Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

I was gonna post a long arse thing about serious stuff :poetic:such as night skies, James Brown's achievements and song lyrics but yall went and gone off on a biology tangent :rofl:

Guess imma have to leave that1 for some other time. LOL
Aw that's too bad, I would have liked to hear it too :) I hope you return to share it soon.
I was gonna post a long arse thing about serious stuff :poetic:such as night skies, James Brown's achievements and song lyrics but yall went and gone off on a biology tangent :rofl:

Guess imma have to leave that1 for some other time. LOL

I hope you write it soon, because it sounds interesting :yes:
Ashtanga...just wanted to explain why they call your period the "curse". We call a "period" here in America that monthly cycle that all women go through. It just so happens that it seems like whenever something bad happens - like you getting a cold or sick with anything, that you end up getting your monthly cycle along with being sick.

We also call it the "curse" for the very same reason! And this is why we think God has a sense of humor....because God is probably chuckling watching some of us deal with sickness and the monthly cycle at the same time.

I hope I explained this better...
Ashtanga...just wanted to explain why they call your period the "curse". We call a "period" here in America that monthly cycle that all women go through. It just so happens that it seems like whenever something bad happens - like you getting a cold or sick with anything, that you end up getting your monthly cycle along with being sick.

We also call it the "curse" for the very same reason! And this is why we think God has a sense of humor....because God is probably chuckling watching some of us deal with sickness and the monthly cycle at the same time.

Thanks for explaing that linda. And lol i do think god loves to throw abit of sickness along with it!
And speaking of religion and god, I would like to show you this picture..

And the sign speaks the truth..
Thanks Ape and Safira (nice sign over there btw) for the encouragement. I hope you won’t regret it. :lol: Okey, so here goes nothing - my ultra long post, inspired by events of yesterday and today. Good luck to those patient enough to read it.

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ok shabuya - I'm going to try. But FIRST.. I need something to eat!.. :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
because you cant read - without something to eat!!!!
as I always say........ :ermm:
Will post answer in a couple of hours :lol:

edit: ok here we go..
Thanks Ape and Safira (nice sign over there btw) for the encouragement. I hope you won’t regret it. :lol: Okey, so here goes nothing - my ultra long post, inspired by events of yesterday and today. Good luck to those patient enough to read it.

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Hey, Shabuya, I saw some of that Prince performance on Jay Leno (and I really like Conan, too btw) and I couldn't make out all of the words, but when he started singing I thought the beginning lyrics were pretty interesting. So, do you think that it means that maybe Prince has been experiencing a "Someone in the Dark" too? That would be fascinating, wouldn't it? It would also be very nice for him since I think he has also had a pretty hard and lonely life like Michael has had. Happy Pentecost!
I thought Prince was married to a lady in Canada? Well I only heard it. It's not something I know. Interesting though. :) It was a very good post Shabuya. I really like that Destiny song too.
Hey, Shabuya, I saw some of that Prince performance on Jay Leno (and I really like Conan, too btw) and I couldn't make out all of the words, but when he started singing I thought the beginning lyrics were pretty interesting. So, do you think that it means that maybe Prince has been experiencing a "Someone in the Dark" too? That would be fascinating, wouldn't it? It would also be very nice for him since I think he has also had a pretty hard and lonely life like Michael has had. Happy Pentecost!

:eek: yea it sounds like someone in the dark! :yes:

I know theres a lot of MJ fans who also likes prince. He's never been my "cup of tea" though.. I meen.. good music.. nice looks.. but he doesent really catch me.
I love MJ's analogy of sensing God's greatness when he looks at the night sky. I know exactly how he feels; there's something so grand about a night sky filled with stars and the moon - quite magical really. I also love that he sees God as someone who is able to be within; that shows how enlightened he is. A lot of people don't realize that He can be within us.

I notice he sometimes refers to God as a "she.":scratch:Hmmm ... guess that one really challenges my way of thinking about God. I guess one reason is because I see Him as my Father and fathers are usually male. I'll have to give that some more thought to try to see his point of view on that one. Thanks for sharing.:)

When Michael refere's to God as "She" I believe He is revealing Two keys things about himself.
#1 He has no gender bias( may sound stupid to some but think about it for a sec..)He is telling us a female can be in a High Court in his world
#2 Through the years Michael has told us through poems,songs and interviews in his own words, how female's have played a very pivital role in his life throughout his life. When Michael has experienced love between he and a woman it is spiritual and Godly to him, even the love he has for his mother (for most men it is like this), Grandmother, Liz Taylor, how he described his love for Janet back in the day, Diana Ross and so on.
Women have been at the center of his world. And so is God.
Actually, I just looked it up and they have been now divorced since 2006 :( . I hate hearing about people splitting up or divorcing. She was just beautiful though, his wife.
Actually, it is my understanding that he is involved, both romantically and professionally with a singer, Bria Valente. Someone suggested on prince.org that they hold hands at the bar in the beginning of the performance posted. One of the three albums he's releasing this year is hers.

The song is from an older album of his called Planet Earth, which was distributed with the Mail on Sunday in the U.K. back in July 2007, a distribution move which was seen as innovative at the time. That was the same year he did his 21 nights O2 residency.

I wouldn't venture a guess on his own version of 'finding love in the dark' (who knows, maybe that's how he met Bria lol), but I found stricking the similiarities between his lyrics and what you guys had said earlier.
Ashtanga...just wanted to explain why they call your period the "curse". We call a "period" here in America that monthly cycle that all women go through. It just so happens that it seems like whenever something bad happens - like you getting a cold or sick with anything, that you end up getting your monthly cycle along with being sick.

We also call it the "curse" for the very same reason! And this is why we think God has a sense of humor....because God is probably chuckling watching some of us deal with sickness and the monthly cycle at the same time.

I hope I explained this better...

Awwwwwwwwwww now I understand what you mean! lol! Thanks Linda! Hmmm interesting thing about this cycle, I did not know that. About dealing with the disease and the monthly cycle at the same time, I think it is also a form of God's test to see how far he supported certain things. God tests us all the time and in different ways.​
this thread has been too quiet too long!
are you all busy planning the trip to London? :giggle:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww my trip is already planned a long time ago! lol! :wild: Hummmmmmm the night the rest of the people begins to appear here... :yes:​

you lucky you! ;)
but :unsure: I did'nt get the point of the last sentence :lol:

if we've run out of things to talk about then we could always laugh a little bit more about my signature! .....

bwahahaha!! :lmao::hysterical:
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you lucky you! ;)
but :unsure: I did'nt get the point of the last sentence :lol:

if we've run out of things to talk about then we could always laugh a little bit more about my signature! .....

bwahahaha!! :lmao::hysterical:
:lmao: You can not stop laughing in your signature!

Well, later people will here and certainly the MysteriousPhoenix will come with a new thread to be released here. lol! :yes: :D
How could we ever run out of things to say about...



Beautiful images of the video. I love "It's The Falling In Love" is very beautiful...

It's The Falling In Love - Michael Jackson

You're Not Like Anybody I Ever Knew
But That Do not Mean That I Do not Know Where We Are
Though And I Find Myself To You attracted
This Time I'm Trying Not To Go Too Far, Cause

No Matter How It Starts It Ends The Same
Someone's Always Doing Someone More
Trading In The Passion For That Taste Of Pain
It's Only Gonna Happen Again

It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
All Night ... All Night

[2nd Verse (Patti Austin)]
And Though I'm Trying Not To Look In Your Eyes
Each Time I Do They Kind Of Burn Right Through Me
Do not Want To Lay Down In A Bed Full Of Lies
And Yet My Heart Is Saying Come And Do Me

[Bridge (Michael)]
Now We're Just A Web Of Mystery
The Possibility Of More To Come
I'd Rather Leave The Fantasy Of What Might Be
But Here I Go Falling Again

It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
Over You. .. Over You (All Night)

It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
All Night ... All Night

I think that music in parts that I highlighted in red, Michael shows (in the second stanza) its tireless quest for true love and the need to feel truly loved by his love. It seems that in that time, still so young he has felt this need and as he says in the second stanza, I see as a cycle: no matter how it starts that will end all the same, someone will always love someone else (the search for true love) and here comes the pain "replacing the passion for that taste of suffering. Will it happen again"... the cycle comes to an end and it just so happens in real life. People are always in search of his true love, looking, looking, looking at other people until you find yours.​
Beautiful images of the video. I love "It's The Falling In Love" is very beautiful...

It's The Falling In Love - Michael Jackson

You're Not Like Anybody I Ever Knew
But That Do not Mean That I Do not Know Where We Are
Though And I Find Myself To You attracted
This Time I'm Trying Not To Go Too Far, Cause

No Matter How It Starts It Ends The Same
Someone's Always Doing Someone More
Trading In The Passion For That Taste Of Pain
It's Only Gonna Happen Again

It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
All Night ... All Night

[2nd Verse (Patti Austin)]
And Though I'm Trying Not To Look In Your Eyes
Each Time I Do They Kind Of Burn Right Through Me
Do not Want To Lay Down In A Bed Full Of Lies
And Yet My Heart Is Saying Come And Do Me

[Bridge (Michael)]
Now We're Just A Web Of Mystery
The Possibility Of More To Come
I'd Rather Leave The Fantasy Of What Might Be
But Here I Go Falling Again

It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
Over You. .. Over You (All Night)

It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin 'In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
All Night ... All Night

I think that music in parts that I highlighted in red, Michael shows (in the second stanza) its tireless quest for true love and the need to feel truly loved by his love. It seems that in that time, still so young he has felt this need and as he says in the second stanza, I see as a cycle: no matter how it starts that will end all the same, someone will always love someone else (the search for true love) and here comes the pain "replacing the passion for that taste of suffering. Will it happen again"... the cycle comes to an end and it just so happens in real life. People are always in search of his true love, looking, looking, looking at other people until you find yours.​

1. I will never stop laughing about that "move" :lol:

2. Lovely lyrics, and I think it's something most people can relate to..
But I think this problem with the "cycle" as you mention, comes from the way the generel culture looks on love these days.

We tend to believe that someone absolutely perfect is out there. Someone that you could just love like a maniac for the rest of your life. With this special someone you would feel irrisistable attracted to him/her for many many years.

And at the same time, we have so many normalities that love should fit into. So that makes it twice as hard. =(

edit: im not saying that this could not happen, but what I meen is that people often discard a relationship when, after some time, the "fun" has become a normality and you think that "well maybe we did'nt fit so well afterall..".

In this time era it's the "ego" thats important (sadly). And sometimes I think that the love between two people can be too egocentric, too focussed on what the individuals want to gain from the relationship. Instead of viewing the relationship as a unit. "Now we coorporate about this."

Communication and acceptance is the key to a long lasting love.
And to not care about what others think of the way "your" relationship and life is.
blaaaaaaaablablablablablaaaaaaa I talk too much :agree:
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1. I will never stop laughing about that "move" :lol:

2. Lovely lyrics, and I think it's something most people can relate to..
But I think this problem with the "cycle" as you mention, comes from the way the generel culture looks on love these days.

We tend to believe that someone absolutely perfect is out there. Someone that you could just love like a maniac for the rest of your life. With this special someone you would feel irrisistable attracted to him/her for many many years.

And at the same time, we have so many normalities that love should fit into. So that makes it twice as hard. =(

edit: im not saying that this could not happen, but what I meen is that people often discard a relationship when, after some time, the "fun" has become a normality and you think that "well maybe we did'nt fit so well afterall..".

In this time era it's the "ego" thats important (sadly). And sometimes I think that the love between two people can be too egocentric, too focussed on what the individuals want to gain from the relationship. Instead of viewing the relationship as a unit. "Now we coorporate about this."

Communication and acceptance is the key to a long lasting love.
And to not care about what others think of the way "your" relationship and life is.
blaaaaaaaablablablablablaaaaaaa I talk too much :agree:
Wow Safira! I loved your post and do not worry, I talk too much! lol! Well, as you said in your post, there is no one perfect in this world, neither inside nor outside, people are made of defects and quality. The perfection does not exist. Each has to learn to cope and understand each other within the relationship, accept as the other is that if there is this, some will not ever. It is the communication and acceptance as you said, the two must go together in the relationship.​
here I go...tryinna get it all in in one post since I won't be able to stick to the board tonight... sorry this is so long tho what else is new ..

wow, I was just looking at those lyrics and one thing popped out, "and here I go fallin' again' and in keeping with the thread theme, the song Fall Again came to mind ...

that made me think of how the songs in the early 90s were some pain-filled songs and I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to feel that again ... I don't know about you guys, but I know I sure don't either, oh God - some I can't listen to for long.

I just hope we're stuck with the happy songs. :dance:

on another note. . .HAY GIRLSSSS ...
HOW 'BOUT THOSE CURLSSSS wooooohoooooo :dancing:

Got a chance to 'lurk' for a minute on the largest thread in history second only to DMFLITD LOL!! ... :unsure: didn't do the numbers so don't quote me

:D It sure is exciting to see how MJ's fans are thrilled to the core about the curlssss!! :lol: even funner is how a hairstyle can unite fans quicker than anything else! rotfl

Michael Jackson knows just what to do. Always has. :yes:

I remember reading years ago, where he talked about how he does one simple single thing and fans just 'go krazy' as he puts it ... that was waaay back in something like 1980. :giggle: Its so good to see that some things never change.

The concerts are going to be amaaaaazing :wub: I look forward to seeing it on DVD (or at least I heard the first (?) concert will be recorded and distributed ... :unsure:

If anyone knows anything about that for sure, please let me know. :flowers:

:unsure: *maybe I just need to check MichaelJacksonLive.com*

Oh well... gotta speed ... Godspeed ... keep the good or shall I say, the 'God' stuff coming!! Y'all are all inspired.

.. before I go ..

MimaK - "His Eye Is On the Sparrow" - that song was such an uplift to hear because I luv it so! ...and that woman's voice!!! ... and the visuals are on point ... especially the 'window' at the end .. I'm sure I'm not alone in thanks for that addition to our inspiration

Oh you guys also, speaking of the God/male/female thing sparked a thought I guess I'll share. I was noticing that the bible account of creation mentions that "God made them male and female"

It seems that whether a person takes the bible as a 'metaphore' or 'allegory' or 'symbolism' or 'chapter and verse' isn't as important as what that powerful word has to teach us about ourselves and God

Could it be that "male and female" are the two main ingredients ('sexes') God made them with - and again made them in the image and likeness of Himself - hence what God made them as,

could it then be that God is both? Could that be why we humans are made up to be a combination of both with one being most dominant within us?

... and since God made both, God had to put them in some kind of 'order' or shall I say, he had to "arrange" them ...

.. and one of them was made first that being the man ..

and so for the bible to refer to God as 'He' would then make sense as a testament to His divine arrangement (or order?).

*hm, the word, "HE" strikes a new chord all of a sudden*

do you think maybe that is why the bible refers to God as 'He', because of God's decision to make one of them dominant in the sense of order, (not "domination")

o well... just a thought.

oh well...that's it for a while cyas :flowers:
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since there is a little bit of a spiritual convo going on:


text to it is in the "more info".

i know many of you know it already though. enjoy anyway. :)

OK, I just watched/listened to this and it really is beautiful, especially all the images that went along with it. I will admit, before SOS's post, I only clicked on it, heard which song it was and read the description. Then thught that was all. (I was being busy) but it's really a beautiful job that Ramss70 did, Is that person a member here? It all goes so nicely together. Thanks for drawing attention to it again SOS and thank you Mimik for posting it :)