Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

As far as I know,...: a psycologist knows why people react in ceartin situations based on a deep insight of the brains working mechanisms.

Psycology is mostly "theories" though. Based on various tests and humanistic insight. And a person often knows all the answers himself, if just a psycologist pinches him a little to open up the understanding of the self and make the "patient", so to speak, more able to view himself from above.

EDIT: ok I shortened this very much because it was WAY too long!! :lol: and I actually found that my very first sentence explained everything well! so leave the rest behind :p

lol! So is more or less what I said but the way you put it was best to understand. So many people with emotional problems when they are in relationships, family problems and many others seeking a psychologist to try to understand and find the best way to address and overcome the problem. The psychologist sees the situation differently, who is also the problem was always to understand and see things clearly than the person who is experiencing the problem. Safira... thanks for your explanation! Now clear my mind! lol! :D
Since we have some psychologists in the room, let me ask you something. Do you think MJ may have a split personality? I haven't really known who to share this with, but lately I've been getting this weird feeling when I see pictures and things of him that I am seeing and feeling two different people sometimes.:unsure: I guess he could be using a "double" sometimes for convenience, I think he's done this before. Or am I seeing and feeling different personalities? In one of his songs he even talks about being in "two places at the same time." Is this what he is referring to or is he talking about someone else?:scratch:
lol! So is more or less what I said but the way you put it was best to understand. So many people with emotional problems when they are in relationships, family problems and many others seeking a psychologist to try to understand and find the best way to address and overcome the problem. The psychologist sees the situation differently, who is also the problem was always to understand and see things clearly than the person who is experiencing the problem. Safira... thanks for your explanation! Now clear my mind! lol! :D

actually some of what I deleted was about MJ and him loving children so deeply and want them to have a childhood as long and as best as they can - that a psycologist also knows the deeper things that lies behind such a personality.
But when I wrote it, it could seem like I was judging Michael and saying that he had a problem and that was notnotnot what I ment at all, so thats also why I deleted some of it I guess..
This is to answer MysteriousPhoenix's question:
I think he's a person being pulled in many directions and it's something most of us will never experience on that level in our lifetime. I feel like what we see is raw emotion from a man based on what experiences he may have gone through on any given day.

Did you know that some psychologist/therapists need to see their own psychologist/therapist as well?

A theorectical way of thinking is ok in my opinion as long as a certain level of common sense and reality of life is maintained. Not everything in life written, studied, or theorized is bond. When it really comes down to it, we are the only ones that can recognize and change things in our own life. :)
Thoughts about Relationships and Marriage...

Okay, here are my thoughts on relationships and marriage. Relationships and marriage are two separate entities, that intertwine with each other. Long term relationships are always give and take. You give to the other person your heart sometimes, and you take their heart in return. It's not always flowers and candy though. You have to go through tough times with that person if you are in it for the long run. Remember the wedding vows "In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health..."? That is so true. You are in it for the long run. You take the good with the bad. After the initial fever of just discovered love, the shine starts to wear thin. You start to see the person for the absolute human being they are, and you learn to love the bad qualities as well as the good. And they do the same in return.

After a while, you learn to deal with natural human things. Things like him taking all of the covers off you in the middle of the night, to cover himself. Things like leaving the toilet seat cover up (a personal pet peeve of mine if there ever was one!). In the middle of the night, you learn to forgive him if he snores like a pig. And you learn to forgive him if he lays on his side and lets a big juicy one rip, and you have to run to the bathroom to get the Oust spray to get rid of the smell...

To me, it all boils down to one thing. It's either flowers or flatulence, take your pick.

Hey, it's just me in here as always, keepin it real...lol
This is to answer MysteriousPhoenix's question:
I think he's a person being pulled in many directions and it's something most of us will never experience on that level in our lifetime. I feel like what we see is raw emotion from a man based on what experiences he may have gone through on any given day.

Oh, okay. Then maybe that's the end to this particularly frightening nightmare ... or is it?:unsure: Maybe it's just the beginning, beginning, beginning ... :lol:
Thoughts about Relationships and Marriage...

Okay, here are my thoughts on relationships and marriage. Relationships and marriage are two separate entities, that intertwine with each other. Long term relationships are always give and take. You give to the other person your heart sometimes, and you take their heart in return. It's not always flowers and candy though. You have to go through tough times with that person if you are in it for the long run. Remember the wedding vows "In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health..."? That is so true. You are in it for the long run. You take the good with the bad. After the initial fever of just discovered love, the shine starts to wear thin. You start to see the person for the absolute human being they are, and you learn to love the bad qualities as well as the good. And they do the same in return.

After a while, you learn to deal with natural human things. Things like him taking all of the covers off you in the middle of the night, to cover himself. Things like leaving the toilet seat cover up (a personal pet peeve of mine if there ever was one!). In the middle of the night, you learn to forgive him if he snores like a pig. And you learn to forgive him if he lays on his side and lets a big juicy one rip, and you have to run to the bathroom to get the Oust spray to get rid of the smell...

To me, it all boils down to one thing. It's either flowers or flatulence, take your pick.

Hey, it's just me in here as always, keepin it real...lol

Linda, I gotta say I love your purity of you being you...

You really crack me up sometimes...Giggles~~~

Oh, okay. Then maybe that's the end to this particularly frightening nightmare ... or is it?:unsure: Maybe it's just the beginning, beginning, beginning ... :lol:

Nah I think with Michael what you see is what you get. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. I'm the same way, it's just whatever you're going through on any given day brings certain emotions, reactions, sometimes a certain physical appearance that others may take notice to out of you.....like now for me. :zombie: :vampire: LOL :winking2:
Since we have some psychologists in the room, let me ask you something. Do you think MJ may have a split personality? I haven't really known who to share this with, but lately I've been getting this weird feeling when I see pictures and things of him that I am seeing and feeling two different people sometimes.:unsure: I guess he could be using a "double" sometimes for convenience, I think he's done this before. Or am I seeing and feeling different personalities? In one of his songs he even talks about being in "two places at the same time." Is this what he is referring to or is he talking about someone else?:scratch:

Well, I think it is possible to have dual personality. I think that everyone at some point in life has double personality. One is the real personality and the other is for convenience as you said. For example, when you're with friends you will behave in a way, when you are with the family is the other way, finally, you have different behaviors in front of these people. A person never feels the same way everywhere, it depends on the situation, place and people that are part of this scenario. I think everyone is well, but there are also those who have dual personality (two faces): the good side and bad side. In my opinion I believe that some songs may be that he is not speaking of himself but of another person. Something that someone, a friend has shared with him or even something he saw or read or even something he invented for his own imagination and that served as inspiration. Of course, that most of the songs he talks about himself, but I think really impossible to know where or what he was inspired to do the lyrics of a song. It is something very deep and intimate that only he could answer. Here are just guesses, what we think Michael could have used as inspiration.
Since we have some psychologists in the room, let me ask you something. Do you think MJ may have a split personality? I haven't really known who to share this with, but lately I've been getting this weird feeling when I see pictures and things of him that I am seeing and feeling two different people sometimes.:unsure: I guess he could be using a "double" sometimes for convenience, I think he's done this before. Or am I seeing and feeling different personalities? In one of his songs he even talks about being in "two places at the same time." Is this what he is referring to or is he talking about someone else?:scratch:

Ok, something tells me this question was direct to me??? :p

I don't think Michael has two different personalities... I think he has many "personalities" just as like as we all do. Ok, let me explain...

In life, we have to play various roles, depending on where we are or who are with us. At work, we have to be serious and professional. At home, we can relax and take things easy. And so it goes.

When the person is a celebrity, the different roles become more clear, because they usually create a persona to deal with the public.

I think Michael's "problem" is that he is this childlike man, pure and innocent, and he doesn't sustain his persona all the time. Every now and then we end up seeing the real Michael.

And, of course, there's the question that Lily brought up.. Michael has been pulled in different directions for his whole life. This certainly creates some confusion in his mind.

But I wouldn't say he's psychotic... You can relax, MP! :)
actually some of what I deleted was about MJ and him loving children so deeply and want them to have a childhood as long and as best as they can - that a psycologist also knows the deeper things that lies behind such a personality.
But when I wrote it, it could seem like I was judging Michael and saying that he had a problem and that was notnotnot what I ment at all, so thats also why I deleted some of it I guess..
Hummmm interesting... :scratch:
It's gettin' hot in here :heat: and I like it LOL :lol:

Actually you all are stimulating my mind pretty good, I just may have to come up with my own theoretical analysis' and try to get them published LOL :winking2: :lol:
a split personality is not to be taken lightly!
it's not something that we, inhere, should judge if anyone had..

and theres nothing wrong with Michael.

are there any psycologists in this thread right now :eek: Reneta? are you?
exiting :clap:
Originally Posted by poefiend
MJ found love in SEXY CHEESECAKE!!
Are you sure he didn't find it in Vick's Vaporub? Many find a wiff of that hard to turn down.

Wait a min Queen? how did you know about me and my vicks vapor rub? :huh:
MP, what are some examples of the differences you are seeing in MJ's countenance or demeanor in some of these photos or vids that seem to make you feel he is being like two different people?

Oh, that's really a hard question to answer queen g because I guess it's not really what he's doing, it's more like a "feeling" or "impression." You know, for instance there's the "Michael" who is busily preparing for the upcoming shows and other projects all "hyped-up" and everything and then you see the "Michael" who is just casually strolling down the park hand in hand with his family or perhaps shopping for antiques or whatever like he doesn't have a care under the sun. Sometimes I think, "Is that the same guy?" Now most people would say, "So what. What's the matter with that? You mean he has to rehearse non-stop and never take a break to do something fun with his family or take care of some other needs?" And you know, they would be absolutely right. That's what makes it so difficult to explain. All of his actions can technically be justified. That's why I said it's more like a "feeling" or "vibe" I'm getting or something from the "Michaels." It's really weird, I know. Maybe this thread is finally affecting my brain. I knew it would one day, lol!:lol:
a split personality is not to be taken lightly!
it's not something that we, inhere, should judge if anyone had..

I completely agree, I've worked around mental health for 18 years and my childhood friend is schizophrenic. Trust me, that was no walk in the park, I've seen it all.
a split personality is not to be taken lightly!
it's not something that we, inhere, should judge if anyone had..

and theres nothing wrong with Michael.

Yes, I know. I guess I really shouldn't have used that term, and for that I apologize. I didn't mean to imply there is something wrong necessarily. I just didn't know what other term to use to describe what I was feeling. I knew bringing it up would be controversial, but I didn't know who else to turn to.
I don't think there's anything wrong with impressions, though. Impressions and feelings have saved many lives.
Originally Posted by poefiend
MJ found love in SEXY CHEESECAKE!!
Are you sure he didn't find it in Vick's Vaporub? Many find a wiff of that hard to turn down.

Wait a min Queen? how did you know about me and my vicks vapor rub? :huh:

You know why now. :p :lol: LOL!


Back to the topic..... :popcorn: LOL
Oh, that's really a hard question to answer queen g because I guess it's not really what he's doing, it's more like a "feeling" or "impression." You know, for instance there's the "Michael" who is busily preparing for the upcoming shows and other projects all "hyped-up" and everything and then you see the "Michael" who is just casually strolling down the park hand in hand with his family or perhaps shopping for antiques or whatever like he doesn't have a care under the sun. Sometimes I think, "Is that the same guy?" Now most people would say, "So what. What's the matter with that? You mean he has to rehearse non-stop and never take a break to do something fun with his family or take care of some other needs?" And you know, they would be absolutely right. That's what makes it so difficult to explain. All of his actions can technically be justified. That's why I said it's more like a "feeling" or "vibe" I'm getting or something from the "Michaels." It's really weird, I know. Maybe this thread is finally affecting my brain. I knew it would one day, lol!:lol:

I kinda don't get this :ermm: I don't see why he would even have to justify to anyone working to prepare for the shows and then enjoying downtime with the family. He's living his life and doing things that make him happy. He shouldn't ever have to feel the need to justify that to anyone. :(
I kinda don't get this :ermm: I don't see why he would even have to justify to anyone working to prepare for the shows and then enjoying downtime with the family. He's living his life and doing things that make him happy. He shouldn't ever have to feel the need to justify that to anyone. :(

You are correct. He doesn't have to justify anything to anyone.