Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

If I were Mr.Jackson, as long as my sweetheart had that pure heart, trustworthiness, the integrity, and loyalty that I had been searching a life time for... it would not matter what anyone else said, thinks, or felt about it...

That is very true!
good point there sdeidjs.
... But, for all that he's been through, I certainly understand if he's scary of getting hurt and hesitant about falling in love again.

No! He will not be allowed any excuses whatsoever!:lol:
Remember ... he is not giving his lady friend any slack at all! According to his songs, he is not allowing her to be with any man but him or he will absolutely throw a fit! He is appalled by even the thought of such a thing, he sings! She is not allowed to have a "scary" time or any other kind of time. He is only allowing her to be with him or be an old lonely maid, and those are the only options. So no! He is not getting off that easy!:lol:
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I believe everything in life happens for a reason...

I disagree with some of the comments that it would not be possible for Mr.Jackson to fall in love with a fan, admirer, an average, middle, or higher class individual...

If I were Mr.Jackson, as long as my sweetheart had that pure heart, trustworthiness, the integrity, and loyalty that I had been searching a life time for... it would not matter what anyone else said, thinks, or felt about it...

Bottom line, People can't help who they fall in love with~~~


:clapping: I agree with you. Your posts are always amazing. You say everything in a words. Like I said in a previous post: no matter if you are a fan, a famous or anonymous, no matter who is the important thing is that she really love, make it happy and show sincerity for Michael so he never has doubts about the true her feelings for him. To give true, genuine love, sincerity and trust must go together in that relationship. And as I said, I'm sure God is working hard to make this very special in the life of Michael at the right time. :yes:
Im sure mj will pick a girl that makes him happy and makes him feel loved.

Isn't that what being in love is meant to be bout?!

To make that person happy and love them with ur whole heart & soul :)
No! He will not be allowed any excuses whatsoever!:lol:
Remember ... he is not giving his lady friend any slack at all! According to his songs, he is not allowing her to be with any man but him or he will absolutely throw a fit! He is appalled by even the thought of such a thing he sings! She is not allowed to have a "scary" time or any other kind of time. He is only allowing her to be with him or be an old lonely maid, and those are the only options. So no! He is not getting off that easy!:lol:
:wild: Getting the popcorn... :popcorn:
Bottom line, People can't help who they fall in love with~~~

Unfortunately, that's very very true...

No! He will not be allowed any excuses whatsoever!:lol:
Remember ... he is not giving his lady friend any slack at all! According to his songs, he is not allowing her to be with any man but him or he will absolutely throw a fit! He is appalled by even the thought of such a thing he sings! She is not allowed to have a "scary" time or any other kind of time. He is only allowing her to be with him or be an old lonely maid, and those are the only options. So no! He is not getting off that easy!:lol:

So, you're not gonna easy it for Michael, MP? Poor baby... he's been through so much... We can forgive him for being afraid..

I feel sorry for this lady, as I said before, she may be going through hell sometimes... But I can't help it! I'm simpathetic with Michael.. what can I do?

Oh, I had an idea!!!

Michael, if you're reading this thread - and I'm pretty sure you do - please, give this lady a break! She loves you, man! Go for it! There's no reason to be scared... she's just as scared as you are. C'mon... Say you love her and you both can live happily ever after...
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Hows bout this suggestion:....MIKE PICK ME!!! ME ME ME PLZ!!! :wild: :p
I dunno. I guess I aint a very good fan, cause I wouldn't be caught dead doing some of the crazy stuff some women fans do. I mean, every time I see concert footage and some women are crying I say to myself "Get a grip Lady!! Geez!! He's only human, and he's a performer!! Nothing more than that for crying out loud!" Some even faint from hyperventilating. Really. No kidding. I then say to myself "Why did you faint? I think the man used his Ban Roll-on..."

I'd like to smack some of them upside the head and yell "Get a GRIP!! He's ONLY HUMAN for Christ's sake already!"
Hmmmm.... Sugestions?

Yeah, I could go with 8701girl and give him my phone number as a sugestion... LOL!

Seriously.. I would say to him that, if he knows who this girl is, he could find a way to reach her... She probabily knows who he is and admires him, so it wouldn't be hard to start a conversation. He could try to get close to her at first, so he wouldn't scare her by saying "I love you" to someone he never met! Lol! He could try to start a reationship like a friendship, but not true friendship, or it could compromise their love.

Then, one night, he could invite her to dinner in a place with a balcony or something similar... After finishing dinner, he could invite her to the balcony, to appreciate the stars and the moon in the dark sky, while finishing their glasses of wine. Then he could talk about the beauty of the universe and God's creation and relate this to the magnitude of true love. By this time, I bet she would be melting in his arms... Perfect moment for a smooth kiss on the lips! She would probabily look surprised and search for an explanation in his eyes. So, looking into her eyes, he could finally confess: "I've loved you even before we met".

OMG! I really need to sleep! I'm already dreaming! :p
I dunno. I guess I aint a very good fan, cause I wouldn't be caught dead doing some of the crazy stuff some women fans do. I mean, every time I see concert footage and some women are crying I say to myself "Get a grip Lady!! Geez!! He's only human, and he's a performer!! Nothing more than that for crying out loud!" Some even faint from hyperventilating. Really. No kidding. I then say to myself "Why did you faint? I think the man used his Ban Roll-on..."

I'd like to smack some of them upside the head and yell "Get a GRIP!! He's ONLY HUMAN for Christ's sake already!"
:clapping:You are very, very, very right!
No! He will not be allowed any excuses whatsoever!:lol:
Remember ... he is not giving his lady friend any slack at all! According to his songs, he is not allowing her to be with any man but him or he will absolutely throw a fit! He is appalled by even the thought of such a thing, he sings! She is not allowed to have a "scary" time or any other kind of time. He is only allowing her to be with him or be an old lonely maid, and those are the only options. So no! He is not getting off that easy!:lol:

Hmmmm.... Sugestions?

Yeah, I could go with 8701girl and give him my phone number as a sugestion... LOL!

Seriously.. I would say to him that, if he knows who this girl is, he could find a way to reach her... She probabily knows who he is and admires him, so it wouldn't be hard to start a conversation. He could try to get close to her at first, so he wouldn't scare her by saying "I love you" to someone he never met! Lol! He could try to start a reationship like a friendship, but not true friendship, or it could compromise their love.

Then, one night, he could invite her to dinner in a place with a balcony or something similar... After finishing dinner, he could invite her to the balcony, to appreciate the stars and the moon in the dark sky, while finishing their glasses of wine. Then he could talk about the beauty of the universe and God's creation and relate this to the magnitude of true love. By this time, I bet she would be melting in his arms... Perfect moment for a smooth kiss on the lips! She would probabily look surprised and search for an explanation in his eyes. So, looking into her eyes, he could finally confess: "I've loved you even before we met".

OMG! I really need to sleep! I'm already dreaming! :p
Wow! That would make a beautiful scene of romantic movie! Michael and the great encounter with his love... :wub:
Then he could talk about the beauty of the universe and God's creation and relate this to the magnitude of true love. By this time, I bet she would be melting in his arms... Perfect moment for a smooth kiss on the lips! She would probabily look surprised and search for an explanation in his eyes. So, looking into her eyes, he could finally confess: "I've loved you even before we met".

:cry: :wub: