Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

how about this: god is in us all. god is our spirits united. god is spirit. the nature is god. everything living is god. the spirit in everything living is the force that can do everything!
thats basicly how my "religion" tells.. though I don't like to speak about religion here as it might leave some people outside.. :)
This is an absolute favorite composition video of mine and I thought since this thread has to do with Mr.Jackson and his sweetheart (if in fact he has found "the one") fits perfectly into this this subject...



:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~
how about this: god is in us all. god is our spirits united. god is spirit. the nature is god. everything living is god. the spirit in everything living is the force that can do everything!
thats basicly how my "religion" tells.. though I don't like to speak about religion here as it might leave some people outside.. :)
I love that :) and also how 'polite' you are about others' and their religions. When people see the distinction between religion and spirituality they can relax I feel hope and believe, and just come together in spirit like we do in here :).

I like what you said also, because its true. Even the bible says, "God is through all and in all" ... yes I agree, God is the breath of life for everything living and the energy of everything else as well. I love what you said. :) I also love your accent too :D just love it! Linda's right, you and Ashtanga are so cute!! :yes:
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yes thats just perfect that you do it so fast.. :angry:
i just copy/paste from their embed code on the site. it never works o_0
oh and I know that it's not like totally his issue with the theme in this song, but yet theres something in it that makes me think of Michael..

Reflection // Christina Aguilera
Look at me you may think you see
Who I really am but you'll never know me
Every day it's as if I play a part
Now I see if I wear a mask
I can fool the world but I cannot fool my heart

Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?

I am now in a world where I
Have to hide my heart and what I believe in
But somehow I will show the world
What's inside my heart and be loved for who I am

Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?

Must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?

There's a heart that must be free to fly
That burns with a need to know the reason why

Why must we all conceal what we think and how we feel?
Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide?
I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time
When will my reflection show who I am inside?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?

I love that song :wub:
It really does not matter what religion or beliefs each and everyone of us practice...

In the end...There is truly only "ONE" ... "God"..!

:angel:Keep Helping To Heal The World~~~
This is an absolute favorite composition video of mine and I thought since this thread has to do with Mr.Jackson and his sweetheart (if in fact he has found "the one") fits perfectly into this this subject...



:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~

This song is beautiful! I would love to be Michael sing live.​

And a little poem I wrote:​

Be in your face to show the right way...
Be by your side, to embrace and protect you...
Is behind you, to save you people from false...
Is under you, to sustain you when you fall and take the traps...
Is inside you, to console you when you're sad...
Is around you, for you defend other when you attack...
Is about you always bless you...
That life always has a smile and that suit despite the difficulties you find strength to change... " :)
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This song is beautiful! I would love to be Michael sing live.​

And a little poem I wrote:​

Be in your face to show the right way...
Be by your side, to embrace and protect you...
Is behind you, to save you people from false...
Is under you, to sustain you when you fall and take the traps...
Is inside you, to console you when you're sad...
Is around you, for you defend other when you attack...
Is about you always bless you...
That life always has a smile and that suit despite the difficulties you find strength to change... " :)

Impressive Poem...

:angel:I too would like that...stunning...
^ I liked that poem too Ashtanga! Thanks for posting.

I also liked this ..

The Power of Prayer can and will create miracles...
All we have to do is truly believe in all the beauty that God creates..!

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~

So many of your words as well as those words of so many others who contribute to the 'spirit' of this thread, say things I find encouraging in life in general. Love the constant flow of positivity! I guess that's the nicest thing about this thread. Not only is it about an unknown (perhaps even unknowable afterall, who 'knows' ?) possible/potential/perhaps "love life" of "Mr. Melody" as we piece together songs' meanings, its also an upliftment for the spirit. You guyz seriously ROCK! :clapping:

Loved the video as well :flowers: very nice!
I love that :) and also how 'polite' you are about others' and their religions. When people see the distinction between religion and spirituality they can relax I feel hope and believe, and just come together in spirit like we do in here :).

I like what you said also, because its true. Even the bible says, "God is through all and in all" ... yes I agree, God is the breath of life for everything living and the energy of everything else as well. I love what you said. :) I also love your accent too :D just love it! Linda's right, you and Ashtanga are so cute!! :yes:

thanks for the kind words :)
my accent is really just because I'm lazy ^^ well ok then.. maybe I have some accent!
^ I liked that poem too Ashtanga! Thanks for posting.

I also liked this ..

So many of your words as well as those words of so many others who contribute to the 'spirit' of this thread, say things I find encouraging in life in general. Love the constant flow of positivity! I guess that's the nicest thing about this thread. Not only is it about an unknown (perhaps even unknowable afterall, who 'knows' ?) possible/potential/perhaps "love life" of "Mr. Melody" as we piece together songs' meanings, its also an upliftment for the spirit. You guyz seriously ROCK! :clapping:

Loved the video as well :flowers: very nice!

You never know what can happen, the "possibilty" of love is so exciting - u never know, love could be around the corner or right next you. It takes getting to know the one u love to make the potential of love work.
since there is a little bit of a spiritual convo going on:


text to it is in the "more info".

i know many of you know it already though. enjoy anyway. :)


really really touching! did Michael also write the text in the description?
it's really so diplomatic in a way.. I meen.. if everyone thought like this, then there would be much more peace in the world.
He is so right about this! :clapping::angel:
It's so wonderfull to know all of you who believes like this. :heart:
We are all Michaels little angels of love and peace :smilerolleyes::giggle:
I love MJ's analogy of sensing God's greatness when he looks at the night sky. I know exactly how he feels; there's something so grand about a night sky filled with stars and the moon - quite magical really. I also love that he sees God as someone who is able to be within; that shows how enlightened he is. A lot of people don't realize that He can be within us.

I notice he sometimes refers to God as a "she.":scratch:Hmmm ... guess that one really challenges my way of thinking about God. I guess one reason is because I see Him as my Father and fathers are usually male. I'll have to give that some more thought to try to see his point of view on that one. Thanks for sharing.:)
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I love MJ's analogy of sensing God's greatness when he looks at the night sky. I know exactly how he feels, there's something so grand about a night sky filled with stars and the moon - quite magical really. I also love that he sees God as someone who is within, that shows how enlightened he is. A lot of people don't realize that He can be within us.

I notice he sometimes refers to God as a "she.":scratch:Hmmm ... guess that one really challenges my way of thinking about God. I guess one reason is because I see Him as my Father and fathers are usually male. I'll have to give that some more thought to try to see his point of view on that one. Thanks for sharing.:)

oh it's fantastic that he refferes to god as "she".. I knew that he was open to these kind of thoughts, but this still just amazes me! Not many aknowledges that theres also a female aspect of god.
oh it's fantastic that he refferes to god as "she".. I knew that he was open to these kind of thoughts, but this still just amazes me! Not many aknowledges that theres also a female aspect of god.

Well, you know, I was thinking about it, and I know that God is a nurturer and a comforter and females are seen as the "nurturers" in society. He also has other qualities that can be seen as more "female" qualities. Maybe this is what he was referring to. Maybe he is sometimes sensing the more "nurturing" side of God. Hmmm ... Thanks Safira.:)
Well, you know, I was thinking about it, and I know that God is a nurturer and a comforter and females are seen as the "nurturers" in society. He also has other qualities that can be seen as more "female" qualities. Maybe this is what he was referring to. Maybe he is sometimes sensing the more "nurturing" side of God. Hmmm ... Thanks Safira.:)

God has a pretty funny sense of humor too...especially for us females. Yep. You get a cold? You get your period on top of feeling lousy. Bronchitis? Period. Stomach flu? Period. Yep, God is one "nurturing" funny fellow.

Hello God? Yes, this is me Linda. It aint funny. I aint laughin.
God has a pretty funny sense of humor too...especially for us females. Yep. You get a cold? You get your period on top of feeling lousy. Bronchitis? Period. Stomach flu? Period. Yep, God is one "nurturing" funny fellow.

Hello God? Yes, this is me Linda. It aint funny. I aint laughin.

Yea GOD.. why don't you just drop it now! we women have been suffering from your oh so funny "period" joke for too long now!
:lmao: Linda it's always you that takes the conversation to an extreme haha :wild:
God has a pretty funny sense of humor too...especially for us females. Yep. You get a cold? You get your period on top of feeling lousy. Bronchitis? Period. Stomach flu? Period. Yep, God is one "nurturing" funny fellow.

Hello God? Yes, this is me Linda. It aint funny. I aint laughin.

Awww, c'mon Linda, it ain't so bad. God gives you a break from your monthly "visitor" ... when you're preggars! Ha! Ha! That was so funny I forgot to laugh! God really has it in for us women don't He? Man, wait 'til I get to heaven, I'm gonna have a good long woman to woman talk with Eve about giving Adam that apple! All because of that, we have been CURSED!:lol:
Awww, c'mon Linda, it ain't so bad. God gives you a break from your monthly "visitor" ... when you're preggars! Ha! Ha! That was so funny I forgot to laugh! God really has it in for us women don't He? Man, wait 'til I get to heaven, I'm gonna have a good long woman to woman talk with Eve about giving Adam that apple! All because of that, we have been CURSED!:lol:

HEY.. he shouldnt blame US for that.. blame the bloody snake! :lol:
God has a pretty funny sense of humor too...especially for us females. Yep. You get a cold? You get your period on top of feeling lousy. Bronchitis? Period. Stomach flu? Period. Yep, God is one "nurturing" funny fellow.

Hello God? Yes, this is me Linda. It aint funny. I aint laughin.

I was gonna post a long arse thing about serious stuff :poetic:such as night skies, James Brown's achievements and song lyrics but yall went and gone off on a biology tangent :rofl:

Guess imma have to leave that1 for some other time. LOL