Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Here is a "great" love song that will get the wheels spin'in

Yeah! Babe~~~



Janet Jackson :yes: she's beautifull like her brother :give_heart:
I did'nt like this song that much though.

My fav. Janet Jackson song is without doubt this one

I like how the sound is very "world". The choir sounds ethnical, but it could both be african and indian or both together? Theres also some chineese to that "yeaaah" choir..
And theres also an intrument that sounds a little arabic?
And then I like the "oooooooh" in the background at 1:30 :)
Sounds very MJ'ish.

And the video is also nice :flowers:
Janet Jackson :yes: she's beautifull like her brother :give_heart:
I did'nt like this song that much though.

My fav. Janet Jackson song is without doubt this one

I like how the sound is very "world". The choir sounds ethnical, but it could both be african and indian or both together? Theres also some chineese to that "yeaaah" choir..
And theres also an intrument that sounds a little arabic?
And then I like the "oooooooh" in the background at 1:30 :)
Sounds very MJ'ish.

And the video is also nice :flowers:

I have to "totally agree" with you on this one...Love It...Love It...Love It~~~:punk:

:angel: Giggles~~~
OK, I just watched/listened to this and it really is beautiful, especially all the images that went along with it. I will admit, before SOS's post, I only clicked on it, heard which song it was and read the description. Then thught that was all. (I was being busy) but it's really a beautiful job that Ramss70 did, Is that person a member here? It all goes so nicely together. Thanks for drawing attention to it again SOS and thank you Mimik for posting it :)
Yes, it is very nice isn't it - I especially love the harmony with that accompanying voice which is so beautiful in and of itself ... love how it shows up so randomly to join the other voice ... its a nice rendition indeed :yes: of an old classic spirtual
*sits in a corner eating popcorn*

I'm wondering how the "the curls are back" thread have suddenly become more active than the "michaels manhood" thread.. :ermm:



I think Michael could make world peace with his curls..
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*sits in a corner eating popcorn*

I'm wondering how the "the curls are back" thread have suddenly become more active than the "michaels manhood" thread.. :ermm:

Im wondering that too!
*sits in a corner eating popcorn*

I'm wondering how the "the curls are back" thread have suddenly become more active than the "michaels manhood" thread.. :ermm:



I think Michael could make world peace with his curls..
Thanks for the video!!!!!!!

Awwwwwwwwwww curls the most famous of the planet! I thought that was so warm around them. lol! They are irresistible. But for me it does not matter, anyway Michael is always beautiful. :wub:​
Thanks for the video!!!!!!!

Awwwwwwwwwww curls the most famous of the planet! I thought that was so warm around them. lol! They are irresistible. But for me it does not matter, anyway Michael is always beautiful. :wub:​

shure he is :yes:
but I think that he's charisma beats both the goldpants and the curls, at ANY time.. :smilerolleyes:
shure he is :yes:
but I think that he's charisma beats both the goldpants and the curls, at ANY time.. :smilerolleyes:
Oh God: gold pants, curls, charisma... it leads to madness with the heart of any girl with the most innocent thoughts! lol! :wild::wild::wild::wub::wub::wub:

(Sorry, the comment Michael! Was more than I do... lol!)
I feel like a stubbern person to still be in this thread when everyone else has left!

where are you? COME BACK!

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

:giggle: Ok now I'm bored..

How about this..

Don't they just look wonderfull in those red.. things?
I feel like a stubbern person to still be in this thread when everyone else has left!

where are you? COME BACK!

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

:giggle: Ok now I'm bored..

How about this..

Don't they just look wonderfull in those red.. things?

I hear you Safira, there was/is such interesting conments, thoughts being written...

:lol: that was funny (you and MJ both). He couldn't help himself could he? Gotta outshine and can't stop moving.
I hear you Safira, there was/is such interesting conments, thoughts being written...


Exactly :) We can't let that end.

:lol: that was funny (you and MJ both). He couldn't help himself could he? Gotta outshine and can't stop moving.

yea :lol: I think they are all very funny in this little skit.
Also the one next to Michael. He's going crazy:giggle:
(sorry I can't remember the names of his brothers)
(I don't know either) but look at them all at the very end when they were supposed to compose themselves how MJ just gotta put a bit more grove in there. HAHA cute.
(I don't know either) but look at them all at the very end when they were supposed to compose themselves how MJ just gotta put a bit more grove in there. HAHA cute.

yea cute..
and funny!

I have a question..
What is the purpose in "fanship"? Why does some people develope this relation to a person?
Can it be traced back to the need for a "leader" in the pack?
No I don't think so.. theres something different about it.
Psycological - do we idolize because of the same reason that we need to believe in a "god"? Because we need to have someone better than us?
Maybe we idolize a person that we feel is somehow similar to ourselves, and then aim for that "star"?

Interesting topic. What is your thoughts?
Sorry I'm in a "questioning" mood today.. a little depressed maybe.. :scratch:

If that women in "Human Nature" could make a response to that song would it be this?

So crazy am I!
Crazy bout' you!
How crazy are you?
Are you crazy bout' me?

cute little song..
very nice on an artistic plan too..
the word crazy on every line, the two first lines are anouncements while the last two are questions. Also the last words in every sentence is I, you, you, me.
Very clever.
And yet - people would not notice this....
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Gary had to post this here because it came to our attention that the perpetrator targeted women in this thread. :(
Like I said in the other thread please be very careful. If something seems too good to be true or a lil off then it could very well be. Stay safe and use common sense when dealing with individuals in today's technology. If you need anything just let Gary or any of staff know.
My Goodness Gracious...

I hope no one got seriously hurt...its quite sad how people that are so self absorbed, and so self indulged that they try to manipulate people claiming they are something or someone they are not...

This will NOT be the first and certainly will NOT be the last...this type of activity has been going on for decades..!

Be safe Ladies & Gents...Be Safe...

Thanks for lookin out for us, Gary and Momma...and Allison...I'd like to know who it was....cause I had my doubts about some here as well...
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This is very disappointing to hear, and alarming to me that some of our gals in this thread were targeted! I never was, I'm relieved to say, but my heart goes out to any that were, and became or are confused and unsettled by this. So sad and disillusioning.

If anyone wants some comfort in anyway that perhaps I can give, please PM me...I do wish I could help in some way.

What I would like to say right now is for no one to feel like a "fool," for wanting to trust others, in order to not offend, and for believing someone that has lied with the intention of duping you. They are the ones that are totally in the wrong for preying on you. You have done nothing to feel badly about, for how could you have known? So let that thought go. No deriding yourself!

But now, as has been suggested by our staff....let's all be on the alert and realize that Michael Jackson, probably for this very reason of many being susceptible of being duped, would not contact anyone like this online. He would go about things differently...so trust no one who claims they are him via PM or IMing, I should think!

Hugs to all. Again, so sorry this had to occur here, especially during such a special and exciting time for MJ fans.


Wonderful post! Thank you for offering your support to our members. This is why MJJCommunity rocks! No matter what, we are there for one another!!


Don't lose heart guys! Stay romantic and full of love & hope! :yes:
Omg i cant belive that "mj faker" has harrased some of you girls on this thread!

I hope u girls who were harrased by this person are safe and okay
BIG HUGS! :hug:
now i'm wondering about some of the comments been made in here from some who say they think Michael reads this thread, and why they thought that. maybe someone was planting seeds. idk. gotta be careful about people acting like they are familiar with him who might be communicating to those who participate here that he's watching this thread. i'm assuming thats how this fraud occurred.
Just need to be careful and if anything is out of the ordinary report it and steer clear. Gotta protect each other and stay a close community. Doesn't mean we chase off people or attack them but just ensure nothing hinky is going on and that we don't fall for anything that isn't real. There are people out there that are truely dangerous and we need to be viligant of that.
agree. i mean this thread is perfect bait. i won't set up scenario, but i can imagine how easy it would be.
Please, you guys...never give out personal bank or credit card information to anyone you don't know...especially on the Internet.....
Please, you guys...never give out personal bank or credit card information to anyone you don't know...especially on the Internet.....

Oh, dear! I hope you did not DO that? If you did, or anyone here, please inform your credit card company and bank asap.

I do believe that girls/women in this thread were particularly targeted. The hoax was very convincing, and if you are one of those taken in, please know that it was NOT your fault. I am so sorry for any emotional distress you may be feeling now. Please feel free to PM me and/or post in the Support Forum.

We need to take care of one-another in this community, ok?
I spoke to them for about a week I guess. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about it. Someone told me they knew Michael personally and asked if I'd like to talk to them on skype. I was skeptical but tried to keep an open mind about it to be honest. It felt fishy.. but I thought I'd be able to figure it out by myself. I never thought to come to mjjc or anything because I'm strong enough to handle either outcome, it wasn't all that important to me that it was really him. So I thought that if it were him, I'd want to protect him if I could. I didn't think that if it weren't him, that it would be harming Michael Jackson by not telling someone.

I am probably one of the ones in this thread that said I could see MJ coming in here to read or chat, because I could see that possibility. But what can I say, I'm a dreamer. I also like to give people the benefit of the doubt for the most part. But when something odd comes up, I like to get peoples opinions on it whom I admire or feel I can trust on some level.
Anyways, thought I would let you all know from the point of view of someone who had talked with the person.