Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Darn...I just wrote a long post and pushed the button and its gone...sorry about that! Moddie you make some points, also your dreams are interesting. The media during trial said she is very petite but she is not black, she is a oriental mix....mj likes to look like her, dress like her, is like a twin, soul mates. Unfortunately due to the death threats during trial she was unable to be present as the defense key surprise witness. The killers were trying to murder both of them, kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak. She has been under a protection order so we need to be respectful and sensitive. I would think fans will meet her at these set of trials....what a horrible way to meet. They(enemies) all knew they were finally getting married and that was threatening to the enemies, killers, drug dealers as they knew they would be fired and charged, imprisoned. Thriller 25 was their 25 anniversary. It so sad and tragic. I noticed some of the new clips show bride zombies. And also castaway 2 changed to mj stressing she is Not out of my life.
About Matt he isn't a friend, he just wants to appear that he is in the know but not. As for dr. Etok not friends either but she sure has quite the fantasies and lies. She is doing what the others are, covering up and diverting from being charged as drug dealers. There were no baby making plans not with her. There were hopes, plans for MJ and his queen to adopt children in tokyo from that place he checked out while he was there.
Just out of curiosity did you notice when MJ was first promoted for Japan trip it was out of a japan sports magazine instead of music mag, interesting huh?!
Lily, I believe he was indeed making necessary changes in his life so the personal aspects of his life with "her" could flourish.

My dreams and some of his lyrics from the past indicates there were dark forces around him within his own circle and these forces were conspiring against his every move ( in the right direction). They were the darkness that gave him worry, fear and setbacks where as she was the Light that gave him direction, strength and unconditional love.

Michael's messages from recent months before his death indicates he was guided to move forward by this new found energy from within. He had a renewed purpose.

I wonder sometimes, Is part of the reason why he died becuase, he was in love and was going to get Married and be the kind of Husband and father and have the kind of life he always dream of; did that Contribute to his death? Did someone in his circle view his happiness and love for "her" as a Threat to them? Did he die protecting her? In other words, did they ever threaten him that they would do harm to her if he didnt give them what they wanted or play their games?

Since having the dream with the Shadowy figure, I am haunted by these notions.....

if your theory was ture,
if i was michael, and loved this dream girl so much, i would to die for her safe.~
but if the girl knows that, i think she won't let michael die for her,no matter how others treat her.
that's the love story, how sad~
Lily, I believe he was indeed making necessary changes in his life so the personal aspects of his life with "her" could flourish.

My dreams and some of his lyrics from the past indicates there were dark forces around him within his own circle and these forces were conspiring against his every move ( in the right direction). They were the darkness that gave him worry, fear and setbacks where as she was the Light that gave him direction, strength and unconditional love.

Michael's messages from recent months before his death indicates he was guided to move forward by this new found energy from within. He had a renewed purpose.

I wonder sometimes, Is part of the reason why he died becuase, he was in love and was going to get Married and be the kind of Husband and father and have the kind of life he always dream of; did that Contribute to his death? Did someone in his circle view his happiness and love for "her" as a Threat to them? Did he die protecting her? In other words, did they ever threaten him that they would do harm to her if he didnt give them what they wanted or play their games?

Since having the dream with the Shadowy figure, I am haunted by these notions.....

If, and i say IF this really did happen then that's so sad. Esp. because if someone in his circle didn't want to see him happy. :angry:
Darn...I just wrote a long post and pushed the button and its gone...sorry about that! Moddie you make some points, also your dreams are interesting. The media during trial said she is very petite but she is not black, she is a oriental mix....mj likes to look like her, dress like her, is like a twin, soul mates. Unfortunately due to the death threats during trial she was unable to be present as the defense key surprise witness. The killers were trying to murder both of them, kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak. She has been under a protection order so we need to be respectful and sensitive. I would think fans will meet her at these set of trials....what a horrible way to meet. They(enemies) all knew they were finally getting married and that was threatening to the enemies, killers, drug dealers as they knew they would be fired and charged, imprisoned. Thriller 25 was their 25 anniversary. It so sad and tragic. I noticed some of the new clips show bride zombies. And also castaway 2 changed to mj stressing she is Not out of my life.
About Matt he isn't a friend, he just wants to appear that he is in the know but not. As for dr. Etok not friends either but she sure has quite the fantasies and lies. She is doing what the others are, covering up and diverting from being charged as drug dealers. There were no baby making plans not with her. There were hopes, plans for MJ and his queen to adopt children in tokyo from that place he checked out while he was there.
Just out of curiosity did you notice when MJ was first promoted for Japan trip it was out of a japan sports magazine instead of music mag, interesting huh?!

Interesting Post. Not the first time someone has come in our thread and referenced Thriller25 with "her" and their love. If in fact t25 was for their anniversary then, it's true this woman has been in his life since the 80's?

I didnt know the media had outed her during the trial?

MP, Your poem was very touching and moving. Michael would surely love it.
Lily, I believe he was indeed making necessary changes in his life so the personal aspects of his life with "her" could flourish.

My dreams and some of his lyrics from the past indicates there were dark forces around him within his own circle and these forces were conspiring against his every move ( in the right direction). They were the darkness that gave him worry, fear and setbacks where as she was the Light that gave him direction, strength and unconditional love.

Michael's messages from recent months before his death indicates he was guided to move forward by this new found energy from within. He had a renewed purpose.

I wonder sometimes, Is part of the reason why he died becuase, he was in love and was going to get Married and be the kind of Husband and father and have the kind of life he always dream of; did that Contribute to his death? Did someone in his circle view his happiness and love for "her" as a Threat to them? Did he die protecting her? In other words, did they ever threaten him that they would do harm to her if he didnt give them what they wanted or play their games?

Since having the dream with the Shadowy figure, I am haunted by these notions.....

Interesting you say that because even Rebbie said sort of the same thing early 90's...She said that even if MJ found the right lady, there would still be SO many people around him fighting for his time and attention that she would just be seen as a distraction by many people. I need to find the exact quote.

EDIT: Okay, found the part...it's in Katherine's book "My Family, The Jacksons".

Rebbie: "Even if Michael were to find the "perfect" woman tomorrow, I think that he would be reluctant to subject her to the incrediable scrutiny that he's subjected to every day."...."Even if Michael's wife did manage to adopt to life in a fishbowl, she'd also have to cope with the reality of Michael attending meetings on top of meetings, and members of his entourage constantly pulling on him. Some of these people, no doubt, would view her as no more than a competitor for Michael's time." (p.217)
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Lily, I believe he was indeed making necessary changes in his life so the personal aspects of his life with "her" could flourish.

My dreams and some of his lyrics from the past indicates there were dark forces around him within his own circle and these forces were conspiring against his every move ( in the right direction). They were the darkness that gave him worry, fear and setbacks where as she was the Light that gave him direction, strength and unconditional love.

Michael's messages from recent months before his death indicates he was guided to move forward by this new found energy from within. He had a renewed purpose.

I wonder sometimes, Is part of the reason why he died becuase, he was in love and was going to get Married and be the kind of Husband and father and have the kind of life he always dream of; did that Contribute to his death? Did someone in his circle view his happiness and love for "her" as a Threat to them? Did he die protecting her? In other words, did they ever threaten him that they would do harm to her if he didnt give them what they wanted or play their games?

Since having the dream with the Shadowy figure, I am haunted by these notions.....

Interesting you say that because even Rebbie said sort of the same thing early 90's...She said that even if MJ found the right lady, there would still be SO many people around him fighting for his time and attention that she would just be seen as a distraction by many people. I need to find the exact quote.

EDIT: Okay, found the part...it's in Katherine's book "My Family, The Jacksons".

Rebbie: "Even if Michael were to find the "perfect" woman tomorrow, I think that he would be reluctant to subject her to the incrediable scrutiny that he's subjected to every day."...."Even if Michael's wife did manage to adopt to life in a fishbowl, she'd also have to cope with the reality of Michael attending meetings on top of meetings, and members of his entourage constantly pulling on him. Some of these people, no doubt, would view her as no more than a competitor for Michael's time." (p.217)

Yep, as hard as it is to accept, in my heart of hearts I believe this pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell.

Edit: Oh, btw, I was curious about something. How was he able to get far as he did when he married LMP and Debbie? Apparently his people didn't block him from at least getting to the marriage stage even if the marriages didn't last. Was it because he didn't make as many changes in his life before marrying them so his people didn't see them as a threat necessarily? Was he making bigger changes in his life this time around for this particular relationship that may have affected them personally and that's why they were so threatened by this new relationship?
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Interesting you say that because even Rebbie said sort of the same thing early 90's...She said that even if MJ found the right lady, there would still be SO many people around him fighting for his time and attention that she would just be seen as a distraction by many people. I need to find the exact quote.

EDIT: Okay, found the part...it's in Katherine's book "My Family, The Jacksons".

Rebbie: "Even if Michael were to find the "perfect" woman tomorrow, I think that he would be reluctant to subject her to the incrediable scrutiny that he's subjected to every day."...."Even if Michael's wife did manage to adopt to life in a fishbowl, she'd also have to cope with the reality of Michael attending meetings on top of meetings, and members of his entourage constantly pulling on him. Some of these people, no doubt, would view her as no more than a competitor for Michael's time." (p.217)

Wow Summer, that is eery( part w/Rebbie Quote), seems like Rebbie knew more than she was telling.

So in other words, the fact that this woman had returned to him and he was happy about it, caused many in his circle, to possibly plot against the two of them so he could never officially be with her, the way his lyrics and clues indicates he wanted too.

Yep, as hard as it is to accept, in my heart of hearts I believe this pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell.

Edit: Oh, btw, I was curious about something. How was he able to get far as he did when he married LMP and Debbie? Apparently his people didn't block him from at least getting to the marriage stage even if the marriages didn't last. Was it because he didn't make as many changes in his life before marrying them so his people didn't see them as a threat necessarily? Was he making bigger changes in his life this time around for this particular relationship that may have affected them personally and that's why they were so threatened by this new relationship?

I dont get the impression, his handlers were at all Threatened by LMP or Debbie, If they were, the marriages never would have happened.

The very fact that it seems they were not threatened should speak volumes as to the true nature of both of these marriages.

In other words, could it be saying these marraiges though Legal and Binding were just a farce? Designed for other purposes other than true love brought together and blessed by God?
I actually reckon mikes handlers would be more threatned by LMP then debbie
I dont get the impression, his handlers were at all Threatened by LMP or Debbie, If they were, the marriages never would have happened.

The very fact that it seems they were not threatened should speak volumes as to the true nature of both of these marriages.

In other words, could it be saying these marraiges though Legal and Binding were just a farce? Designed for other purposes other than true love brought together and blessed by God?

Maybe they were, who knows?

Lisa Marie has said herself that she and Michael loved each other, and Michael did too, and the marriage was not a publicity stunt.
Michael married Debbie just so she could have his children, which LMP would not give him. I believe that Michael and LMP's marriage could have lasted or lasted longer if they had had children. I also read somewhere that Michael and LMP were seeing each other for about 2 years after they divorced, when he was married to Debbie. I've heard there are pictures out there of that somewhere, but I'm trying to find them (unless someone already has).
Wow!!! Lisa and Debbie still matter yields and discussion. I'm impressed. Once I was told that those who live in the past is the museum.

Lisa... well, after the divorce she did not say things very nice and sweet about Michael and his marriage to him and I hated that her behavior. I think Lisa did it when she did not reason right and forget that what happens within a marriage is a private matter that should be discussed with Michael and not with the world as she did, opening his mouth and talking too much. Lisa may have loved Michael in her ways, but that love was not enough for Michael. He needed more than that. The true love overcomes all obstacles and problems. It was not what happened in this case.
Debbie... only gave children to Michael that he could carry out his dream of being a father. And I'm glad she has given and provided that happiness to him. Debbie has two great gifts to Michael. It was just that and nothing more.


In my opinion (I know nobody will agree with me), Michael never met a woman who could love him with truth and the way he needed. Do not simply love, it takes a lot more that is Michael Jackson. So, Michael could never find a woman who could love him with truth, to engage him with all his strength and whole without any fear of living that love with Michael, a sincere and unconditional love and give it much, much, much more than love.

So, Michael was never able to truly live a love story. He never knew what is really being loved by someone. He searched a lot for that true love to live a beautiful love story and be completely happy in all areas of your life, but never found.
I don't know how true Magic and the Madness is but I believe I read somewhere in there that Michael said that if he were to meet someone to marry, that he wouldn't continue working or entertaining. He would spend his time with her. So... that could also fall into these theories in whatever way..... as being a threat?
Wow!!! Lisa and Debbie still matter yields and discussion. I'm impressed. Once I was told that those who live in the past is the museum.

Ha! Ha! Cute ashtanga!;D Trying to live in the past? Nah! I could really do without ever going back there again! But then again, they say those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it. No, really, it was not so much about MJ's past wives as it was about me trying to figure out why the people around him were sooooo threatened by his new relationship when they were never that threatened before. Just curious as to what made the big difference this time around.

Lisa... well, after the divorce she did not say things very nice and sweet about Michael and his marriage to him and I hated that her behavior. I think Lisa did it when she did not reason right and forget that what happens within a marriage is a private matter that should be discussed with Michael and not with the world as she did, opening his mouth and talking too much.

Heh, heh, have you never heard the saying, "Hell hath no fury ..."?:D

In my opinion (I know nobody will agree with me), Michael never met a woman who could love him with truth and the way he needed. Do not simply love, it takes a lot more that is Michael Jackson. So, Michael could never find a woman who could love him with truth, to engage him with all his strength and whole without any fear of living that love with Michael, a sincere and unconditional love and give it much, much, much more than love.

So, Michael was never able to truly live a love story. He never knew what is really being loved by someone. He searched a lot for that true love to live a beautiful love story and be completely happy in all areas of your life, but never found.

Don't hurt me for not agreeing with you!:cheeky: But really, it seems like those around him were pretty threatened by somethin'!
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i just want michael alive~
hope he could find ture love in his next life, could live free, love free,not so complicated~
I wish MJ could have found someone who he could love and vice versa. Someone he could trust.. IDk if he ever found that though? yeah he loved lmp *cringe* (sorry no offense that women was harsh towards MJ* but i wish that MJ found someone who he could share his love with romantically. (im talking after lmp and deb.)
I don't know how true Magic and the Madness is but I believe I read somewhere in there that Michael said that if he were to meet someone to marry, that he wouldn't continue working or entertaining. He would spend his time with her. So... that could also fall into these theories in whatever way..... as being a threat?

Bingo! Things were going to be different in his life with "her. I guess Michael must have shown them in his preparation for their future or maybe even vocalized it not realizing the harm that would cost them both.

The dark forces in his own camp were Threatened by this upcoming change.
Something I thought of very late lastnight but forgot to mention it here earlier today:

If all this is true about there really being a "her" in his life and him wanting to Marry and finally be fullfilled and completely happy, wouldn't Michael have UPDATED his Will AND wouldn't it include her in some capacity? Wouldn't there be some legal documentation
with her name identifying this relationship?

Someone posted on this forum somewhere( cant remember which thread), that MJ either updated his "will" during the trial cause he felt people were trying to kill him or he "wanted to update his will", cause he knew people were trying to kill him.
Dont know how this person got a hold of that info but it was posted as if it were Fact and not opinion.

My point is: I do not believe the 2002 "Will" from Branca is the latest and most recent Michael Jackson Will. If our Michael was headed down the aisle of holy matrimoney, he would have at least been in the beginnging stages of making changes to include "her" in his will.
In 2002 Michael was singing of lonliness, there were no clues she had come back to him, but after the Trial we learned from him in a statement that she was there when he needed her the most. She would not be in the Trust, cause according to his own clues, she had not returned to him in 2002. In that year, he was releasing songs about longing for someone who was at a distance.

This is just another reason why I am very suspicious of the Executors and their Fake Will.
Something I thought of very late lastnight but forgot to mention it here earlier today:

If all this is true about there really being a "her" in his life and him wanting to Marry and finally be fullfilled and completely happy, wouldn't Michael have UPDATED his Will AND wouldn't it include her in some capacity? Wouldn't there be some legal documentation
with her name identifying this relationship?

Someone posted on this forum somewhere( cant remember which thread), that MJ either updated his "will" during the trial cause he felt people were trying to kill him or he "wanted to update his will", cause he knew people were trying to kill him.
Dont know how this person got a hold of that info but it was posted as if it were Fact and not opinion.

My point is: I do not believe the 2002 "Will" from Branca is the latest and most recent Michael Jackson Will. If our Michael was headed down the aisle of holy matrimoney, he would have at least been in the beginnging stages of making changes to include "her" in his will.
In 2002 Michael was singing of lonliness, there were no clues she had come back to him, but after the Trial we learned from him in a statement that she was there when he needed her the most. She would not be in the Trust, cause according to his own clues, she had not returned to him in 2002. In that year, he was releasing songs about longing for someone who was at a distance.

This is just another reason why I am very suspicious of the Executors and their Fake Will.

You do bring up a good point. Maybe there is a more updated Will and maybe MJ put "her" on it? But maybe the executors didn't want to put out the new will because she was in the will. hmmmmm
Ha! Ha! Cute ashtanga!;D Trying to live in the past? Nah! I could really do without ever going back there again! But then again, they say those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it. No, really, it was not so much about MJ's past wives as it was about me trying to figure out why the people around him were sooooo threatened by his new relationship when they were never that threatened before. Just curious as to what made the big difference this time around.

Heh, heh, have you never heard the saying, "Hell hath no fury ..."?:D

Don't hurt me for not agreeing with you!:cheeky: But really, it seems like those around him were pretty threatened by somethin'!
:smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes: :fortuneteller::fortuneteller::fortuneteller:

Hmmmmmmmmmm :scratch:(Ashtanga thinking, thinking, thinking...)


Do not worry that I will not hurt you for not agreeing with me...

Ok. But I'll keep my silence on this subject. I'd rather not say anything about it. :cheeky:
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i have to say people the secret witness was never told in the news..i never heard it before.also i think if she was in his will the kids wouldnt be with katharine. whatever it is the lady would know his will.dont want to say much but i dont believe in the secret witness story.i havent read anything about her and what i know law doesnt care for if anyone is in danger or not.they document all. it is and was always like this.if there is a witness they document it. i think it is a story a lady fabricated in the internet and other places.and it was not their 25th anniversary.i heard sooo many stories and all. tons of ladies telling about their secret relationship. michael was in love but platonic.i think he got a telepathic relationship with this lady.he saw her and knew and followed her and saw many things in common.couldnt reach at her cause he didnt want to put her in the spotlight.he knew she wanted her free life cause he was the same. there were probably other things too which kept them apart.
sooner or later one day we will learn about it. until this moment we can only assume.
moddie still waiting for your interesting dreams. hugggs to all
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The media during trial said she is very petite but she is not black, she is a oriental mix....mj likes to look like her, dress like her, is like a twin, soul mates. Unfortunately due to the death threats during trial she was unable to be present as the defense key surprise witness. The killers were trying to murder both of them, kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak. She has been under a protection order so we need to be respectful and sensitive. I would think fans will meet her at these set of trials....what a horrible way to meet. They(enemies) all knew they were finally getting married and that was threatening to the enemies, killers, drug dealers as they knew they would be fired and charged, imprisoned. Thriller 25 was their 25 anniversary. It so sad and tragic. I noticed some of the new clips show bride zombies. And also castaway 2 changed to mj stressing she is Not out of my life.
About Matt he isn't a friend, he just wants to appear that he is in the know but not. As for dr. Etok not friends either but she sure has quite the fantasies and lies. She is doing what the others are, covering up and diverting from being charged as drug dealers. There were no baby making plans not with her. There were hopes, plans for MJ and his queen to adopt children in tokyo from that place he checked out while he was there.
Just out of curiosity did you notice when MJ was first promoted for Japan trip it was out of a japan sports magazine instead of music mag, interesting huh?!

Well that's a new one.....:wtf:

I dont get the impression, his handlers were at all Threatened by LMP or Debbie, If they were, the marriages never would have happened.

The very fact that it seems they were not threatened should speak volumes as to the true nature of both of these marriages.

In other words, could it be saying these marraiges though Legal and Binding were just a farce? Designed for other purposes other than true love brought together and blessed by God?

I agree with this, imo it seemed more of business arrangements.

That's all I have to say about that one. lol

But then again, they say those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it.

This is so true.

No, really, it was not so much about MJ's past wives as it was about me trying to figure out why the people around him were sooooo threatened by his new relationship when they were never that threatened before. Just curious as to what made the big difference this time around.

But really, it seems like those around him were pretty threatened by somethin'!

Maybe he made it known it was for real this time around? She would have his back and some people felt they were going to lose their control and ability to manipulate MJ because she wasn't going to allow it to happen. I dunno.....

If all this is true about there really being a "her" in his life and him wanting to Marry and finally be fullfilled and completely happy, wouldn't Michael have UPDATED his Will AND wouldn't it include her in some capacity? Wouldn't there be some legal documentation with her name identifying this relationship?

Someone posted on this forum somewhere( cant remember which thread), that MJ either updated his "will" during the trial cause he felt people were trying to kill him or he "wanted to update his will", cause he knew people were trying to kill him.
Dont know how this person got a hold of that info but it was posted as if it were Fact and not opinion.

My point is: I do not believe the 2002 "Will" from Branca is the latest and most recent Michael Jackson Will. If our Michael was headed down the aisle of holy matrimoney, he would have at least been in the beginnging stages of making changes to include "her" in his will.
In 2002 Michael was singing of lonliness, there were no clues she had come back to him, but after the Trial we learned from him in a statement that she was there when he needed her the most. She would not be in the Trust, cause according to his own clues, she had not returned to him in 2002. In that year, he was releasing songs about longing for someone who was at a distance.

This is just another reason why I am very suspicious of the Executors and their Fake Will.

It could be because this is not a person from his past (prior to 2002) but someone that came into his life more recently, like in these past several years. Maybe during the trial? or soon thereafter? I dunno, but I have always felt and have stated that he had a noticeable energy change happen these past few years. Possibly a relationship that he was in the transition of making work so does someone make legal amendments (e.g. to a will) without the legality of marriage or a binding commitment of some kind? I don't know that I would, but that's jmo. If we never find out who she is, that's ok with me, her privacy is hers and obviously he felt the same if she really does exist. He respected her, and she him, and for that reason alone I don't believe she will ever share the love she felt for him with the world. It's THEIR special memories and sacred bond that lives eternally in THEIR hearts and is not meant for others to see.

It could be because this is not a person from his past (prior to 2002) but someone that came into his life more recently, like in these past several years. Maybe during the trial? or soon thereafter? I dunno, but I have always felt and have stated that he had a noticeable energy change happen these past few years. Possibly a relationship that he was in the transition of making work so does someone make legal amendments (e.g. to a will) without the legality of marriage or a binding commitment of some kind? I don't know that I would, but that's jmo. If we never find out who she is, that's ok with me, her privacy is hers and obviously he felt the same if she really does exist. He respected her, and she him, and for that reason alone I don't believe she will ever share the love she felt for him with the world. It's THEIR special memories and sacred bond that lives eternally in THEIR hearts and is not meant for others to see.[/QUOTE]

But I wanna see it, I wanna see it, mommy please! ( Kicking and Screaming), lol.
Something I thought of very late lastnight but forgot to mention it here earlier today:

If all this is true about there really being a "her" in his life and him wanting to Marry and finally be fullfilled and completely happy, wouldn't Michael have UPDATED his Will AND wouldn't it include her in some capacity? Wouldn't there be some legal documentation
with her name identifying this relationship?

Someone posted on this forum somewhere( cant remember which thread), that MJ either updated his "will" during the trial cause he felt people were trying to kill him or he "wanted to update his will", cause he knew people were trying to kill him.
Dont know how this person got a hold of that info but it was posted as if it were Fact and not opinion.

My point is: I do not believe the 2002 "Will" from Branca is the latest and most recent Michael Jackson Will. If our Michael was headed down the aisle of holy matrimoney, he would have at least been in the beginnging stages of making changes to include "her" in his will.
In 2002 Michael was singing of lonliness, there were no clues she had come back to him, but after the Trial we learned from him in a statement that she was there when he needed her the most. She would not be in the Trust, cause according to his own clues, she had not returned to him in 2002. In that year, he was releasing songs about longing for someone who was at a distance.

This is just another reason why I am very suspicious of the Executors and their Fake Will.

Don't know how true this is (since so much of the article is complete CRAP written by Ian Halperin..)...but if it is, MJ was apparently writing a new will in London 2009. :scratch:

"I’ve been told his behaviour became increasingly erratic during his trip to London. He took prescription drugs and sat up all night writing. One aide insists it was another will which, if legally sound, would supersede the July 2002 document released last week. The aide said: ‘That night he stayed awake writing. I asked Michael, “What are you doing?” He answered: “I’m writing my will.” While the will might not have been legally finalised, it exists somewhere.’
Something I thought of very late lastnight but forgot to mention it here earlier today:

If all this is true about there really being a "her" in his life and him wanting to Marry and finally be fullfilled and completely happy, wouldn't Michael have UPDATED his Will AND wouldn't it include her in some capacity? Wouldn't there be some legal documentation
with her name identifying this relationship?

Someone posted on this forum somewhere( cant remember which thread), that MJ either updated his "will" during the trial cause he felt people were trying to kill him or he "wanted to update his will", cause he knew people were trying to kill him.
Dont know how this person got a hold of that info but it was posted as if it were Fact and not opinion.

My point is: I do not believe the 2002 "Will" from Branca is the latest and most recent Michael Jackson Will. If our Michael was headed down the aisle of holy matrimoney, he would have at least been in the beginnging stages of making changes to include "her" in his will.
In 2002 Michael was singing of lonliness, there were no clues she had come back to him, but after the Trial we learned from him in a statement that she was there when he needed her the most. She would not be in the Trust, cause according to his own clues, she had not returned to him in 2002. In that year, he was releasing songs about longing for someone who was at a distance.

This is just another reason why I am very suspicious of the Executors and their Fake Will.

Maybe she never cared about any of that stuff (money, fame, fortune, a will, things etc.)...maybe all she ever cared about is Mr.Jackson the "human being" ...

:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Maybe she never cared about any of that stuff (money, fame, fortune, a will, things etc.)...maybe all she ever cared about is Mr.Jackson the "human being" ...

:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~

Don't know how true this is (since so much of the article is complete CRAP written by Ian Halperin..)...but if it is, MJ was apparently writing a new will in London 2009. :scratch:

"I’ve been told his behaviour became increasingly erratic during his trip to London. He took prescription drugs and sat up all night writing. One aide insists it was another will which, if legally sound, would supersede the July 2002 document released last week. The aide said: ‘That night he stayed awake writing. I asked Michael, “What are you doing?” He answered: “I’m writing my will.” While the will might not have been legally finalised, it exists somewhere.’

Very Interesting Summer, very Interesting indeed. I had not seen this before.

If this is true, this angle should be investigated.
Maybe she never cared about any of that stuff (money, fame, fortune, a will, things etc.)...maybe all she ever cared about is Mr.Jackson the "human being" ...

I sure hope so :D

Its a nice thought to think that he had someone like that in his life. Someone who loved him for who he was on the inside, and not for the $$$$ or anything else that was in his life that wasnt really meaningful.

I truly belive that was all he ever wanted, someone to love and someone to love back with no questions asked. isnt that what we all want in life?
I sure hope so :D

Its a nice thought to think that he had someone like that in his life. Someone who loved him for who he was on the inside, and not for the $$$$ or anything else that was in his life that wasnt really meaningful.

I truly belive that was all he ever wanted, someone to love and someone to love back with no questions asked. isnt that what we all want in life?

I have a vision so different about it. :yes: For me, being Michael Jackson or any other celebrity has always been and always will be difficult to find real people and reliable, but not impossible. This is the bad side, because you never know if people are with you for who you really are or the money and fame you have. There are false and that people wear masks to hide their real identity. They cheat and lie with great skill that is often hard to see that there is a lie, then that leaves the blind person and can not see the real identity of that person. It's like hypnosis, you believe blindly in person. :yes:

I'm sure it was something that Michael learned early in life: "never trust people." Well, you can trust, but always suspicious. Never rely 100% on a person and is always wide-eyed. The world is full of bad people and they do evil to each other, but I believe that humans are kind and special lost out there and these are rarities in the world. Who found this rarity, will be a very lucky person. :yes::)