Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Here is an excerpt from the Reflection of Thoughts Journal that I wrote in 1992...

I have always felt it is very important in a relationship between a man and a woman to always be each others "Best Friend"...

"Best Of Friends"
"The difference between a best friend and acquaintance, varies to the point of no return."

Although most of us call an acquaintance a friend, in reality they are simply a person that one occasionally sees, makes conversation with, or just does not understand what and who you are all about. They are never there for us in our times of trouble or need, nor are they there to share in the happiness and sadness that life sometimes brings to us. Some are even a so called friend to another for the sole purpose of self indulgence, status, monetary reasons and/or to take advantage of certain situations for their own personal gain. For what ever their reasons are, they are like two ships passing in the night.

In the end, only a "best friend can give us the comfort of true love trust, and devotion...

Best friend (s) are like twins that are never separate. Sometimes in body they have to be, but their spirit will always remain connected to the inner being that we all possess. Best friend (s) come to us for all sorts of reasons. We never really understand exactly why destiny has brought us together but the divine always seems to make the right choices for us.

A best friend (s) can come to us at anytime or anyplace on our journey through life. They are always someone that our personalities connect to. They can be someone we met through school, work, a community function, or even a family member. Best friends always accept us for who we are and never try to change us into some thing or some one we are not. They are always there for us in our time of need, they give us guidance, they support us in our goals, and encourage us in our dreams. A true best friend is more precious than any amount of gold.

It takes many lives to find and hold on to a beautiful creation from nature's earth. As we achieve the love and understanding that "best friends" possess, never jepordise that trust, for with out it...we have nothing..!

Susie (c) 1995

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thats beautifull sdeidjs :)
"it takes several lives" thats very "thoughtfull" (its not the right word erm..)! what exactly do you meen by that?
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thats beautifull sdeidjs :)
"it takes several lives" thats very thoughtfull! what exactly do you meen by that?

:angel:Rebirth of the soul

Thank you for your kind words...
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No! He will not be allowed any excuses whatsoever!:lol:
Remember ... he is not giving his lady friend any slack at all! According to his songs, he is not allowing her to be with any man but him or he will absolutely throw a fit! He is appalled by even the thought of such a thing, he sings! She is not allowed to have a "scary" time or any other kind of time. He is only allowing her to be with him or be an old lonely maid, and those are the only options. So no! He is not getting off that easy!:lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hmmmm.... Sugestions?

Yeah, I could go with 8701girl and give him my phone number as a sugestion... LOL!

Seriously.. I would say to him that, if he knows who this girl is, he could find a way to reach her... She probabily knows who he is and admires him, so it wouldn't be hard to start a conversation. He could try to get close to her at first, so he wouldn't scare her by saying "I love you" to someone he never met! Lol! He could try to start a reationship like a friendship, but not true friendship, or it could compromise their love.

Then, one night, he could invite her to dinner in a place with a balcony or something similar... After finishing dinner, he could invite her to the balcony, to appreciate the stars and the moon in the dark sky, while finishing their glasses of wine. Then he could talk about the beauty of the universe and God's creation and relate this to the magnitude of true love. By this time, I bet she would be melting in his arms... Perfect moment for a smooth kiss on the lips! She would probabily look surprised and search for an explanation in his eyes. So, looking into her eyes, he could finally confess: "I've loved you even before we met".

OMG! I really need to sleep! I'm already dreaming! :p

Sounds romantic in writing, but if that happened in reality and that was me my first thought would be "You say this to every girl when you want to get them into bed?" :glare:*turns around on her heels and walks out* :lol: It would be too "wine and dine 'em"...a bit TOO "smooth". :lol: Especially if you just met. If I had just met MJ and he'd offer a dinner like that and kiss me and all that, I personally would run. :lol: It would look too "player-like". Romance is wonderful, but if you get into it too soon it will look "cheap" and only makes it look like you're "trying too hard" and only have one thing in mind. Or maybe that's just me. :lol: But hey, who knows...maybe that girl would like that kinda thing? :lol: I've heard MJ "goes for it" when he's really interested in someone. :bugeyed :lol: Didn't he go after Lisa Marie too, even though she was married? :bugeyed

EDIT: I read your post again Renata...and I see now you meant they become friends first. Okay...in that case the "dinner scene" would be fine, I guess. If they already know each other. :lol: I thought you meant he just met her and then "wines and dines" her and I was like "Eeew how smooth!" :puke: :lol: Sorry, I read what you said too quickly! :lol:
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when did you see him on tv for the first time?
I saw him on my cousins wall. the bad poster with the panther next to him. I was.. 3 years old I think (so that would make him 33 around the bad era? does that seem right?).. and I thought he looked like a bad person actually :lol: so I guess - mission accomplished on that poster? :lol:
but I thought a lot about him when I saw him there at age 3.. something mysterious about him.. hmm.. :) I did'nt get that the panther was he's friend. Because - panthers are supposed to EAT humans right? :doh::smilerolleyes:

I was 9 years old when I first saw Michael on TV in 1989. At the time my brother was 21 years old and I had this great artist, he showed me the clip of after Thriller and Bad. The passion was immediate. So the phase "Bad" is my favorite of which was at that time I was touched by his art. Before, I always by my brother listening to the songs of Michael at home, but I do not care. He was also trying to dance to Michael (he never has lol!) The house had the look the same and Michael and I had the notion that Michael was black. But one day, I do not know why, seeing my brother trying to do the Moonwalk I started to get interested and want to know who was that guy who left my brother so fascinated. And it happened. My brother told me about it and I listened carefully all admired, he showed me their records and then the videos for Thriller and Bad. Until now my brother is a great admirer and fan of Michael, always remember with great emotion in that time when he introduced me to Michael Jackson. I have much envy (good) of my brother has had the opportunity to follow much of the career of Michael. And today I play with my brother that he never managed to do the Moonwalk. lol! :wild:​
:angel:Rebirth of the soul

I believe in that too :) I believe we have walked the same path many times. Not in everything that happens in life.

But the people we're ment to be with, for friendship or romances. I think those are the same and we've met them before. THe one and only are we supposed to find everytime. And it's the same soul everytime.

thats my belief :)
I believe in that too :) I believe we have walked the same path many times. Not in everything that happens in life.

But the people we're ment to be with, for friendship or romances. I think those are the same and we've met them before. THe one and only are we supposed to find everytime. And it's the same soul everytime.

thats my belief :)

Here is an excerpt from the Reflection of Thoughts Journal that I wrote in 1992...

I have always felt it is very important in a relationship between a man and a woman to always be each others "Best Friend"...

"Best Of Friends"
"The difference between a best friend and acquaintance, varies to the point of no return."

Although most of us call an acquaintance a friend, in reality they are simply a person that one occasionally sees, makes conversation with, or just does not understand what and who you are all about. They are never there for us in our times of trouble or need, nor are they there to share in the happiness and sadness that life sometimes brings to us. Some are even a so called friend to another for the sole purpose of self indulgence, status, monetary reasons and/or to take advantage of certain situations for their own personal gain. For what ever their reasons are, they are like two ships passing in the night.

In the end, only a "best friend can give us the comfort of true love trust, and devotion...

Best friend (s) are like twins that are never separate. Sometimes in body they have to be, but their spirit will always remain connected to the inner being that we all possess. Best friend (s) come to us for all sorts of reasons. We never really understand exactly why destiny has brought us together but the divine always seems to make the right choices for us.

A best friend (s) can come to us at anytime or anyplace on our journey through life. They are always someone that our personalities connect to. They can be someone we met through school, work, a community function, or even a family member. Best friends always accept us for who we are and never try to change us into some thing or some one we are not. They are always there for us in our time of need, they give us guidance, they support us in our goals, and encourage us in our dreams. A true best friend is more precious than any amount of gold.

It takes many lives to find and hold on to a beautiful creation from nature's earth. As we achieve the love and understanding that "best friends" possess, never jepordise that trust, for with out it...we have nothing..!

Susie (c) 1995


I loved your text. I think like you. I believe that friendship is the beginning, is the right way to start a love relationship that is where you fight and win the confidence of the person is when you can show the other who you really are.​
I loved your text. I think like you. I believe that friendship is the beginning, is the right way to start a love relationship that is where you fight and win the confidence of the person is when you can show the other who you really are.​

Very true. Because you can't truly be in love with someone if you don't know them well. You can have a crush, but you can't fall IN LOVE, in my opinion, until you know the person well, with their faults and all.
I loved your text. I think like you. I believe that friendship is the beginning, is the right way to start a love relationship that is where you fight and win the confidence of the person is when you can show the other who you really are.​

For any lasting relationship...it's important to always be friends, best friends first...one must be able to trust each other wholeheartedly...

You don't have trust in a relationship...one (s) might as well hang it up...the relationship will be doomed from the gestation...

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth
Very true. Because you can't truly be in love with someone if you don't know them well. You can have a crush, but you can't fall IN LOVE, in my opinion, until you know the person well, with their faults and all.

yes. in the true love you also loves your partners faults. or you can smile at them. and he can smile at your faults.
yes. in the true love you also loves your partners faults. or you can smile at them. and he can smile at your faults.

Best friends always accept us for who we are (faults and all) and never try to change us into some thing or some one we are not.

:angel:Knowledge is Growth
Very true. Because you can't truly be in love with someone if you don't know them well. You can have a crush, but you can't fall IN LOVE, in my opinion, until you know the person well, with their faults and all.

Yes, and when it comes to love and relationships you can not make the things happen too fast or simply go straight to the point, if you really want to have a serious and lasting relationship has to follow that path to not make the mistake of choosing the wrong person and later suffer the consequences for wrong choice. Today I think with all the modernity that is more difficult you find the right person, have a person next to you is honest, loyal and love you unconditionally for who you are and not for what you have is like winning the lottery. Today people do not give much value to true love (especially men), I understand that is great fun when it comes to this, understand that true love is out of fashion... unfortunately.​
Best friends always accept us for who we are (faults and all) and never try to change us into some thing or some one we are not.

:angel:Knowledge is Growth

Yes, if you are a person and tries to change it, you do not love the truth. When we love we never try to change our way to the other, I think this is selfishness. You have to love that person with all his defects and qualities and understand it, accept it the way it is that was how you knew, then why try to change the other? This means that something is wrong and you do not really love that person and sufficient.

I philosophize much today... sorry so many posts... long! lol! :wild:​
Yes, if you are a person and tries to change it, you do not love the truth. When we love we never try to change our way to the other, I think this is selfishness. You have to love that person with all his defects and qualities and understand it, accept it the way it is that was how you knew, then why try to change the other? This means that something is wrong and you do not really love that person and sufficient.

I philosophize much today... sorry so many posts... long! lol! :wild:​

I love your posts...no need to apologize...

In my opinion...When one try's to change another into someone or something they are not their own inabilities, insecurities have this desire to feel superior, dominance, and control over the other...

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth
I love your posts...no need to apologize...

In my opinion...When one try's to change another into someone or something they are not their own inabilities, insecurities have this desire to feel superior, dominance, and control over the other...

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth

Oh, thank you for saying that like in my posts. I think today I'm inspired, lol! Well, again I agree with you. Trying to change the other I think of all you spoke to me the dominance is the strongest of all and come together as a result the other things you said. You master that I have control over that person and that is bad in a relationship, you want to control the other like a robot, have total control over that person, on what she says, does and their behavior in the midst of other people. I am very observant and realize that this is very common in marriages, especially marriages of many years. If you love, you have to accept and love that person like that that was how you met and to adapt and understand the defects of that person, that nobody is perfect, we are made of defects and qualities and the world would be very unsightly if all were equal and perfect, with that nobody would learn to grow and evolve with the person loved.

Oh God, is my thoughts flew too far now? lol! :scratch:​
Oh, thank you for saying that like in my posts. I think today I'm inspired, lol! Well, again I agree with you. Trying to change the other I think of all you spoke to me the dominance is the strongest of all and come together as a result the other things you said. You master that I have control over that person and that is bad in a relationship, you want to control the other like a robot, have total control over that person, on what she says, does and their behavior in the midst of other people. I am very observant and realize that this is very common in marriages, especially marriages of many years. If you love, you have to accept and love that person like that that was how you met and to adapt and understand the defects of that person, that nobody is perfect, we are made of defects and qualities and the world would be very unsightly if all were equal and perfect, with that nobody would learn to grow and evolve with the person loved.​

Oh God, is my thoughts flew too far now? lol! :scratch:​

no I think you're absolutely right. Love is difficult :sigh: but then when you suddenly find the right one then its so simple. Thats how it was when I met my boyfriend.. :) thats 3 years ago now.
no I think you're absolutely right. Love is difficult :sigh: but then when you suddenly find the right one then its so simple. Thats how it was when I met my boyfriend.. :) thats 3 years ago now.

It may be that I am not totally sure. I think this way that I had a living example of this in my life. The relationship of my father and my mother was well. But the fact is that you try to change the other person to its mode is dominant. You want to have control over the other like a robot and I have seen this in many relationships. I know that relationships are hard, people are human being is difficult and very complicated at times. I believe that to address these minor problems need much love that it is essential, confidence in one another and much, much, much patience and dialogue between the two. Dialogue (civilized) is another very important and basic item in a relationship, one listen to the other, what each one does, talk about what is wrong in relationship and understand why things have reached that point, that is so you know the other and you learn to come together in solving problems. If not all together in a relationship, NEVER give out.​
Oh, thank you for saying that like in my posts. I think today I'm inspired, lol! Well, again I agree with you. Trying to change the other I think of all you spoke to me the dominance is the strongest of all and come together as a result the other things you said. You master that I have control over that person and that is bad in a relationship, you want to control the other like a robot, have total control over that person, on what she says, does and their behavior in the midst of other people. I am very observant and realize that this is very common in marriages, especially marriages of many years. If you love, you have to accept and love that person like that that was how you met and to adapt and understand the defects of that person, that nobody is perfect, we are made of defects and qualities and the world would be very unsightly if all were equal and perfect, with that nobody would learn to grow and evolve with the person loved.

Oh God, is my thoughts flew too far now? lol! :scratch:​

I am impressed with your knowledge...
I am impressed with your knowledge...

Really? lol! Well, that unfortunately I saw many things (good and bad also) very close in my life. I am not a person to explain much to me. When I feel that I have and I must say something, and I say is what happened here. Well, I know that sometimes my thoughts fly too far. Sorry! lol! I like to watch and I was very observant and so I learned to understand and see many things in my life and learned to grow and mature very early, even very young and I understand many things in life and I can not see the things and a fancy pink, I see things in a way that was hard so I learned to understand things. Even if you do not share their thoughts with anyone, even you are a person close to your world, watching you learn a lot about life. :):yes:​
I believe this is how Michael see it too. When he loves somebody he believes in it till the last breath!

Thats what I got from the song "Who Is It?".

Theres something in that song thats saying "why are you just giving up like that? We should try to work it out. Conquer the problems!"

Love is far from constant happiness. A relationship requires a lot of work, patience, belief and trust in eachother.
I believe this is how Michael see it too. When he loves somebody he believes in it till the last breath!

Thats what I got from the song "Who Is It?".

Theres something in that song thats saying "why are you just giving up like that? We should try to work it out. Conquer the problems!"

Love is far from constant happiness. A relationship requires a lot of work, patience, belief and trust in eachother.

Hmmm saw you agreed with me! lol! :yes: It is just that: having to find the happiness will always be a constant search in a relationship is not easy and never will be, there are no perfect relationships and will never exist, the problems between a couple and there always will exist to have a mature and growth, so that the couple has a development together, it is important to keep alive the love, trust, dialogue and lots of patience, these are the key ingredients to a relationship. With all this in practice is that not to work.

My thoughts are flying far today... :scratch:​
Really? lol! Well, that unfortunately I saw many things (good and bad also) very close in my life. I am not a person to explain much to me. When I feel that I have and I must say something, and I say is what happened here. Well, I know that sometimes my thoughts fly too far. Sorry! lol! I like to watch and I was very observant and so I learned to understand and see many things in my life and learned to grow and mature very early, even very young and I understand many things in life and I can not see the things and a fancy pink, I see things in a way that was hard so I learned to understand things. Even if you do not share their thoughts with anyone, even you are a person close to your world, watching you learn a lot about life. :):yes:​

Yes I am impressed by your knowledge...nothing wrong with sharing your thoughts...some think I am a bit deep with my thoughts...but that is really ok...I am me just being me...and its really ok that you are being you...

Always remember...

Never settle for anyone less than you truly deserve...

Relationships are all about trust, love, respect, understanding, compromise, friendship, a partner, comrade, a team...

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth~~~
I liked reading your post, but had a question. Do you feel that real friendship would get in the way of love? I thought it would enhance it. Maybe you can explain your thoughts if you would like to? Thank you

Maybe I didn't write exactly what I think about it, Ape... Let me explain..

I believe friendship is a powerful and necessary component of love. If you want a long time relationship to work, you need to be friends with your loved one, because passion tends to get cold along the years and, after some time, is friendship which holds two people together.

But... I believe that friendship has to come at the same time that love does.. I don't think it's a good thing to become best friends with someone and then try to gain his/her heart, you understand? Because friendship alone, without love, is very different from the friendship that borns from love.

When you're friends with someone you're not in love with, you become like brothers/sisters... And that's why I think this kind of friendship can get in the way of love...

It's hard to explain exactly what I think in English! LOL! Talking about feelings is a hard thing to do, especialy if you're talking in other language... Hope you understood my point.. :)

When I get back later, I'll read all the other posts... I just didn't want to let you without an answer, Ape.
Yes I am impressed by your knowledge...nothing wrong with sharing your thoughts...some think I am a bit deep with my thoughts...but that is really ok...I am me just being me...and its really ok that you are being you...
Thank you! Well, I was not very usual to post here that I just stood watching, reading and analyzing the comments to myself. I was afraid to post something and not be understood and be advised that I see things so hard and I can not see any other way that was how I learned. But when I felt I must say something, no doubt I post here. :)

Always remember...

Never settle for anyone less than you truly deserve...

Relationships are all about trust, love, respect, understanding, compromise, friendship, a partner, comrade, a team...

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth~~~
Thanks again! I save those and your words. I can not forget either. All are very important. One more learning for me, maybe one day in the future I will need them. They are precious. :angel:
I dunno. I sometimes wonder if we are sometimes being too "idealistic" when it comes to MJ and romance. I mean, I know we think that when he finds the right one everything is just going to magically fall into place and it's gonna be just like when two people meet in the movies when they recognize each other from a distance and then they run into each other's arms and ride off into the sunset together, but maybe it won't be. I mean, if it were meant to be that easy, wouldn't they have been together by now? Apparently, it's all a little trickier than it seems. I don't know if we're leaving much room for things like doubts on both of their parts, fears, other people getting in the way, them getting in their own way, more obstacles, etc. Maybe they will still have one last obstacle to overcome, or one last mountain to climb or something. It makes sense actually. If they've been overcoming obstacles and climbing mountains all this time, why is it hard to believe there would be one last thing to overcome? I know this scenario isn't very popular, but maybe it is what their reality will be. As all of you have stated, he does have a very unique life and he is after all, only human. I know we like to think of him as superhuman - and he probably likes to think of himself that way also, but everyone has limitations. Even superman had his "kryptonite" or whatever. And, I already know what you're going to say, "They can overcome anything!" LOL!
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I dunno. I sometimes wonder if we are sometimes being too "idealistic" when it comes to MJ and romance. I mean, I know we think that when he finds the right one everything is just going to magically fall into place and it's gonna be just like when two people meet in the movies when they recognize each other from a distance and then they run into each other's arms and ride off into the sunset together, but maybe it won't be. I mean, if it were meant to be that easy, wouldn't they have been together by now? Apparently, it's all a little trickier than it seems. I don't know if we're leaving much room for things like doubts on both of their parts, fears, other people getting in the way, them getting in their own way, more obstacles, etc. Maybe they will still have one last obstacle to overcome, or one last mountain to climb or something. It makes sense actually. If they've been overcoming obstacles and climbing mountains all this time, why is it hard to believe there would one last thing to overcome? I know this scenario isn't very popular, but maybe it is what their reality will be. As all of you have stated, he does have a very unique life and he is after all, only human. I know we like to think of him as superhuman - and he probably likes to think of himself that way also, but everyone has limitations. Even superman had his "kryptonite" or whatever. And, I already know what you're going to say, "They can overcome anything!" LOL!

I agree. I also think that we have an all too idealistic view of love. That love is supposed to "hit you"...yeah, like in the movies. But love is so much more than that. Sjeidis, I believe that two people need to be friends first. How else are you going to know and like someone? What happens after the "fireworks" are over...so many of us are tempted to go somewhere else to get "fireworks" time and time again. That's why the divorce rate is so high. We are just not realistic when it comes to love. And we need to be especially realistic when it comes to Michael.

I just don't want him running of with a late 20's, early 30's starlet who is only after him to make a name for herself. This time, I want MJ to be really and truly in love. And in friendship.
I dunno. I sometimes wonder if we are sometimes being too "idealistic" when it comes to MJ and romance. I mean, I know we think that when he finds the right one everything is just going to magically fall into place and it's gonna be just like when two people meet in the movies when they recognize each other from a distance and then they run into each other's arms and ride off into the sunset together, but maybe it won't be. I mean, if it were meant to be that easy, wouldn't they have been together by now? Apparently, it's all a little trickier than it seems. I don't know if we're leaving much room for things like doubts on both of their parts, fears, other people getting in the way, them getting in their own way, more obstacles, etc. Maybe they will still have one last obstacle to overcome, or one last mountain to climb or something. It makes sense actually. If they've been overcoming obstacles and climbing mountains all this time, why is it hard to believe there would be one last thing to overcome? I know this scenario isn't very popular, but maybe it is what their reality will be. As all of you have stated, he does have a very unique life and he is after all, only human. I know we like to think of him as superhuman - and he probably likes to think of himself that way also, but everyone has limitations. Even superman had his "kryptonite" or whatever. And, I already know what you're going to say, "They can overcome anything!" LOL!

:lol: That just gave me a visual!! :lol: The two of them meeting and instantly falling in love, MJ handing her a rose and then the two of them LITERALLY "riding off to sunset"...MJ on a white horse and the girl sitting in front of him on the horse! :doh: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :hysterical: :hysterical: Yeah, true love is reeeeeally hard to find (I should know...), so considering MJ's status, it must be even more difficult to him. There are loads of beautiful women out there but I guess he has to go through a major "gold digger/status seeker" selection process (or "riddance" process) first, when ever he meets someone or likes someone...I don't envy him for that. He must not only be sure HE is in love and SHE is in love with him....he also needs to be sure she is in love with him for the RIGHT REASONS....not for fame, money or status, but only for him as a person. Must be a bit of a "scary" process. And it's understandable if he has trust issues, but then if there are too many "trust issues" that can become an obstacle as well if it makes the other person feel like he doesn't trust her? I can't imagine all that to be easy! Not for him and not for her.

I agree. I also think that we have an all too idealistic view of love. That love is supposed to "hit you"...yeah, like in the movies. But love is so much more than that. Sjeidis, I believe that two people need to be friends first. How else are you going to know and like someone? What happens after the "fireworks" are over...so many of us are tempted to go somewhere else to get "fireworks" time and time again. That's why the divorce rate is so high. We are just not realistic when it comes to love. And we need to be especially realistic when it comes to Michael.

I just don't want him running of with a late 20's, early 30's starlet who is only after him to make a name for herself. This time, I want MJ to be really and truly in love. And in friendship.

Great post. :yes:
I wish I could quote from a book about phycology that I got but it's in danish..

It tells that today couples has a hard time keeping it going.
In the past (in the 50'es it started to change) a relationship between husband and whife was a neseseary thing. A union that you made together, to help make life work. To be able to live and raise your kids you NEEDED your housband or whife.

Then it was based on friendship, commitment and understanding. The understanding of the womans duties and the mans duties.

Today we can choose. Choose choose choose! Everything is possible! Do you want to do that? Choose it! Do want that kind of man? Choose him! Do you want that sort of family? Choose it! Everything is possible.

So we have no worries about surviving anymore and our lovelive becomes a privilege. Something only for joy and happiness. And therefor we have started to grow this idealistic view on love.
That love should be perfect for both of us. That we should keep that spark forever and always want to cuddle in the bed at night.

But thats not how it works for the human body!

"In love" feelings has a duration-time! If it's not being responded too from the one you're inlove with, the "in-love" will fade after somwhat 3 months.
If the feelings are being met equally then the "in-love" will stay for max 1 year!
1 year ladies and gentlemen. Thats how long the totalt "crush" can last.

After that the "love" the "friendship" the "understanding" and the "patience" should be there already. And things should move on slowly together. Still feeling passionate sometimes. But not every day maybe! But working together.
I dunno. I sometimes wonder if we are sometimes being too "idealistic" when it comes to MJ and romance. I mean, I know we think that when he finds the right one everything is just going to magically fall into place and it's gonna be just like when two people meet in the movies when they recognize each other from a distance and then they run into each other's arms and ride off into the sunset together, but maybe it won't be. I mean, if it were meant to be that easy, wouldn't they have been together by now? Apparently, it's all a little trickier than it seems. I don't know if we're leaving much room for things like doubts on both of their parts, fears, other people getting in the way, them getting in their own way, more obstacles, etc. Maybe they will still have one last obstacle to overcome, or one last mountain to climb or something. It makes sense actually. If they've been overcoming obstacles and climbing mountains all this time, why is it hard to believe there would be one last thing to overcome? I know this scenario isn't very popular, but maybe it is what their reality will be. As all of you have stated, he does have a very unique life and he is after all, only human. I know we like to think of him as superhuman - and he probably likes to think of himself that way also, but everyone has limitations. Even superman had his "kryptonite" or whatever. And, I already know what you're going to say, "They can overcome anything!" LOL!
:scratch:Well, here we go...
Hey you are very inspired today. You wrote a book! lol! Yes, they can win everything... together. Barriers, obstacles, problems, there will always be doubts, there is always the fear will always exist in the way and this is inevitable and is part of a relationship and what is the relationship that is not why? There is no fairy tale, there are stories of perfect love, no princesses, no Prince Charming, only in movies, this is all fantasy. Here is the reality and stark naked. Nothing is and will never be easy in life. God does not want to have things in our lives so easy that will not evolve and not learned anything, people have become empty and weak. We have to fall, break the face and sometimes suffer, suffer a lot with people and with life, but it is for our good to learn to be strong to overcome the problems and challenges that always appear on our roads, growth and development is a constant search of the human being, is a cycle, is infinite and never reaches the end, when we have something to learn and overcome increasingly, more and more.​