Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Today we can choose. Choose choose choose! Everything is possible! Do you want to do that? Choose it! Do want that kind of man? Choose him! Do you want that sort of family? Choose it! Everything is possible.

Yes, everything is possible, but the achievement is difficult. Want is easy, but this is very difficult. Will not be easy, that things come so easy are not great and did not reach the growth, we must fight and work hard to achieve what you want, and be sure to remain strong when facing obstacles. It is not easy and it is not impossible.
I agree. I also think that we have an all too idealistic view of love. That love is supposed to "hit you"...yeah, like in the movies. But love is so much more than that. Sjeidis, I believe that two people need to be friends first. How else are you going to know and like someone? What happens after the "fireworks" are over...so many of us are tempted to go somewhere else to get "fireworks" time and time again. That's why the divorce rate is so high. We are just not realistic when it comes to love. And we need to be especially realistic when it comes to Michael.

I just don't want him running of with a late 20's, early 30's starlet who is only after him to make a name for herself. This time, I want MJ to be really and truly in love. And in friendship.
:clapping:Lindaaaaaaaaaaa congratulations for your comment!!!!! You were wonderful! You said it all. :yes:
but this "hit" can also happen in real life! it was like that with my boyfriend and I back when we first met. it was just for a movie.. running around in denial for ½ a year and then suddenly fall deeply in love right on the spot :p

but now its like.. totally different! :lol: its work work work. and love ofcourse :)
I love him very much :heart:
but no fairytale anymore!

and thats what I meen is to idealistic about our expactations. because many people leave eachother as soon as that "in-love" feeling ends. At thats really a shame!
but this "hit" can also happen in real life! it was like that with my boyfriend and I back when we first met. it was just for a movie.. running around in denial for ½ a year and then suddenly fall deeply in love right on the spot :p

but now its like.. totally different! :lol: its work work work. and love ofcourse :)
I love him very much :heart:
but no fairytale anymore!

and thats what I meen is to idealistic about our expactations. because many people leave eachother as soon as that "in-love" feeling ends. At thats really a shame!

Hmmm but I know it was not easy right? But if that happened to you and your boyfriend had a reason that nothing in life happens by chance. I imagine you must have suffered, but learned a lot from that and now the relationship with the back of you was stronger than ever. Nothing happens in our walk in, everything always take something good, always learn something, it always will be a great learning. :yes:​
I'm wondering how any of you ladies would feel if you were the one he was passionately in love with and he told you "I love you"? Would it feel different to you than it would coming from someone else or would you question the words to mean anything less because of the fact that he says "I love you" to everyone?

Also, I think it takes a very secure woman to listen to other females talk about the man she loves. Especially when those other females emotions are based on non-realistic or fantasy-like thoughts about a man that they have no mind, body and soul connection with whatsoever. It's purely based on the persona of Michael Jackson superstar they see onstage or in videos and on records and not just Michael the very deep passionate intellectual man. Do I think he could fall in love with a fan, sure. Just about everyone on this planet is a fan of MJ or the Jackson 5. But I think the woman would have to have something much more, independence, passion for life and learning, a certain spark about her, etc..I believe for a man that's seen it all over these years, something has to be incredibly special about her. Someday he'll find his forever love, if he hasn't yet already found her.

Ok my thoughts for today LOL.....back to lurking. :popcorn::winking2:

I read this quote recently that reminded me of the current topic being discussed about friendship and love.

"Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle". - Sam Levenson
I'm wondering how any of you ladies would feel if you were the one he was passionately in love with and he told you "I love you"? Would it feel different to you than it would coming from someone else or would you question the words to mean anything less because of the fact that he says "I love you" to everyone?

Also, I think it takes a very secure woman to listen to other females talk about the man she loves. Especially when those other females emotions are based on non-realistic or fantasy-like thoughts about a man that they have no mind, body and soul connection with whatsoever. It's purely based on the persona of Michael Jackson superstar they see onstage or in videos and on records and not just Michael the very deep passionate intellectual man. Do I think he could fall in love with a fan, sure. Just about everyone on this planet is a fan of MJ or the Jackson 5. But I think the woman would have to have something much more, independence, passion for life and learning, a certain spark about her, etc..I believe for a man that's seen it all over these years, something has to be incredibly special about her. Someday he'll find his forever love, if he hasn't yet already found her.

Ok my thoughts for today LOL.....back to lurking. :popcorn::winking2:

I read this quote recently that reminded me of the current topic being discussed about friendship and love.

"Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle". - Sam Levenson
:wild::clapping: Wow! I loved your post. Well, nothing is impossible and it is possible but it can fall in love with a fan. But as you have said you want to be a very, very, very special for him. She must be very prepared to live that love with a famous person, take care of that love, that still has that side, but is less important. If there is a sincere love, trust, friendship, go ahead and forget the rest of the world and not hear, nor mind to what others (the press) will say. The important thing is love of truth, to be loved unconditionally and live this love, take care of that love every day and every moment that the flame never end and be happy forever, that's what really matters. :yes:
Yes, you are all right. I guess if something is meant to happen between two people it will and if it ain't it won't. No sense in worrying either way. I gave that up a few years ago - bad for one's health, lol!

As for me, I am taking break from all this "love," puttin' it on the back burner and I am going to a cookout!

Happy Memorial Day Everyone! Remember Our Heroes!
Yes, you are all right. I guess if something is meant to happen between two people it will and if it ain't it won't. No sense in worrying either way. I gave that up a few years ago - bad for one's health, lol!

As for me, I am taking break from all this "love," puttin' it on the back burner and I am going to a cookout!

Happy Memorial Day Everyone! Remember Our Heroes!
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I'm wondering how any of you ladies would feel if you were the one he was passionately in love with and he told you "I love you"? Would it feel different to you than it would coming from someone else or would you question the words to mean anything less because of the fact that he says "I love you" to everyone?

Also, I think it takes a very secure woman to listen to other females talk about the man she loves. Especially when those other females emotions are based on non-realistic or fantasy-like thoughts about a man that they have no mind, body and soul connection with whatsoever. It's purely based on the persona of Michael Jackson superstar they see onstage or in videos and on records and not just Michael the very deep passionate intellectual man. Do I think he could fall in love with a fan, sure. Just about everyone on this planet is a fan of MJ or the Jackson 5. But I think the woman would have to have something much more, independence, passion for life and learning, a certain spark about her, etc..I believe for a man that's seen it all over these years, something has to be incredibly special about her. Someday he'll find his forever love, if he hasn't yet already found her.

Ok my thoughts for today LOL.....back to lurking. :popcorn::winking2:

I read this quote recently that reminded me of the current topic being discussed about friendship and love.

"Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle". - Sam Levenson

Good point about the "I love you". Actually it is not just MJ that "throws that word around". I think people use "I love you" very loosely in general. So much so that I have often thought that if a guy told me "I love you" I'd probably be like "Can you be more specific? You love me...or you are IN LOVE with me?" :unsure: :scratch: :doh::lol: :lol: (Talking about killing the romance! :doh: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:) And after that question he'd probably be like "Uhm...never mind!". :rolleyes: *guy walks away* :lol: :lol:

I love that quote. It's beautiful. :wub:
It's funny that the question about if MJ could end up with a fan came up today as I was watching a biography about the Coreys today in which one of them actually admitted that his wife was a fan when she first met him. So yes, it's possible.
This thread is moving so fast since I had last seen it! and with such deep thoughts!

For me, seeing the word(s), "true love", and "friendship" over and over on these last few pages have raised up for me another word which is, "depth".

I feel that on a certain level, all love is really "true", even "puppy love". Its an appreciation of something, even if its something superficial, or on a different level, for a different type of relationship - a much deeper appreciation for something much deeper.

I feel that's why an entertainer can so easily bat around the words, "I love you" to millions of people over and over again - because that person is himself, in a true emotional state of profound appreciation for the love (albeit perhaps largely superficial) from great numbers of people, which certainly amounts to 'true' love in its own way, so I would answer the question posed by saying, sure I can imagine hearing him say, "I love you" just as to millions of others, just with a different 'meaning' to him and to me.

The question about love to me would be, that question that the Bee Gees posed with the song title, "How Deep Is Your Love".

I feel if love has a spiritual basis in the realm of the 'unseen', where God is, it would seem that there could be a level of depth that could explain "love at first sight" meaning 'recognition' in spirit that I 'see' this person or this person 'sees' me - - getting back to the 'soul mate' aspect.

Also though, another way of looking at 'depth' reminds me of when I was in my teen years, my dad would hear me sprouting the praises of some guy, perhaps a school mate or something, and with enthusiastic exhuberance I would chime ..."I luuuuv him!!' in that given moment (and I was good for doing that often) just expressing some profound feeling of immediate appreciation of something about that person, and my dad would ask, "oh reeeeally? Now, WHY is that?" (my dad used to ask 'why' to me a lot about e v e r y t h i n g) and I'd say something like, "because he's so cuuuute!!!!" and my dad would say, "ok well now let me ask you something - what if he got in a terrible car crash that disfigured him for life or his face got burned in a fire, would you still 'just luuuuuuuuuv him???" - and it would cause me to pause and look at it a completely different way.

Or, if I said, "I luuuv him because he's so gooood at ...." (this that or the other - whatever it may be) my dad would say, "now, what if he became paralyzed from the neck down and could never move again, now how would you feel about that same person?" - and once again, it would cause me to look at things from a much deeper vantage point.

Just wanted to toss that out, because everyone isn't saying the 'same thing' all the time when the words, "I love you" are used. I feel that its important to look at the depth of love on BOTH persons' parts, or in the words of one song which title and artist I don't recall at the moment, "What Kind of Love is This" (It may have been the group, LaBelle).

As for romance, to me the ideal is that at the age and stage in life when people can barely make it sometimes from the sink to the stove, romance can still be there. I feel its easy when there has been a true and living friendship along the way, meaning a true appreciation, and full acceptance of the total person which of course contains "bad" as well as "good" and any 'struggles' they see eachother though along the way of this earthly experience and I mean BOTH not just "her" or him.

I feel "romance" is another term that kinda gets 'batted about'. To me its something that flows naturally, coming out of a love that's true, and glows in the heart like an ember that may not always be a raging, roaring 24/7/365 out of control fire - - but which, all the same, couldn't die out, for people who love to be in eachothers' company, and as in a flow like a river, is naturally expressed on the outside, through tender and ongoing affection in acts which people call 'romance', expressed spontaneously and in different ways, or varying forms of intimate communication.
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On another note, if "she" is going through H.E. Hockysticks as queen_g says, I wonder if it could interfere with his pure concentration on his "here/now", as possibly with "hers" when he was going through his most major challenge.

I'm thinking of the movie E.T. when Elliot drank the beer and E.T. got drunk ( :giggle: so cute ) because the song that started this topic is from that movie right?

In fact, if that is the kind of 'connection' he has to "her" (his songs do say he can 'feel' her) I'd imagine the goal would be to be together if for no other reason than to diffuse the mystery that might would be adding to any 'distractedness' that could come from these kinds of energies intertwining without physically interacting. Being in the same space at the same time even for a minute could heal any adverse things that all the mystery could create for either one.

Also though, (hitch-hiking on MP's comment about growth, although it was another word used) perhaps it is taking time also because of God growing "her" through any challenges "she" may be facing, and MJ allowing for that with good reason, especially if she is to become strong enough to handle all that I'd imagine must go along with being in his life.

Nevermind being strong enough to listen to females oooing and awwing ... I would imagine that is nothing (maybe even fun for her) as compared to whatever 'struggles' may be behind the scenes of his complex yet simple life which she'd better be ready for as much as anyone can prepare for an unknown of such impact as Michael's life.

It couldn't be something to take lightly or to go into expecting it to be all "roses" and no "thorns" although I would hope her attitude toward life would determine what to view as a "thorn", meaning "choosing her battles" with proper skill because there's no telling what wouldn't be thrown "at" her day to day, moment to moment, year to year.

Oh well. This has been yet another book! :doh:. Oh well, I may as well express one last thought. I'm really struck by the ideas coming up about 'doubts' and 'fears'. I feel the aspect of 'mystery' would account a lot for any feelings of doubts or fears which may exist on either's part just by the self-defining nature of the word "mystery" itself eg., something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained,

so just about any more dimension they can add to this thing would help that aspect immensely it seems to me.

When the day comes that the mystery is completely erased, the understanding that results, even from a simple embrace, will replace any fears or doubts that could naturally exist for him or "her" interacting energetically in spirit without anything in the physical dimension to balance it.

It seems that what is keeping any certainty alive at this point is that which comes from Spirit which is being expressed through cryptic words and music. It has a maddening element as well as romantic it seems, for everyone here lol.

I guess that gets back to the topic of is it his job to make the first move or "hers". I guess the concensus is, its God's job. Perhaps to move either or both of them to perhaps do something which neither of them could or would naturally be able or willing to do, of their own volition. That's my take on allowing God's Will anyway, or at least one take.

I guess I'll end by bringing this back to how the topic all got started ... two songs about true friendship that have been brought out in previous posts ...

"...one sweet night I knew I would see a stranger who'd be my friend ..." ...

... ... "with a friend to call my own I'll never be alone and you my friend will see you've got a friend in me"

and Keep the Faith

Again, that seems to be what this is somehow all about.

( sorry for those who hate "books" and thanks for letting me share) It'll be a while before another one, I promise. :flowers:
On another note, if "she" is going through H.E. Hockysticks as queen_g says, I wonder if it could interfere with his pure concentration on his "here/now", as possibly with "hers" when he was going through his most major challenge.

I'm thinking of the movie E.T. when Elliot drank the beer and E.T. got drunk ( :giggle: so cute ) because the song that started this topic is from that movie right?

In fact, if that is the kind of 'connection' he has to "her" (his songs do say he can 'feel' her) I'd imagine the goal would be to be together if for no other reason than to diffuse the mystery that might would be adding to any 'distractedness' that could come from these kinds of energies intertwining without physically interacting. Being in the same space at the same time even for a minute could heal any adverse things that all the mystery could create for either one.

Also though, (hitch-hiking on MP's comment about growth, although it was another word used) perhaps it is taking time also because of God growing "her" through any challenges "she" may be facing, and MJ allowing for that with good reason, especially if she is to become strong enough to handle all that I'd imagine must go along with being in his life.

Nevermind being strong enough to listen to females oooing and awwing ... I would imagine that is nothing (maybe even fun for her) as compared to whatever 'struggles' may be behind the scenes of his complex yet simple life which she'd better be ready for as much as anyone can prepare for an unknown of such impact as Michael's life.

It couldn't be something to take lightly or to go into expecting it to be all "roses" and no "thorns" although I would hope her attitude toward life would determine what to view as a "thorn", meaning "choosing her battles" with proper skill because there's no telling what wouldn't be thrown "at" her day to day, moment to moment, year to year.

Oh well. This has been yet another book! :doh:. Oh well, I may as well express one last thought. I'm really struck by the ideas coming up about 'doubts' and 'fears'. I feel the aspect of 'mystery' would account a lot for any feelings of doubts or fears which may exist on either's part just by the self-defining nature of the word "mystery" itself eg., something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained,

so just about any more dimension they can add to this thing would help that aspect immensely it seems to me.

When the day comes that the mystery is completely erased, the understanding that results, even from a simple embrace, will replace any fears or doubts that could naturally exist for him or "her" interacting energetically in spirit without anything in the physical dimension to balance it.

It seems that what is keeping any certainty alive at this point is that which comes from Spirit which is being expressed through cryptic words and music. It has a maddening element as well as romantic it seems, for everyone here lol.

I guess that gets back to the topic of is it his job to make the first move or "hers". I guess the concensus is, its God's job. Perhaps to move either or both of them to perhaps do something which neither of them could or would naturally be able or willing to do, of their own volition. That's my take on allowing God's Will anyway, or at least one take.

I guess I'll end by bringing this back to how the topic all got started ... two songs about true friendship that have been brought out in previous posts ...

"...one sweet night I knew I would see a stranger who'd be my friend ..." ...

... ... "with a friend to call my own I'll never be alone and you my friend will see you've got a friend in me"

and Keep the Faith

Again, that seems to be what this is somehow all about.

( sorry for those who hate "books" and thanks for letting me share) It'll be a while before another one, I promise. :flowers:

Great post! :clapping: :popcorn:
^ aw thanks, I broke that thing up and did a little editing, it was rediculously long! LOL! :doh: :flowers: glad u enjoyed it
Wow! STATEofSHOCK I love your books! You talked about something very important: "deep" and say "I love you". I think the words have great power and great significance, sometimes they can have dual meaning depending on the situation. Therefore it should always be careful what we say, be careful with the words we use, sometimes they can be dangerous. Saying "I love you" is something very deep and strong. It must be very sure of feelings to say "I love you" to another person if you are unsure of you feel about that person, you can not simply say "I love you" that there is a difference between love and passion and confuse most people do not know the difference. I understand that now "I love you" is said very easily by couples without having the concept of how strong it is. So people learn to define what is love and that is passion. A case of sudden passion. At the time it is sparking crazy, unbridled, it is now, just go away, and passengers, and love? Love is a feeling strong, long lasting and it is safe, quiet, grows little by little, becoming more solid. In love you supply is involved, but it is only emotion, when is the feeling, the euphoria, we see the mistakes and leave the boat. Already in love do not lose your head easily, is not ruled by instinct, give time to examine the emotions. Using intelligence, only after taking attitudes of thinking. The passion can become an obsession, something so strong that the escape our control, the consequence is an excessive jealousy. In love you will be near the beloved person 24 hours a day, but without pressure, more sweet and kind, everything happens naturally, there is mutual trust between two people. The passion from which they enjoy, everything is valid. Love hopes, concerns never confuses sexuality with love, passion one is interested in the other, simply by the sympathy of the visual, voice, odor, is a question of skin, the chemical is pure physical attraction, no matter what another thought. In love the look is not important, what matters is the soul, the heart, inner beauty is the eye with beautiful views of the heart, we know each other, their interests, feelings, fears and weaknesses.

Passion in the differences are of fights and disagreements, one hurts the other and not facing the problem, moves, run away, not allowing a deep friendship. In love, there are different opinions, there are discussions and we are angry with each other, but we seek solutions to problems, using common sense, there is the relationship becomes deeper as they overcome the difficulties together. In the passion when the thoughts are opposites, the easiest way is to replace another person, no patience to take time and figure out the points in common. In contrast there is room for love to disagree with another attack, insult. You can disagree with a thought, without rejecting the other, a respect the feelings of others, even with some sacrifice and show how we really love is transparent, shows not only the quality but also the defects, when seeing an error the other seeking help him, not to force change, but have great understanding and patience with the other. The passion is finding their own selfish interests, using relationship to relieve the emotional and sexual needs. It is an affirmation of self and feel more secure. Love cares for the well being of another, or see the person happy and done, is concerned about how the other is concerned with himself, is much more to receive that love is true it is solely dedicated to love. At least I think so.

Sorry for my personal book, the thoughts are appearing in my head and I write. lol! It is the inspiration. Again my thoughts flew away! :)
I dunno. I sometimes wonder if we are sometimes being too "idealistic" when it comes to MJ and romance. I mean, I know we think that when he finds the right one everything is just going to magically fall into place and it's gonna be just like when two people meet in the movies when they recognize each other from a distance and then they run into each other's arms and ride off into the sunset together, but maybe it won't be. I mean, if it were meant to be that easy, wouldn't they have been together by now? Apparently, it's all a little trickier than it seems. I don't know if we're leaving much room for things like doubts on both of their parts, fears, other people getting in the way, them getting in their own way, more obstacles, etc. Maybe they will still have one last obstacle to overcome, or one last mountain to climb or something. It makes sense actually. If they've been overcoming obstacles and climbing mountains all this time, why is it hard to believe there would be one last thing to overcome? I know this scenario isn't very popular, but maybe it is what their reality will be. As all of you have stated, he does have a very unique life and he is after all, only human. I know we like to think of him as superhuman - and he probably likes to think of himself that way also, but everyone has limitations. Even superman had his "kryptonite" or whatever. And, I already know what you're going to say, "They can overcome anything!" LOL!

You know, MP, I see your point... And I'll tell you one thing: all those romantic stories I write about here are the way I wish things could happen... It's more beautiful and pleasent to think this way. But I know reality is another thing.

I'm petty sure that, even if it's God's plans to bring Michael and this lady together, they'll be nothing but a regular couple. Maybe they'll love eachother very much, respect and admire, be friends and everything... but they'l have to face some problems too. Because the fact that God wants you to have something doesn't mean it's gonna be easy. Every day in our lives is a like a battle to prove to the Father that we deserve His blessings... It wouldn't be different for Michael and his girl.

And, besides all that, we all know that relationships are not easy.. A marriage isn't a calm and sweet paradise. It's a hard work to get to know the other one better and better and to learn how to live with this one in harmony.

We must not forget that love is like a flower... Doesn't matter how strong it may seem, if we don't take care of it, if we don't feed it, it will loose its beauty and die.

So, even for soulmates, a romance like in the movies would be almost impossible... But if the two will to live together and are up to work hard to construct this life with love, caring, respect and harmony, I guess it become possible...
Lots of really good posts :) I've enjoyed the new ideas in here. Thank you Renata for explaining, and it really does make sense I THINK, what you said. It sounds like it makes sense. I wonder though if the two of them feel sparks despite their close friendship, is that how it would ideally be? No idea really. I like the bringing reality into this thread too. It's nice to see that. (Now I gotta read SOS's posts cause I wrote this before those were posted and didn't post right away)
Renata, great post! It takes a lifetime to get to know a person sometimes. There has to always be an abiding deep appreciation for something much deeper than anything that can be seen by the human eye to keep people truly open while getting to know eachother, because some not so 'attractive" things could be uncovered along the way.

I agree with you too Ashtanga, I especially like what you said here:
Passion in the differences are of fights and disagreements, one hurts the other and not facing the problem, moves, run away, not allowing a deep friendship. In love, there are different opinions, there are discussions and we are angry with each other, but we seek solutions to problems, using common sense, there is the relationship becomes deeper as they overcome the difficulties together. In the passion when the thoughts are opposites, the easiest way is to replace another person, no patience to take time and figure out the points in common. In contrast there is room for love to disagree with another attack, insult. You can disagree with a thought, without rejecting the other, a respect the feelings of others, even with some sacrifice and show how we really love is transparent, shows not only the quality but also the defects, when seeing an error the other seeking help him, not to force change, but have great understanding and patience with the other. The passion is finding their own selfish interests, using relationship to relieve the emotional and sexual needs. It is an affirmation of self and feel more secure. Love cares for the well being of another, or see the person happy and done, is concerned about how the other is concerned with himself, is much more to receive that love is true it is solely dedicated to love
caring enough to stay and fight says a lot about commitment too, to anothers' well-being I mean. :yes: wanting for the person what they want for themselves and more sometimes, because someone close to you can see what is in your way a lot of times, clearer than you can due to being too close to the situation from within, with only your old "story" to draw from as you see yourself through the same eyes that have seen everything else associated with you. Wonder if that made sense :unsure:

Speaking of wanting something for someone else - - I've noticed one theme that seems to recur in a lot of MJ's songs is he sings about "setting" "someone" "free" and taking "her" to all kinds of places she may have never thought she'd ever be going.

Whenever I hear that it always strikes me as very sweet :wub:
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I agree with you too Ashtanga, I especially like what you said here:
caring enough to stay and fight says a lot about commitment too, to anothers' well-being I mean. :yes: wanting for the person what they want for themselves and more sometimes, because someone close to you can see what is in your way a lot of times, clearer than you can due to being too close to the situation from within, with only your old "story" to draw from as you see yourself through the same eyes that have seen everything else associated with you. Wonder if that made sense :unsure:

Speaking of wanting something for someone else - - I've noticed one theme that seems to recur in a lot of MJ's songs is he sings about "setting" "someone" "free" and taking "her" to all kinds of places she may have never thought she'd ever be going.

Whenever I hear that it always strikes me as very sweet :wub:

Thanks! Oh, yes it takes care of love every day to not let him die, so your name is always alive and accesses. And understand that you are left a little part, people have a life racing and forget to care for the love of your relationship and it is then that the problems begin to arise. No need to do great things, if there is true love, simple and small things can make a big difference as a simple "I love you" every day and any time by out what you feel, say how you love the other person and why it is so important and fundamental in his life, an unexpected invitation to a dinner, a gift, a surprise, a flower, a letter or card with a poem or simple words of love written by you (drop the poet that is within us), a simple phone call during the day and so many other things that may seem silly and stupid to some people, but they make a big difference and has always accesses the flame of love. It is essential you always say what you feel to another, always express your love and your feelings for that question never arises between two or for one of the two, we show how we love. :)

About the songs of Michael, we have still much discussion, is an endless discussion, when we have something to discuss them with so many messages that they are in, then I think this is the intention of Michael: cause for reflection and discussion about them. :yes:

What is the next song or what the next theme to be discussed?? lol! :scratch:

I am anxious for the next thread... :)
Thanks! Oh, yes it takes care of love every day to not let him die, so your name is always alive and accesses. And understand that you are left a little part, people have a life racing and forget to care for the love of your relationship and it is then that the problems begin to arise. No need to do great things, if there is true love, simple and small things can make a big difference as a simple "I love you" every day and any time by out what you feel, say how you love the other person and why it is so important and fundamental in his life, an unexpected invitation to a dinner, a gift, a surprise, a flower, a letter or card with a poem or simple words of love written by you (drop the poet that is within us), a simple phone call during the day and so many other things that may seem silly and stupid to some people, but they make a big difference and has always accesses the flame of love. It is essential you always say what you feel to another, always express your love and your feelings for that question never arises between two or for one of the two, we show how we love. :)

About the songs of Michael, we have still much discussion, is an endless discussion, when we have something to discuss them with so many messages that they are in, then I think this is the intention of Michael: cause for reflection and discussion about them. :yes:

What is the next song or what the next theme to be discussed?? lol! :scratch:

I am anxious for the next thread... :)

I think that a big problem can also be if these little things that you do out of love becomes something that you take for granted. Thats something that you can never let happen!
Never take the other one for granted!

dont you just love psycology! I love to be able to spot through certain things and to know the exact psycological explanation behind a certain behavior. It's very exiting!

this thread has sort of a psycological twist to it dont you think? :)
I think that a big problem can also be if these little things that you do out of love becomes something that you take for granted. Thats something that you can never let happen!
Never take the other one for granted!

dont you just love psycology! I love to be able to spot through certain things and to know the exact psycological explanation behind a certain behavior. It's very exiting!

this thread has sort of a psycological twist to it dont you think? :)

Yes, sure is a bit psychological. After all, psychology studies the behavior of people, why they act so forth of the situations... is not it? I do not think small things for love can become something granted. It is clear that things have to be made in the dose right, not to cloy. Sometimes we must also be tough, get a little further, that always leave doubt in the air: "I will be able to show what I feel" are things that I think can help so that the other will always have a reason for feel the lack of being together, to talk... Can be very sticky bad that the person may feel suffocated and sucks in a relationship you feel suffocated, both must feel free to also have a life outside of relationships: friends, family, work. All this is very true when it comes to a relationship of a celebrity that is related to an anonymous person who is not of artistic means. To make sure, needs to be done a great job and psychological preparation for the person not to feel lost and scared and learn to behave in front of the spotlights. I think all this discussion is very deep and psychological and I am flying far with my thoughts. lol! :scratch:But I think any discussion on the bottom there is a little psychology. :yes:
There's some interesting thought-filled reading in here. :D
Yes, sure is a bit psychological. After all, psychology studies the behavior of people, why they act so forth of the situations... is not it? I do not think small things for love can become something granted. It is clear that things have to be made in the dose right, not to cloy. Sometimes we must also be tough, get a little further, that always leave doubt in the air: "I will be able to show what I feel" are things that I think can help so that the other will always have a reason for feel the lack of being together, to talk... Can be very sticky bad that the person may feel suffocated and sucks in a relationship you feel suffocated, both must feel free to also have a life outside of relationships: friends, family, work. All this is very true when it comes to a relationship of a celebrity that is related to an anonymous person who is not of artistic means. To make sure, needs to be done a great job and psychological preparation for the person not to feel lost and scared and learn to behave in front of the spotlights. I think all this discussion is very deep and psychological and I am flying far with my thoughts. lol! :scratch:But I think any discussion on the bottom there is a little psychology. :yes:

I would say - psycology is everything regarding the study of the "mind".
I would say - psycology is everything regarding the study of the "mind".

Hmmm, but also studies the behavior of people? Well, I think it is all: that mind and behavior according to what is in our mind (our thoughts and ideas) and we act a certain behavior in the face of situations, then I think the two things go together and are linked . Am I wrong? If so, please correct me! lol! :scratch:​
Hmmm, but also studies the behavior of people? Well, I think it is all: that mind and behavior according to what is in our mind (our thoughts and ideas) and we act a certain behavior in the face of situations, then I think the two things go together and are linked . Am I wrong? If so, please correct me! lol! :scratch:​

As far as I know,...: a psycologist knows why people react in ceartin situations based on a deep insight of the brains working mechanisms.

Psycology is mostly "theories" though. Based on various tests and humanistic insight. And a person often knows all the answers himself, if just a psycologist pinches him a little to open up the understanding of the self and make the "patient", so to speak, more able to view himself from above.

EDIT: ok I shortened this very much because it was WAY too long!! :lol: and I actually found that my very first sentence explained everything well! so leave the rest behind :p
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