Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

My take on it? I'm getting more than a little impatient with MJ. I think he has the resources and power to make things happen - why send secret messages? Just sweep the woman off her feet already!! GEEZ!! Enough of this lolly-gagging already!!

I know. MJ really needs to "man up!" (Just Keeeeding!:D)

But really, he seems to place a lot of the blame for the delay on the woman by the sound of his lyrics, but you have to wonder if he has ever been the one holding up the process. You have to wonder if opportunities may have been presented to him that he didn't take advantage of due to "fears" or whatever.

So ... you don't think ... he would actually ... "flake out" out on her, do you?:unsure: LOL!

EDIT: And you're right, it is the man's job to sweep the woman off her feet.
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I think I understand what you are saying. You have a point. Since being involved with the MJ sites, my original definition of a fan or fandom has been greatly challenged. I am personally not a fan, so I have been observing things from that perspective. But I tell you, with many of the MJ fans I have come across, I have seen such depth and intelligence and level-headedness regarding MJ and their affection for him, some remaining very for him while still being objective and using their heads, and some resembling very much the attributes of a true, and devoted friend towards him.

But still like you say, it boils down to that "unreachable relation."

Can someone who starts out as a fan turn into a true friend and loving romantic partner for MJ?

Anyone who seeks out MJ to begin with, before developing admiration and feelings for him in a deeper way, did at first look at him as a fan, yes? They noticed him for his music, his involvement with the J5 or later solo gigs, or what was written about him in the media, and therefore, wouldn't then MJ view that as they knew and became interested in the persona that is seen through those means...the entertainer? They might have eventually intuitively, like I think many, many fans do, come to the understanding that he is a special individual, and justify loving him for that discovery, but still initially they were a fan. Right?

But like we have so often discussed in here, if God is involved, and has hand-picked a girl for MJ, no doubt, based on her heart, then it could just as well be a fan, I suppose. A very special fan. :yes:

We get in trouble, as I have learned, to discount a whole group of people for what we believe them all to be like. People are individuals. We should take one individual at a time, and evaluate them that way...not for what they are into, just because we ourselves choose personally not to act that way or do the same things with our time.

Would MJ automatically label a gal who's a fan, A FAN!!! :bugeyed and say, as far as letting her into his heart romantically, "NO way! She's out!"

Hey, never say never.

But I think he's let God choose this lady friend for him, and he is taking her "as she comes!" :)

but the point is really this:
Is Michael THEIR friend? Are THEY friends?
I feel like a "friend" of him too, but I'm not cuz I have never met him and he doesent know of my existence. Even if I met him, I would'nt be he's friend unless he gave me his number and wanted mine, and he was calling me now and then.


I've been part of another community (for a danish rockband) for several years now, and I've met them and I could probably get a job as a web-intigrator at their website if I wanted, but that doesent make me any closer to them personally.

As I said before - ofcourse a fan can be a friend. At least theres nothing thats impossible! Who knows!..
A fan could also maybe be he's lady I don't know. But it would only have to be a VERY special circumstance if that where going to happen.

He would not go looking among he's fans. He would not go looking among other famous personalities. He would go looking among people. Human beings. Fall in love like people do.

And no I don't think that he would let her slide becauses he's afraid.

and theres one more thing - ofcourse he wants to evaluate people individually. But where ever he goes theres 200 new girls that wants to be that lady! So that makes the fanbase pretty un"count"able.

It's like if you found the listing of all people that lives in Germany. And you had to look at them ALL individually. Because maybe your one and only where among them!

And that is also why SHE has to come to HIM. Because if she's in the fanbase then he cant find her probably.. And if it's ment to be then she'll find her way I'm shure!
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as i said. why dont you just buy some flowers and make a trip to his house? :p

you cant always use that one "its the mans job". Michael Jacksons life is not ordinary so you cant use ordinary terms all the time!.. And it's also pleasant for the woman to own some of the responsability sometimes!
Thats EXACTLY how I see it. I don't do all that crazy stuff either. I would NEVER say "I love you". Seriously.. I'm also a quiet person (though not when I see something as funny as my signature - :hysterical: ......sorry..). the most "fan-girlish" thing that I would do was to touch he's hand if he held it out the window of the car like he sometimes do. Not like grab it but just to touch a finger or something. Even THAT I think is crazy..

But all I think that this being a fan is such an unrealistic thing..
If it where our teacher, our best friend or something like that - we could just shake their hand and give them a hug and tell them how much we appreciate what they do. But with a famous person you can't do that. So the need to appreciate him grows bigger all the time.
+ the fact that we only see an "image" of a living person. We never see the human sites of Michael. We don't see when he's mad at someone. Or when he's acting unfair. We never have a discussion with him and think "oh I dont agree with that!!". We never have these normal "negative" relations to him that we have to everyone else in our "real" lives.

Thats basicly the point in "idolizing" in my openion..

Wow! I agree with everything you said! As you I do not do things as a crazy. Most of the fans when you have the opportunity and are very excited by this impulse to act in time. It must be very quiet this time!

Hey, you still can not stop to laugh because of your signature? lol! Control up girl! I also gave many laughs, but I'm paying attention to something in your signature... the back of Michael. :wild: Hmmm you understand that the corporation him I'm talking about! lol!

*Michael sorry for my bad thoughts from time to time...:smilerolleyes::wild::cheeky:​
lol ok I know I'm over the top now :lol:..

but wouldnt you think that this woman would have made a really CUTE match to Michael if he was still in he's 30-40's ? (I think she's 25-32 years old).

That would have been so cute!
She's a danish singer "Tina Dickow" I posted one of her songs here before. She makes the cutest and most wonderfull music. Hmm.
But maybe she's too "cute" for him? When I think about LMP then it's not cute that comes to my mind. (she's more like strong and sexy sort of woman..) I don't know. I just think Tina Dickow is such a beautifull woman! And she's on her way to the USA!!! right now.. So he can just check her up. She's got a title from the Crownprince of Denmark's foundation and everything. She's a good catch!

:lol: (hey MJ if this works out then you owe me!!)

I know - she's probably too "scandinavia" for him.. It's funny that people from different locations can be so different from eachother. You know scandinavians have some kind of the same view on things as amaricans, but still theres something totally different about people from usa and from scandinavia. Well thats general speaking :)

Wow! I agree with everything you said! As you I do not do things as a crazy. Most of the fans when you have the opportunity and are very excited by this impulse to act in time. It must be very quiet this time!​

Hey, you still can not stop to laugh because of your signature? lol! Control up girl! I also gave many laughs, but I'm paying attention to something in your signature... the back of Michael. :wild: Hmmm you understand that the corporation him I'm talking about! lol!​

*Michael sorry for my bad thoughts from time to time...:smilerolleyes::wild::cheeky:​

hmm.. are you looking at he's behind now sweetheart? :lol:
I can't stop looking at THE SHADES :lmao::hysterical: geez.. ok I'll stop now.. -_-

but I'm more fascinated about shoulders. I know it's wierd. (MJ's shoulders are just fine :yes: but with MJ the thing I can't stand is more something like.. What he's does in the intro for "don't stop till you get enough".... I wonder how the dance is going to be like this summer. I hope I will get to see it though I'm not attending the concerts :cry:
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lol ok I know I'm over the top now :lol:..

but wouldnt you think that this woman would have made a really CUTE match to Michael if he was still in he's 30-40's ? (I think she's 25-32 years old).

That would have been so cute!
She's a danish singer "Tina Dickow" I posted one of her songs here before. She makes the cutest and most wonderfull music. Hmm.
But maybe she's too "cute" for him? When I think about LMP then it's not cute that comes to my mind. (she's more like strong and sexy sort of woman..) I don't know. I just think Tina Dickow is such a beautifull woman! And she's on her way to the USA!!! right now.. So he can just check her up. She's got a title from the Crownprince of Denmark's foundation and everything. She's a good catch!

:lol: (hey MJ if this works out then you owe me!!)

I know - she's probably too "scandinavia" for him.. It's funny that people from different locations can be so different from eachother. You know scandinavians have some kind of the same view on things as amaricans, but still theres something totally different about people from usa and from scandinavia. Well thats general speaking :)

hmm.. are you looking at he's behind now sweetheart? :lol:
I can't stop looking at THE SHADES :lmao::hysterical: geez.. ok I'll stop now.. -_-

but I'm more fascinated about shoulders. I know it's wierd. (MJ's shoulders are just fine :yes: but with MJ the thing I can't stand is more something like.. What he's does in the intro for "don't stop till you get enough".... I wonder how the dance is going to be like this summer. I hope I will get to see it though I'm not attending the concerts :cry:

Hmmm I never heard of her, but she is very pretty. Well, I think God will know who the ideal woman to be next to Michael and not the person we would like. God she has the ability to truly love him and happy to do it once and for all anyone (fan, famous or anonymous). In addition to her that love him, she will love their three children also, then they will be together they are a family. I think God has stopped the process of doing tests to see how Michael is strong, even where it can withstand the problems and challenges. When the right time God will say: "Well, my work is over. He is ready. It is time to lead this meeting. Now it is with them. If there is a problem in the middle of the road, I am here to help them." Michael is with 50 years and believe that when he found that time and feel that it is the ideal and perfect woman for him, he will not want just a simple "romance." For me a simple romancel is the same as having something passenger which begins today and ends here a few days or months, or it does not combine with a little essence of Michael, and Michael is not what we need and I'm sure that it does not passenger or something just to hang out and have fun that I take it very seriously feelings, especially the love that must be pure and true and even more to be dealing with a celebrity. We know that people have in the butter and this is a major barrier to find someone to love and be happy. Therefore it is difficult to rely 100% on someone, you are not sure of the real interests of those people. So it must be the most honest and transparent with Michael and make it clear: "I'm with you so that you, the person and human being you are and not for what you have." We need much, much, much trust and sincerity between the two so that there is no doubt between them. Now you have to be really, who comes on stage in the life of Michael, will have to be forever. Michael has to be loved for real, you feel completely safe next to this woman and be happy all at once and am sure that God is working hard to make it perfectly and its work: make someone with the ability to truly love the Michael and make him happy. So I think.

I wrote a lot.... sorry people! :( Because when I start writing my thoughts fly away... :yes:
lol it's ok, it's very poetic what you write!
hmm what do you think about this "article" that cleopatra posted?
im really speculating about that article now.. could this be the truth..


Thats something smelly about this article..
The use of not so nice "nicknames".. The way they write about him having hired a poledancer (she could be a good dancer or he needs something like this in he's show for some reason..).
and the way they write that he's almost begging that other lady and paying her money to dance for him. Maybe he did but they make it sound much worse than it probably is..

*sigh* I just wish they would leave him alone and let him be!!!! :angry:

*peaks at signature..:giggle:*
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hmm.. are you looking at he's behind now sweetheart? :lol:
I can't stop looking at THE SHADES :lmao::hysterical: geez.. ok I'll stop now.. -_-

but I'm more fascinated about shoulders. I know it's wierd. (MJ's shoulders are just fine :yes: but with MJ the thing I can't stand is more something like.. What he's does in the intro for "don't stop till you get enough".... I wonder how the dance is going to be like this summer. I hope I will get to see it though I'm not attending the concerts :cry:

Hmmm it is impossible to not enjoy this part of the body of Michael: the backside. I feel pretty. lol! Sorry Michael! It is impossible not look... :smilerolleyes:

I think we will see a new Michael Jackson over the stage, more modern. Of course it must be further improved his dancing, he is very perfectionist and is working hard for it. He wants to be perfect on top of the stage and surprised their fans. I'm sure will be incredible to be marked forever the career of Michael.​
Well, there ya go! Now we know who holds his heart.

Interesting that Ka has come up. I had been pondering over this last week. I believe Ka is why MJ's set design will be so complex and will necessitate for everyone's safety to be put together with great care and diligence, with many protective measures and safety devices in place...and with a rechecking and a rechecking to ensure no injuries will occur to any performers. No hasty building of such a set would be responsible. One day alone, could not do it. I had remembered his viewing Ka some time back and I couldn't imagine his mind not going into overdrive for his own future performances, on how to best utilize all visible space possible above the ground level... up to the heights of a stage, including far left to right, for optimal visual stimulation for an audience. But the structures involved would be large and extensive, complicated.

This girl probably "wowed" him by her performance in that show and he always kept her in mind for the future to maybe be included in a show of his.

Romantically? Who knows? She's probably real cute. But it seems a little hard to believe. What is that again, just because you see it in print doesn't mean it is true. It could be, but it could not be just as well.

and it's also allowed for men to fall for hot chicks.. they can't help it! :no::lol:
poor little cavemen(they're still cavemen inside:yes:, some of them just tries to hide it with goldpants and sunglasses that falls off when they move the head..:giggle:)..
i'm not saying that MJ is a caveman though.. :lol:
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I saw a video of a presentation of it in You Tube. She dances beautifully and so Michael is enchanted: for their dance. Involved the two? It is too early to say that. Moreover, not enough to say that this is happening. lol! I imagine that Michael is not that kind of man we used to see there: a woman desperate ago. I think on this issue: women and love, it is quiet that he knows that God will send the best for your life. Michael is very busy and I imagine that your head is turned just in time for the concerts. I think the person has to spend much, much, much confidence in Michael to make it feel safe with that person and that he has made sure that he can trust. He has had many unpleasant experiences with people in your life and believe that today he is more careful with that kind of thing that he knows you can not rely blindly on all persons who come into your life, there are people who are in the butter and when is a celebrity all care is low, never rely 100% on people, but if that person gives proof that he can trust, all is well.​
i just sent it cause it caught my attention and remembered me at the song circus girl ... of course these are just rumours.but just an idea.
whatever ^^
I say silly things sometimes :lol:

i just sent it cause it caught my attention and remembered me at the song circus girl ... of course these are just rumours.but just an idea.
§!!!! YES thats right! I forgot that one. :eek: this is in the cards! He predicted it!.. lol

(and he's also a little cute in that video but what does THAT has to do with it!??)
lol! Safira you are a very funny girl! lol! Ok, I say silly things sometimes. :wild:​

And sorry for my long posts. It is difficult to hold my thoughts at times. lol!​

:lol: i have the same problem sometimes!
Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis? I was talking innocent when I was talking about Michael's chest. I didn't have one bad thought about it. I was speaking about it from a purely artistic point of view.:smilerolleyes:

I know your artistic point of view, Ms. MP! Who are you trying to fool, hu?

But I'll let this one pass, since that chest hair is simply unresistable...
Ok, now I read everything.. Lol!

I thought I'd read all the pages, but I was wrong..

Hmmm... So, some of you don't think this especial girl could be a fan?

I agree it would be pretty hard for her to adapt to Michael's world and lifestyle, but I guess it's possible, since she's able to see him as man and not as a god.

And I agree with the ones who said Michael needs to make a move. But, for all that he's been through, I certainly understand if he's scary of getting hurt and hesitant about falling in love again.
Good god u guys are making me laugh like crazy here! :lol:

Im just gonna keep reading what u guys are saying..gettin quite interesting :popcorn:
I believe everything in life happens for a reason...

I disagree with some of the comments that it would not be possible for Mr.Jackson to fall in love with a fan, admirer, an average, middle, or upper class individual...

If I were Mr.Jackson, as long as my sweetheart had that pure heart, trustworthiness, the integrity, and loyalty that I had been searching a life time for... it would not matter what anyone else said, thinks, or felt about it...

Bottom line, People can't help who they fall in love with~~~


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