Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Edit: Do you think Michael could be dreaming someone to life through his lyrics? As if the words he sings are coming from something greater (Divine) slowly leading him down the path towards the revelation of his true love?
I suppose its possible and ironically, as "analytical" as I'm being in my general comments, I have to say I'm not really comfortable "analyzing" MJ - and with that said, along the lines of what you're saying, I have wondered if it may not also be true, as someone had eluded to early in this discussion - that during his growing up years (formative years) he was singing a lot of words out of his mouth experiences he'd not yet had

and the power of the word is what creates, in general, so with that said, I have wondered if the early songs might not have led to self-fullfilling prophecies or if those songs might not have served to create within him certain yearnings to experience things (or types of situations or types of persons) he sang about all those years, (unconsciously) and then thusly, also might not have therefore attracted or gravitated him toward those types of experiences

- for instance - "you and I must make a pact" - he sang it over and over again and as was pointed out, "promises" do seem important to him and there are songs that have been discussed that reveal he seems to have a particular 'sensitivity' to a promise ... but I say all this because I feel this is the case in general with all of us, the power of our words. Whatever our mind and emotions ponder over and value highly and thusly comes out of our mouths the most and with the most emotion,
sure it can come about in our actual lives whether "good" or "bad" actually (this is how I've learned this ... the hard way)

So yes, I feel we can "dream" someone to "life" with our words, not just Michael, we all can, unless we have a lot of other conflicting ponderings going on at the same time ... that could I feel, mess things up a bit, for a person being focused enough on one desire or ideal and could slow down the possibility of seeing it ... not saying just Michael but I mean, anybody

. . . tangent sry but yeh I do think its possible he could have 'sang' someone into existence in a sense, maybe along with everything else he's created ..

there's one song where the lyric is "money stacked clean up to the sky, mama ain't nothin' we can't buy" (from Mama Got a Brand New Thing Don't Say No) and now look at his life - or let's use a song that is much more recent and more related to your question. In one song he says, "I pray (that) in you I'll find a love so true" - so to answer your question in the purest sense, yes, I believe its possible

basically the same way I described in the first post but involves not just the dreaming aspect but the "declaring" or prophesying aspect (meaning "utterances from out of the mouth" vs. "present time revelations about the future")

iow, the power of the living "word" creates a lot of things, so y' never know

The Creator, or the Divine does seem to honor whatever is deepest within our hearts.

Sometimes I have wondered too, whether it is The Divine Creator Who maybe originates or initiates what's in our hearts to begin with :unsure:

curious to know :scratch: whaddo u think about it?
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Ape, what player program or whatever is that or where'd u find it? I like that :)

I just found it when I searched up "song Dizzy" on google. Then I looked at the source of the page, and found the html code and I copied it into my post after I changed it to html coded post... hope that made sense. Then I crossed my fingers and hoped it to work, and it DID! And I was very pleased..lol.

Yes, it is. :flowers:



Do you think Michael could be dreaming someone to life through his lyrics? As if the words he sings are coming from something greater (Divine) slowly leading him down the path towards the revelation of his true love?

Funny you should mention this. I had wondered this same thing about a year ago or so. I wondered if maybe he wished for someone, prayed about it, sang about it, dreamed about it, and maybe God saw that dream and made someone accordingly. But then I thought would that be very nice? To have been only on earth because someone wished for you? So your sole purpose is to be there for that person? Couldn't you have your own hopes and dreams as well?

But maybe it would be nice. It wouldn't be like the person would be someone's puppy dog, they would just belong to each other, not one for the other. Not one living solely for the other, but each for each other I guess. In one way, it is a similar idea to Eve being made from Adams rib. She was created out of a part of him right? Or so the story goes. So what if this lady was created out of a part of Michael. Yeah I know, crazy talk. Just allow me it because it's 2am and I am exhausted.

I guess I wondered if God created this lady out of his dreams and hopes and wishes.... would she have her own identity? and I guess because she would have been created by God, then of course she would. She'd be as well created as any other. Maybe even extra care? I don't know. God does seem to have favorites as much as I feel we are all special and each of us matter to God. Well we do. hmm.. just thinking out loud. Not really clear on my thoughts either..lol.

and SOS, about that thing I was going to say before but it wasn't coming out right... I forget what it was about now. Though if I tried to, I could probably remember. Oh I think I was just saying that maybe he needs to start placing himself and his loved ones above anyone else. So people who come in and try to come between him and those he loves (even a lady love) he could put a stop to it. Maybe he does already. I think he'd have to be firm about it though because as Dirty Diana mentions, some women can get pretty aggressive. It wouldn't be fair if the lady were the one who would have to try to put a stop to it. It should come from him. So what you were talking about before wouldn't end up a problem (I think.. but what do I know?)
Here's another pic of my father's mom....it's better quality...


Such a beautiful pic of your grandmother linda :)
I just found it when I searched up "song Dizzy" on google. Then I looked at the source of the page, and found the html code and I copied it into my post after I changed it to html coded post... hope that made sense. Then I crossed my fingers and hoped it to work, and it DID! And I was very pleased..lol.
oh, gotcha - stroke a "luck" lol ok - thanks for the breakdown too though

I guess I wondered if God created this lady out of his dreams and hopes and wishes.... would she have her own identity? and I guess because she would have been created by God, then of course she would. She'd be as well created as any other. Maybe even extra care? I don't know. God does seem to have favorites as much as I feel we are all special and each of us matter to God. Well we do. hmm.. just thinking out loud. Not really clear on my thoughts either..lol.
hmm wouldn't the answer/s to those questions depend upon what MJ's "hopes" and "wishes" were/are/would be or would have been at a given time ... between him and God? hm also I'm not sure I get the sense of God "creating" someone for someone ... would love to know what you mean by created ..

and SOS, about that thing I was going to say before but it wasn't coming out right... I forget what it was about now. Though if I tried to, I could probably remember. Oh I think I was just saying that maybe he needs to start placing himself and his loved ones above anyone else. So people who come in and try to come between him and those he loves (even a lady love) he could put a stop to it. Maybe he does already. I think he'd have to be firm about it though because as Dirty Diana mentions, some women can get pretty aggressive. It wouldn't be fair if the lady were the one who would have to try to put a stop to it. It should come from him. So what you were talking about before wouldn't end up a problem (I think.. but what do I know?)
I hear you and I'm really not saying that "she" would have to put any stops to anything or even 'should' even if "she" had some feeling/s about things because as we often remind ourselves in various threads on this board, MJ's bidness is his indeed - when I say there may be "more than meets the eye", or could be, for "her" to "deal with", I mean that in a very general sense, as in, hopefully "she" (if there is a "she") is not just looking at the "outside" and concluding everything based on that ... that's all I meant. While I'm revisiting that, I'd like to add that it was really just me "trippin'" - having a sort of "flashback" lol having nothing to do MJ and 'transferring' what I had seen to that lil scenario I created in my previous posts ... and confessions be made, (I feel to clarify) what I was saying about the inside possibly being a shadow reflection of the outside was just in taking a hard look at the shadow reflection of the outside of what I've created in my own life, also really having nothing to do with MJ but again 'transferring' that context just in exploring an area people don't seem to consider much about his situation.

I hope no one's pondering too much what I said in the last few posts ... just my way of saying "she" (if there is a "she) would have to expect whatever unexpected there might would be which could be raindrops and roses for all anyone knows ... lol but if it isn't, I'm just saying I feel she would be experiencing all his challenges with him, not directly, but if they are together (that means 'joined') then what he's dealing with, "she" would be there too ... whatever he would have ever done to have to deal with things, himself indeed and of course we all know he'd manage it as he's evidently doing.

I hope its making more sense why I brought that all up ealier. Its all pretty extraneous at the end of the day lol for sure...just something to talk about.

I'm not worried about "her" anymore and yes, queen_g, I guess it was a kind of a 'concern' gone awry lol based on my "flashback" ...and sorry again MJ (since we all seem pretty convinced you come in here from time to time to see what's going on in your love life :giggle: )

and yes, :yes: we're getting it all figured out for you so you won't have to worry about it anymore :giggle:

.... and as you can see, we're enjoying it immensely... I feel I can speak for 'all' in saying that 'we' hope its as enjoyable for you (and your love) as it is for 'us' :lol:
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I suppose its possible and ironically, as "analytical" as I'm being in my general comments, I have to say I'm not really comfortable "analyzing" MJ - and with that said, along the lines of what you're saying, I have wondered if it may not also be true, as someone had eluded to early in this discussion - that during his growing up years (formative years) he was singing a lot of words out of his mouth experiences he'd not yet had

and the power of the word is what creates, in general, so with that said, I have wondered if the early songs might not have led to self-fullfilling prophecies or if those songs might not have served to create within him certain yearnings to experience things (or types of situations or types of persons) he sang about all those years, (unconsciously) and then thusly, also might not have therefore attracted or gravitated him toward those types of experiences

- for instance - "you and I must make a pact" - he sang it over and over again and as was pointed out, "promises" do seem important to him and there are songs that have been discussed that reveal he seems to have a particular 'sensitivity' to a promise ... but I say all this because I feel this is the case in general with all of us, the power of our words. Whatever our mind and emotions ponder over and value highly and thusly comes out of our mouths the most and with the most emotion,
sure it can come about in our actual lives whether "good" or "bad" actually (this is how I've learned this ... the hard way)

So yes, I feel we can "dream" someone to "life" with our words, not just Michael, we all can, unless we have a lot of other conflicting ponderings going on at the same time ... that could I feel, mess things up a bit, for a person being focused enough on one desire or ideal and could slow down the possibility of seeing it ... not saying just Michael but I mean, anybody

. . . tangent sry but yeh I do think its possible he could have 'sang' someone into existence in a sense, maybe along with everything else he's created ..

there's one song where the lyric is "money stacked clean up to the sky, mama ain't nothin' we can't buy" (from Mama Got a Brand New Thing Don't Say No) and now look at his life - or let's use a song that is much more recent and more related to your question. In one song he says, "I pray (that) in you I'll find a love so true" - so to answer your question in the purest sense, yes, I believe its possible

basically the same way I described in the first post but involves not just the dreaming aspect but the "declaring" or prophesying aspect (meaning "utterances from out of the mouth" vs. "present time revelations about the future")

iow, the power of the living "word" creates a lot of things, so y' never know

The Creator, or the Divine does seem to honor whatever is deepest within our hearts.

Sometimes I have wondered too, whether it is The Divine Creator Who maybe originates or initiates what's in our hearts to begin with :unsure:

curious to know :scratch: whaddo u think about it?

Hmmm in my opinion I try hard to guess the thoughts which passed in the mind of Michael to do a bill of music. As I said in a post here, it may have taken their ideas of what he saw or heard and have been inspired to write the letter or just your imagination have taken all their ideas or simply he described things he would like to live and feel in real life and not in imagination. An artist has a great power in using your imagination and create things fictitious. But it is clear that most of their songs speak for themselves, their emotions and feelings, but do not believe everything that is in their lyrics of music he has experienced. About the possible "dream wife of Michael," of course he should have in mind and imagine the woman he wishes you were on your side, I also believe that he should dream of imagining how it would be your face, your voice, your body... But in my opinion, Michael is already 50 years old and have lived many things in life, good and bad, I think he is so worried and desperate with that. Michael believes in God, he knows that God is always with him at his side, he knows that God is watching your life and God knows how much Michael wants and needs "that woman" in your life to build a life full of love, confidence and happiness, so Michael should have left it in the hands of God, for he knows that at any time in your life God put in your path that special woman that will love unconditionally and happily ever after. God is always in control and guiding all things in our lives, God sees everything that happens and is happening in our lives, He changes everything in that time, only he has this power over us and about our lives. :)

*My God, I think that my thoughts have flown too far in recent days. Sorry! lol! :wild:
I'm not worried about "her" anymore and yes, queen_g, I guess it was a kind of a 'concern' gone awry lol based on my "flashback" ...and sorry again MJ (since we all seem pretty convinced you come in here from time to time to see what's going on in your love life :giggle: )[/quote]

Hmmmmmmmmmmm :smilerolleyes: Michael also participate in the discussion! Do not be shy! lol! :wild:​
I don't believe that noone has commented on my idea yet! Have you not seen it? It's on page 319 right below Apes post with "Dizzy" in it.
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I just found it when I searched up "song Dizzy" on google. Then I looked at the source of the page, and found the html code and I copied it into my post after I changed it to html coded post... hope that made sense. Then I crossed my fingers and hoped it to work, and it DID! And I was very pleased..lol.

Funny you should mention this. I had wondered this same thing about a year ago or so. I wondered if maybe he wished for someone, prayed about it, sang about it, dreamed about it, and maybe God saw that dream and made someone accordingly. But then I thought would that be very nice? To have been only on earth because someone wished for you? So your sole purpose is to be there for that person? Couldn't you have your own hopes and dreams as well?

but if her dream is to be with MJ, it doesn't really matter, does it? If that is all she hopes and dreams for...
but if her dream is to be with MJ, it doesn't really matter, does it? If that is all she hopes and dreams for...

Yep...and when two people dream of each other....whoo boy....watch out. That's some pretty powerful ESP going on...

This is pretty interesting!! Please read!!


In Dreams Extrasensory Perception, much like out of body experiences, is classified in science as hocus pocus. Extrasensory Perception is, pretty much, having knowledge that's real creepy to have. There have been many documented cases of people predicting their own futures in their dreams, and people dreaming about meeting friends that wake up and find that that friend had the same dream, and all kinds of occurrences that we associate with "psychic" ability. Of course, a scientist would tell you that those who think they predict their own futures cast self-fulfilling prophecies; that they will, once having given themselves predictions, will do their unconscious best to make sure those predictions come true. Those same scientists would also say that friends that have similar dreams lead each other in conversation so that both believes the other's dream is exactly the same as his….but hey, it's a whole lot more fun to believe I can dream my own future and hold office meetings while I sleep. Science may be more informed than me, but I'm having a lot more good, old-fashioned, delusional fun. Here is some commonly reported "proof" of ESP's existence.
Precognition - You know those psychic hotlines that claim to be able to predict your future?
"Oh, you know, your husband? He's cheating on you. And your dog hates you. And your son is a drug addict and steals money from you…and he hates you too."
How do they claim to know all this? Well…yes, they are sham artists… but what they'd like you to believe is that they have precognitive ESP - that is, the ability to foresee the future in surprisingly accurate detail. The best part (at least for those nice overweight ladies at the Psychic Hotlines) is that precognitive dreams can never be proven, since they're entirely dependent upon the account of the dreamer. Pretty convenient…
Dream Psychometry - Oh, you're going to love this one. People claim that, through their subconscious, they can be thinking about something when they go to sleep and know much more about that thing when they wake up. For instance, you can be looking at a picture of someone you don't know as you drift into sleep, and wake up best friends with them… well, not quite. But pretty much like that. Actually it can be better exemplified by people that claim to go to sleep thinking about a physics test they have (or, more likely, have not) studied for and hope to wake up with a newfound knowledge of the subject. Of course, if that actually worked, I'd be doing much better in school…no I wouldn't.
Synchronous - These are the dreams in which the dreamer meets another dreamer in the dream and then calls the other dreamer once he awakens to find out that the other dreamer dreamed the first dreamer was in his dream and that both dreamers dreamed the same dream (in case you were counting, there are 12 derivatives of the word "dream" in that sentence). Basically, two people dream they meet each other at the same time in the same dream. These dreams fall, within the scientific community, somewhere between out of body experiences and dream precognition. These dreams cannot be proven to be real, so the scientific community does not recognize them, but people continue to report them.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dream Occurences [/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Introduction[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hypnogogic Images[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Recurring Dreams[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nightmares[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Out of Body Experiences[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]ESP In Dreams[/SIZE][/FONT]​

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I suppose its possible and ironically, as "analytical" as I'm being in my general comments, I have to say I'm not really comfortable "analyzing" MJ - and with that said, along the lines of what you're saying, I have wondered if it may not also be true, as someone had eluded to early in this discussion - that during his growing up years (formative years) he was singing a lot of words out of his mouth experiences he'd not yet had

and the power of the word is what creates, in general, so with that said, I have wondered if the early songs might not have led to self-fullfilling prophecies or if those songs might not have served to create within him certain yearnings to experience things (or types of situations or types of persons) he sang about all those years, (unconsciously) and then thusly, also might not have therefore attracted or gravitated him toward those types of experiences

- for instance - "you and I must make a pact" - he sang it over and over again and as was pointed out, "promises" do seem important to him and there are songs that have been discussed that reveal he seems to have a particular 'sensitivity' to a promise ... but I say all this because I feel this is the case in general with all of us, the power of our words. Whatever our mind and emotions ponder over and value highly and thusly comes out of our mouths the most and with the most emotion,
sure it can come about in our actual lives whether "good" or "bad" actually (this is how I've learned this ... the hard way)

So yes, I feel we can "dream" someone to "life" with our words, not just Michael, we all can, unless we have a lot of other conflicting ponderings going on at the same time ... that could I feel, mess things up a bit, for a person being focused enough on one desire or ideal and could slow down the possibility of seeing it ... not saying just Michael but I mean, anybody

. . . tangent sry but yeh I do think its possible he could have 'sang' someone into existence in a sense, maybe along with everything else he's created ..

there's one song where the lyric is "money stacked clean up to the sky, mama ain't nothin' we can't buy" (from Mama Got a Brand New Thing Don't Say No) and now look at his life - or let's use a song that is much more recent and more related to your question. In one song he says, "I pray (that) in you I'll find a love so true" - so to answer your question in the purest sense, yes, I believe its possible

basically the same way I described in the first post but involves not just the dreaming aspect but the "declaring" or prophesying aspect (meaning "utterances from out of the mouth" vs. "present time revelations about the future")

iow, the power of the living "word" creates a lot of things, so y' never know

The Creator, or the Divine does seem to honor whatever is deepest within our hearts.

Sometimes I have wondered too, whether it is The Divine Creator Who maybe originates or initiates what's in our hearts to begin with :unsure:

curious to know :scratch: whaddo u think about it?

Great post SoS. :flowers:

I probably shouldn't have generalized by posing the question only in regards to Michael *oops*.:blush: I know myself as well as other people do believe dreams, words, emotions, etc..are all very powerful things and that we all have a certain energy within us to have a hand in creating a path towards our ultimate destiny. :) With a little help from the Divine of course. :cheeky:
Addition - I have always felt like I had ESP - Extra-Sensory Perception. My mom and I have a special connection there.. There was one time that I really needed my mother to call...and she did. There was another time when I had a bad premonition during a flight on what once was called Value Jet - I was flying from Atlanta to Palm Beach Florida. I fell asleep during the flight and had a bad dream in which I was silently screaming and yellling during the whole flight...I couldn't wait to get off that plane....I was really spooked. I couldn't remember ever feeling that way before or after..then about 1 week later, a Value Jet flight crashed in the Everglades...
Yep...and when two people dream of each other....whoo boy....watch out. That's some pretty powerful ESP going on...

This is pretty interesting!! Please read!!


In Dreams Extrasensory Perception, much like out of body experiences, is classified in science as hocus pocus. Extrasensory Perception is, pretty much, having knowledge that's real creepy to have. There have been many documented cases of people predicting their own futures in their dreams, and people dreaming about meeting friends that wake up and find that that friend had the same dream, and all kinds of occurrences that we associate with "psychic" ability. Of course, a scientist would tell you that those who think they predict their own futures cast self-fulfilling prophecies; that they will, once having given themselves predictions, will do their unconscious best to make sure those predictions come true. Those same scientists would also say that friends that have similar dreams lead each other in conversation so that both believes the other's dream is exactly the same as his….but hey, it's a whole lot more fun to believe I can dream my own future and hold office meetings while I sleep. Science may be more informed than me, but I'm having a lot more good, old-fashioned, delusional fun. Here is some commonly reported "proof" of ESP's existence.
Precognition - You know those psychic hotlines that claim to be able to predict your future?
"Oh, you know, your husband? He's cheating on you. And your dog hates you. And your son is a drug addict and steals money from you…and he hates you too."
How do they claim to know all this? Well…yes, they are sham artists… but what they'd like you to believe is that they have precognitive ESP - that is, the ability to foresee the future in surprisingly accurate detail. The best part (at least for those nice overweight ladies at the Psychic Hotlines) is that precognitive dreams can never be proven, since they're entirely dependent upon the account of the dreamer. Pretty convenient…
Dream Psychometry - Oh, you're going to love this one. People claim that, through their subconscious, they can be thinking about something when they go to sleep and know much more about that thing when they wake up. For instance, you can be looking at a picture of someone you don't know as you drift into sleep, and wake up best friends with them… well, not quite. But pretty much like that. Actually it can be better exemplified by people that claim to go to sleep thinking about a physics test they have (or, more likely, have not) studied for and hope to wake up with a newfound knowledge of the subject. Of course, if that actually worked, I'd be doing much better in school…no I wouldn't.
Synchronous - These are the dreams in which the dreamer meets another dreamer in the dream and then calls the other dreamer once he awakens to find out that the other dreamer dreamed the first dreamer was in his dream and that both dreamers dreamed the same dream (in case you were counting, there are 12 derivatives of the word "dream" in that sentence). Basically, two people dream they meet each other at the same time in the same dream. These dreams fall, within the scientific community, somewhere between out of body experiences and dream precognition. These dreams cannot be proven to be real, so the scientific community does not recognize them, but people continue to report them.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dream Occurences [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Introduction[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hypnogogic Images[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Recurring Dreams[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nightmares[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Out of Body Experiences[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]ESP In Dreams[/SIZE][/FONT]​
Premonitory dreams? :scratch:

Very interesting that text. At some point here on the topic had already commented on the dreams. Thanks Linda! I believe that dreams mean something and I believe that when we dream, that dream is a warning or a message being passed to us. But often it is difficult or when trying to interpret. I for example, I dream about anything, with anyone, visually I remember everything in the dream, but never remember what I say in the dream. It is so strange... I dreamed that when our spirit leaves the body and is walking around. So many times I have some crazy dreams. lol! :wild:​
Hmmm I read your post, but I do not understand what exactly you want to do. You want to make a video, is it? :scratch:​

oh.. so it's because I can't communicate properly that noone has answered :lol:
I was beginning to believe that my idea sucked so much that noone cared to answer =(
well yea I want to make sort of a video montage with Michaels most lovely and epic moments, with the song "Dizzy" as backgorund music.
I have the tools, but I just need a place to find these clips with MJ..
oh.. so it's because I can't communicate properly that noone has answered :lol:
I was beginning to believe that my idea sucked so much that noone cared to answer =(
well yea I want to make sort of a video montage with Michaels most lovely and epic moments, with the song "Dizzy" as backgorund music.
I have the tools, but I just need a place to find these clips with MJ..

Awwwwwwwww I love your idea. In addition to images you could put a short text, a poem to go with the images rotated. But on that thing to make videos, get parts of video, edit, I do not understand much. I tried to do, but I do not know what happens when that goes wrong in the end. lol!

Which program do you do the videos?
Awwwwwwwww I love your idea. In addition to images you could put a short text, a poem to go with the images rotated. But on that thing to make videos, get parts of video, edit, I do not understand much. I tried to do, but I do not know what happens when that goes wrong in the end. lol!

Which program do you do the videos?

I only have Windows Movie Maker (a really bad program!! better than nothing though..).
But basicly you work with "timelines".
In the case that you want movieclips, sound and text at the same time, you have 3 timelines for each thing. (one for movieclips, one for sound, one for text) and then in Windows Moviemaker you basicly just drag in some media files to these 3 timelines and slide them around till it works. It takes one h.. of a time to do it this unprofessional way, but its the only way I know :/

btw - I just watched "What's up with you" once again and LOL it's so silly! I just love how Michael is singing "what's uuuuuuuuuuuuup" haha.. and his little "hee"'s once in a while. And why does he have to do that hips-move-thing in a song like this? :doh::lol:
Those two where a hillerious match in that song!
I only have Windows Movie Maker (a really bad program!! better than nothing though..).
But basicly you work with "timelines".
In the case that you want movieclips, sound and text at the same time, you have 3 timelines for each thing. (one for movieclips, one for sound, one for text) and then in Windows Moviemaker you basicly just drag in some media files to these 3 timelines and slide them around till it works. It takes one h.. of a time to do it this unprofessional way, but its the only way I know :/

lol! I also have the "Windows Movie Maker." I tried several times to make a video about Michael, I do everything right and end it wrong, simply does not save the video and I lost everything I did! I do not know what happens. I gave up trying to make a video. lol! Is there some other program to make videos? I just know the movie maker. And when you share your video here!

btw - I just watched "What's up with you" once again and LOL it's so silly! I just love how Michael is singing "what's uuuuuuuuuuuuup" haha.. and his little "hee"'s once in a while. And why does he have to do that hips-move-thing in a song like this? :doh::lol:
Those two where a hillerious match in that song!
Safira - I loved your idea too....and Ashtanga - both of you are just too cute for words!!

*jumps up and down and clapping*
yay now two people likes my idea :D:toy:

ok just a little personal note that I think is funny enough to mention here; I've just started to take some hours at a kindergarten sometimes (when they need me). Kids in this age is just - wonderfull! Makes me SO happy to be around them! Yesterday they found a dead bird that they burried, and the little boys marshed around the grave "stone" (a little piece of wood :lol:) and sang "one, two, one, two one, two" with little plastic shovels on the shoulders as the soildiers rifles.

Such a cute little event ^^
oh, gotcha - stroke a "luck" lol ok - thanks for the breakdown too though

hmm wouldn't the answer/s to those questions depend upon what MJ's "hopes" and "wishes" were/are/would be or would have been at a given time ... between him and God? hm also I'm not sure I get the sense of God "creating" someone for someone ... would love to know what you mean by created ..
between him and God? I guess so. Not sure that if that were to happen, that he would even know about it would he? lol I can just imagine God with his order form asking MJ to sign here, and here, and she will be delivered in like 20-30 years or so. Thank you for shopping HeavenMart!
Well I suppose if God has things planned for us in our lives, if he even plans our parents and siblings and all that, and then maybe plans special significant others for people, then that is what I meant. Like he did for Adam. Ok Adam, you need a companion. Let's take your rib here, and I'll make you someone wonderful (nevermind that she will lead you into disobediance and out of Paridise. It'll all be worthwhile.) gee.. do you think that God had intended on that happening? If he can forsee everything? Wouldn't he have known that Eve would just be trouble? Do you think that if MJ knows his lady could lead him astray like Even did with Adam that he'd want her anyways? Hmm, I should head back to bed I think. The things I think of when I am sleepy.

but if her dream is to be with MJ, it doesn't really matter, does it? If that is all she hopes and dreams for...
I suppose, but just like him, she probably has other dreams. I think it might be boring for him if her only dream was to be with him. Then that comes true and what next? There has to be more I think...
Yep...and when two people dream of each other....whoo boy....watch out. That's some pretty powerful ESP going on...

This is pretty interesting!! Please read!!


In Dreams Extrasensory Perception, much like out of body experiences, is classified in science as hocus pocus. Extrasensory Perception is, pretty much, having knowledge that's real creepy to have. There have been many documented cases of people predicting their own futures in their dreams, and people dreaming about meeting friends that wake up and find that that friend had the same dream, and all kinds of occurrences that we associate with "psychic" ability. Of course, a scientist would tell you that those who think they predict their own futures cast self-fulfilling prophecies; that they will, once having given themselves predictions, will do their unconscious best to make sure those predictions come true. Those same scientists would also say that friends that have similar dreams lead each other in conversation so that both believes the other's dream is exactly the same as his….but hey, it's a whole lot more fun to believe I can dream my own future and hold office meetings while I sleep. Science may be more informed than me, but I'm having a lot more good, old-fashioned, delusional fun. Here is some commonly reported "proof" of ESP's existence.
Precognition - You know those psychic hotlines that claim to be able to predict your future?
"Oh, you know, your husband? He's cheating on you. And your dog hates you. And your son is a drug addict and steals money from you…and he hates you too."
How do they claim to know all this? Well…yes, they are sham artists… but what they'd like you to believe is that they have precognitive ESP - that is, the ability to foresee the future in surprisingly accurate detail. The best part (at least for those nice overweight ladies at the Psychic Hotlines) is that precognitive dreams can never be proven, since they're entirely dependent upon the account of the dreamer. Pretty convenient…
Dream Psychometry - Oh, you're going to love this one. People claim that, through their subconscious, they can be thinking about something when they go to sleep and know much more about that thing when they wake up. For instance, you can be looking at a picture of someone you don't know as you drift into sleep, and wake up best friends with them… well, not quite. But pretty much like that. Actually it can be better exemplified by people that claim to go to sleep thinking about a physics test they have (or, more likely, have not) studied for and hope to wake up with a newfound knowledge of the subject. Of course, if that actually worked, I'd be doing much better in school…no I wouldn't.
Synchronous - These are the dreams in which the dreamer meets another dreamer in the dream and then calls the other dreamer once he awakens to find out that the other dreamer dreamed the first dreamer was in his dream and that both dreamers dreamed the same dream (in case you were counting, there are 12 derivatives of the word "dream" in that sentence). Basically, two people dream they meet each other at the same time in the same dream. These dreams fall, within the scientific community, somewhere between out of body experiences and dream precognition. These dreams cannot be proven to be real, so the scientific community does not recognize them, but people continue to report them.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dream Occurences [/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Introduction[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hypnogogic Images[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Recurring Dreams[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nightmares[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Out of Body Experiences[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]ESP In Dreams[/SIZE][/FONT]​
That was hilarious Linda, and also really interesting. I know we can't understand everything under the sun, especially when it is something so difficult to prove. I just think that if God spoke to us through various "extrasensory" ways in the past like in dreams and all that, then why not now? It fascinates me and I would love to study dreams or understand them better, but it may never be something we are meant to understand fully. Same with psychology. We may get educated ideas about the hows and whys, but to fully understand why someone does something could be still hit and miss. There is lots we don't understand. Though we know so much more. Studying the brain is really fascinating. They have even cells that recognize certain shapes or angles or faces or etc. some cells fire more when it is looking at a horizontal line and.. well I forget most of it now but it was really interesting. If a person has damage to a certain area of the brain, it usually shows in the actions of the person with the damage. Oh I wish I remembered all the terms and experiments and which parts do what. There was this one thing where if it was damaged, the person would only pay attention to the left (or right) side of things. How what was that called..anyways, brushing only the right side, eating the right side of food on the plate and not even acknowledging the other, it would have to be spun around for them to see (or realize) there was more food. Dressing the one side.. just unreal stuff. Memory is also pretty cool to study but ironically, I forget most of it ;)
oh.. so it's because I can't communicate properly that noone has answered :lol:
I was beginning to believe that my idea sucked so much that noone cared to answer =(
well yea I want to make sort of a video montage with Michaels most lovely and epic moments, with the song "Dizzy" as backgorund music.
I have the tools, but I just need a place to find these clips with MJ..
I didn't understand how you meant either at first. Now I do and I really do love the idea. It sounds actually great, especially with MJ's spins as he does them. It would suit the song. I was just too tired to try to make sense of it before so I left it hoping someone else would know what you meant..lol. sorry.
I didn't understand how you meant either at first. Now I do and I really do love the idea. It sounds actually great, especially with MJ's spins as he does them. It would suit the song. I was just too tired to try to make sense of it before so I left it hoping someone else would know what you meant..lol. sorry.

:lmao: am I really so bad :bugeyed I must have been tired when I wrote it then.
between him and God? I guess so. Not sure that if that were to happen, that he would even know about it would he? lol I can just imagine God with his order form asking MJ to sign here, and here, and she will be delivered in like 20-30 years or so. Thank you for shopping HeavenMart!
Well I suppose if God has things planned for us in our lives, if he even plans our parents and siblings and all that, and then maybe plans special significant others for people, then that is what I meant. Like he did for Adam. Ok Adam, you need a companion. Let's take your rib here, and I'll make you someone wonderful (nevermind that she will lead you into disobediance and out of Paridise. It'll all be worthwhile.) gee.. do you think that God had intended on that happening? If he can forsee everything? Wouldn't he have known that Eve would just be trouble? Do you think that if MJ knows his lady could lead him astray like Even did with Adam that he'd want her anyways? Hmm, I should head back to bed I think. The things I think of when I am sleepy.
I don't get the sense of this conversation! :lol:
How could God not know what someone has prayed for? lol I was saying that whether "she" would fit the things you listed (if "she" is indeed an answer to a prayer) wouldn't that depend upon what was prayed for? I'd still love to know what you mean by God created that person for him? It sounds like you're saying this person didn't even exist before MJ prayed. Are you saying MJ was old enough to have perhaps prayed, then God, in hearing his prayer made someone be born later, to fullfill that prayer? Is that what you mean by created? If so, I suppose its possible as anything else. The part about God waiting 20-30 years or so to answer a prayer was funny LOL! I feel again, it depends upon what a person has prayed for maybe. If 20 or 30 years ago he prayed for someone to come right then, in the midst of "Michaelmania" I'd imagine he also may have had a few other ponderings too ... I mean there's our own desires and there's the desires of our higher Self, our God "Self", so who knows with all the stimulation around him what all his desires could have been, only God knows that, but if some certain "someone" was part of his desires, I can see how it might take 20-30 years for it to become more conducive to him being with "her" depending again, on what was being prayed for through their spirits ... "she" may have had some conflicting considerations too within herself ... that's why I say only God knows. I'd imagine all the love MJ has received from so many people (and no shortage of female love) could have served as a decent 'surrogate' for any one person he may have ever been waiting for anyway, if he was waiting for someone.

I don't know if people can really choose who to love, getting back to that. It seems that since God is Love then God is the One who chooses that from inside a person. I mean, how many of us here consciously "prayed" for a world class superstar to pay this much attention to? :lol:

Not just on this board but on all MJ boards. Maybe its God in us telling us all to love MJ? :scratch: and maybe "she" (even any "she's" that have been or may be in his actual life experience) maybe "they" or "we" all have been told by God to love him? Seems like since God is the Author of Love and since God is inside humans (being that we're created in his image, that being Spirit) maybe those who are conscious of His presence, maybe we are all "called" to love MJ... thus perhaps "created" by God? through our openess ... willingness ...to love him? maybe not so much desire per se ... just obedience? maybe? I have no idea! :lol: just figuring as I type as always. I go back to the lyric that says, "I can't live my life without you". I can't imagine MJ actually having his life be that way, in fact, I think he's done pretty well without whoever. Love is everywhere he goes and I don't imagine a sweet, loyal loving beautiful female is too far off from him at any given time :lol:

Ashtanga I like the idea too ...of using 'spins' for the 'dizzy' movie :yes:

Linda your family's pictures are so classic like they should be in the movies :D
Really beautiful!
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lol , cause I wasn't clear with what I was saying. I was saying that MJ would even know. Not God..
Not sure that if that were to happen, that MJ would even know about it would he? l
Anyways. I really am not saying this is what I think happened at all. It's just me rambling on at 2am in the morning after a long days work with brain exhaustion. Pondering things that probably don't exist and probably aren't real.

I guess in my sleepy mind, I took what was said and imagined little MJ, who knows how old (he's been singing about this stuff since he could open his mouth to sing)I don't know if he actually wished for these things back then too, but since we are on fantasy mode (or I am) then maybe Sweet romantic little MJ as a 10 year old singer, dreamed about some pretty little girl he could grow up to marry. Maybe someone who would be his friend. As he grew. maybe that dream grew to become a powerful prayer to God about his wish and hopes and dreams. Maybe God saw his desire and his heart, and saw in his grace and wisdom (ok I am stuck.. doesn't God create us? I know where we come from.. the stork right? lol ok.. but yes I am well aware of DNA and sex. After four children I had better be, but aren't we still considered God's creations?) maybe he molded this lady from a baby into a little girl, and into a young lady, then a woman who would fit so well what Michael wished for. Lily asked if we thought it was possible for someone to dream someone into existance, so that's where my mind wandered to. How it could be possible for someone to dream another into existance. In my beliefs, it could be possible if God saw that dream (or perhaps placed that dream in anothers heart to start with) and then created someone to fit that dream? Maybe I am not saying it clearly again.

Just some ideas. Nothing too serious here. Though what we pray for isn't necessarily God's plan. Maybe we can't see the bigger picture, so what Michael prayed for, may not be as good as what God had in mind? So in that instance, it wouldn't be determined by what he prayed for, but more his need inside his heart as God saw it. Perhaps? Maybe I am just making my own religion up here and I should quit while I'm ahead..lol.
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^ know what though? :scratch: :lol: maybe that's where I got lost and my line of reasoning may not be on point either due to much on my mind.

Getting back to "I just can't stop loving you", I wonder if it could be that maybe he loves "her" in his heart of hearts and maybe that's what is meant by I can't live my life without you meaning "without you being here in my heart" (vs. without you being here in my life) and maybe that's what is meant by "I long to get by, your loves got me high" ... maybe that's how he's lived his life so successfully "with her"/"without her" at the same time.

That's one thing that makes this thread topic and song interpretation in general so interesting ... so many ways of looking at it all . . .
it's been so long, i know
just been takin' it slow
don't give me grief
i've needed relief

you know i LOVE you all here
that my eyes simply tear
when i think of you
i miss you, too.

i'm so sorry i've been gone
i can't leave this song unsung
my work is not yet done
and you can bet on this one.

did i mention i love you?
every single one of you?
keep telling your stories.
they are absolutely glorious.

:) :)

you help me to smile :)
i will be back, from across the miles.

^ aw :wub: what a sweet message for us

We love you too MimiK :hug:

...and waiting for your song breakdown whenever ... :yes: :popcorn:
^ know what though? :scratch: :lol: maybe that's where I got lost and my line of reasoning may not be on point either due to much on my mind.

Getting back to "I just can't stop loving you", I wonder if it could be that maybe he loves "her" in his heart of hearts and maybe that's what is meant by I can't live my life without you meaning "without you being here in my heart" (vs. without you being here in my life) and maybe that's what is meant by "I long to get by, your loves got me high" ... maybe that's how he's lived his life so successfully "with her"/"without her" at the same time.

That's one thing that makes this thread topic and song interpretation in general so interesting ... so many ways of looking at it all . . .
hahaha... oh man, I long to have a decent conversation with someone not online. I am sure these miscommunications woudlnt' happen (nor the typos). So... what I meaned....um. What were we talking about again? I think I meant that I wonder if MJ would even know (in this theoretical 2am concocted idea) that God would have taken MJ's prayer for someone to love, and created someone specially for him, out of a dream or out of whatever. prayer.. what's on his heart.. that sort of thing. Again, I am not saying this is what I believe at all. I just was going off on some tangent based on what Lily asked about whether we think that someone could be dreamt into existance or not. This was my answer. .. wait.. what was my answer again? (that I need sleep?) or maybe it is that I think MAYBE it could happen. I can't rule out much in this life. So much I really don't know and don't understand yet. I hope I was clearer this time around.