall and bending down to put his left arm around her waist. But get this, It was Michael's body and arm that was felt by her? but with Obama's head? In other words Michael's presense was greatly felt but he went unseen. The chemistry between these two people in the dream was intense and very lovingly. They touched eachother gently and slowly. He was very excited. I could see and she felt it with ehr body( if you know what I mean). But it was Michael's presense's and dersires for her that I felt( i think)?
The wall was a light color, maybe white or a light beige. She wore a blue or purple dress with short sleeves, it had white designs or dots in it and no this woman was not Michelle obama. This is the EXACT SAME WOMAN from my other dreams, she is much shorter than our first lady Mrs Obama and her hair is longer and I could see the back her body in the dress. She has a round ample bottom and I could tell when he bent down to kiss her, she was top heavy.

Thats all that happened in the dream. I dont get it at all? I dismissed it thinking my mind was just playing tricks on me since obama is in the news alot lately but I remembered, I hadn't been watching him or keeping up since our Michael has died.

This dream bothers me cause I dont understand it. Could there be some kind of link between Prez Obama, MJ and his lady love?

Its ok if we dismiss this one.
That's how dreams are, aren't they? So interesting things that seem to make no sense, yet may. I was just talking to a friend of mine the other day about a dream I had when I was 7 years old about my dog who had just passed away, and it was the one time that I remember having a dream about a place that was exactly how it really was in real life. My bedroom looked just how it did when I fell asleep. Usually it's dreams we have about something that is not how it is in real life, but you just know what it is. Like a dream about your home, yet it's nothing like your own home for real, yet in the dream you just accept it as your home.

Anyways, sorry if this doesn't help give insight to the dream, it was just an observation I felt like sharing.
This dream bothers me cause I dont understand it. Could there be some kind of link between Prez Obama, MJ and his lady love?

Obama? :scratch:Wow! :wild: I think he came intruder in your dream. lol! But sometimes dreams are so confused. The same woman... Well, I think you and many others always wished that Michael found his true love. Maybe by thinking so much and wish this for Michael's life, this woman constantly appear in his dreams. Sometimes when we think or wish you to see something happen with us or someone else, just dreaming about it.​
Ok, I was not going to share this dream at first. I had it about 3 nights ago and was a little confused by it and dismissed it but I continued thinking about it even as I tried hard to brush it off as nothing.

I do not understand this dream at all, it is very short but the emotions felt were extremely strong and felt very much real.

Dont laugh, here goes(its weird).

I saw the back of her head and body being caressed very gently and lovingly by President Barack Obama, he was up agaisnt a wall and bending down to put his left arm around her waist. But get this, It was Michael's body and arm that was felt by her? but with Obama's head? In other words Michael's presense was greatly felt but he went unseen. The chemistry between these two people in the dream was intense and very lovingly. They touched eachother gently and slowly. He was very excited. I could see and she felt it with ehr body( if you know what I mean). But it was Michael's presense's and dersires for her that I felt( i think)?
The wall was a light color, maybe white or a light beige. She wore a blue or purple dress with short sleeves, it had white designs or dots in it and no this woman was not Michelle obama. This is the EXACT SAME WOMAN from my other dreams, she is much shorter than our first lady Mrs Obama and her hair is longer and I could see the back her body in the dress. She has a round ample bottom and I could tell when he bent down to kiss her, she was top heavy.

Thats all that happened in the dream. I dont get it at all? I dismissed it thinking my mind was just playing tricks on me since obama is in the news alot lately but I remembered, I hadn't been watching him or keeping up since our Michael has died.

This dream bothers me cause I dont understand it. Could there be some kind of link between Prez Obama, MJ and his lady love?

Its ok if we dismiss this one.

WOW.. interesting dream. I wonder why Obama's head was in the dream but it was MJs body?? hmmm
Obama? :scratch:Wow! :wild: I think he came intruder in your dream. lol! But sometimes dreams are so confused. The same woman... Well, I think you and many others always wished that Michael found his true love. Maybe by thinking so much and wish this for Michael's life, this woman constantly appear in his dreams. Sometimes when we think or wish you to see something happen with us or someone else, just dreaming about it.​

I think you could be right. This dream dont make any sense at all to me.

Me and my family are all Obama Supporters. Some of our older family memebrs have pictures of the entire Obama family on the walls of their "Living Rooms" and throughout their home.
I personally love the Obama's

But what I dont understand is the deeply erotic aspect of the dream?

Michael wasn't in the dream but his presense felt.

Maybe this dream mean nothing?

But why dream it at all?
You know, it's funny you mention Shakespeare 'cause this story is a little like Romeo and Juliet which he wrote. Or really, more like West Side Story which is a more modern version of Romeo and Juliet and coincidentally I was thinking about one of the songs from that movie earlier. The song is called Somewhere. It was the song that the character "Maria" sang to her dead lover, "Tony." You probably already know all of this, but just in case, here is the link to the version sung by Barbra Streisand if you wanna take a listen. I love her version of it!


Somewhere Lyrics

Someday, somewhere
We'll find a new way of living
We'll find a way of forgiving
There's a place for us
Somewhere a place for us
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us
There's a time for us
Someday there'll be a time for us
Time together and time to spare
Time to learn, time to care
Someday, somewhere
We'll find a new way of living
We'll find theres a way of forgiving
Somewhere... somewhere... somewhere...
There's a place for us
A time and a place for us
Hold my hand and we're half way there
Hold my hand and I'll take you there
Someday, somewhere...

Wow MP! "The west side story" comparison is very similar isn't it? Been so long since i've seen the movie, I forgot most of it.

What you have posted is very tragic and eerily similar.

I wonder if their story will ever be told like this?
I think you could be right. This dream dont make any sense at all to me.

Me and my family are all Obama Supporters. Some of our older family memebrs have pictures of the entire Obama family on the walls of their "Living Rooms" and throughout their home.
I personally love the Obama's

But what I dont understand is the deeply erotic aspect of the dream?

Michael wasn't in the dream but his presense felt.

Maybe this dream mean nothing?

But why dream it at all?
Well, actually Michael and Obama has nothing to do with the context of the dream. lol! I also really like Obama. Here in Brazil we follow Obama since the campaign until the tenure of the presidency and I am happy that the president of Brazil (Lula) has already met with Obama to discuss some issues.​

I also realized something erotic in the dream. Is very confusing. Well, perhaps you have the continuation of the dream more clearly what is happening, what is puzzling is the presence of Obama. lol! :wild: I think it hurt the understanding of the dream was the fact that it was very fast and therefore did not give to get the message.

I wonder if their story will ever be told like this?

Yes! I think everyone here are very eager to hear our friend MysteriousPhoenix. lol! :wild: I hope it is possible. :D
Wow! Obama, eh? How interesting! Some time before MJ passed I had had a dream about him. I wonder how he could possibly fit into all of this. I know he sorta does remind me of MJ in a strange way I guess. I dunno why, just something about him and his charisma and maybe also his success. Have you ever seen a pic of him in his younger years? He kinda looks like MJ circa the Off the Wall era like in this picture:


Hmmm ... so maybe MJ is reincarnated in Barack Obama? Poor Michelle ... or perhaps I should say lucky Michelle!;D Kidding, kidding, kidding!

Wow MP! "The west side story" comparison is very similar isn't it? Been so long since i've seen the movie, I forgot most of it.

What you have posted is very tragic and eerily similar.

I wonder if their story will ever be told like this?

Yeah, well you know, there would be lots of singing and dancing like in the movie. You all have put me in West Side Story mode. I'm about to break out my old cassette and video of this movie and watch it all over again. I've been singing, "I like to be in Amedicaaaaah ..." all day today!
I'm gonna marinate on Moddies dream for a while before I try to analyze it. I do actually have some thoughts on it but I need to organize them.LOL

Now I don't usually talk about my MJ dreams but I had one last night and this one is just about one of his songs.:huh: I started hearing this instrumental music playing and then a voice said to me this is Michaels new song, then I heard Michaels voice singing some lyrics but I couldn't make out what they were, until suddenly he went into singing "Blood on the Dance Floor" :huh: Needless to say I woke up singing it and have had it in my head all day. :ermm: I haven't thought too much about it's meaning yet other than my name is Susan :unsure: :mello: :lol: but I'm not out to get anyone, so what gives? LOL Oh well I'll marinate on my dream as well and come back with my thoughts later.....:)
intresting :)

I'm gonna marinate on Moddies dream for a while before I try to analyze it. I do actually have some thoughts on it but I need to organize them.LOL

Now I don't usually talk about my MJ dreams but I had one last night and this one is just about one of his songs.:huh: I started hearing this instrumental music playing and then a voice said to me this is Michaels new song, then I heard Michaels voice singing some lyrics but I couldn't make out what they were, until suddenly he went into singing "Blood on the Dance Floor" :huh: Needless to say I woke up singing it and have had it in my head all day. :ermm: I haven't thought too much about it's meaning yet other than my name is Susan :unsure: :mello: :lol: but I'm not out to get anyone, so what gives? LOL Oh well I'll marinate on my dream as well and come back with my thoughts later.....:)
Wow! Obama, eh? How interesting! Some time before MJ passed I had had a dream about him. I wonder how he could possibly fit into all of this. I know he sorta does remind me of MJ in a strange way I guess. I dunno why, just something about him and his charisma and maybe also his success. Have you ever seen a pic of him in his younger years? He kinda looks like MJ circa the Off the Wall era like in this picture:

Again you are brillant MP!!!!!??? Maybe you are right! Maybe the connection and link are between Barack and Michael, not so much her and Barack? Barack Obama have things in common with Michael Jackson:

Both have broken down racial barriers on a worldy stage and have risen to the Top of their Game.

They are both well loved among a variety of different races.

Could this be it?

If so, why do I see "her" in this dream?
Wow! Obama, eh? How interesting! Some time before MJ passed I had had a dream about him. I wonder how he could possibly fit into all of this. I know he sorta does remind me of MJ in a strange way I guess. I dunno why, just something about him and his charisma and maybe also his success. Have you ever seen a pic of him in his younger years? He kinda looks like MJ circa the Off the Wall era like in this picture:

Again you are brillant MP!!!!!??? Maybe you are right! Maybe the connection and link are between Barack and Michael, not so much her and Barack? Barack Obama have things in common with Michael Jackson:

Both have broken down racial barriers on a worldy stage and have risen to the Top of their Game.

They are both well loved among a variety of different races.

Could this be it?

If so, why do I see "her" in this dream?

Moddie, you make some good points!! They may have things in common.. But i agree. I wonder why you saw her in the dreams??

Wow!!! I like this picture. Obama at university and I'm not sure, but I think he had 21 years of age. A Brazilian magazine did a special report on Obama when he won the election. The cover of the magazine was this picture.​

The only thing Obama really reminds Michael: charisma and popularity. :yes:

If so, why do I see "her" in this dream?

Maybe because Obama and Michael have similarities? :scratch:But it can also mean much more and it was not clear in the dream.​
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I was just thinking....

Could the dream also be saying, Barack Obama and Michael both loved their woman in the same way. Is that why I see "her" in the dream, in a very intimate situation with the figure who has the Obama head but with the "MJ" physical and emotional feel?

Could I be over analyzing and this dream mean nothing?

But if it mean nothing, why is "she" in it?

Moddie his dream was so confused. Maybe not a continuation of a more clear way so that you can understand. Obama and Michael have things in common, but I can not understand why he appeared in his dream. Until we know where Michael has never met Obama, and perhaps never have been spoken at any opportunity. It is difficult to understand. I'm confused... Pause... lol!

P.S. Moddie researching here in my files I found two articles written about Michael and Obama by a Brazilian journalist. But what he writes is really bad. I read it again to see if it was to extract some positive side to post here, but could not because it really is very negative what he writes. :(
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I was just thinking....

Could the dream also be saying, Barack Obama and Michael both loved their woman in the same way. Is that why I see "her" in the dream, in a very intimate situation with the figure who has the Obama head but with the "MJ" physical and emotional feel?

Could I be over analyzing and this dream mean nothing?

But if it mean nothing, why is "she" in it?

This dream has me very intrigued indeed, but like Lily, I'm gonna have to marinate on it. I didn't mention this before because I felt no one would believe me, but in the dream I had about Obama, I remember going into his office and he gave me a hug. So there is that "hug" theme again. But maybe that isn't so unusual for him. Maybe he hugs people all the time. Maybe he's real affectionate like that. Did he maybe really, really love Michael, like a brother maybe? Did he try to help Michael? But then again, this doesn't really involve Michael, does it? Or at least not directly. It involves "her." And what's even more confusing is Obama isn't really completely Obama either, he's part Michael! Wow! There are some strange things a goin' on! I never even heard Michael mention Obama. I always thought that was kinda strange 'cause he always seemed to be interested in each presidency and you would think he would be even more interested and vocal about this one because it is so significant, but all we got was a strange silence about the whole matter. Why was he so silent? Hmmm ... I think I need to sleep on this one!:mello:

Edit: Hey, by the way, wasn't there someone in Michael's circle, who's last name was Barack or something? I wonder if that is who the dream is really about?

Edit Again: O.k. I did a little search and there was/is someone in Michael's circle named Thomas Barrack. He is the head of Colony Capital, the company that took over Neverland. Duh! I should have known this! I remember people writing about him and every time they wrote "Barrack" I kept thinking they were talking about Barack Obama, lol! Well, might be a little bit of a stretch to say the dream was about him, I don't know, but it's something to think about anyway.
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This dream has me very intrigued indeed, but like Lily, I'm gonna have to marinate on it. I didn't mention this before because I felt no one would believe me, but in the dream I had about Obama, I remember going into his office and he gave me a hug. So there is that "hug" theme again. But maybe that isn't so unusual for him. Maybe he hugs people all the time. Maybe he's real affectionate like that. Did he maybe really, really love Michael, like a brother maybe? Did he try to help Michael? But then again, this doesn't really involve Michael, does it? Or at least not directly. It involves "her." And what's even more confusing is Obama isn't really completely Obama either, he's part Michael! Wow! There are some strange things a goin' on! I never even heard Michael mention Obama. I always thought that was kinda strange 'cause he always seemed to be interested in each presidency and you would think he would be even more interested and vocal about this one because it is so significant, but all we got was a strange silence about the whole matter. Why was he so silent? Hmmm ... I think I need to sleep on this one!:mello:
I believe in you! :wild: Wow!!! You were amazing in your post! lol! :clapping: Hummm what you wrote you can already begin to interpret the dream of Moddie. You opened a part of the path. I think "hug" (Obama hugging Michael) may mean that Obama admires him as a human being and artist and so was represented that way in the dream. Admiration and respect. :yes:​

P.S. This reminds me when Michael met President Ronald Reagan!
Just as Ronald Reagan, I believe Michael had an interest in knowing President Obama. Obama has an incredible life trajectory with much struggle and that must have fascinated Michael. The two fought hard to get everything in life. They are blacks. They are important people: Obama is the first black president of the USA and Michael is the King of Pop. Both came from simple family. These are other points in common between the two.​
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I think I'm gonna have to go and marinte( sounds like we going off to fix a well done steak, lol) on this dream too.
I also have dreams about Michael. They are always so nice, and theres always this kind of "deep" feeling in them. Expressing my own feelings toward him as a human being..

I think that we are all trying to hold on to Michael by either believing that he is still alive (fake death) or that he is responding to our psygical "calls" for him, in dreams or meditations or whatever.
I also have dreams about Michael. They are always so nice, and theres always this kind of "deep" feeling in them. Expressing my own feelings toward him as a human being..

I think that we are all trying to hold on to Michael by either believing that he is still alive (fake death) or that he is responding to our psygical "calls" for him, in dreams or meditations or whatever.

I think your post is partially right Safira. We are holding on to him and he to us.....
I think that we are all trying to hold on to Michael by either believing that he is still alive (fake death) or that he is responding to our psygical "calls" for him, in dreams or meditations or whatever.

First off ... ashtanga, what's the "eye roll" for?:scratch::D I feel we really are trying to hold on to him. I know I am. I think the fact that I never saw him "d_ _d" makes me feel like he is still alive. Usually when someone passes you get to see them after they have passed and it helps give you some closure, and you are able to move on realizing that they really are gone because you were able to see it with your own eyes. But in this case, I don't have any closure so it leaves the impression in my brain that he is still alive, because that is how he was when I last saw him. I don't have any memory of him "d_ _d." So, for me, it is very much like the sign that appeared on the screen in blue letters at the end of his memorial which read, "I am alive and I am here forever." (I guess them leaving me with that final thought didn't help matters none!);D
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First off ... ashtanga, what's the "eye roll" for?:scratch::D I feel we really are trying to hold on to him. I know I am. I think the fact that I never saw him "d_ _d" makes me feel like he is still alive. Usually when someone passes you get to see them after they have passed and it helps give you some closure, and you are able to move on realizing that they really are gone because you were able to see it with your own eyes. But in this case, I don't have any closure so it leaves the impression in my brain that he is still alive, because that is how he was when I last saw him. I don't have any memory of him "d_ _d." So, for me, it is very much like the sign that appeared on the screen in blue letters at the end of his memorial which read, "I am alive and I am here forever." (I guess them leaving me with that final thought didn't help matters none!);D

Yea thats exactly how I feel! It's really hard to get past that "thing"..

moddie777 - what part of my post do you disagree with then? Because what you wrote was pretty much a sum up of my own post :p
First off ... ashtanga, what's the "eye roll" for?:scratch::D I feel we really are trying to hold on to him. I know I am. I think the fact that I never saw him "d_ _d" makes me feel like he is still alive. Usually when someone passes you get to see them after they have passed and it helps give you some closure, and you are able to move on realizing that they really are gone because you were able to see it with your own eyes. But in this case, I don't have any closure so it leaves the impression in my brain that he is still alive, because that is how he was when I last saw him. I don't have any memory of him "d_ _d." So, for me, it is very much like the sign that appeared on the screen in blue letters at the end of his memorial which read, "I am alive and I am here forever." (I guess them leaving me with that final thought didn't help matters none!);D

Yeh i get like that sometimes i'll hear his music and be like "nahhh he cant be gone"....then it hits me..