Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

my goodness!! I felt depressed yesterday and this is defintly not making it any better!

How can people do something like that to others? Thats really wierd and cruel..

I'm sorry for those of you who where "targeted", and I'm really proud of the MJJC team for how they handled this situation.

For some reason, I was'nt targeted.. wierd.. I think I seem like a good target? whatever.. I would never be able to understand the logic of these people..
LOL and I thought I was a bad target! I am skeptical about lots of things now. Then again I guess I mostly keep that skepticism to myself to sort of observe and try to make decisions based on my overall observations and experiences instead of rash ones.
LOL and I thought I was a bad target! I am skeptical about lots of things now. Then again I guess I mostly keep that skepticism to myself to sort of observe and try to make decisions based on my overall observations and experiences instead of rash ones.

hey Ape my friend :better:
I'm so sorry that she went for you.. I can't understand why she chose you among all of us tbh..

I KNOW that you are very sceptical about stuff like this..

@friend: I don't think that this person has a cooporative, or at least is the person not posting very often inhere.. I've been in this thread for long, and I know that most of the people here are only ordinary fans and dreamers :yes:
I've been almost camping in this thread for trhe last half year and I've seen no trace whatsoever of someone who's acting like they know him.
Well theres ofcourse allformj who is saying that she met him before a concert manymanymany years ago, but thats it. I don't think we should start to doubt eachother because of this. We know that this person have been caught, and this will do as an eye opener for the future, if someone tries with this agian!

But I still believe that he's lurking the forums.. Michael Jackson I meen..
Why would'nt he.. I must be interesting for him? And nice to read all the compliments and love for him. Fans are givers. They don't require anything back. Only a little music and good behavior..
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oh my thats scary..ape i hope no harm is done? huggggs... i would really like to know which member it was and for what purpose they did this? too much time on their hands?

anyway huggs to all fans in here.
ape hugs to u girl and be strong i been in ur shoes 11 times in total from 2001 to 2005 when i met the last fake mj and i know how scary my first encounter was with the fakie. HANG IN THERE. :)

all fans if they dont give out info about themselves to anyone on the INTERNET THEY ARE SAFE, always remember just as u dont know them they dont know u either so just be carefull what info u share with them.
:) Thank you guys. Well as far as I know no harm has been done but who knows. My msn account was hacked into it seems. twice. The password was changed.. there is lots of information about myself in there. MJ ticket info too if they were interested in that.. just lots. Any emails about my business. Personal emails from friends and family and loved ones. From fan friends...busines transactions.. just really everything. I should go look to find out if there is anything they could cause trouble with I suppose. Maybe I'll have to cancel my MJ tickets or something and get other ones.. I really don't know. Maybe I am still being too naive about it.
:) Thank you guys. Well as far as I know no harm has been done but who knows. My msn account was hacked into it seems. twice. The password was changed.. there is lots of information about myself in there. MJ ticket info too if they were interested in that.. just lots. Any emails about my business. Personal emails from friends and family and loved ones. From fan friends...busines transactions.. just really everything. I should go look to find out if there is anything they could cause trouble with I suppose. Maybe I'll have to cancel my MJ tickets or something and get other ones.. I really don't know. Maybe I am still being too naive about it.

I think what you can do is to go to the hotmail website and request your password to be sent to you. When you first created the e-mail I'm shure they asked for a secondary e-mail adress, and the password will be sent to that one.
I don't have a secondary email account, but I was able to change it again for myself. Just I don't know what info they got or how it could be used or if it could be harmful. I don't think I had visa info or anything in there.. but I had MJ ticket info. That's why I wonder if I should cancel them and get different tickets. They are cheaper now anyways.
I don't think anyone can say they were a good or bad target and I don't fully understand the method of targeting the people choosen maybe they were lax and taking on different types of individuals. I do know staff was also targeted so it wasn't totally about any one personality type.

Ape you should change all your passwords and ensure there was no harmful stuff they got access too. I don't know if changing tickets is an option money wise but I would be careful attending the concerts maybe going with a group or with someone is an option but just be safe and aware of what's around you.
Thanks Gaz and Staff for keeping us informed.

That's pretty brazen going after members as well as staff. Be careful everyone, especially online.
LOL and I thought I was a bad target! I am skeptical about lots of things now. Then again I guess I mostly keep that skepticism to myself to sort of observe and try to make decisions based on my overall observations and experiences instead of rash ones.
I read your detailed post on the main forum in the thread that Gaz created to alert the MJJC members. It was very brave of you to go ahead and tell everyone just how this person went about pulling their stunt.

Chin up...

It's not your fault that some people are A-holes and want to go around pretending like they are someone that they are not.

Hope everything works out for you and that things go well in protecting your personal accounts.

I think this is the absolute worst thing I have ever heard...targeting some in this thread like this. OMG. To who this was affected by, I am glad that we found out who did this.
^ love that! thanks for posting!! no time for posting but did want to check in and say that all I can say is wow to all the drama - and the nerve of someone targeting this thread ... or as my grandmother would have said, 'what's the wuuuurld coming to?" Everybody, do keep the faith. Love is the answer. Always will be.
I am not really sure how people in this thread were targeted when I seem to be the only one who talked with them from here..lol. So much behind the scenes stuff we probably never see I guess.
A suggestion perhaps...maybe we could take the original idea of this thread and begin a new one - without so much of the personal touches that have embelished in this one. Really focus on the lyrics and poetry :yes:

Kinda Stepping out of the dark and back to focusing on the topic?
:lol: Moddie..haha don't know why but that made me laugh. To answer your question... you don't wanna know.
I feel so sorry for the people that were targeted by this people :no:
But I am also very glad it was discovered, and nobody should feel embarassed for getting involved in this. I think both Ape and Maria have been very brave in telling us about it, and I hope you know that it will help others from falling into a trap.
As you said in another thread Ape, its too bad that people that give others the benefit of doubt are getting abused. Makes the world a colder place in the end. Still; this forum also shows that people stand up for one another, and are helping and caring.
So that is the positive aspect in this: people do care!
:) Very true coolcat. It still doesn't really make sense to me why they did it, but I suppose they were making money by it somehow. Who knows, maybe they were on the verge or starting a franchise and Gary and the gang stopped it ;) . But really, you are right. There is much more good in the world than bad, and we just have to help each other out at times and try to keep our eyes opened.

It makes me angry because it reminds me of all the other things out there like right now Raymone, who is basically doing something similar to MJ right now. Maybe not so similar on the surface, but it's still someone trying to take anothers hard earned money that they haven't earned themselves in a respectable, honest fashion. The cons might say they had to work for it, but it wan't theirs. A bank robber has to work for his money too, doesn't mean it's a good honest living.
It's not about judging the thread its self. It's about the safety of our community.

The individual lurked in this thread frequently and we have additional information that leads us to believe she was targeting this thread.

Imagine a list of userids belonging to the offender that only had Ape's name crossed off and you all know we were each to be NEXT.
So I'm just curious....it's as if I'm picturing a list being found with all our names on it, belonging to the offender, with so far only Ape's name crossed off, and you all know we were each to be NEXT!

I'm just wondering if this thread is perhaps being judged too harshly or if there really is some basis here.

You are quite right with your assessment about the whole list thing. The accused lurked in this thread and we have every reason to believe (due to evidence collected) that others besides Ape were going to be targeted by this person from this thread.

The only person that judged this thread is the accused who had very intention on reaching out to members of this thread and on the forum as a whole.
This thread, as I was mentioning to another earlier, is apparently the most mocked thread on MJJC.

Other than that, why is it being decided that something about this thread makes it an ideal place or is excellent bait for those that prey? Or, more particularly, makes the contributors here "easy targets?"

With the exception of Ape, who kept her head on her shoulders the entire time, who else who posts here often, was affected? Not AllforMJ, not STATEofSHOCK, not Moddie, not MysteriousPhoenix, not Safira, not Sdeidjs, not Linda, and not me...to name a few...or to name a lot. Most of these here listed are women over forty (not Safira, though) and to me, come off very skeptical and weighing...similiar to Ape.

So I'm just curious....it's as if I'm picturing a list being found with all our names on it, belonging to the offender, with so far only Ape's name crossed off, and you all know we were each to be NEXT!

I'm just wondering if this thread is perhaps being judged too harshly or if there really is some basis here.
You are painting me in too kind of a light here. I may try to keep my head on my shoulders but it often ends up in the clouds as well. (Guess I must have an awfully long neck ;) )I won't punish myself for that though. Perhaps they thought I would be easier to fool and quicker to believe because I do enjoy dreaming and creating and imagining. I also enjoy theater and acting, but only when it is meant to be entertainment. I like reality as much as dreams, maybe more. This is just a nice place to let my imagination soar. I still feel it is, regardless of some people's opinion on it or the potential for unscrupulous people to see targets in us.

Quite honestly, I am glad that it happened to me as opposed to someone who might be more hurt by this, or less skeptical. I hope I was able to help somehow.

I never taped the audio conversations to share how she sounded, but my msn still kept record of the hotmail conversation I had with Michaholic. Skype seems to have kept record of those conversations though they mostly wanted to keep to talking rather than typing (except when they said they were crying.....) So if Gary wants those, I can gladly hand them over.

Me making someone cry?

Anyways, onward and upward. Time for some MJ tunes and a celebration of his upcoming concerts!!! This is a time to be happy and excited!

We have so much more to look forward to. :) :clapping:

EDIT: Though this really does make me wonder how I come across..lol. How I am perceived by others online at least.
Ape please send whatever you can to Gary. That will help him a great deal! :)
Anyways, onward and upward. Time for some MJ tunes and a celebration of his upcoming concerts!!! This is a time to be happy and excited!

We have so much more to look forward to. :) :clapping:

Hey, the big moment is coming. :wild: Let us forget the sad things. The days are passing very fast. :yes: We should be happy so much positive energy and send to Michael at this time. :yes: Its great is coming, and will return to the history of music. :clapping: And now we should all return our attention to this and let the bad things behind. :D