Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

I completely agree, I've worked around mental health for 18 years and my childhood friend is schizophrenic. Trust me, that was no walk in the park, I've seen it all.

my father has a tad of skizofrenic aswell.. but it comes in many shapes this illness, and that is also why the therm should not be used like this.

what I see in Michael is just.. well.. the reason that "Human Nature" is my favorite song is that I think it speaks so clearly about Michael..
MP, but what I understood from what you were saying was that Michael seems two different people some times not because of what he does, but because of how he acts, right?

I thought you were speaking about his manners and his opposite behaviours in some occasions...

Like he is this completely shy guy in real life but, once on the stage, he turns into that powerful singer, who touches his crotch like if it was the most natural thing to do in front of thousands! Or like when he has those sad eyes but the most honest smile in his face... Or like he can be sweet and shy and, at the same time, so sexy, flirting with the ladies.. and many other examples...

That's what I thought you were talking about and my reply was based on that thought.
MP, but what I understood from what you were saying was that Michael seems two different people some times not because of what he does, but because of how he acts, right?

I thought you were speaking about his manners and his opposite behaviours in some occasions...

Like he is this completely shy guy in real life but, once on the stage, he turns into that powerful singer, who touches his crotch like if it was the most natural thing to do in front of thousands! Or like when he has those sad eyes but the most honest smile in his face... Or like he can be sweet and shy and, at the same time, so sexy, flirting with the ladies.. and many other examples...

That's what I thought you were talking about and my reply was based on that thought.

No. He's always had that kinda "dual" thing going on inside himself. But it's all been inside one person. What I'm talking about is like actually (literally) two different people! *Que the Twilight Zone music*
MP, I must tell you.. This thread really did affect you... LOL!

I'm going to analize more careful the latest pics and then I'll tell you what I think.

But, going totally off topic now, I have this theory: Michael didn't want his comeback to be like this, a collection of old songs. I guess he wanted to do a world tour with new songs, new album, new everything. But since he was off for so long and nobody really knew what was going to happen. So, my guess is that AEG told Michael: "if you prove you still got it, then we'll do it your way". And that's why Michael seems very excited sometimes and seems to just don't care at other times.. But again, it's just a guess...
MP, I must tell you.. This thread really did affect you... LOL!

I'm going to analize more careful the latest pics and then I'll tell you what I think.

But, going totally off topic now, I have this theory: Michael didn't want his comeback to be like this, a collection of old songs. I guess he wanted to do a world tour with new songs, new album, new everything. But since he was off for so long and nobody really knew what was going to happen. So, my guess is that AEG told Michael: "if you prove you still got it, then we'll do it your way". And that's why Michael seems very excited sometimes and seems to just don't care at other times.. But again, it's just a guess...

Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to use all those terms. I guess I was just trying my best to describe the unique vibe I was getting from him, but I guess I'm being unsuccessful at it. I think he is probably just a very complex person who I will never be able to completely understand. But, that's okay, because he's MJ and he doesn't owe anybody anything.
No. He's always had that kinda "dual" thing going on inside himself. But it's all been inside one person. What I'm talking about is like actually (literally) two different people! *Que the Twilight Zone music*

no he has not.. you should not judge about this when you dont know him behind closed doors! none of us do so we should not talk about this imo..

A person that grew up on stage knows hes buisness in and out. It's he's second home. Sometimes it might even feel like hes only home for a period.

When he is - "Michael Jackson - The King of Pop" when he's upthere - It is also an act in some ways. It's a show. When he's not at work - on-stage - he's relaxing with he's family and friends and he doesnt moonwalk he's way around at home ya know..

Michael is also talking about "being the rythm" when he dances. He's dancing what he feels in the music. So if he feel like its a dirty rythm he's dancing something crotchy'ish :smilerolleyes: automaticly.

That sexy dance is what he can do best. It's he's work!
no he has not.. you should not judge about this when you dont know him behind closed doors! none of us do so we should not talk about this imo..

A person that grew up on stage knows hes buisness in and out. It's he's second home. Sometimes it might even feel like hes only home for a period.

When he is - "Michael Jackson - The King of Pop" when he's upthere - It is also an act in some ways. It's a show. When he's not at work - on-stage - he's relaxing with he's family and friends and he doesnt moonwalk he's way around at home ya know..

Michael is also talking about "being the rythm" when he dances. He's dancing what he feels in the music. So if he feel like its a dirty rythm he's dancing something crotchy'ish :smilerolleyes: automaticly.

That sexy dance is what he can do best. It's he's work!

And ... once again ... you are correct! He should not be judged, he doesn't have to justify his actions to anyone and ... like the rest of us, he should be free to do whatever he wants.
My goodness gracious Ladies & Gentleman

Just because Mr.Jackson needs to compensate so both the family and him can maintain a normal life as possible and do the things THEY/HE enjoy doing...

Yes being in the public eye does come with the territory...but... I am sure it is not the easiest task in the world to always be smiling, looking perfect etc...not to mention to feel like somebody is always watching, analyzing your every move...

Therefore, I highly doubt Mr.Jackson has a split personality..!

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth
My goodness gracious Ladies & Gentleman

Just because Mr.Jackson needs to compensate so both the family and him can maintain a normal life as possible and do the things THEY/HE enjoy doing...

Yes being in the public eye does come with the territory...but... I am sure it is not the easiest task in the world to always be smiling, looking perfect etc...not to mention to feel like somebody is always watching, analyzing your every move...

Therefore, I highly doubt Mr.Jackson has a split personality..!

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth

I guess we all tend to put a lot of ourselves in the way we see Michael... and that's ok, because that's what fans do. Fans search for aspects in the artist that they can identify with and then they search the opposite way, which means, they try to identify themselves in their idol.

And being as complex as Michael is, it turns a lot easier for each one of us to see different aspects of Michael's personality..
no he has not.. you should not judge about this when you dont know him behind closed doors! none of us do so we should not talk about this imo..

A person that grew up on stage knows hes buisness in and out. It's he's second home. Sometimes it might even feel like hes only home for a period.

When he is - "Michael Jackson - The King of Pop" when he's upthere - It is also an act in some ways. It's a show. When he's not at work - on-stage - he's relaxing with he's family and friends and he doesnt moonwalk he's way around at home ya know..

Michael is also talking about "being the rythm" when he dances. He's dancing what he feels in the music. So if he feel like its a dirty rythm he's dancing something crotchy'ish :smilerolleyes: automaticly.

That sexy dance is what he can do best. It's he's work!

I agree with you. What we know is that person we see on stage. Michael loves the stage, I think that if he could live there on the stage near the audience, I think he really feels at home and completely loved and happy. But off the stage it is somebody else. From small to date if you get all photos of Michael you will see a sad look, as if missing something. I realized that the years passed and this look is sad. What is missing? He is so happy on stage close to his fans and outside, inside the house as is Michael Jackson? What is happening in your heart and in your mind when you're alone? Nobody knows, and never know. I looked far and came to conclusion that there are two "Michael Jackson": we see the artist up on stage and off-stage human being with their children and not many personalities in one person. If several persons whom he never know he is real and will be wondering: "So who am I really?"​
Good point about the "I love you". Actually it is not just MJ that "throws that word around". I think people use "I love you" very loosely in general. So much so that I have often thought that if a guy told me "I love you" I'd probably be like "Can you be more specific? You love me...or you are IN LOVE with me?" :unsure: :scratch: :doh::lol: :lol: (Talking about killing the romance! :doh: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:) And after that question he'd probably be like "Uhm...never mind!". :rolleyes: *guy walks away* :lol: :lol:

I love that quote. It's beautiful. :wub:

I knew there was a post waaaaayyyyy back that I wanted to respond to :lol:

I think we can love many things/people for various reasons, I know I do, but I do agree with the words "I love you" being used very randomly by many people. Seemingly it appears to me out of neediness. Especially in the context of romance and intimate relationships. It's as if the true intimacy meaning of the words "I love you" have become nonexistant at times.
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^ Yes, you are right. I guess there really are two MJ's in that sense - one in the public eye and one in private. Maybe that's what I was picking up on after all. Well, I hope one day he finds all that he is looking for.
:) Yes, one day when the right time he will find everything he needs and be completely happy in all aspects of your life: personal and professional life. Remember, God is working hard for it that has to be special and definitive for the search reaches the end. You may take, but no matter, take the time that is necessary, it must be right and the final, nothing could be doubtful for him, there can be no doubt that he was being a human being face very strong the challenges of God and now he knows how he is strong and is ready to follow his path to peace and quiet and true love he deserves and when problems arise in the path, God will be back to help you. :yes:
Oh, that's really a hard question to answer queen g because I guess it's not really what he's doing, it's more like a "feeling" or "impression." You know, for instance there's the "Michael" who is busily preparing for the upcoming shows and other projects all "hyped-up" and everything and then you see the "Michael" who is just casually strolling down the park hand in hand with his family or perhaps shopping for antiques or whatever like he doesn't have a care under the sun. Sometimes I think, "Is that the same guy?" Now most people would say, "So what. What's the matter with that? You mean he has to rehearse non-stop and never take a break to do something fun with his family or take care of some other needs?" And you know, they would be absolutely right. That's what makes it so difficult to explain. All of his actions can technically be justified. That's why I said it's more like a "feeling" or "vibe" I'm getting or something from the "Michaels." It's really weird, I know. Maybe this thread is finally affecting my brain. I knew it would one day, lol!:lol:

I dunno about you MP - but If I ever caught MJ casually strolling down the street, hand in hand with his family to buy OUST, I think I'd lose it. Big time.
Wait a minute! I think I know what you are talking about...like the Patty Duke Show!

Hmmm, does MJ have an identical cousin?

they laugh alike, they talk alike, at times they even walk alike....you can lose your mind, when cousins... are two of a kind!

yes he does! AND ITS ME!! muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :zombie:

oh.. wait.. somebody cover up my avatar! :doh:
Well he can dress up and wear the tights for me anytime as Spiderman and then as MJ he can wear those jeans. :wub: I'll take both thank you. LOL :winking2:
But I'm just not sure I admire the Spider-Man song as much as the Patty Duke Show theme song. I'll give it a chance, though.

Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web, any size.
Catches thieves- just like flies.
Look out! Here comes the Spiderman.

Is he strong? Listen, bud.
He's got radioactive blood.
Can he swing, from a thread?
Take a look overhead.
Hey, there! There goes the Spiderman...

Now that makes me feel a little uncomfortable. MJ walking around with radioactive blood.

IM SPIDERMAN!!! muahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :zombie:
*hides under table*