Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Could you just imagine - a rose-colored, dusky sunset sky...the waves crashing....and you and Michael walking along the beach barefoot?? Maybe have a scene like in "From Here To Eternity"??


Yeah, both males and females alike...all with their agendas. Who would most likely try to come to her as a way to get to Michael. You know, try to convince her of some idea so that she'd sell it to MJ. Like people have done with Katherine. Bet there are a lot of people like that. Or females who wanna be "MJ's girl" themselves...doing whatever they can to get rid of her. Can't imagine it all being easy. Who to trust?

Will Smith and Jada have an open relationship. They are free to see others. At least that's what they said in one interview. Great if it works for them. I guess everyone has to figure out what's right for them. I personally could never do the "open relationship" thing, but like I said...to each their own. Everyone's gotta figure out what's right for them. What's right for me may not be right for someone else.

Yippy for all of those are down with that...

NOT me...I "could not" have an open relationship...

I am a one man women and desire only a one woman man..! :wub:

You make a lot of good points. I think in Corey's case with this particular woman, I don't remember her name, her being a fan helped because it meant she was open to getting to know him instead of being someone who just wrote him off & projected negativity onto him. From the things he was saying in the bio, I think he really appreciated it.

Re: Jada & Will, I'd got the impression that the open relationship rumors were false. What article did you read in which she was quoted as saying theirs is an open relationship? Where was it published?[/quote]


Will Smith gave a candid interview and spoke about his “open relationship” with his wife Jada Pinkett Smith.

In a candid interview with UK magazine Reveal, he suggests that having an open relationship is one of the secrets to their success.

“Our perspective is, you don’t avoid what’s natural and you’re going to be attracted to people.” he says.

“And if it came down to it, then one would say to the other: ‘Look, I
need to have sex with somebody. Now, I’m not going to if you don’t
approve of it’.”

The 39-year-old star explains that the couple’s open policy has been in place from day one of their 10-year marriage.

“In our marriage vows, we didn’t say ‘forsaking all others’. We said
‘you will never hear I did something afterwards’. Because if that
happens the relationship is destroyed.”

Other things that Will says are important in his relationship are
keeping in shape for his “little firecracker” Jada, the “look in her
eyes”, and communication.

“And lots of sex makes for a good marriage too!
^ If true, a good case for how people are not the way they seem.

maybe its the "celebrity way"

Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman ... hm :unsure:

Oh well, only they know how they made it work may they rest in peace.
SoS, well realistically...each couple will have their issues.Celebrity or not. Whether it's money or time or "other people", or addictions, etc. etc.....each couple will have their own battles, I'm sure. How ANY couple make it work for 30 + years....only they will know. My parents were happily married for over 35 years, literally until "death do us part"...until my dad died. And I really admire them for that. I have NEVER heard my parents yell at each other, not once. They had disagreements but I've never seen them have a major fight where they'd yell at each other. And I love them for that. I guess that's why people who raise their voice at others scare me because I'm not used to that. But anyways, I guess some people just make it and some don't. I guess when it's right, it will last forever. And I guess both have to be in it "for life" . If they're not, it won't work if they just take off the second problems come up. And they will come up, no matter how much in love you are. It's just being human. Both need to be ready to work on things and ready to compromise because it's all about BOTH being happy. Then again...what do I know? :lol: Look at me....talking about relationships like I'd be Dr. Phil or something...when in reality I haven't got a clue. :doh: :lol:

*tries to make a graceful exit* :lol:
Could you just imagine - a rose-colored, dusky sunset sky...the waves crashing....and you and Michael walking along the beach barefoot?? Maybe have a scene like in "From Here To Eternity"??




Linda this time of night you put a video of these? :smilerolleyes::wild:The scene of this film is beautiful and very romantic! And... wow... that kiss! What is the name of this movie? I do not remember! lol!

My thoughts flew far now... lol! :smilerolleyes:

I can not say what I thought... :censored::censored::censored: :wild:​
Could you just imagine - a rose-colored, dusky sunset sky...the waves crashing....and you and Michael walking along the beach barefoot?? Maybe have a scene like in "From Here To Eternity"??




:lol: :lol: :lol: The kissing scenes in old movies are great. So different to the ones in today's movies. The old movies were so roooooooomantic...:wub:
SoS, well realistically...each couple will have their issues.Celebrity or not. Whether it's money or time or "other people", or addictions, etc. etc.....each couple will have their own battles, I'm sure. How ANY couple make it work for 30 + years....only they will know. My parents were happily married for over 35 years, literally until "death do us part"...until my dad died. And I really admire them for that. I have NEVER heard my parents yell at each other, not once. They had disagreements but I've never seen them have a major fight where they'd yell at each other. And I love them for that. I guess that's why people who raise their voice at others scare me because I'm not used to that. But anyways, I guess some people just make it and some don't. I guess when it's right, it will last forever. And I guess both have to be in it "for life" . If they're not, it won't work if they just take off the second problems come up. And they will come up, no matter how much in love you are. It's just being human. Both need to be ready to work on things and ready to compromise because it's all about BOTH being happy. Then again...what do I know? :lol: Look at me....talking about relationships like I'd be Dr. Phil or something...when in reality I haven't got a clue. :doh: :lol:

*tries to make a graceful exit* :lol:

Well I do know what you mean though and deep down I seriously don't feel marraige has to be all that complicated but I've been called 'glib' a time or two so don't go by me. . . lol

It really has become so complex though, in this society. I guess too it depends I guess, on each persons' needs and how honest each person is about those.

For instance, if a person male or female has established within themselves, through habitual endulgence, thus self-training due to activities with others of the opposite sex, a certain "appetite" for certain things, then that is what their body is going to crave, be it whether they are used to a certain amount of "variety" or certain "types" of body parts or partners who will do certain things only a certain way, or whatever, so even if that person loves another with all their heart, if their object of love does not possess the things that have been known to satisfy all of their partner's predominant appetites, then that sounds like a recipe for an open "marraige" (hadda put that in quotemarks just for me) or else pain for one of the partners...but that's to me.

I believe that's one reason that the pre-marital relationships are so heavily discouraged by pervayers of doing what is 'right' - because it creates an appetite for one thing that another thing cannot satisfy.

I dunno either lol ... to me marraige should all boil down to roomate-hood, (which means allowing for anothers' individuality) fun (joy and peaceful existence and the bliss that true intimacy brings) and true friendship (being there for someone just 'cause u want to) ... no wonder I'm all alone LOL!

Just trying to offer something to the discussion since I kinda started it.

*clears throat*

*spots Summer going out the door and tries to gracefully scamper out behind her*
SoS, well realistically...each couple will have their issues.Celebrity or not. Whether it's money or time or "other people", or addictions, etc. etc.....each couple will have their own battles, I'm sure. How ANY couple make it work for 30 + years....only they will know. My parents were happily married for over 35 years, literally until "death do us part"...until my dad died. And I really admire them for that. I have NEVER heard my parents yell at each other, not once. They had disagreements but I've never seen them have a major fight where they'd yell at each other. And I love them for that. I guess that's why people who raise their voice at others scare me because I'm not used to that. But anyways, I guess some people just make it and some don't. I guess when it's right, it will last forever. And I guess both have to be in it "for life" . If they're not, it won't work if they just take off the second problems come up. And they will come up, no matter how much in love you are. It's just being human. Both need to be ready to work on things and ready to compromise because it's all about BOTH being happy. Then again...what do I know? :lol: Look at me....talking about relationships like I'd be Dr. Phil or something...when in reality I haven't got a clue. :doh: :lol:

*tries to make a graceful exit* :lol:

Impressive Summer about your parents...My mom and pops 50 years married...

Pops passed on August 13, 2008...

Well I do know what you mean though and deep down I seriously don't feel marraige has to be all that complicated but I've been called 'glib' a time or two so don't go by me. . . lol

It really has become so complex though, in this society. I guess too it depends I guess, on each persons' needs and how honest each person is about those.

For instance, if a person male or female has established within themselves, through habitual endulgence, thus self-training due to activities with others of the opposite sex, a certain "appetite" for certain things, then that is what their body is going to crave, be it whether they are used to a certain amount of "variety" or certain "types" of body parts or partners who will do certain things only a certain way, or whatever, so even if that person loves another with all their heart, if their object of love does not possess the things that have been known to satisfy all of their partner's predominant appetites, then that sounds like a recipe for an open "marraige" (hadda put that in quotemarks just for me) or else pain for one of the partners...but that's to me.

I believe that's one reason that the pre-marital relationships are so heavily discouraged by pervayers of doing what is 'right' - because it creates an appetite for one thing that another thing cannot satisfy.

I dunno either lol ... to me marraige should all boil down to roomate-hood, (which means allowing for anothers' individuality) fun (joy and peaceful existence and the bliss that true intimacy brings) and true friendship (being there for someone just 'cause u want to) ... no wonder I'm all alone LOL!

Just trying to offer something to the discussion since I kinda started it.

*clears throat*

*spots Summer going out the door and tries to gracefully scamper out behind her*

Speaking of marriage, you made me remember a phrase that I read somewhere:

"Love is the art of creating something with the help of the other capacity." :)
I was thinking about marriage now, and some came to me head... I think the most responsible for unsuccessful marriages is the people themselves. People fall in love in one day and I think that is love. And love and decision I decided to reason with the heart and love, but you can make the decision to do this without letting emotions get the, to analyze what each wants from life, emotional, as if differences can be one reason not to right, and if I give up something I do not regret me later. Must be aware, each has to give in some respects, because everyone is different.
^ I just wanna say I truly and sincerely just LOVE your accent!!! :D :yes:
its great! Great post too.
^ yes I was talking to you :giggle: I just love it, your choice of words and their placements give a good sense of 'sound' through text that comes across like a beautiful accent! If you're talking about my "books" thanks too! (and if not, ooops sorry lol)
Summer, it seems you had an awesome example set before you. That is a rare and wonderful thing. I remember when you first told that story much earlier in the thread and you had me ballin'. Love like that is rare it seems these days.
^ yes I was talking to you :giggle: I just love it, your choice of words and their placements give a good sense of 'sound' through text that comes across like a beautiful accent! If you're talking about my "books" thanks too! (and if not, ooops sorry lol)

lol! Thanks! Yes, I was talking about his books... I love them! Incidentally, I love reading all the comments here and the different ideas of each and that is what makes the discussion interesting and useful. Hmmm what is the next chapter of discussion? lol! This very excited by this... :D
^ aww so sorry to hear bout ur pop sdeidjs :better:

Thank You for your kind words Girl...pops was sick for some time and at least he is not suffering any more...

Although I had a rough time with it...I know my Pops will always live inside of me...

:angel:Keep helping to Heal The World~~~
Thank You for your kind words Girl...pops was sick for some time and at least he is not suffering any more...

Although I had a rough time with it...I know my Pops will always live inside of me...

:angel:Keep helping to Heal The World~~~

Always remember that all our loved ones that have passed on, will always be with us in spirit and guide us through our hearts.

They may be gone, but certainly not forgotten! :)
I was thinking about marriage now, and some came to me head... I think the most responsible for unsuccessful marriages is the people themselves. People fall in love in one day and I think that is love. And love and decision I decided to reason with the heart and love, but you can make the decision to do this without letting emotions get the, to analyze what each wants from life, emotional, as if differences can be one reason not to right, and if I give up something I do not regret me later. Must be aware, each has to give in some respects, because everyone is different.

That's kind of true...that people should be realistic about what they want in life and if what they want really fits the other person's plans. If the other one is dying to have kids and the other person involved absolutely does not want to have any or has them already or kids just are not in their future plans, then it just won't work. Because the one wanting kids will be unhappy and the one who doesn't want kids will feel pressured into having kids or worse, will end up having kids he/she never wanted to have, which won't be good to any child, if their parent doesn't want them and lets them know that too by their actions. Or if the other person wants to "see the world" and live in different places and the other one can't imagine moving out of his/her hometown, how is that ever gonna work? I think a lot of times people just don't wanna see things like that and just kind of naively think that "it will be alright" and that they'll "figure it out", and it may go well for a while....but ultimately if someone's heart is set on certain things they will need those things to be happy, and if they can't get them....there'll be trouble. So I kind of agree with you....you need to also be "realistic" even when you're head over heels in love. Then again...I also believe that when it's RIGHT....and REALLY the right one...there won't be issues like that. Because how could it possibly be the "right one" for you, if you for example wanna have kids and he/she doesn't? So in my opinion, everything should naturally fall in its place when it's TRUE LOVE, and the right person for YOU. :yes: But maybe I'm really naive about it all myself and unrealistic and have a too "idealistic" idea of marriage? Maybe I rate it all too high?

Summer, it seems you had an awesome example set before you. That is a rare and wonderful thing. I remember when you first told that story much earlier in the thread and you had me ballin'. Love like that is rare it seems these days.

True, and I am greatful for that. On the other hand it kind of set the bar pretty high....because I've seen what marriage CAN be...so I don't really wanna have anything less. I want THAT. I wanna get married and have kids and STAY happily married until we're old. That's what I want. But it's not that easy to find the right person. :timer: :lol:
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That's kind of true...that people should be realistic about what they want in life and if what they want really fits the other person's plans. If the other on is dying to have kids and the other person involved absolutely does not want to have any or has them already or kids just are not in their future plans, then it just won't work. Because the one wanting kids will be unhappy and the one who doesn't want kids will feel pressured to have kids or worse have kids he/she never wanted to take care of, which won't be good to any child, if their parents doesn't want them and lets them know that too by their actions. Or if the other person wants to "see the world" and live in different places and the other one can't imagine moving out of his/her hometown, how is that ever gonna work? I think a lot of times people just don't wanna see things like that and just kind of naively think that "it will be alright" and that they'll "figure it out", and it may go well for a while....but ultimately if someone's heart is set on certain things they will need those things to be happy, and if they can't get them....there'll be trouble. So I kind of agree with you....you need to also be "realistic" even when you're head over heels in love. Then again...I also believe that when it's RIGHT....and REALLY the right one...there won't be issues like that. Because how could it possibly be the "right one" for you, if you for example wanna have kids and he/she doesn't? So in my opinion, everything should naturally fall in its place when it's TRUE LOVE, and the right person for YOU. :yes: But maybe I'm really naive about it all myself and unrealistic and have a too "idealistic" idea of marriage? Maybe I rate it all too high?

Well, I am not married and never went by that I have seen, in my opinion and like you said, too, when it comes to marriage you must have both feet firmly on the ground and that the reality is another. We must be very realistic and have the consciousness that marry someone, share life with someone is not a fairy tale, the reality is stark naked and a couple. Fantasy and perfect love only happens in movies. Therefore, the dialogue is very important within a marriage to keep it alive, strong and that the couple grow and evolve within that relationship. First, the couple must be great friends and never ever hide anything from each other, mutual demonstrate reliability and be faithful to the end with that person you chose to be by your side for life the two have to share among themselves their future plans, their ideas, what would or would not like to do together, realize that marriage is beyond the life of each one with friends and family and that after the marriage should be maintained, should never be broken links, have or not have children and never be afraid of the reaction of others to expose their thoughts, even if it is against the opinion of others, and reach an agreement. For that one wants something and the other does not want, it will not work ever. So, there will always be problems within the marriage, but if a large unconditional love, trust and dialogue, will certainly yes, everything will be overcome and the result will be a great learning for the couple did not make the same mistake again and thus grow together within the relationship. And I still believe in eternal love in spite of so much modern world today, I believe in "be happy forever until death separates us", simply find the right person to be on our side and it will be possible. That is how I see it is a marriage and how it should work.

*Wow! Sorry for the size of the "book".:wild: When I start to write me excited and it is difficult to insure. lol! :D
Here's a song that fits perfectly into this love thread.....:)

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe in how

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe in how

You're asking me, will my love grow?
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around now it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe in how
Here's a song that fits perfectly into this love thread.....:)

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe in how

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe in how

You're asking me, will my love grow?
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around now it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe in how
The music speaks for itself... thanks for sharing Lily!​
True, and I am greatful for that. On the other hand it kind of set the bar pretty high....because I've seen what marriage CAN be...so I don't really wanna have anything less. I want THAT. I wanna get married and have kids and STAY happily married until we're old. That's what I want. But it's not that easy to find the right person. :timer: :lol:
Summer, how did your parents meet?

Anyone else have one of those love stories like Summers parents? Anyone want to share? (Then MJ can share the stage in here..lol)
Summer, how did your parents meet?

Anyone else have one of those love stories like Summers parents? Anyone want to share? (Then MJ can share the stage in here..lol)

I think they were both at the same dance....My dad was in a car outside the place where the dance was with his friends and actually one of his friends was kind of interested in my mom and called her over...but my mom liked my dad better. So they started dating. My mom used to smoke and my dad HATED smoking....so once it got more serious my dad told her that she has to choose: cigarettes or him. And my mom chose him and quit smoking and didn't smoke one cigarette after that. That's the "compromise" and "sacrifice" she made to make it work.
Summer, how did your parents meet?

Anyone else have one of those love stories like Summers parents? Anyone want to share? (Then MJ can share the stage in here..lol)

my boyfriends granparrents met when they where I think.. 14-17 years old (not older than 17), and they've never gone apart!
Aww Summer, it sounds like they really did have that fairy tale romance. How sweet. But your dad must have noticed her too right? But the friend did first? I like that he got her to quit smoking too. Smart really, for her own good as well. Not just cause he didnt like smoke from cigarettes but because it means she will live a long healthy life next to him. Plus it showed just how much he meant to her. Thank God she quit hey?

Safira wow.. that's the age my oldest daughter is right now, 14. Yikes. Though I guess it would be nicer to meet the one for her now rather than go through troubles and heartache with the wrong ones later on. She can't date for a few years yet though. She's good about it too. Has crushes and friendships, and at 14 that's just right.

My grandparents got married when my gramma was I think around 14 or 15 or something, and he was ten years older (yikes) and they are still together now around 70 something and 80 years of age. They looked like movie stars back when they were younger in photos. My grampa looks like James Dean I always thought, and my grandma had a look all her own with strawberry hair and ruby red lips. She reminds me of the starlets back then too though. They did everything together, but had fierce arguments too, I am told. Still they ran a hotel/bar/restaurant together for years and he was a welder. They camped and fished together. Gardened together. I remember they did everything together. My grampa had such a funny sense of humour. He was always making everyone laugh. They also drank together, which I guess was probably why they had the arguments. I remember when I was just maybe 4 years old getting to go into the pub/bar during the day when they were getting it all ready for opening. All the chairs were up on the tables and my brother and I would get a coin from gramma or grampa to put into the jukebox and we'd pick out our favorite songs and dance and run around. I remember "Another one bites the dust" and one song "Dizzy" who sang that? We would spin and twirl around to that one till we were so dizzy we would drop to the floor. I miss those times. I wish my kids could experience something they could think back to and remember fondly. Maybe they have.

ANyways, that is my story. I had better get going here. Busy day.. as they all are lately.
Aww Summer, it sounds like they really did have that fairy tale romance. How sweet. But your dad must have noticed her too right? But the friend did first? I like that he got her to quit smoking too. Smart really, for her own good as well. Not just cause he didnt like smoke from cigarettes but because it means she will live a long healthy life next to him. Plus it showed just how much he meant to her. Thank God she quit hey?

Safira wow.. that's the age my oldest daughter is right now, 14. Yikes. Though I guess it would be nicer to meet the one for her now rather than go through troubles and heartache with the wrong ones later on. She can't date for a few years yet though. She's good about it too. Has crushes and friendships, and at 14 that's just right.

My grandparents got married when my gramma was I think around 14 or 15 or something, and he was ten years older (yikes) and they are still together now around 70 something and 80 years of age. They looked like movie stars back when they were younger in photos. My grampa looks like James Dean I always thought, and my grandma had a look all her own with strawberry hair and ruby red lips. She reminds me of the starlets back then too though. They did everything together, but had fierce arguments too, I am told. Still they ran a hotel/bar/restaurant together for years and he was a welder. They camped and fished together. Gardened together. I remember they did everything together. My grampa had such a funny sense of humour. He was always making everyone laugh. They also drank together, which I guess was probably why they had the arguments. I remember when I was just maybe 4 years old getting to go into the pub/bar during the day when they were getting it all ready for opening. All the chairs were up on the tables and my brother and I would get a coin from gramma or grampa to put into the jukebox and we'd pick out our favorite songs and dance and run around. I remember "Another one bites the dust" and one song "Dizzy" who sang that? We would spin and twirl around to that one till we were so dizzy we would drop to the floor. I miss those times. I wish my kids could experience something they could think back to and remember fondly. Maybe they have.

ANyways, that is my story. I had better get going here. Busy day.. as they all are lately.

aww your granparrents story is cute :) 14 and 24 though. Thats like two different time areas of their lives! But nothing should compromise true love :heart: