Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Thank you so much for your prayers and caring right now guys. I know that I am not the only one hurting. I have learned lately in my life that some people really do care to hear how I am feeling. Some never will...but those that do care, really do matter to me. So thank you.

I'm not even as concerned about the concert as some other things to do with that trip. There are other reasons I am feeling this way not to do with the concert, but sort of do..well do with the trip.

Anyways, you are all right about trusting God to make things right and well. I have to stop getting in my own way. Let Him lift me to carry when I only stumble over my own feet at times.

Now.. I may not know all about love and romance and lasting relationships, as I am single..but I do know that there can be fear in love.. a fear of losing those you love. A mother who sends her children off to do something on their own for the first time knows this fear. A lover who has an argument knows the fear of the possibility of losing who they love if they don't make amends..

Also sometimes a person does have to fight for a love. Despite it being right or from God, there are times we have to fight to protect that love. From outside sources or from our own human frailties.

It doesn't always, and actually doesn't USUALLY come without it's own struggle. Even those you fully trust and know purely and completely and unconditionally selflessly love you. There will be struggles at times.

I'm not even sure Heaven will be free from all sorrow. Would it when we are made in His image and have sorrow here? It is as much a real and valid emotion as any.
Thank you so much for your prayers and caring right now guys. I know that I am not the only one hurting. I have learned lately in my life that some people really do care to hear how I am feeling. Some never will...but those that do care, really do matter to me. So thank you.

I'm not even as concerned about the concert as some other things to do with that trip. There are other reasons I am feeling this way not to do with the concert, but sort of do..well do with the trip.

Anyways, you are all right about trusting God to make things right and well. I have to stop getting in my own way. Let Him lift me to carry when I only stumble over my own feet at times.

Now.. I may not know all about love and romance and lasting relationships, as I am single..but I do know that there can be fear in love.. a fear of losing those you love. A mother who sends her children off to do something on their own for the first time knows this fear. A lover who has an argument knows the fear of the possibility of losing who they love if they don't make amends..

Also sometimes a person does have to fight for a love. Despite it being right or from God, there are times we have to fight to protect that love. From outside sources or from our own human frailties.

It doesn't always, and actually doesn't USUALLY come without it's own struggle. Even those you fully trust and know purely and completely and unconditionally selflessly love you. There will be struggles at times.

I'm not even sure Heaven will be free from all sorrow. Would it when we are made in His image and have sorrow here? It is as much a real and valid emotion as any.

Ape, I wrote this for a long time ago. And when I read your post, I remembered him. It is for you and hope you like:

"Put your hand on your chest and feel the beats of your heart. This is the time of your life. The countdown of the time he left. One day he stops. That is one hundred percent guaranteed and there is nothing you can do about it. So you can not lose a single precious second.
Go after your dreams with energy and passion, or back and watch it drip down the drain. If you spend all the time on top of the wall, will not go anywhere in the little time that remains.
(Not to mention, of course, the danger of splinters in posts inconvenience.) It takes courage and dedication to live your dreams. The truth is that all born with potential for greatness, blessed with pportunity to achieve and stunning new heights. But, sadly, many of us are too lazy, too concerned with what others may think, afraid of other changes, to open your wings and use all their talents. It is important to do what makes happy. And the best way possible. No matter who is making balls of snow, hold your breath under water, sing, or achieve dramatic effects with a hair dryer. All that matters is that you feel well What are you doing...
Keep in mind that do what you do, the mistakes are part of life and not waste time If punishing for past mistakes.
Do not get ruminal is or not doing the right thing. You always know the answer in your heart. Rather than discourage it, remember always that rejection and resistance are inevitable when you something important or special. When you propose to achieve your dreams, many try to stop him (including what you love). What is not lacking in this world are pessimistic regrettable, that give their dreams, to tell you: "Do not waste your time, you never will."
You may well be seen surrounded by people who, secretly, want to see you do less, or fail completely, not to feel diminished. "Forget it," they say. "Not worth it."
It is therefore important to understand that following your own way can be incredibly rewarding, but it is not easy. Like everyone else you have some better days than others. From time to time, everything seemed great the danger zone. People look at you with surprise when they know what you are trying to achieve. And you begin to listen to their detractors and have doubts. But whatever happens, do not give up! Remember that everyone has problems. It is incredibly stressful spend days doing things that we like or even interest us.
But if you pursue your dream, at least if being tired like that. You may think that all this means very great in the overall scheme of things. But, believe it means. When you take everything you can in your life, savoring every drop, this will change everything around them, from ordinary to extraordinary. When you are doing what they love, you will be full of entertainment from morning to face the beginning of each day f is taken from a sincere joy, highly contagious. Just as by giving a good laugh, make another start to laugh, and another, until they are all laughing so much they begin to weep, have stomach ache and difficulty in breathing.
But best of all, you inspire others to go behind their dreams, and so, my friend, who becomes the world! You know something? Even if you make mistakes and be wrong about almost everything, yet his life is an adventure fantastic and fun, you sleep each night knowing you did what could and that made a difference and wake each day anticipating the future so beautiful and how exciting can imagine. And... you know something else? If you listen to your heart and use your head, never be wrong."
^ Beautiful thoughts. Thanks for sharing this ashtanga :flowers:
Thank you Ashtanga, that was beautifully said and reminds me of Martin Luther King Jr's speech. Did you know he was born Michael and later changed his name? Interesting, I just found that out... now I looked it up trying to find what I thought I remembered, but can't think of it. Maybe it wasn't him but I thought it was. Something about by shining bright and doing our best, we are allowing others to do the same.. paraphrased of course. Anyways thank you.
Thank you Ashtanga, that was beautifully said and reminds me of Martin Luther King Jr's speech. Did you know he was born Michael and later changed his name?
I am glad you enjoyed and that made you think of Martin Luther King Jr. I knew he was called Michael and I do not see why he changed the name. It is a name so beautiful... :wub:

Interesting, I just found that out... now I looked it up trying to find what I thought I remembered, but can't think of it. Maybe it wasn't him but I thought it was. Something about by shining bright and doing our best, we are allowing others to do the same.. paraphrased of course. Anyways thank you.

Hmmm interesting. I hope that from now on, things improve (and will improve) I will be cheering. :D
Ape, I wrote this for a long time ago. And when I read your post, I remembered him. It is for you and hope you like:

"Put your hand on your chest and feel the beats of your heart. This is the time of your life. The countdown of the time he left. One day he stops. That is one hundred percent guaranteed and there is nothing you can do about it. So you can not lose a single precious second.
Go after your dreams with energy and passion, or back and watch it drip down the drain. If you spend all the time on top of the wall, will not go anywhere in the little time that remains.
(Not to mention, of course, the danger of splinters in posts inconvenience.) It takes courage and dedication to live your dreams. The truth is that all born with potential for greatness, blessed with pportunity to achieve and stunning new heights. But, sadly, many of us are too lazy, too concerned with what others may think, afraid of other changes, to open your wings and use all their talents. It is important to do what makes happy. And the best way possible. No matter who is making balls of snow, hold your breath under water, sing, or achieve dramatic effects with a hair dryer. All that matters is that you feel well What are you doing...
Keep in mind that do what you do, the mistakes are part of life and not waste time If punishing for past mistakes.
Do not get ruminal is or not doing the right thing. You always know the answer in your heart. Rather than discourage it, remember always that rejection and resistance are inevitable when you something important or special. When you propose to achieve your dreams, many try to stop him (including what you love). What is not lacking in this world are pessimistic regrettable, that give their dreams, to tell you: "Do not waste your time, you never will."
You may well be seen surrounded by people who, secretly, want to see you do less, or fail completely, not to feel diminished. "Forget it," they say. "Not worth it."
It is therefore important to understand that following your own way can be incredibly rewarding, but it is not easy. Like everyone else you have some better days than others. From time to time, everything seemed great the danger zone. People look at you with surprise when they know what you are trying to achieve. And you begin to listen to their detractors and have doubts. But whatever happens, do not give up! Remember that everyone has problems. It is incredibly stressful spend days doing things that we like or even interest us.
But if you pursue your dream, at least if being tired like that. You may think that all this means very great in the overall scheme of things. But, believe it means. When you take everything you can in your life, savoring every drop, this will change everything around them, from ordinary to extraordinary. When you are doing what they love, you will be full of entertainment from morning to face the beginning of each day f is taken from a sincere joy, highly contagious. Just as by giving a good laugh, make another start to laugh, and another, until they are all laughing so much they begin to weep, have stomach ache and difficulty in breathing.
But best of all, you inspire others to go behind their dreams, and so, my friend, who becomes the world! You know something? Even if you make mistakes and be wrong about almost everything, yet his life is an adventure fantastic and fun, you sleep each night knowing you did what could and that made a difference and wake each day anticipating the future so beautiful and how exciting can imagine. And... you know something else? If you listen to your heart and use your head, never be wrong."
Ashtanga! Thanks for these very encouraging words!! I like the combinations of your words. Its not 'correct English' that's important as the words themselves :yes: and thank you very much for them.

Sure sounds like you all are dealing with some serious stuff OMG. As a lively participant in this discussion of late, I feel I should say I've apparantly been 'out of touch' with other things going on, as my time is limited these days so if I seem insensitive to the tone of what y'all are dealing with its due to dealing with my own things, daily. And since I'm not scheduled to be at the concert ... just hadn't paid attention.

I don't know if what I'm about to say applies to whatever the '02 situation is, but this morning I was reminded that the very next phase after any type of a major "breakdown" is a corresponding (in magnitude) major "breakthrough" which hopefully applies to all you all are dealing with as well as myself.

About lust, lol, indeed, I agree, all humans are subject to the things that, as Shakespeare said, "that flesh is heir to". Twelve step programs call it the 'drug of choice'. When it comes to lust, it seems to translate as, the 'sin of choice' whatever a person's proclivity is I guess. I call it the 'it' that gets a hold of us, until we kill 'it' with God's Spirit ... or let 'it' die of starvation which may be our biggest challenge sometimes.

I have to go off now and gather up some water for another 'fire' that is smoldering in my life, (I guess 'when it rains it pours could be a good thing)

but first, a quick trip to the '02 thread to see what you guyz are talking about.

Everyone on this board need to keep the prayers going..

:angel:God is with us and in us ... :angel: God is with us and in us... God is with us and in us:angel:

Kuumbyyah our Lord Kuumbyyah (come by here our Lord come by here) Thank You Great Creator, Amen.
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I know I have no right to complain with the troubles others are facing. My troubles are very small compared to some, but somehow we manage to make it through tough times. It was recently found out that a young child was murdered in Canada. I can't imagine that heartbreak and never want to. This all seems pretty minuscule compared to that. SOS :hug:
Hmmm I think I arrived a little late for the prayer. lol! But I wrote something special for everyone to have an excellent day today and I hope you enjoy what I wrote. And I dedicated especially to Michael and his beautiful beloved family... that God bless you always!

"God that this prayer reach to all who are reading...
Forgive us for not often we hear the words you...
Teaches us to direct our lives so... we can make the right choices...
Works in our hearts... to get in trouble that often devastate... by not sure what they want to do...
Get all... trauma all fear... all bitterness... all envy and all that bullshit plot against our lives...
Make shine a light amid the darkness of our problems...
What reborn a new purpose and direction for all projects...
God... come to our aid and bring what you need... adds our faith and hope...
Free our souls of sin and not allow your hand to reach...
Extend Thy grace on us to... and never to leave without your presence...
God... that opponents see us in your reflected glory... and differ from...
Strengthens our nerves... not to upset with anything...
We can find strength to overcome the injustices it easy...
Prepare us to overcome obstacles and hope in the future...
Cover us with your blood... Amen!" :)

Thank you Ashtanga...I read in your other message that this was for me. I really really appreciate it. You are a cute Internet Buddy, even though you don't live close to me, you are so sweet. Thank you.
Thank you Ashtanga...I read in your other message that this was for me. I really really appreciate it. You are a cute Internet Buddy, even though you don't live close to me, you are so sweet. Thank you.

Awwwwwwwwww thanks! And you are a great lady! I hope everything is well for you from now on. Remember that God is always by your side. God never abandons us, never doubt it. :yes:​
aww you people are so nice :yes:

I'm sorry to go off-topic but you just HAVE to see this gif in my signature!! (i did'nt make it myself. I don't know who made it.)
I'm actually afraid to leave it in my signature because I laugh so hard that I start to cry everytime see it!! :lmao:

I hope the glasses did'nt hit someone! :lmao: They probably broke because of the lightening spead they hit the ground with!!:hysterical:

sorry I just wanted to show all of you in this nice thread this gif!
^^ Now that's funny Safira - where did you get it?

I love all that post in here....we're a bunch of crazy MJ-loving women fans, aint we? :)
Em_Mj posted it in the "man in the mirror" part of the forum.

My throat is totally soar now because I've been laughing so much!! :D
can you imagine him SO serious about this part of the show where he has to stand there like a cool hero, and then THIS happens!! :lmao:

aaaw I love when things like these happens! :D I would love to see he's reaction afterwards!! :lol:
lol I can't stop lauging..

If I knew Michael Jackson I would definitly be teasing him with this one!
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Em_Mj posted it in the "man in the mirror" part of the forum.

My throat is totally soar now because I've been laughing so much!! :D
can you imagine him SO serious about this part of the show where he has to stand there like a cool hero, and then THIS happens!! :lmao:

aaaw I love when things like these happens! :D I would love to see he's reaction afterwards!! :lol:
lol I can't stop lauging..

If I knew Michael Jackson I would definitly be teasing him with this one!

lol! He must have given many laughs and thinking: "how this was happening?" lol! The unexpected also occur over the stage. Well, I just remember that incident "funny" over the stage... lol! But I also love that joke that Michael and Macauly Culkin do with John Landis during the filming of "Black or White." lol! Very funny!​
lol! He must have given many laughs and thinking: "how this was happening?" lol! The unexpected also occur over the stage. Well, I just remember that incident "funny" over the stage... lol! But I also love that joke that Michael and Macauly Culkin do with John Landis during the filming of "Black or White." lol! Very funny!​

with the cake? that just SO childish humor :lol:
yea it's lovely :giggle::give_heart:

look how he's reflexing as soon as he notices that the glasses are flying in the air :lmao:
Mac was such a teaser as a child :yes:
The combination of Mac and MJ is just ment to go in the direction of cakes in the faces of people :lol:

... or how about waterballoons in the faces of the FANS!!.. yup they also did that one as we all know!
Mac was such a teaser as a child :yes:
The combination of Mac and MJ is just ment to go in the direction of cakes in the faces of people :lol:

... or how about waterballoons in the faces of the FANS!!.. yup they also did that one as we all know!

Yes! Also remember that he and Michael played autographed by Michael bladders with water from the window of the hotel on top of people. lol! Macauly very ready (just look at the face of his angel. Lol!) And when Michael was with the two together were terrible! lol! :wild:​
but still.... after all these hours.. I return to the forums..

:hysterical: (because of my signature still..)

I feel like teasing mj about this.. I wish I could!! I love to tease people with stuff like this :lmao:

it looks so silly!! seriously!!!! :hysterical:
LOL... that reminds me of a play I was in earlier this year. Oh gosh what happened now? I forget exactly, but during the second act we were to go out on a dark stage and sit ourselves down on the couch. I THINK it was when I accidentally slammed my shin into the coffee table, and they were fast getting the lights up, and so the other guy scrambled to get to sit next to me and an audience member said something really funny about it all (I really wish I could remember now) and I couldn't help but burst out into a little snicker before composing myself and starting. Which the audience all saw, and they laughed at it, so it all went fine. That was the first (and only) time I broke that stage audience barrier.. where they see we are human and not on a TV and it is live... I broke character. The rest I was fine, just that one moment. I think it added though, instead of detracting, because it really was funny, and then we all went right back into it.

I am sure he would have just kept on like nothing happened...but it would be hard not to laugh at himself and the situation there.
LOL... that reminds me of a play I was in earlier this year. Oh gosh what happened now? I forget exactly, but during the second act we were to go out on a dark stage and sit ourselves down on the couch. I THINK it was when I accidentally slammed my shin into the coffee table, and they were fast getting the lights up, and so the other guy scrambled to get to sit next to me and an audience member said something really funny about it all (I really wish I could remember now) and I couldn't help but burst out into a little snicker before composing myself and starting. Which the audience all saw, and they laughed at it, so it all went fine. That was the first (and only) time I broke that stage audience barrier.. where they see we are human and not on a TV and it is live... I broke character. The rest I was fine, just that one moment. I think it added though, instead of detracting, because it really was funny, and then we all went right back into it.

I am sure he would have just kept on like nothing happened...but it would be hard not to laugh at himself and the situation there.

lol that also sounds so funny :lol:
It's these moments that makes the magic between the actor/musician and the audience.
I guess its a good feeling for both parts to have a little thing like this together. It makes the atmosphere a little more free and "lovely".
Ha! Ha! That was funny how it looked like he was about to try to catch them and then it looks like he thought, "Aw, forget about it, them suckers are gone!":lol: (Wonder who the lucky audience member was who caught them.)
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Ha! Ha! That was funny how it looked like he was about to try to catch them and then it looks like he thought, "Aw, forget about it, them suckers are gone!":lol: (Wonder who the lucky audience member was who caught them.)

the lucky audience member who got ninja'ed by Michael Jacksons sun glasses :lol:
omg no now I start to laugh again. 3 time today! just because of this animation!!

I can imagine he is thinking "hrng! *sigh* ..crap"
or as homer simpson would have said.. DOH!

This is a DOH!.. lol it would be funny if this animation had the sound of homer saying DOH!..
It should be right where he's reflexing with he's hands.. And then afterwards there should be sounds of glasses breaking and things falling down (because of the ninja sun glasses :lmao:)
NVM :blush:.....I'll just be quiet and read right now :popcorn:

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just a shame i wasn't in that crowd...if i would have grabbed them..i would have taken them bck to him like this:

Me: hey mikey heres ur sunnies
Mike: oh umm thanks *grabs the sunnies and slowly moonwalks away shyfully*...&
Me: *giggling*
Hey you all! Good evening! :)

I was away from this thread for some time and I've noticed that I missed a lot! You guys are so creative, funny, deep, emotional, passionate... This thread is a rollercoaster of emotions! :p

Needless to say, I didn't have time to read everything, but I was thinking of something that I would like to share with you..

Have you noticed that Michael has let people take pics of him without the sunglasses a few times lately? Even with all those flashes and the sunlight, he took away the sunglasses long enough to be photographed without them.

So, I was wondering... Does Michael read this thread? Is Michael trying to make it easier for his soulmate to recognize him, by showing his eyes and, along with it, his soul?

I can see Michael looking at the camera with his eyes uncovered and thinking "Hey, woman, this is me! Look into my eyes! See? It's me you've been looking for!" LOL
I love the fact he hasnt been wearing the sunnies lately, i love his eyes :wub:

Altough i wish he would wear one of his fedora hats.. i love it when he wears them :)
So, I was wondering... Does Michael read this thread? Is Michael trying to make it easier for his soulmate to recognize him, by showing his eyes and, along with it, his soul?

I can see Michael looking at the camera with his eyes uncovered and thinking "Hey, woman, this is me! Look into my eyes! See? It's me you've been looking for!" LOL

Yes, he has been sending her secret messages through his beautiful eyes and his low-cut shirts which reveal his yummy hairy chest!:wild::lol:
Hey you all! Good evening! :)

I was away from this thread for some time and I've noticed that I missed a lot! You guys are so creative, funny, deep, emotional, passionate... This thread is a rollercoaster of emotions! :p

Needless to say, I didn't have time to read everything, but I was thinking of something that I would like to share with you..

Have you noticed that Michael has let people take pics of him without the sunglasses a few times lately? Even with all those flashes and the sunlight, he took away the sunglasses long enough to be photographed without them.

So, I was wondering... Does Michael read this thread? Is Michael trying to make it easier for his soulmate to recognize him, by showing his eyes and, along with it, his soul?

I can see Michael looking at the camera with his eyes uncovered and thinking "Hey, woman, this is me! Look into my eyes! See? It's me you've been looking for!" LOL
To answer your question, yes, I for one did notice that because you're right, we'd just been talking about that. :yes:

hmmm I wonder if now it might be "her" turn?

All those pics of the last few days are like white fire! :lol:

*fans self and passes out anyway*

o my! I popped on to revisit something MP had asked before we got o/t and now I forgot :unsure:

oh well....be back when I think of it! :flowers:

Welcome back Renata! :D

oh yeh, I did have one other thought, speaking of MJ and "eyes" ...

Has anyone noticed the GEICO Insurance Company commercial where the theme song for the ad is,

"I always feel like, somebody's watchin' meeeeeeee"

:giggle: those big "eyes" are so cute and funny